Coordination and Response Notes

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Co-ordination and Response


Senior Teacher Date: 02.03.2021
Department of Biology, Tuesday

Learning Objectives
After completing the lesson,You should be able to -
• Describe a nerve impulse as an electrical signal that passes
along nerve cells called neurones.
• Describe the human nervous system
• Identify motor (effector), relay (connector) and sensory
neurones from diagrams.
• Describe a simple reflex arc in terms of receptor, sensory
neurone, relay neurone, motor neurones and effector
• Describe a reflex action as a means of automatically and
rapidly integrating and coordinating stimuli with the
responses of effectors (muscles and glands)
14 Coordination and response

14 Coordination and response

Coordination and response

Human nervous system and Coordination & response

14 Coordination and response

Human nervous system and Coordination & response
The human nervous system is made up of two parts:
1.Central nervous system (CNS) - brain and spinal cord: role
of coordination
2. Peripheral nervous system - nerves: connect all parts of
the body to the CNS.

• CNS and PNS together, they coordinate and regulate

body functions.
• Sense organs are linked to the peripheral nervous system.
They are groups of receptor cells responding to specific
stimuli: light, sound, touch, temperature and chemicals.
• When exposed to a stimulus they generate an electrical
impulse which passes along peripheral nerves to the CNS,
triggering a response.

Human nervous system and Coordination & response

• Peripheral nerves contain sensory and motor neurones

(nerve cells).
• Motor and sensory neurones are covered with a myelin
sheath, which insulates the neurone to make transmission
of the impulse more efficient.
• The cytoplasm (mainly axon and dendron) is elongated to
transmit the impulse for long distances.

Sense Organs and their Stimuli

Human Brain and Its different parts

Human Brain and Its different parts

A motor Neurone

Three types of Neurone cells

Three types of Neurone cells

Relay neurone

Relay neurone connect the sensory

and motor neurones

A Reflex Arc and Reflex action

A Reflex arc and Reflex action

A reflex action is a means of automatically and rapidly

integrating and coordinating stimuli with the responses of
effectors (muscles and glands).
A Reflex arc and Reflex action

• Reflex arc: The pathway along which the nerve impulse

passes- the sensory neurone, relay neurones and motor
neurone is called a Reflex arc.
• A reflex, or reflex action, is an involuntary and nearly
instantaneous movement in response to a stimulus.
• A reflex is made possible by neural pathways
called reflex arcs which can act on an impulse before that
impulse reaches the brain.
• Reflex are not under conscious control.

A Reflex arc and Reflex action

Synapse and synaptic cleft

Synaptic cleft

How does impulses travel?

Fig. 13.8 shows a synapse between a

sensory neurone( presynaptic cell) and
a relay neurone(post synaptic cell).

• There are hundreds of tiny vesicles inside the axon of sensory

• Each vesicle contains a chemical called neurotransmitter.
• When any impules arrives along the axon of the sensory neurone,
it causes the vesicles to move to the cell membrane and release
the neurotransmitter into the synaptic cleft.
• Neurotransmitter diffuses across synaptic cleft and attaches to
receptor molecules in cell membrane of the rely neurone and
triggers a nerve impulse in the rely neuron.
• The shape of the neurotransmitter and receptor molecules are
• Synapse ensure that nerve impulses only travel in one direction
as21neurotransmitter is only on one side of the synapes.

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