1ms Test

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Mohamed Djanness Middle School

Full name: ………………………………………………………………………. Class: 1ms…

Level: MS1 Timing: 1h


Hi, I am Peter. I am eleven years
old. I am from Russia and I live
in Moscow. I am a pupil at Karl Hi, I am Jessica. I am twelve. I am
May School. from Australia and I live in
What about you? Sydney. I love my town. Happy to
meet you my friend!
Part one:
A) Reading comprehension:
Task one:I read and complete the table.

Name Age Country City School

Peter ................... ..................... ..................... ………………….
................ .............. ..............

Task two : I read and write ‘true’ or ‘false’.

1- Peter is a pupil at St James School. .........................
2- Jessica lives in Moscow. ..........................................
3- Jessica and Peter are friends. ..................................
Task three: I find in the text synonyms of the following words.
Glad = ....................................... , Hello = ............................................

B) Mastery of Language:

Task one: Supply punctuation and capital letters where necessary: (2pts)

I am james what is your name

Task two: complete the dialogue with : (am / is/ name/ I / live / my/) 3pts

Hello , ……name is Sarah. Hi ! I ……..

What …....your..........? Kate . .......am 13.
I……... in London .
Task Three:
A) I put the words in the right bubble.
Tuesday –Nice – name – my

………………… …………………
………………… ………………...

Task 3: I introduce myself to my new friend talking about my :

Country Hello !……………………………………………………………………………

City ………………………………………………………………………………………





Your teachers: Miss.Affane and Miss.Akni

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