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Computer Application

Lab File
BBA – 111

Dr. Akhilesh Das Gupta Institute of Technology And Management


Submitted To: Submitted By:

Ms. Shelly Gosain Abhijeet kumar
Assistant Professor BBA semester-01
BBA Department Roll No.____________
ALL THE SHORTCUT KEYS OF WINDOW 7 Press this key To do this

1 Alt + F— File menu options in the current program.
2 Alt + E— Edits options in the current program.
3 F1— Universal help (for any sort of program).
4 Ctrl + A— Selects all text
5 Ctrl + X— Cuts the selected item.
6 Ctrl + Del— Cut selected item.
7 Ctrl + C— Copy the selected item
8 Ctrl + Ins— Copy the selected item
9 Ctrl + V— Paste the selected item.
10 Alt + Spacebar--- Open the shortcut menu for the active window.
11 Crtl+mouse scroll wheel--- Change the size of the icon on the dextop.
12 Alt+underlined letter--- Display the shortcut mean for the selected item.
13 Win+tab--- Cycle through programs on the taskbar by using Aero Flip
14 Ctrl+Win+Tab--- Use the arrow keys to cycle through programs on the
taskbar by using Aero Flip 3-D.
15 Shift+F10--- Display the shortcut menu for the selected item.
16 Spacebar--- Select or clear the check box if the active option is a check
17 Enter--- Lanuch active object.
18 Home – Takes the user to the beginning of the current line.
19 Ctrl + Home— Go to the beginning of the document.
20 Ctrl + End – Go to the end of a document. Press this key To do this
21 Shift + Home – Highlight from current position to beginning of the line.

22 Shift + End – Highlight from current position to end of the line.

23 Ctrl + (Left arrow) – Move one word to the left at a time.
24 Ctrl + (Right arrow) – Move one word to the right at a time
25 Alt + Tab – Switch between open applications.
26 Alt + Shift + Tab – Switch backward between open applications.

27 Alt + Print Screen – Create screenshot for the current program.

28 Ctrl + Alt + Del – Reboot/Windows task manager
29 Ctrl + Esc – Bring up the start menu.
30 Alt + Esc – Switch between applications on the taskbar.
31 F2 – Rename selected icon.
32 F3 – Start find from the desktop.
33 F4 – Open the drive selection when browsing.

34 F5 – Refresh contents.
35 Alt + F4 – Close current open program.
36 Ctrl + F4 – Close window in program.

37 Ctrl + Plus Key— Automatically adjust widths of all columns in Windows

38 Alt + Enter – Open properties window of selected icon or program.
39 Shift + F10 – Simulate right-click on selected item.
40 Shift + Del – Delete programs/files permanently. Press the key To do this
41 Alt+Page Up– Move between programs from left to right.

42 Alt+Page Down– Move between programs from right to left.

43 Alt+Insert– Cycle through programs in the order that they were

started in.
44 Alt+Home– Display the Start menu.

45 Ctrl+Alt+Break– Switch between a window and full screen.

46 Ctrl+Alt+End– Display the Windows Security dialog box.

47 Alt+Delete– Display the system menu.

48 Ctrl+Shift with an arrow Select a block of text
49 Alt+C– Display the Table of Contents

50 Alt+N– Display the Connection Settings menu

Contact No. 9311276117

Career Objective
• To study in a good environment and to explore the new areas and work in
dynamic state.
Academic Qualification
• Passed 10+2- From Kendriya Vidyalaya, NTPC DADRI, UP in the year 2020-66%
• Passed10- From DAV Public school ,NTPC DADRI, UP in the 2018-43.5%
Personal Information
1. Name : Abhijeet kumar
2. Father’s Name : S N Yadav
3. Date of Birth : 30:03:2003
4. Domicile : Bihar
5. Religion : Hindu
6. Nationality : India
Computer Skills
1. Python
2. Window ,Ms Office ,Ms Word ,Ms Excel ,Ms PowerPoint
1. Playing Cricket
2. Listening song
Page size and margins:
• Page size:-
With computers page size refers to the size of a page , which is a block of stored
memory. Page size effects the amount of memory needed and space used
when running programmes. Most operating system allow for the
determination of the page size when a programme being running,which allow
it to calculate the most efficient use of memory while running that
program.With print documents,Page size refers to the size of the paper for the
final printed documents . Examples include letter size (8.5*11 inches)or
• Page margin:-
A margin is a space separating text or other elements from the paper
commonly adjusted through the page setup. Most the program allow for the
top,bottom,left and right margin to be set. The standard margin settings are
1”top and bottom 1,25”left and right.
1. Bold style:-
A computer is an electronic gadget used to process and store and show
information. In any case, this is an act of excessive simplification of
what a computer as the gadget has developed to play out a few different
capacities that surpass the above depiction.Computers are commonly
grouped into three kinds, dependent on how they process data. To this
end, they have delegated the simple, digital, and hybrid computers. This
characterization decides the speed and precision of every computer.A
computer can serve a few capacities besides the conspicuous capacity
of storing and preparing information.

