Battling With Sleep and Work - Final Paper

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Battling with sleep and work

In this modern world, the cost of living has made people to work more and spend less time

sleeping and resting. In recent research conducted in America by Ball State University in

Muncie in the year 2018, they discovered that the rate of people not having adequate sleep has

hit 36.5%. This rate continues to increase daily and it is affecting almost all the sectors of

economy from the health sectors to all sectors of the economy. A higher number of Americans

have more than one job whereby they finish the first one and start another shift immediately at

their second work point. Majority find themselves falling asleep while they are working. This

argumentative essay will be analyzing the problem of people battling with sleep at work and

offering a solution to this problem.

Sleep deficiency has a lot of negative complications both affecting the body and the environment

one is living in. some of the effects include , low concentration at work, poor memory, low

attention when talking to people, they respond poorly, laziness and also one cannot be able to

give quality services. These effects have been identified in studies made on people working on

different professionals and even those in unprofessional sectors.

Employer contribution and productivity is very essential for a business to grow. From the

research conducted, it has been proved that sleep is one of the major causes to low productivity

in many companies. Hence, it is very urgent and important for these companies to deploy

strategies that are meant to protect the well-being of its workers. By so doing, the companies will

see the need of looking for creative ways and strategies of ensuring that workers get sufficient

and enough sleep. Most important strategy that should be deployed immediately by these

companies, is educating workers on the importance of having enough sleep and also educating

them on the effects that awaits them if they do not get enough sleep.

The companies should allocate about one hour to offer training to their workers about the

importance of having hygienic sleeping time. These lectures can be offered at lunch time or

during other breaks. The lectures should offer the workers with personal strategies on how to

manage their time and also the environment when battling sleep. If the human resource

departments take into consideration this task of educating workers on the importance of having

enough sleep, then it is believed that people will take into account this matter seriously and be

able to spare enough time. I believe many companies require more productivity and that is how

they grow but again the health of the workers is at stake here. Also if people work more hours

while sleepy, no productivity will be recorded because the work will be untidy hence companies

need to take this into consideration too.

Companies need to allocate more time for breaks. Many companies have set times for breaks so

that workers can be able to have some time to rest or have their meals. However a number of

workers utilize these breaks by taking naps. Majority of the workers take shifts and this is the

time they have to at least sleep. Most people fall asleep during this break time and according to

research, many say that the breaks are short. Adding more time for breaks will positively impact

the productivity of the workers. They will take a nap, refresh themselves up and go back to work

active and energetic. Some companies still feel that break times limit their time of productivity.

They feel that breaks are unnecessary and they won’t be able to meet their daily goals. They need

to realize that a lot of work can be differentiated from quality work. When people work with less

fatigue, they give good services. Setting aside more time for break will be productive to the

companies since the workers will be able to get more sleep time and hence give more services

during their times of work.

Workers that have mostly been affected by deficiency sleep are those taking more shifts. More

Shift workers tend to take more shifts at work with an aim of making more money. According to

research, in the year 2009 to 2011, when America was struggling with unemployment for its

people, people were getting enough sleep as compared to now. This was possible because people

were not taking more shifts. Currently, people take more than two shifts and this has increased

the rate of people sleeping at work and hence making America the country with a higher rate of

sleep deficiency in the world. To solve this disease of sleep deficiency, companies and

stakeholders need to offer personal and company lectures to these people since they boost the

company productivity.

Training about fatigue management and control should also be offered to stake holders that offer

essential services in America. Essential service providers such as nurses, firefighters, ambulance

drivers and doctors should be trained on how they can manage their time well and also on how

they can improve on their alertness. Since they are needed to be always alert, they should be

informed on the importance of using caffeine and also on how to take advantages of the little

time they get to take a nap. Naps are crucial as they help in reducing sleep. Caffeine on the other

hand has been proven to help reduce sleep and keep one awake and alert. It works in such a way

that once it’s taken, it gets in to the body of a person and gets absorbed to the parts of the body

including the brain. Once it gets into the brain, it gets rid of the sleep enhancing receptors

namely the adenosine receptors. These receptors are responsible in making a person fall asleep.

They block these receptors and hence make one stay awake and active.

