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Roll No. Total No.

of Pages: 02
Total No. of Questions: 09

B.Tech. (ME) (2011 Onwards) (Sem. – 4)

M Code: 59131
Subject Code: BTME-403
Paper ID: [A1213]
Time: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 60

1. SECTION-A is COMPULSORY consisting of TEN questions carrying TWO marks each.
2. SECTION-B contains FIVE questions carrying FIVE marks each and students have to
attempt any FOUR questions.
3. SECTION-C contains THREE questions carrying TEN marks each and students have
to attempt any TWO questions.

1. a) Define compressibility and bulk modulus.
o m
b) What is metacentric height?
.r c m
c) State different types of fluid flow.
d) Write Bernoulli’s equation.
p e o
e) Define stream function and potential function.

p .r c
b r
f) What is the significance of dimensionless numbers.
g) What are various losses in pipes.
p e
h) Show stable equilibrium of floating body with diagram.
i) Define Euler number.
j) What is Archimede’s Principle.
b rp
2. Derive an expression for the time period of oscillation of a floating body in terms of radius of
gyration and meta-centric height of floating body.
3. An open tank contains water up to depth of 2m and above it an oil of specific gravity 0.9 for
a depth of 1m. Find the pressure intensity at the interface of two liquids and at the bottom
4. Derive continuity equation in cartesian coordinates.

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5. The stream function for a two dimensional flow is given by 2xy, calculate the velocity at the
point (2,3). Find the velocity potential function also.
6. A pipe of diameter 400mm carries water at a velocity of 25m/s. The pressure at the points A
and B are given as 29.43 N/cm2 and 22.563 N/cm2 respectively while the datum head at A
and B are 28m and 30m. Find the loss of head between A and B.

7. Find the head lost due to friction in a pipe of diameter of 300mm and length 50m through
which water is flowing at a velocity of 3m/s using Darcy equation and Czezys formula for
which C= 60. Given kinematic viscosity 0.01 stokes.
8. Derive an expression for the rate of flow of fluid through venturimeter.
9. The pressure difference in a pipe of diameter D and length l due to turbulent flow depends
upon the velocity V, viscosity, density, and roughness k. Using Buckingham’s pi theorem
obtain an expression for pressure difference.

o m
.r c m
p e o
p a .r c
b r p e
b rp

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