Hoàng Nguyễn Đức Huy - 2021.10 - INTERNAL IELTS TEST - READING - VER5 - QUESTIONS

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Semester/Academic year 2021 - 2022




Duration 60 mins. Question sheet code VER5

Notes: - NOT allowed to use any reference materials

- Use CAPITAL LETTERS for all the answers in the answer form

You should spend about 20 minutes in Questions 1 – 13, which are based on Reading Passage 1.
Questions 1 – 7
Do the following statements agree with the information given in the reading passage?
True if the statement agrees with the information
False if the statement contradicts the information
Not given if there is no information about this
1. The Hidden Histories of Exploration exhibition aims to show the wide range of people involved in
2. The common belief about how Park and Livingstone travelled is accurate.
3. The RGS has organised a number of exhibitions since it was founded.
4. Some of the records in the RGS archives are more useful than others.
5. Materials owned by the RGS can be used in ways that were not originally intended.
6. In their publications, European explorers often describe their dependence on their helpers.
7. Local helpers refused to accompany William Smyth during parts of his journey.

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Questions 8 – 13
The reading passage has seven paragraphs, A – G.
Which paragraph contains the following information?
8. belief about the effect of an exhibition on people seeing it
9. examples of risks explorers might have been unaware of without local help
10. reference to various approaches to assessing data from local helpers
11. reference to people whose long-term occupation was to organize local assistance for European
12. reference to the distances that some non-European helpers travelled
13. description of a wide range of difference types of documents

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You should spend about 20 minutes in Questions 14 - 26, which are based on Reading Passage 2.
Questions 14 – 18
The reading passage has FIVE sections, A – E
Choose the correct heading for each section from the list of headings below
Write the correct number, i – viii next to questions 14 – 18

List of headings
i. The multipurpose home of tomorrow
ii. Housework declined in the house of the future
iii. Mixed success for visions of the future
iv. The future lies in the past
v. A change of structure in the home of tomorrow
vi. Outdoor spaces in the house of tomorrow
vii. The house on the future helps with the battle of the sexes
viii. The compact home of tomorrow

14. Section A
15. Section B
16. Section C
17. Section D
18. Section E

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Questions 19 – 26
Look at the following list of statements (Questions 19 – 26)
Match each statement or prediction with the correct time period, A – E
Write the correct letter, A – E next to Questions 19 – 26
NB You may use any letter more than once
19. One magazine predicted that disposable plates would be used
20. A new expression for ‘the perfect home’ was introduced.
21. There was a loss of faith in automation.
22. Advertisers believed that houses would be made in a factory.
23. There were fewer housewives.
24. One writer envisaged furniture being made from fully washable materials.
25. There was an increased awareness of the environment.
26. There was a link between our interest in the future and increased consumerism.

List of time periods

A. 1920s
B. 1930s and 1940s
C. 1950s
D. 1970s
E. 1980s

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You should spend about 20 minutes in Questions 27- 40, which are based on Reading Passage 3.

Questions 27 – 30

Complete the summary below.

Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the text for each answer.
Ebonics originated from the 27______________. The prisoners found a way to talk to other enslaved
Africans as well as to 28_______________. In the southern USA, several African languages mixed with
English and the local 29____________. Over time, many distinctive 30_____________ have been added
to produce the Ebonics language of today.
Questions 31 – 37
Complete each sentence with the correct ending, A – K below.
31. In 1996, the Oakland Unified School District passed a measure
32. According to John Rickford, it is a good idea when teaching Standard English
33. Linguists studying Black speech patterns are only able
34. The LSA ruled that definitions of “dialect” and “language” are generally a way
35. Critics of vernacular alternatives to Standard English tend
36. Ladonna Rush argues that it is important for educators
37. Toni Morrison finds it necessary

A. to declare Ebonics an independent language, not a variation on English

B. to honor positive aspects of Ebonics, while emphasizing the necessity of Standard
English for formal use
C. to approve the language of text messaging as a legitimate mode of communication
D. to describe how Ebonics has developed without dictating rules for proper usage
E. to use Ebonics in order to express specific concepts
F. to recognize the genetic differences between African-American students and others
G. to acknowledge the systematic differences that Ebonics speakers must learn to overcome
H. to consider Ebonics as lazy English rather than a unique form of expression
I. to admit Ebonics users to university to gain more knowledge
J. to make a statement about particular geo-social relationships
K. to compare Scandinavian languages and Chinese dialects

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Questions 38 – 40
Choose THREE letters, A – G
Which THREE statements below represent the views of Joan Walsh?
A. Linguistic issues are impeding black academic success rather than social issues
B. Ebonics deserves to be considered as nothing less than a gift to American society
C. Blacks need more flexibility in their dealings with the white public
D. Children of non-English-speaking immigrants should be dined access to limited educational
E. Ebonics is a debate that reflects rising multi-minority tensions and frustration over funding issues
F. Ebonics is just another hostile encounter between black and white opponents
G. Many urban African-American children do not have the same exposure to accepted norms of
English that they used to

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