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The danger of ocean oil spills- Jerneja Tavča

Today i'm going to present you the danger of ocean oil spills.
Oil is a fossil fuel used to heat up our homes and generate electicity. And whenever the oil is
spilled into the ocean it becomes a large problem. It can harm marine life and makes
seafood unsafe to eat. It's a form of pollution, that can happen in many different ways. Spills
can happen when they are refuelling the ships, when piplines break and if oil drilling goes
Oil is harmfull mostly becouse the chemicals are very poisonous and it is killing the ocean
life. Animals can be poisoned with inhalation of the oil, internal or external expousure and
eye irritation. It can effect birds, fish, seals, tourtles or any form of life that the oil comes in
contact with. And no matter how demaging it is it can take years to clean up.
There is almost nothing that we can do about it from here and that is where the internet
comes to use. We all can sign so many different petitions or donate money to organisations
that are cleaning up oli spills. The real change can happen only with the help of the workers
on the ships or on oil drilling platforms. Most of the time when the spillage comes from
ships, it's the workers that overfilled the ship tanks, when they can be filled only 90%. But
that kind of spillage is minimum. When the spills happen the only thing that a human can do
is clean everything up and we know different methods. Here are some of them: oil boom is a
fence that keeps the oil from spreading more further into the ocean. It only works if the oil is
in one spot. The next one is by using skimmers: they are a mechanical device sucking up all
the oil left on the waters surface. The oil that is collected can be processed for a re-use. The
last one is by burning: where they burn the oil and by doing so it is reduced to a smaller
A good example is The Deepwater Horizon oil spill that happend on the 22nd of April in 2010
in the Gulf of Mexico. There was an unedwater explosion which was caused by the natural
gases that broke the concrete barrier and travelled up the oil platform and coused it to catch
on fire. There were 11 people dead and 17 injured. The U.S. Goverment revealed that there
were 60 000 barrels of oil spilled per day, and that is aroud 7 mllion liters per day. That oil
polluted 2000 miles of the cosest shore by June 2010. That was the worst oil spill incident
that ever happend to humanity.
With accidents like this one we are slowly killing every single life and our Earth itself. We
have to be really carefull with our actions, becouse if not we are quite literally bringing
ourselves every day closer to extinction.

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