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Motion in
Straight Line
Sheet Video Solution
on Youtube Channel
Motion in
Straight Line
Sheet Video Solution
on Youtube Channel
Motion in
Straight Line
Sheet Video Solution
on Youtube Channel

4. A person goes to his office from his home daily at a fixed speed. But today he decided to reduce his speed by 20% as a
result he reaches his office 16 minute late. What’s the actual/original time he takes to reach his office daily?
(a) 20 minutes (b) 30 minutes (c) 64 minutes (d) 40 minutes

5. A particles moves in a straight line in such a way that is velocity v at any position x is given by v2 = 2 – 3x, where x is
measured from a fixed point. The acceleration of particle is
(a) Uniform (b) Zero (c) Non-uniform (d) Indeterminate
6. A particle moves with constant acceleration along a straight line starting from rest. The percentage increase in its
dispalcement during the 4th second compared to that in 3rd second is
(a) 33% (b) 40% (c) 60% (d) 77%

7. A particle is dropped from the top of a high tower, then the distance covered in the fifth second of its fall is
(a) 25 m (b) 50 m (c) 45 m (d) 15 m

8. A ball is thrown vertically upwards from the ground. It crosses a point at the height of 25 m twice at an interval of 4s. The
ball was thrown with the velocity of
(a) 20 m/s (b) 25 m/s (c) 30 m/s (d) 35 m/s

9. A stone is dropped from the top of a tower and travels 24.5 m in the last second of its journey. The height of the tower is
(a) 44.1 m (b) 49 m (c) 78.4 m (d) 72 m

10. A body starts from rest with an acceleration 2 m/s2 till it attains the maximum velocity then retards to rest with 3 m/s2. If
total time taken is 10 seconds, then maximum speed sttained is
(a) 12 m/s (b) 8 m/s (c) 6 m/s (d) 4 m/s
11. A particle moves along a straight line such that its displacement at any instant ‘t’ is given by x = t3 6t2+ 3t + 4 meters.
The velocity when the acceleration is zero is
(a) 3 ms–1 (b) 12 ms–1 (c) 42 ms–1 (d) –9 ms–1

12. A good train acceleration uniformly on a straight railway track, approaches an electric pole standing on the side of track.
Its engine passes the pole with velocity u and the guard’s room passes with velocity v. The middle wagon of the train
passes the pole with a velocity :
u a 1 2 2 u 2 v2
(a) (b) u v (c) uv (d )
2 2 2

13. The distance travelled by a body moving along a line in time t is proportional to t3. The acceleration-time (a, t) graph for
the motionof the body will be :

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Motion in
Straight Line
Sheet Video Solution
on Youtube Channel
14. A body is thrown vertically upwards. Which one of the following graphs correctly represent the velocity vs time?

(a) (b) (c) (d)

15. A particle starts from the origin at time t = 0 and moves along the positive x-axis. The graph of velocity with respect to
time is shown in figure. What is the positive of the particle at time t = 5s ?

(a) 6m

(b) 9m
Motion in
Straight Line
(c) 3m Sheet Video Solution
on Youtube Channel
(d) 10m NKCsir_IITD
16. A particle starts from origin O from rest and moves with a uniform acceleration along the positive x-axis. Identify the
figure that incorrectly represent the motions qualitatively. (a = acceleration, v = velocity, x = dispalcement, t = times) :

(a) (b) (c) (d)

17. An object, movign with a speed of 6.25 m/s, is decelarated at a rate given by 2.5 v where v is the instantaneous
speed. The time taken by the object, to come to rest, would be: dt
(a) 2 s (b) 4 s (c) 8 s (d) 1 s

18. The acceleration-time graph of a particle is as shown. At what time the particle acquires its initial velocity?
(a) 12 s

(b) 5 s
Motion in
Straight Line
(c) 8 s Sheet Video Solution
on Youtube Channel
(d) 16 s NKCsir_IITD
19. A particle obeys the following v – t graph as shown. The average velocity over 30 s is
(a) 10 m/s

(b) 5 m/s

(c) 15/3 m/s

(d) Zero

20. A particle starts moving from rest on a straight line. Its acceleration a verses time t is shown in the figure. The speed of the
particle is maximum at the instant
(a) t1

(b) t2
Motion in
(c) t3 Straight Line
Sheet Video Solution
(d) t4 on Youtube Channel

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