A number of people fear using caffeine because of the effects related to them. Although it makes

one active, it can also cause insomnia, make a person have a bad stomach feeling, also known as

nausea, it can also make a person more anxious and also it can make a person have an increased

heart rate. These effects are not adverse since they are not long term but if one takes a lot of

caffeine, he or she may experience chest pains, cause a lot of headache or even cause at some


Shift work schedule is another way of reducing sleep deficiency. There are a number of

companies that still have not deployed this technique. Shift work is a technique that allows a

company to employ more workers that can work beyond the normal eight hours shift. This can

be outside the 7am to 6 pm work schedule. Some companies have deployed this system of work

but there are still companies that have not deployed it. Some allow the employees that work for

the eight hours work shift to extend their shifts with an extra time payment. These employees

end up falling asleep during the extension time. Companies should introduce strategies that

ensure the workers working on the daytime shift do not take extra shifts. Essential services

providers should also put arrangements on the shift workers issue so as to protect the health of

these workers. The transportation sector that includes the fire fighters and the truck drivers need

to take this into consideration. By doing so, the government of America will be able to reduce

cases of accidents caused by sleep by truck drivers. Even though these accidents are caused due

to many reasons, sleep deficiency is one of them.


Sleep deficiency challenge has been a big problem that requires multiple approaches that can be

deployed at individual levels and also at the work places. Before deciding on the kind of

approach to use, the individuals and companies need to take into consideration the many

approaches that can be deployed with the intention of solving the problem fast rather than

postponing it. Here are a number of things to consider when looking for the perfect strategy.

Firstly they need to consider the age group of the workers. Some strategies can be good for a

particular age group while others can be unfit for them. For instance young people tend to be so

energetic hence they can be allowed to work for longer hour’s hence it will be unfit for older

people to work for longer periods or taking more shifts at work. Secondly, the geographical

location of the company needs to be taken into consideration; shift work cannot be introduced in

areas that are unsafe of far from where people live. Gender and the company stability are other

things that need to be taken into consideration. If a company is struggling to start up, it will not

sacrifice more time for breaks or the resources to hire shift workers. On the other hand, it will be

unwise to offer sleep hygiene to shift workers since they work less hours. They only need to take

a nap before their work shifts or the environment where they work to be equipped with bright

lights that makes them stay active during their times of work . but if the company has shift

workers that work for longer shifts, it will be considerate for them to be educated on how to

manage their sleep.

The type and quality of work and the place of work can be reasons to determine if the strategy to

be put in place will work or not. For instance some sectors of work require one to accomplish

heavy activities at a particular time. These heavy workloads require a lot of energy at ago and

thus can make one become restless. Such scenarios require different approaches because workers

can be suffering from stress and anxiety of having to think of what awaits them at their paces of

work and that can cause sleep among workers. The most important question in this challenge is,

does one have time to sleep? And the solution will come with a strategy that will answer this


The solutions will be able to deal with this challenge but there are a number of challenges that

can be associated with them. For example having to set aside longer break times will reduce the

work schedule and even reduce the service rate. Also it will expense the companies for they will

need to hire more task force. Shift workload may also be impossible for younger companies that

are struggling to build up. For essential services providers, it will be a challenge to have to offer

them training on taking naps as some of them may take advantage and be unable to deliver

services on time.

In conclusion, sleep deficiency has a lot of negative complications both affecting the body and

the environment one is living in. some of the effects include , low concentration at work, poor

memory, low attention when talking to people, they respond poorly, laziness and also one

cannot be able to give quality services. From the research conducted, it has been proved that

sleep is one of the major causes to low productivity in many companies. Hence, it is very urgent

and important for these companies to deploy strategies that are meant to protect the well-being of

its workers. The companies should allocate about one hour to offer training to their workers

about the importance of having hygienic sleeping time. Companies need to allocate more time

for breaks. Workers that have mostly been affected by deficiency sleep are those taking more

shifts. More Shift workers tend to take more shifts at work with an aim of making more money.

Training about fatigue management and control should also be offered to stake holders that offer

essential services in America. Companies should introduce strategies that ensure the workers

working on the daytime shift do not take extra shifts. Essential services providers should also put

arrangements on the shift workers issue so as to protect the health of these workers.

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