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imię i nazwisko data

1. Dopasuj czasowniki 1–7 do zwrotów a–g w taki sposób, aby powstały poprawne
wyrażenia. (7 pkt.)

1 become a new friends _________________________

2 change b your own business _________________________
3 have c house _________________________
4 start d rich _________________________
5 go e school _________________________
6 move f an accident _________________________
7 make g abroad _________________________

2. Complete the sentences with the past simple or past continuous form of the verbs in
brackets. (5 pkt.)

1 I _______________ (not listen) to my mum when she was talking to me this morning.
2 Paul ______________ (go) to the park while I was reading a magazine.
3 While Jenny ___________________ (travel) on her own she felt quite lonely.
4 We ________________ (see) Kelly while we were travelling on the bus.
5 When I was talking to Lucy, my phone ___________________ (ring).


3. Uzupełnij podane zwroty wyrazami z ramki. (5 pkt.)

about for in on to

1 dream __________starting your own business

2 participate _______ an activity
3 wait _______a train
4 depend _________your friends
5 talk ___________your Barents

4. Ułóż zdania z podanych wyrazów. Użyj pierwszego trybu warunkowego. (5 pkt.)

1 If / my dad / get / the / job / he / be / happy

2 If / I / have / an / interview / I / be / nervous
3 If / you / work / hard / you / get / a / promotion
4 If / I / pass / my / exams / I / apply for / a / job
5 If / the / factory / closes down / my / sister / lose / her / job /

5. Uzupełnij poniższy tekst wyrazami w ramki w odpowiedniej formie.

Jeden wyraz został podany dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej luki. (5 pkt.)

write work apply reason start more


Job advertisement

One of the _____________ popular newspapers, The Timing Magazine, is looking for junior
journalists to join its Teenagers’ Interests section team.
Candidates should be good at ________________ short texts and have good knowledge of the
latest trends in teenage music and fashion.
Candidates don’t need to have any work experience.
So, if you are willing to use your writing skills and to share your knowledge with our readers;
if you are keen on ________________ part-time and getting a _________________ salary,
this could be the job for you!
Just fill in the __________________ form and send it to: Maggie O’Brien
Administrative Editor

6. Podkreśl właściwy wyraz. (5 pkt.)

1 They has made / made a new DVD last month.

2 We usually walk / will walk to school.
3 Ross works / has worked in London for six years.
4 Who is playing / plays in the match tomorrow, Josh or Toby?
5 I was watching / watched TV when the lights went out.

7. Napisz, w jakim celu najczęściej używasz Internetu, a kiedy jest Ci on mniej

potrzebny. Czy mógłbyś/mogłabyś zupełnie się bez niego obejść? W swojej
wypowiedzi uwzględnij poniższe kwestie. Napisz min. 8 zdań. (8 pkt.)

● Think of five things the internet is used for.

● Describe the benefits this has for you.
● Say which of these things is your favourite.
● Think about other people’s opinions.




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