Mendoza, Lawrence Anthony L. - Module 2 Task

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1. How do you define values?

Values are personal beliefs that influence people's behavior in one way or the
other. They act as a manual for how people should behave. In general, people have a
tendency to adopt the ideals that their parents instilled in them.

2. Write at least 10 values that you possess and rank them according to what you think is
important to you.
- Compassion - to be fueled by love and service of others.
- Magis - to always do more.
- Conscience - commits to what is good and right.
- Respect - treating others the way you want to be treated.
- Competence - academic excellence and is open to growth and learning.
- Character - responsibility for one’s actions and accepting one’s shortcomings and
strives to improve oneself for the better.
- Culture - embraces one’s Filipino and Ilonggo identity.
- Christ-centeredness - does everything for the greater glory of God.
- Servant leadership - serving the common good.
- Community - strives to contribute to nation-building

3. Do you agree that using “po” and “opo” and kissing the hands of our parents are signs of
respect and therefore should be preserved? Why? Explain briefly but concisely.
I agree that the use of “po” and “opo” and kissing the hands of our parents are
signs of respect because it shows discipline towards someone who is much older and
should be preserved because it is part of our identity as Filipinos.

4. Do you believe in the saying that “ kung ano ang puno ay siyang bunga.”
I kind of believe in the saying because I believe this saying describes the
relationship between a parent and a child in which it kinda depends. Sometimes parents
are a factor in who you will become in the future. But, there are people who are aware
that they are their own person and therefore want to be someone that doesn’t conform to
the bad values or bad influences instilled by their parents.

5. Explain “Values are caught and not taught.”

Values are caught and not taught: It indicates that rather than being taught,
values or actions are picked up from those who already exhibit them. By watching them
live out these principles, we adopt them. We are not just taught principles; we also live
by them. Moreover, values are not merely something we may learn and retain in our
memory. You have to provide actions by doing good deeds. If a person learns a lot about
values but doesn't utilize it to aid others and their well-being, do they truly have any
values at all? As the saying goes, "Actions speak louder than words."

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