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PORTFOLIO TASK #14 – Self-Care Plan

Name: Barranco, Bryle P. Section: Polaris 1A Date: 12/17/22 

“Bryle’s Self-Care Plan”

Physical Self-Care

1. Engage in exercise
2. Keep myself hydrated
3. Eat healthy foods
4. Drink water 6-8 glasses everyday
5. Have sufficient sleep and also take naps

Psychological Self-Care

1. Reflect on things I am grateful for

2. Focus on my present life
3. I do meditate to freshen up my mind
4. Play video games
5. Listen to music

Emotional Self-Care

1. Talking things through with a friend

2. Limit my use of social media
3. Start a journal to express or release your emotions
4. Set boundaries
5. Know my emotional triggers

Spiritual Self-Care

1. Always pray and be grateful to God

2. Listening to worship songs
3. Do random act of kindness
4. Go to a place of worship
5. Always put God as my center for everything

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