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“If you’re not willing to learn, no one can help you.

If you’re determined to learn, no one can

stop you”. This is one of my favorite precepts and at this point of life when my future stands in
front of me like a dream, this aphorism has now influenced me more than ever before. Science
and Technology in this evolving world have invariably astonished me. I have this deep thirst
for knowledge which led me to pursue my higher studies in Information Science and Engineering.
I was a kid who was always absorbed in Science and Technology. I had participated in various
science exhibitions and model demonstrations. With a strong background in Physics and
Mathematics in high school, it was easy for me to make a transition to the fascinating world of
Engineering. My zeal for the subject got me a coveted seat in one of the most reputed institutes
in the state, The National Institute of Engineering affiliated with the Visveswaraiah
Technological University, Mysore, India. Being a student here has helped me develop the right
blend of both theoretical and practical skills. I have always believed that practical exposure and
experience add value to learning. This inspired me to attend various workshops and seminars.I
did participate in TEQUIP sponsored Three-day workshop on Java Programming, Android App
Development Workshop, and so on. With my determination, perseverance, and knowledge, I
was able to secure an overall GPA of 9.02/10 in the Information Science and Engineering
My undergraduate major, Information Science and Engineering has given me a wide exposure
to numerous subjects like Data Structures, Computer Architecture, Computer Networks, C++,
Java, and many more which always kept me glued to the classroom lectures. I have also learned
CSS, and Python, apart from curricular requirements. So, I intend to pursue a master’s in the
University which helps to upgrade my skill set.
I have always been inclined towards problem-solving and also deriving generic formulae for
the same. For the final year academic project, I worked in a team of four on the project titled,
‘Analysis of Student Feedback Data for Academic Courses’. We came up with a web-based UI
interface that collects the data from students, later all the data was extracted into CSV format
which was the input to the code written using R-Language. The output of this was the
classification of suggestions and comments into positive and negative with a graphical
representation of numerical values which defined the intensity. Working in a team demands
cooperation, flexibility, commitment, and confidence, and this experience has enabled me to
polish my team skills.
My leadership skills developed when I got actively involved in extracurricular activities such
as event organizing and volunteering. I was one of the core members of the Creativity team for
the national level college extravaganza “techNIEks” for all four years of my bachelor’s. I was
also the Placement Coordinator for the year 2017-18 where I mainly worked as the bridge
between the corporate and students during our placements. I also represented the college
playing cricket and chess.
I believe that the industrial experience would help me improve my skills. This provoked me to
choose One-Trust India Private Limited, Bangalore after my graduation in 2018. Joined as an
Automation Engineer focusing on Selenium, got to learn regarding the product well, and in five
months, I started working as a Java developer mainly working on technologies like Java,
MySQL, Mongo DB, SSMS, JMS, and so on. As a software engineer, my tasks were to develop
robust and error-free features for our very own Data Privacy product. Working at One-Trust
has helped me grow professionally and personally. I’ve worked both as an individual contributor
and as part of a team. I have a helpless desire to complete all the tasks within the given stipulated
My social interaction and responsibility improved when I joined our department's CSR,
“Corporate Social Responsibility” team. I was part of various CSR events like visits to
orphanages, spending time with people in old age homes, organizing fun games, and so on.
“Education is improving the lives of others and leaving your community and world better than
you found it”. This drove me to volunteer to teach underprivileged kids the importance and
knowledge of computers, an essential part of today’s world.
At this juncture of my career, I feel that my education and professional qualification coupled
with opportunities arising out of tremendous industrialization have reinforced my goals and
developed a keen desire in me to pursue my master’s course in Computer Science and
Engineering from your University, which would equip me with comprehensive and specialized
skills as an outcome of rigorous training in all aspects.

I, Amith Chakka Satish Chandra, feel delighted to apply to The University of Alabama at
Birmingham which is known for its work in advancing technology and Computer science
programs and stands in the top 100 colleges in the United States. Additionally, it provides a
unique research approach, combining the latest technological innovations and professional
development in various interdisciplinary areas that challenges its students to create industry-
ready projects. The Master’s Course Only Plan is interesting as it allows me to grab all the
knowledge required and apply the same practice to complete the master’s project which
eventually helps in my future endeavors as a professional. Subjects like Database Systems,
Machine Learning, and Network Security is eye-catching. I look forward to working with the
vast number of industry leaders at your university.
Browsing through the information given on the Website, I am highly impressed with the
proficient faculty members, environment, and facilities the university has to offer to its
students. I also realize that the syllabus offered at this university is designed to meet the
demands of the present day. The excellent facilities at your university make its Master’s
program ideally suited for my professional goals. The international education will give me the
training and the caliber to meet global challenges. I am confident my exposure to such
initiatives would quite augment my knowledge base and add tremendous value in enabling me
to realize my professional goal.
I believe I would not only benefit from the intense learning environment at the university but
also bring to the class, my unique experiences and perspectives. After masters. I hope to emerge
more confident and well equipped to pursue my field under the guidance of the distinguished
faculty of your university. Your university would provide me with a dynamic atmosphere,
which will shape me to be a thinker and a learner.
I am fully aware of the fact that pursuing this course requires a high level of intelligence,
perseverance, dedication, and immense sacrifice. I firmly believe that I can contribute
positively to your esteemed university and with great hope; I eagerly wait for your benevolent
act of accepting me into your fold and granting me admission in my desired course.


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