Copia de Review 3rd Year Pt2

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Name: cami


General Review

1) Read and Answer the following Questions.

Side by side

How could anyone sleep through that? He sounded like an asthmatic chainsaw. The
sound wasn’t the worst of it, though. It was those gaps, when the sound ceased,
where she hoped that maybe, just maybe he’d stopped — snoring, breathing.
Existing. And then it would begin again.

She wrapped her pillow around her head, knowing that it would do no good. At one
point, back when she’d loved him, she’d somehow managed to put up with it,
managed to sleep. It also hadn’t been as bad back then — it couldn’t possibly have
been, could it? He’d probably figured out some way to make it worse. Guzzling milk
before bed or something.


He woke up shivering. She’d taken the comforter again. It was now wrapped tightly
around her. She was fast asleep, her mouth open. He could try to get the blanket
back, but that would wake her up — and that would be worse. She snorted and
turned again, pulling the comforter even further away.

He’d asked if they could have an extra comforter or even just a blanket on the bed.
Too untidy, she’d said. Like she cared about that. She had to know she always did
this — she wakes up with the whole thing, after all. Denying him another blanket was
just a subtle little cruelty to add to all of the others.

He got up and grabbed his dressing gown, then lay back down, using the thing as a
blanket as best he could.


She looked over at him. He was lying under his dressing gown, trying to make her
feel guilty about the comforter again. As if that would work after everything he’d put
her through. And now he was snoring again, the sound driving straight into her skull.
She would have divorced the bastard, but then she’d lose everything — her house,
her friends.

Unbidden, the idea popped back into her head. She hadn’t googled it, but she’d read
about it in her mystery novels. Potassium chloride. You inject it, and it looks like a
heart attack. You could buy the stuff at the grocery store. She still had those needles
from when Wuddles had that kidney infection. The dog hadn’t made it, but she’d
stored the supplies, just in case.

She fell back asleep dreaming of the joy of widowhood. Her last conscious thought
was that he was lucky her dreams wouldn’t come true. Her unconscious mind,
however, was not so restrained. It grew stronger and more solid as it recalled each of
his loathsome acts. Leaving its original host to her slumber, it went out to explore the
house with ill intent.


There was no way that this was an accident. Now she’d taken the dressing gown and
wrapped it around herself along with the comforter. Taken it like she’d taken
everything else. He could divorce her, but he refused to give her the satisfaction. No
way was she walking away with half of everything he’d earned.

It took an actual act of will to not take one of the pillows and press it down over her
smug, hated face. In his dreams, he’d done it a hundred times. Oh, if only he could
be finally free.

He grabbed a towel from the bathroom, and covered himself with it as best he could.
Shivering, he tried to get back to sleep.

His dream self separated itself from him, annoyed at hers wandering so far afield. It
watched her spirit-self fade through the wall, and made a rude gesture at its back.

It was too cold to go far, but it looked around the bedroom with interest.


She lay there unnaturally still, staring at nothing. Petechial hemorrhaging was the
term that the medical examiner would eventually use to describe her bloodshot eyes.
Suffocation, probably with a pillow, was what he would list as the cause of death.

But not with any of the pillows on the bed, or in the house. They would test them all.


He lay curled up under his towel, unmoving. Heart attack caused by an injection of
potassium chloride. An oldy but a goody, the ME would say. Someone had been
reading old detective stories. It had been decades since anyone had got away with
that one. The injection mark on the neck was as clear as day.

Of course, they hadn’t found the needle that was used.

She would almost have been able to rest, lying there in the cozy darkness, except
she knew that he was only a few feet away, lying in his own coffin.

She would never forgive her parents. They knew how she felt about him, but still,
they’d been buried next to each other with a shared monument. She didn’t even get a
gravestone to herself.

Perhaps it was her imagination, but she almost thought she could hear snoring.


His coffin was quite pleasant, with silk lining and a comfortable pillow. More
comfortable than that damned bed. He felt the tension pour out of him. He was more
relaxed now than he could ever remember being while alive. Let her try and get this

A) What type of Satire is portrayed in this story? Justify your answer.

__juvenalian because its dark and not comedic

B) Compare and Contrast the behaviors of the husband and wife

they both didnt like eachother and wanted to kill one another but for diferent
reasons and with different methods

C) What does the resolution imply?

_that they both died and are now burried next to one another

2) Complete the chart

Device Definition Example

Verbal Irony the author says one oh you dont understand

thing but means how much i want to be
another late for the exam!

Understatement when you say something “it is just a scratch”

is smaller or less serius there was only the tire
than it actually is left of the car

Exaggeration statement that im so hungry i could eat

represents something as a horse
better or worse than it
really is.
Contradiction tatements, ideas, or saying you are
features of a situation vegetarian but eating
that are opposed to one sushi

Paradox self-contradictory im a compulsive liar

statement the begging of the end

3) Analyze the Sonnet

Loving in truth, and fain in verse my love to show,13
That she, dear she, might take some pleasure of my pain, 13
Pleasure might cause her read, reading might make her know,
Knowledge might pity win, and pity grace obtain,
I sought fit words to paint the blackest face of woe;
Studying inventions fine her wits to entertain,
Oft turning others’ leaves, to see if thence would flow
Some fresh and fruitful showers upon my sunburn’d brain.
But words came halting forth, wanting invention’s stay;
Invention, Nature’s child, fled step-dame Study’s blows;
And others’ feet still seem’d but strangers in my way.
Thus great with child to speak and helpless in my throes,
Biting my truant pen, beating myself for spite,
“Fool,” said my Muse to me, “look in thy heart, and write.”

What’s the main emotion of the sonnet? ……………sadness

What is the author lamenting about? ………not being able to write and jis muse enjoying his
pain …………………..………………………….
What are some tone indicators? ……might take some pleasure of my pain,
Find an example of Alliteration: …step-dame Study’s………my Muse
How does he refer to his lover?…his muse………………………..………………………………
How many syllables are there per line? ……13……………………………………………………
Narrative: …this man cant write and is being really winy about it until his lover tells them to
write from the heart …………………………………………………………………….
POV: ……………first

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