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Many people said that they

wanted to have a life in the city

but others liked the countryside.
To me, a countryside is a place
of interest so it may be quite
dreamy to live there. living in
the countryside has its benefits.
First of all, living in the
countryside has greater life
opportunities. unlike the busy
lifestyle of the city, the
countryside is far more
different. although the
countryside seems less
convenient than the city, the
development of the times has
changed the country. there are
more shops, schools, industries,
and factories,... which make the
countryside a better place to
live. there're more opportunities
for jobs, entertainment, and
health care. secondly, living in
the country has a lower cost of
living. Living expenses in rural
areas such as utilities, groceries,
toiletries, and entertainment
generally cheaper in urban
areas. can afford to buy many
other things because the price is
lower. also, you can buy a big
house at a cheap price. thirdly,
if in the city, the streets are
often crowded with people and
vehicles, then in the
countryside, there are no
crowds. traffic jam rarely
happens, so there is less noise.
people here can avoid noises
coming from the horns of traffic
vehicles. besides, you don't
need to worry about safety or
crime. according to statistics,
rural residents are less likely to
become victims of crime.
therefore, it is safe enough to do
normal everyday activities.

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