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Beyond Antiquity.

Works of art discussed in Lecture 07,

‘14th Century Arts in Italy’

Works of art discussed in Lecture 07, ‘14th Century Arts in Italy’

Anonymus, Judging Christ, c. 1250. Detail of the mosaic on the cupola of the baptistery
in Florence

Anonymus, Christ Pantocrator, c.1150. Mosaic in the apse of the cathedral of Cefalù

Giotto, Madonna Enthroned, c. 1305. Florence, Uffizi

Giotto, The Death of St Francis of Assisi, c. 1320. Florence, S. Croce: Bardi Chapel

Jacopo Torriti, The Death of the Virgin (mosaic), c. 1295. Rome, S. Maria Maggiore

Giovanni Pisano, Birth of Christ, 1298 – 1301. Marble relief on the pulpit in the church
of S. Andrea, Pistoia

Nicolo Pisano, Annunciation, Birth of Jesus and Adoration of the Shepherds, 1260.
Marble relief on the pulpit in the Baptistry, Pisa

Roman Sarcophagus, with the myth of Hippolytus and Phaedra, 2nd century CE. Pisa,

Duccio, Maestà altarpiece, 1308 – 1311. Siena, Museo dell’Opera del Duomo

Duccio, The Death of the Virgin, panel of the Maestà Altarpiece, 1308 – 1311. Siena,
Museo dell’Opera del Duomo

Simone Martini, Maestà, 1315. Siena, Palazzo Pubblico

Duccio, Christ Entering Jerusalem, detail of the Maestà altarpiece, 1308 – 1311. Siena,
Museo dell’Opera del Duomo

Simone Martini, Christ Carrying the Cross, 1333. Paris, Louvre

Taddeo Gaddi, The Presentation of the Virgin in the Temple, c. 1327. Florence, S. Croce:
Baroncelli Chapel

Pietro Lorenzetti, The Birth of the Virgin, 1342. Siena, Museo dell’Opera del Duomo

Ambrogio Lorenzetti, The Presentation of Christ in the Temple. 1342, Florence, Uffizi

Ambrogio Lorenzetti, Allegory of Good and Bad Government, 1338 – 1340. Siena,
Palazzo Pubblico

Andrea di Bonaiuto (da Firenze), The Church as the Path to Salvation, 1366-67. Former
Chapter house (now called: Spanish Chapel) of S. Maria Novella, Florence
Beyond Antiquity. Works of art discussed in Lecture 07,
‘14th Century Arts in Italy’

Limbourg Brothers, The Presentation of the Virgin. Miniature in: Les Tres Riches Heures
du Duc de Berry, c.1416. Chantilly, Musee Condé

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