2. Italic style:-
Now it is impossible in our life to imagine without a computer. The invention
of the computer helped many people’s dreams change into reality. For lots of
purposes, the computer can be used like storing information, programming,
and developing software, calculation and email purposes, and many more.A
computer comprises a monitor, a keyboard, a mouse, a CPU, and a UPS as
essential parts. A computer is known for its abundant storage space.

3. Underline style:-
The computer is one of the best creations of man. It is the most
refreshing result of science and innovation that has made our lives so
simpler. Computers are getting ubiquitous as we can find computers from
anywhere, like from homes, schools, universities, workplaces, research
centers to libraries, exhibition halls, and even emergency clinics.
A computer is a machine that can store enormous measure of information
and can carry out various responsibilities in a lot lesser time contrasted
with people. It gathers contribution from users, processes it, and conveys
the usual outcome as output.

To insert a picture from file:-

1.Place your insertion point where you want the image to
the image to appear.
2.Select the insert tab.
3.Click the picture command in the illustrations group.
The insert picture dialog box appears.
4.Select the desired image file, then click insert to add it
Your document. Select an image file.
Subscript and superscript

A subscript or superscript is a character (number, letter or symbol)

that is (respectively) set slightly below or above the normal line of
type. It is usually smaller than the rest of the text. Subscripts appear
at or below the baseline, while superscripts are above. Subscripts
and superscript are perhaps most often used in formulas,
mathematical expressions, and specification of chemical compounds
and isotopes, but have many other uses as well.

(Hlop22):- Subscript

In each example the first “2” is professionally designed, and is included as
part of the glyph set; the second”2” is a manual approximation using a small
version of the standard”2”. The visual weight of the first”2” matches the other
characters better. (The top typeface is Adobe Garamond Pro; the size of the
subscript is about 62% of the original characters, dropped below the
baseline by about 16%. The second typeface is Myriad Pro; the superscript
is about 60%of the original characters, raised by about about 44% above the
A compiler is a special program that processes statements written in a particular
programming language and turns them into machine language or "code" that a
computer's processor uses.The programmer then runs the appropriate language
compiler, specifying the name of the file that contains the source statements.
When executing (running), the compiler first parses (or analyzes) all of the
language statements syntactically one after the other and then, in one or more
successive stages or "passes", builds the output code, making sure that
statements that refer to other statements are referred to correctly in the final code.

An interpreter is a computer program that is used to directly execute program
instructions written using one of the many high-level programming languages. The
interpreter transforms the high-level program into an intermediate language that it
then executes, or it could parse the high-level source code and then performs the
commands directly, which is done line by line or statement by statement.
Programming languages are implemented in two ways: interpretation and
compilation. As the name suggests, an interpreter transforms or interprets a high-
level programming code into code that can be understood by the machine
(machine code) or into an intermediate language that can be easily executed as
Interpreter is differ from compiler such as,
• Interpreter is faster than compiler.
• It contain less memory.
• Interpreter executes the instruction in to source programming language.
There are several types of interpreter:-
• Syntax-directed interprerter
• Threaded interprerter
Linker is a program in a system which helps to link a object modules of program
into a single object file. It performs the process of linking. Linker are also called
link editors. Linking is process of collecting and maintaining piece of code and
data into a single file. Linker also link a particular module into system library. It
takes object modules from assembler as input and forms an executable file as
output for loader.
Linking is performed at both compile time, when the source code is translated
into machine code and load time, when the program is loaded into memory by
the loader. Linking is performed at the last step in compiling a program.
Linker is two types:-
1. Dynamic linker
2. Static linker

Source code -> compiler -> Assembler -> Object code -> Linker ->
Executable file -> Loader

In computer systems a loader is the part of an operating system that is
responsible for loading programs and libraries. It is one of the essential stages in
the process of starting a program, as it places programs into memory and
prepares them for execution. Loading a program involves reading the contents of
the executable file containing the program instructions into memory, and then
carrying out other required preparatory tasks to prepare the executable for
running. Once loading is complete, the operating system starts the program by
passing control to the loaded program code.
Even the most experienced software programmers usually don't get it right on
their first try. Certain errors, often called bugs, can occur in programs, causing
them to not function as the programmer expected. Sometimes these errors are
easy to fix, while some bugs are very difficult to trace. This is especially true for
large programs that consist of several thousand lines of code.
Fortunately, there are programs called debuggers that help software developers
find and eliminate bugs while they are writing programs. A debugger tells the
programmer what types of errors it finds and often marks the exact lines of code
where the bugs are found. Debuggers also allow programmers to run a program
step by step so that they can determine exactly when and why a program
crashes. Advanced debuggers provide detailed information about threads and
memory being used by the program during each step of execution. You could
say a powerful debugger program is like OFF! with 100% deet.
Mail Merge is a handy feature that incorporates data from both Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel
and allows you to create multiple documents at once, such as letters, saving you the time and effort of
retyping the same letter over and over.

NOTE: Although Mail Merge can be used for many types of documents, this document uses the
example creating a Mail Merge letter.

STEP 1: Set up the main document

The Main Document is the generic Word document that will serve as a template for your
customized merged documents. It contains everything that will stay the same for each instance
of the merge.
A. In Word, open the file you are using for your merge, or create a new, blank document if you
are starting from scratch.

B. Click Start Mail Merge on the Mailings tab in the Start Mail Merge group.
C. Choose the type of document you are merging (letter, directory, etc.).

Your options for choosing a document type include the following:

Letters: Allows you to tailor one letter to many individuals
E-mail Allows you to personalize generic messages
messages: for individual recipients and send them via
Envelopes: Allows you to print envelopes with
different addresses
Labels: Allows you to print labels with different addresses

Directory: Allows you to gather varied but related

information into a list. For example, to create a
departmental or organizational directory, list the
names, office
locations, and phone numbers.
STEP 2: Select the recipients (data source)
Your data source is the table of individual records that will be used to customize your merge.
Your data source could be an Excel spreadsheet, a table in Word or Access, or even a comma
separated text list.
A. On the Mailings tab in the Start Mail Merge group, click Select Recipients > Use Existing
List. NOTE: Other options include “Type a new list…” (Allows you to create your own list by
typing each recipient) and “Select from Outlook Contacts…” (uses your Outlook contacts as

B. Browse to your data source.

C. If necessary, select the specific spreadsheet or table that contains your data.

STEP 3: Organize your data

In this step, sort your data and if necessary filter out unwanted data.
A. Click Edit Recipient List on the Mailings tab in the Start Mail Merge group.

B. Arrange data by clicking on the name of the column by which you wish to sort.
Example: If you would like to sort by last name, click on LastName.

STEP 4: Insert Merge Fields

A. Place the cursor in the document where you would like the data to
B. On the Mailings tab in the Write & Insert Fields group click the bottom
half of the Insert Merge Field button.
A menu based on the fields in your data source appears.
C. Choose the correct field from the drop-down menu.
D. Repeat until all desired fields are entered.
NOTE: Word has a number of pre-formatted entries along with
the fields
from your recipient list. Using these fields ensures that the
desired information from each entry will be inserted into your
document. Frequently used options include the following:
Address block: Allows you to specify the format of your
recipients' names, whether to insert the
company name and
postal address, and the format of the postal
Greeting Line: Allows you to format how the greeting line will
appear (e.g., Dear Mr. Randall,) and choose which
format to use for unknown names (e.g., Dear Sir or
Insert Merge Field: Allows you to insert fields for a variety of common
options (such as the first or last name, phone
number, or state of each recipient)

STEP 5: Use rules if desired

A. Rules are located on the Mailings tab in the Write & Insert Fields group.
B. Select the desired rule:
• If you would like to customize the content of your merge for certain groups, use the
If…Then…Else… rule.
• If you would like to exclude an entire group, use the Skip Record If… rule.

STEP 6: Preview your documents

At this point, you are almost ready to merge. Before you do so, it is a good idea to preview
your documents.

A. Click Preview Results in the Preview Results group.

The document addressed to the first recipient is previewed.
B. Browse through the documents for the other entrien by clicking the Previous and Next

STEP 7: Finish and create your merged document

A. On the Mailings tab in the Finish group click Finish & Merge
> Edit Individual Documents…
Look over your merged document carefully, and if adjustment is necessary, close it without
saving and return to your Main Document. If your merged document is beautiful, save and print
as desired.
Reusing Main Documents
Main Documents can be saved to use for future merges. Just make sure everything is set up
properly – your records are sorted correctly, and the correct recipients are selected – before
performing a new merge.

Turn on Field Code Highlighting (do this once)

When you are merging, you use fields to specify the spots in a document where
customized information will occur. It can be confusing to see these fields mixed in with normal
text. It is a good idea to turn on field shading. To do this:

1. Click the Office Button.

2. Click Word Options.
3. Click Advanced.
4. Scroll to the Show document content section.
5. From the Field shading: drop-down menu choose Alway




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