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BSNL is one of India's driving broadcast communications firms, with conspicuous
financing from the public authority of India. Established in 2000, it made the name for
itself in the telecom business as a local player. BSNL gives its clients a scope of
media transmission and internet providers. As the Telecom market felt strain from an
expanding number of contenders, even BSNL, an administration-held organization,
needed to accept the computerized promoting transformation and be a piece of the
change in outlook in showcasing.

To stay aware of the market, learning the computerized methods of leading

showcasing and business is an unquestionable requirement. IIDE assists you with
mastering these trendy abilities, presently a pillar of the current expert climate.
Realizing how to adequately utilize advanced space to promote and exhibit your
image to an enormous number of customers is one of the most pursued ranges of
abilities. We give various sorts of advanced promoting courses for a wide range of
students understudies, graduates, and experts.

For this situation study, we examine the advertising system, contenders investigation,
computerized presence, SWOT examination, and some examined trouble spots. In its
advertising blend, progressions in every one of the areas like the Product, value,
place, advancements, and so forth have been completed.
About the company
BSNL was set up in the year 2000 as a replacement to DOT and since its initiation, it
has been conveying telecom administrations to the country.

BSNL is one of the biggest telecom specialist organizations in India which gives a
quality organization across India, particularly in rustic regions. Its spotlight has
consistently been on contacting a more extensive crowd particularly in country
regions that are as yet not associated with the metropolitan regions.

BSNL, with its further developing framework, upholds 20 million portable and PC
broadcast communications clients across rustic regions. With its present spotlight on
upgrading web entrance, it has earned incredible consumer loyalty. It additionally has
a special element of no wandering help all through the country.

BSNL SWOT Analysis

Understanding the interior variables of the organization will assist you with affecting
your capacity to make the most of a chance. Gives jump access to it.

 Upheld by government
 A broad foundation in far off regions
 Dish India reach
 Huge experience
 Key partnerships with IT and equipment organizations
 Over 65% portion of the overall industry in rustic India market
 Superb organization inclusion across India
 In excess of 90 million individuals are preferred BSNL
 Gigantic optical-fiber foundation

 Diminishing portion of the overall industry
 Unfit to hold clients
 Helpless assistance picture and development
 Inefficient rustic resources
 Not ready to enhance network abilities
 Helpless working society of government foundations
 Restricted brand perceivability and low brand dedication

 An enormous and intense contest
 Government administrative structure
 Versatile number transportability
 Costly organizations carry out
 Low-pay endorsers
 Absence of power in country regions

 Privatization of BSNL
 Key association with cell phone organizations
 Banding together with different telecoms
 Client maintenance
 Refining immaterial capacities (ability, inspiration, information, and maturing
labor force)

Some of the strategies adopted by BSNL

1.Clear technology strategy

BSNL should go in for innovative products based on convergent technology in order to

acquire dominant market position –

This can be achieved by-

 Replacement of all the outdated technologies immediately.

 Redeployment of unutilized capacities should be considered first
 Early deployment of cost effective wifi/wi max technologies.
 Increasing the capital investment in convergent technologies even if it renders
certain in use technologies redundant.
2. Customer orientation strategy

It will retain existing customers as well as to attract new customers by

 Creating a service oriented culture within the organisation

 Introducing flexible registration terms so that new customers are attracted.
 Educating the customer about services in detail and respective tarrif structure.
 Introducing service at door-step .
 A successful loyalty programme becomes the driving force in customer relationship
management strategy.

3. Extensive use of it
 It will improve operations but can add to greater customer satisfaction. Despite being
a technology intensive organization IT penetration in BSNL is not high .
 Presently, the use of IT in BSNL is restricted to-

 DQ(directory enquiry), IVRS(interactive voice response system )

 Accounting and billing systems

 Commercial and fault repair system package.

 Telephone directory on CD ROM and on the internet.

 BSNL should create intra- BSNL IT network connecting all the SDCA'S through
VPN network for the organization’s own use to improve efficiency and transparency.

 Instead of integrating the existing segments specific software, it is recommended that

standard integrated packages should be considered

4.Shorten the purchase decision cycle

 BSNL should redefine procurement processes to shorten the purchase decision cycle,
which is critical in project implementation to any telecom service provider.
 BSNL should enter in long term supply contract with word class players to come out
of mantra of tendering process.
 This will help BSNL to counter the strategy of its competitors to stall the very
procurement of critical items.

5. BSNL'S marketing strategy needs to be redefined

 It should focus around value added services, building strong distribution chain and
differential treatment to premium/corporate customers.
 Marketing is going to be the key to success- BSNL should come out with a variety of
schemes for the end subscriber, both commercial and residential.

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