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Direction: Illustrate or identify scenarios how globalization works in Philippine

context in terms of:

• Political

- The Political Globalization Index for the Philippines and other countries
measures the number of embassies and high commissions in the Philippines;
the number of international organizations to which it is a member; and the
number of UN peace missions the Philippines participates in. Also included
are the number of treaties signed between the Philippines and other
countries since 1945.

• Economic

- The roots of underdevelopment lie in the underlying structure of the

Philippines’ economy, which is mostly rural, agricultural, and suffers from
low productivity, Nye said. He added that China, the greatest
developmental success story in recent decades, owes much of its growth to
the migration of rural workers from the rural inland to highly productive
coastal regions. Economics is a social science concerned with the
production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. It studies
how individuals, businesses, governments, and nations make choices about
how to allocate resources. Economics focuses on the actions of human
beings, based on assumptions that humans act with rational behavior,
seeking the most optimal level of benefit or utility. The building blocks of
economics are the studies of labor and trade. Since there are many possible
applications of human labor and many different ways to acquire resources,
it is the task of economics to determine which methods yield the best

• Religious; and

- Generally, religion is a “system of beliefs and practices.” More specifically,

the word comes from the Latin “religare” which means “to bind together
again that which was once bound but has since been torn apart or
broken.”Indeed, with the globalization of economics and politics,
individuals feel insecure “as the life they once led is being contested and
changed at the same time.” Hence, “in order for a person to maintain a
sense of psychological well-being and avoid existential anxiety,” individuals
turn to scripture stories and teachings that provide a vision about how they
can be bound to a “meaningful world,” a world that is quickly changing day-

• Socio-cultural interconnections

- As goods and finance crisscross across the globe, globalization shifts the
cultural makeup of the globe and creates a homogenized “global culture.”
Although not a new phenomenon, the process of globalization has truly
made the world a smaller place in which political, social, and economic
events elsewhere affect individuals anywhere.As a result, individuals
“search for constant time and space-bounded identities” in a world ever
changing by the day.One such identity is religion.



Direction: Explain the concept of globalization in your own understanding.

- