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Elements of marine

The offshore Dynamic behavior –
environment single-degree of freedom

Wind; average wind and Stability of floating units

wind gusts

Waves; regular and Mooring of floating units

irregular waves

Current; vortex induced

Marine technology
• Environmental loads are dynamic!
• How do structures respond to dynamic loads?
• Under what conditions will floating structures be unstable?
• How can floating structures be kept on location?
The offshore environment
Wind are governed by pressure systems in the atmosphere

The weather conditions are to a

large extent driven by wind. Wind
is by itself important, but wind is
also generating waves as well as
surface currents.
The design storm concept
• Calculation of extreme action (load) effects are based on
selected short-term states

• The overall aim of the design storm concept is to estimate

actions and action effects corresponding to a prescribed annual
exceedance probability, e.g. 10-2 or 10-4, corresponding to return
periods of 100 and 10000 years
Environmental loads


Air gap

Current Waves

Elements of marine
The offshore Dynamic behavior –
environment single-degree of freedom

Wind; average wind and Stability of floating units

wind gusts

Waves; regular and Mooring of floating units

irregular waves

Current; vortex induced

Admiral Sir Francis Beaufort was a hydrographer and top administrator in the British Navy. Sea captains used different terms to describe wind conditions, so, in
1805, Beaufort established a standard scale. It was originally based on observations of how the wind affected the sails on a ship. The Royal Navy required that
the terms be used for ship log entries. The invention of the cup anemometer in 1846 resulted in the Beaufort Scale being expanded to include actual wind
speeds. Years later, the steam engine ushered in the demise of sailing ships, so sea conditions were substituted for sail conditions. The scale was later
expanded to show conditions on land.
Wind speed is normally given in m/s, and is referred to a return
period, a certain height above sea level and an averaging period.

averaging period

period 1 hour 10 min 1 min
1 31,0 34,0 37,5
10 36,5 40,0 44,0
100 41,5 45,0 50,0 Example: Wind speed in m/s,
years 10 m above mean sea level
Elements of marine
The offshore Dynamic behavior –
environment single-degree of freedom

Wind; average wind and Same cases;

wind gusts natural period
Waves; regular and Stability of floating units
irregular waves

Current; vortex induced Mooring of floating units

Waves are very important in the
design of marine structures
Waves - description
a = wave elevation



0 H

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

x = horizontal distance

A regular wave profile is defined by two parameters:

• Wave height (H) measured from through to crest
• Wave length (L) measured from crest to crest

• Wave period (T) is often used instead of L to describe waves

• Length and period are related by the dispersion relation
Regular waves – deep water

a = wave elevation


0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

x = horizontal distance

Wave profile: z = a sin(wt – kx), where t is time and x is direction of wave propagation

Picture at t = 0: Fixed location at x=0:

z = - a sin(kx) Wave profile: z = a sin(wt)

Wave frequency: w = 2p/T Dispersion relations:

Wave period: T = 2p/w w2/g = k
Wave number: k = 2p/L L = (g/2p)T2
Wave length: L = 2p/k

Wave surface inclination: f = dz/dx = -ka cos(wt – kx) , max: 2pa/L=pH/L

Wave particle velocity: v = 2pa/T

Wave crest propagation velocity: c = L/T = (g/2p)T = [(g/2p)L]0,5 = 1,25(L)0,5
Waves - steepness

a = wave elevation



0 H

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

x = horizontal distance

A steep wave is generally more dangerous than a less steep wave.

Wave steepness of a regular wave is measured by the steepness parameter, H/L,

which increases as H increases or as L decreases.

According to wave theory, when H/L > 1/7, waves become too steep and unstable, so
they break; therefore, H/L > 1/7 is called the "breaking criterion".
Waves - steepness

H = 30m, T = 11s L = 189m


H/L = 1/6, breaking wave

0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 270 285 300 315


H = 30m, T = 13s L = 264m


H/L = 1/9
0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 270 285 300 315


H = 30m, T = 15s

H/L = 1/12 L = 351m

0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 270 285 300 315
Design waves – What is the most dangerous wave?

Height - H
Series T (s) H/2 (m)
1 10 9,5
2 13 12,5 Contour
3 16 14,7 diagram
4 19 16,0
5 21 14,5
Period - T
1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 55 58 61 64 67 70 73 76 79 82 85 88 91 94 97 100 103 106 109 112 115 118

Series1 Series2 Series3 Series4 Series5

1 Hogging 2

3 4 Sagging

5 6

A production ship in regular waves

Wave conditions on a certain day
What does it mean when it is stated that the wave height is 8 metres?
Wave height in an irregular sea
 Wave height is the vertical difference between the wave through and the
wave crest

 The wave field is a combination of waves of different height, length and

– Some waves are larger - others are much smaller

 An irregular sea can be characterised by the significant wave height - Hs

Significant wave height and
standard deviation
 The significant wave height was originally defined to approximate the wave
heights visually estimated by experienced mariners:
– It was defined as the average of one third of the largest waves

 Significant wave height is now calculated from measured wave records

and is related to the standard deviation of surface displacement:

– Hs = 4 s, where s is the standard deviation of surface displacement

 The highest individual wave in a wave field can be nearly two times higher
than the significant wave height!
Irregular waves and the concept of a wave spectrum
• Waves on the sea surface are not simple sinusoids. The surface appears to be
composed of random waves of various lengths and periods. We can with some
simplifications, come close to describing the surface.

• The simplifications lead to the concept of the spectrum of ocean waves. The
spectrum gives the distribution of wave energy among different wave frequencies
or wave-lengths on the sea surface.

• The concept of a spectrum is based on work by Joseph Fourier (1768 - 1830), who
showed that almost any function can be represented as the sum of an infinite
series of sine and cosine functions with harmonic wave frequencies

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Wave spectrum
• Ocean waves are produced by the wind.
The faster the wind, the longer the wind
Wave spectrum; Pierson-Moskowitz
blows, and the bigger the area over
which the wind blows, the bigger the 60,0
• Wave spectra gives the distribution of 50,0
wave energy among different wave

Spectral density, S
frequencies on the sea surface 40,0

• For design purposes simplified formulas

for design wave spectra have been 30,0

developed (Pierson-Moscowitz,
JONSWAP and others) 20,0

• For long-crested waves (uni-directional

seas) such spectra are governed by only
two parameters; a characteristic wave
height, H and a characteristic wave 0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5
period, T. frequency, w
• Of particular importance is that the area
under the wave spectrum curve is equal
to the variance (s2) of the sea surface
Wave spectrum

Spectral density, S( w)





0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0
Frequency, w

H/T (4/5) H/T (6/7) H/T (8/8) H/T (10/10) H/T (12/13) H/T (14/15)

Each wave spectrum is related to one specific combination of

significant wave height and spectral peak period
1 T 4
(w z )
Hs2 Tz T -5 p 2p
S(w) = 2
(w z ) e
8p 2p
Wave spectrum

Spectral density





0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Wave period

H/T (4/5) H/T (6/7) H/T (8/8) H/T (10/10) H/T (12/13) H/T (14/15)

Each wave spectrum is related to one specific combination of

significant wave height and spectral peak period
100 – year wave
what is it?
• A hundred-year wave is a statistically projected wave, the height of
which, on average, is met or exceeded once in a hundred years for a
given location

• The likelihood of this wave height being attained at least once in the
hundred-year period is 63%:
– Probability for not experience a 100 year wave in 100 year: (1-0.01)100 = 0,37
– Probability for a 100 year wave in 100 year: 1- 0,37 = 0,63

• Offshore structures will normally be designed for the hundred-year

wave condition (ULS – Ultimate Limit State design)

• The hundred year wave is the wave with annual probability of 0,01
for being exceeded
Design Contours for different regions of the world
All combinations of wave height and period along and within a design contour-line are
possible and should in principle be checked

100 year contour lines Northern North Sea
Gulf of Mexico
West Africa
Significant wave height, Hs (m)

Wave peak period, Tp (seconds)

A wave spectrum can be defined for each combination of significant wave
height (Hs) and a characteristic wave period (Tp)
Summary: definition of design
waves and design sea states
• Regular waves are defined by H and T
• Relevant extreme combinations of H and T (design values) can be
taken from a design contour diagram
• Irregular waves can be represented by superposition of several regular
waves, each defined by a H-T combination
• The individual wave components in an irregular sea state can be
obtained from a standardized wave spectrum defined by a characteristic
wave height Hs and a characteristic period Tp
• Combinations of Hs and Tp can be taken from
– wave scatter diagram
– contour diagram for extreme conditions
• Wave scatter diagrams must be defined for each specific location

• The structural response is calculated for a number of regular waves with

different frequency
• The critical combination of H - T or Hs – Tp depends on type/geometry of
Wave statistics - probability distributions


Extreme value distribution

1500 wave crests
Probability density


Standard deviation = 4 metres
Significant amplitude = 8 metres
0,2 Extreme amplitude = 15 metres
Rayleigh distribution
0,15 Normal distribution wave crests
surface elevation


-8 -4 0 4 8 12 16 20 24
Wave amplitude [metres]

Standard deviation of surface elevation = s

Significant wave amplitude or crest, as = 2 s (Rayleigh distribution)
Extreme wave amplitude, amax = as SQRT(0,5 ln N) ~ 1,9 as = 3,8 s ( N ~ 1500 )
N is the number of waves in a given sea state. 6 hours and T=15 seconds period => 1440
Elements of marine
The offshore Dynamic behavior –
environment single-degree of freedom

Wind; average wind and Stability of floating units

wind gusts

Waves; regular and Mooring of floating units

irregular waves

Current; vortex induced

Ocean currents
• The current velocity is normally given
in m/s, but it is not unusual to see
current speed given in km/h, knots or

• The current velocity varies with the

depth below sea surface. This can
be described by a “current profile”
(relevant standards).

• The current velocity varies with time,

but so slowly that this variation can
be neglected.

• It is necessary to specify the “return

period” for a given current velocity,
just as for wind and waves.

Illustration: The paths of ocean currents in the Arctic. The Gulf Stream, carrying warm Atlantic water, moves northwards along the coast of Norway.
It divides into two main branches and continues northwards with one branch on either side of Svalbard. In the Arctic Ocean, the Atlantic water is
cooled, becomes heavier and sinks. After circulating in the North Polar Basin, the now cold, Arctic water leaves the Arctic Ocean, mainly through the
Fram Strait between Svalbard and Greenland.
Current profiles
variation between sea surface and sea bottom
Vortex shedding
• Vortex shedding is an unsteady flow that takes place in special flow velocities
(according to the size and shape of the cylindrical body). The fluid flow past the
object creates alternating low-pressure vortices on the downstream side of the
object. The object will tend to move toward the low-pressure zone.

• Eventually, if the frequency of vortex shedding matches the resonance frequency

of the structure, the structure will begin to resonate and the structure's
movement can become self-sustaining.

• The frequency (f) at which vortex shedding takes place for a cylinder is related to
the Strouhal number (St) by the following equation:
– St = f D/u, where D is cylinder diameter and u is current velocity
– The corresponding period is T = 1/f
– For a cylindrical structure in water T ~ 5D/u

• Strakes (corkscrew fins) can be used to deliberately introduce turbulence, so that

the load is less variable, and resonant load frequencies have negligible
Elements of marine
The offshore Dynamic behavior –
environment single-degree of freedom

Wind; average wind and Stability of floating units

wind gusts

Waves; regular and Mooring of floating units

irregular waves

Current; vortex induced

Dynamic equilibrium equation
• The dynamic equilibrium equation in a case with a
harmonic driving force can be written as:

.. .
m y + c y + k y = Fo cos wt
• where F = Fo cos wt is the harmonic driving force
with frequency w, and y is the displacement.

• The general solution of this differential equation

is a sum of a transient solution that depends on
initial conditions, and a steady state solution

• Steady state solution is independent of the initial

conditions and depends only on the driving
y, F0 amplitude Fo, driving frequency, w, un-damped
angular frequency wo, and the damping ratio x.
Forced oscillations – steady state
• The steady-state solution is proportional to the driving
force with an induced phase change of h.
y(t) = DAF cos(w t – h)

• The dynamic amplification factor, DAF, and the phase angle,

h, are given by:

1 2wwox
DAF = tan h = ( )
w2 – wo2
(1 – (w/wo)2)2 + (2xw/wo)2

• DAF and h are functions of the frequency w and are

determined by only two parameters, the natural frequency
wo and the damping ratio xdefined as:
k c
wo = x=
m 2 mk
Free oscillations – transient motions

Critical damping, x = 1 No damping, x = 0



-1,0 t / To

0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0

0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1

Different damping ratios, x

yn 2p x
 = ln ( )=
yn+1 1 – x2
Note: If two amplitudes are measured the damping can be calculated!
Forced oscillations – steady state






0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5

w /w o
0,10 0,15 0,20 0,25 0,30 0,35 0,40

Different damping ratios, x

Dynamic amplification factor damping
6,0 ratio

4,0 0,15



2,0 0,30
1,0 0,40

0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5

w /w o
Dynamic amplification factor
6,00 ratio


3,00 0,25

1,00 0,4

0,20 0,70 1,20 1,70 2,20 2,70

Surge and sway motion of fixed platform

Surge and sway Model The natural period for surge/sway is: To = 2p
m is the topside mass
k is the “stiffness” corresponding to bending

By definition k = F/x, where F is the restoring force

corresponding to the displacement x. Then:
k = 3EI/h3, where:

E is the modulus of elasticity (Young’s modulus)

I is the moment of inertia of the jacket
h is the height of the jacket

To = 2p
Response in irregular waves
Linear wave theory – linear response analysis.
The principle of superposition can be applied!

• Response in
irregular waves is
obtained by adding
results from regular
waves of different
wave amplitudes
and wave lengths

• Responses from
the different wave
components are
used to determine
the response

• The standard
deviation of the
response spectrum
define response
statistics and max

We calculate the response in each of these waves. The information about

wave amplitude for each wave is given by the wave spectrum.
Dynamic response in irregular waves
Wave spectrum, S(w)
Hs = 12 m
Tp = 12 sec

spectral density
20 s=3m

Irregular waves 15


SR(ω) = RAO(ω)2 S(ω) 5

0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0
frequency, w

Response amplitude operator Response spectrum, SR(w)

6 40
To = 5 sec 35 s= 5 m
5 dynamic amplification = 5/3 = 1,67
ω0 = 1,26 rad/sec 30
spectral density
4 x = 0,1

3 20

0 0
0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0

frequency, w frequency, w
Platform motions


Motion along axis: Rotation about axis:

x-axis surge x-axis roll
y-axis sway y-axis pitch
z-axis heave z-axis yaw

Wave induced “response” can be any wave induced motion, load or

stress on a structure
Elements of marine
The offshore Dynamic behavior –
environment single-degree of freedom

Wind; average wind and Stability of floating units

wind gusts

Waves; regular and Mooring of floating units

irregular waves

Current; vortex induced

P36 – Roncador
Thunder Horse summer 2005
Petrobras P34 - Brazil
Typhoon – GoM

Platform “Typhoon” was

taken out by typhoon “Rita”

Hurricane Rita caused more

damage to oil rigs than any
other storm in history. When
the storm cleared, more than
100 oil platforms and rigs had
been damaged or destroyed.
Thirteen had been dragged as
much as 140 miles or more
from their original locations,
or were lost altogether.
Heavy transport operations
Different types of stability

Tension leg
Gravity based Geometry based Geometry based based stability
stability stability stability

Gravity based stability: Centre of buoyancy above centre of gravity

Geometry based stability: Centre of buoyancy below centre of gravity
Stability by geometry

B centre of buoyancy (initial)

B’ centre of buoyancy (inclined)
G centre of gravity
M metacentre
BM distance from B to M (metacentre radius)
GM distance from G to M (metacentre height)


Righting moment, righting arm

GZ = righting arm
GM = metacentre height
GM = BM - BG

Righting moment is positive as long

as righting arm or metacentre height
is positive !
Righting moment, righting arm

M GZ = righting arm
GM = metacentre height
GM = BM - BG


Metacentre radius: BM = I / V
I = moment of inertia of water plane area
V = displacement (submerged volume)
Moment of inertia
• What is the moment of inertia (I) of the area
X x A with respect to the axis X-X ?
• Answer: I = I0 + y2A
y – I0 is the moment of inertia of the area A with
respect to the axis x-x (through the centre of
gravity) of the area A
X x

X x • Example: What is the moment of inertia (I) of

A the 4 areas (A) with respect to the axis X-X ?
x • Answer: I = 4(I0 + a2A)
– I0 is the moment of inertia of the area A with
respect to the axis x-x (through the centre of
b gravity) of the area A
c – then I0 = cb3/12 = b4/12
X – then: I = 4(A2/12 + a2A)
Inclination test


K The position of K, B and M can be calculated

M – metacentre very accurately, but G is more uncertain!
G – centre of gravity
B – centre of buoyancy The distance between G and M can be
K – keel point determined from the inclination test
Inclination test

Fundamental stability parameters


For small angles:
GZ = GM q

Righting arm, GZ

• M – metacentre
• G – centre of gravity
• GZ = righting arm
• GZ = GM sin q
q – heeling angle
Angle of heel, q
Intact stability analysis
Heeling moment

Righting moment Second intercept

Down flooding angle

Moment, M
Heeling moment

Righting moment
Angle of heel, q

Intact stability calculations are relatively straightforward, but it is necessary to identify all relevant
loading conditions, including weights and centre of gravity.

The righting moment curve is compared with the heeling moment curve. Stability criteria have been
defined to provide sufficient safety margins against overturning and flooding through hull openings as
the angle of heel increases.

The righting moment is directly related to righting arm (GZ) and metacentre height (GM) and has to be
positive over the entire range of angles from upright to the second intercept.
Damaged stability analysis
Heeling moment

Righting moment
Second intercept

Wind Minimum

Moment, M
First intercept

Damage Heeling moment

Righting moment
Angle of heel, q
Damaged stability calculations are more complicated than for intact stability. It has to be assumed that
the hull will be partly filled with water after damage (structural failure, collision damage, operational
error etc). It is normally assumed that any one compartment adjacent to the sea can be flooded, and that
two adjacent compartments in the “collision zone” (near the waterline) can be flooded.

In order to reduce the consequences of flooding, the size of single compartments is minimized. It is also
necessary to have watertight integrity in the heeled condition to avoid flooding through hull openings.

The challenge for designers is to identify all relevant combinations of loading condition and damage!
Elements of marine
The offshore Dynamic behavior –
environment single-degree of freedom

Wind; average wind and Stability of floating units

wind gusts

Waves; regular and Mooring of floating units

irregular waves

Current; vortex induced

Equilibrium of cable element
Equilibrium consideration:
y q(x)dx = Hdf = Hd(dy/dx) S+dS dV
d2y/dx2 = q(x)/H f+df

H dq=q(x)dx

On a simple suspension bridge (left), the main cables (or chains) follow a
hyperbolic cosine curve, the catenary. This is because the main cables
are free hanging.

In contrast, on a suspended deck bridge (right) the main cables follow a

parabolic curve, the parabola. This is because the main cables are tied at
uniform intervals to the bridge deck below
The catenary equation
H qoL - cosh [ qo (x-L/2)] } qox
y = q { cosh H y= (x-L)
o 2H 2H
Catenary line mooring principles
• The geometry of the suspended mooring line is the key
to mooring line analysis.
• The vertical component of line tension (V) is equal to
the submerged weight of the suspended mooring line,
from platform to touch-down point.
• In order to calculate the line tension it is then
necessary to determine the length of the suspended
line and the angle q at the platform.
• The line geometry is governed by the ratio a = H/q0, T
where H is the horizontal component of line tension and
q0 is the submerged weight per length of the mooring V
line. q
• When the line tension increases/decreases, the touch-
down point changes its position

qo is the submerged weight per length H = V tan(q)

Touch-down point
Anchor Suspended line
Catenary line mooring principles
The catenary equation V
qoL - cosh [ qo (x-L/2)] } q
y= H
qo { cosh H

qo is the submerged weight per length H = V tan(q)

Touch-down point
Anchor Suspended line
Mooring line geometry

Height over sea bottom



150 Higher tension


50 Lower tension
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400

Horizontal distance from anchor

H qoL - cosh [ qo (x-L/2)] }

y = q { cosh H
o 2H
Mooring line dynamics Platform motion
Height over sea bottom



150 Higher tension


50 Lower tension
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400

Horizontal distance from anchor

• Traditional mooring line analysis are often referred to as ”static” or ”quasi-static”

analysis. In real cases there are several dynamic effects.
• As the platform moves the catenary shape changes from the low tension situation to
the high tension situation. The mooring line is then ”dragged” a considerable distance
through the water.
• The acceleration of the line, and the drag (friction) from water act as if the weight of
the line (qo) was higher, and the line tension is increased.
• Integrated dynamic mooring line analysis comprise dynamic analyses of the platform
combined with dynamic analysis of mooring lines (and even risers). Such analysis are
quite complex and may have to be verified by model testing!
Mooring systems

Catenary mooring system

Increased tension Reduced tension

Taut leg mooring system

Increased tension Reduced tension
Mooring line characteristics
3500 3500
Horizontal component of line tension

Horizontal component of line tension

3000 3000
line 2 line 1
2500 2500
single line
2000 2000

1500 1500
1000 1000

500 500 Fo
0 0
1380 1400 1420 1440 1460 1480 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40
Horizontal distance from anchor to platform Horizontal displacement
Mooring line failure
transient analysis
• Experience shows that failure of mooring lines happens. It is therefore
common practice to take one or two line failures into account in the
system design.
• After a line failure the platform will find a new equilibrium position. But
from the original equilibrium position to the new equilibrium position the
platform will go through a more or less complex sequence of motions.
• During this sequence of motions some of the remaining lines may be
subject to high tension. A transient motion analysis is performed in order
to determine the maximum line tension immediately after the failure.
Anchor concepts
Industry Challenges:
• Deeper water
• Anchors need to take more uplift loads
• From catenary (CMS) to taut (TMS) mooring
• New fibre rope material
• Fluke anchors
• Plate anchors
• Suction anchors WASIM (DNV)

DENLA (from Bruce)

(from Vryhof)

STEVPRIS (from Vryhof)

Installation of a
Suction anchor
The most common mooring line

Catenary mooring system Catenary mooring system

chain chain-wire-chain

Taut leg mooring system


Semi-taut leg mooring system

10 Questions
1. Define “natural frequency” (eigen-frequency) and “dynamic
amplification factor” (DAF).
2. How is the principle of superposition used in relation to response in
irregular sea?
3. Explain what a wave spectrum is?
4. What is the “significant wave height”.
5. We have a sea state characterized by a significant wave height of 9
metres. What is the maximum wave height that can be expected to
occur during a period of 6 hours?
6. What are the 2 parameters that are used to describe a sea state?
7. What parameters have to be specified for definition of wind speed?
8. What is the definition of metacentre height?
9. What is a taut leg mooring system?
10. Describe a suction anchor.

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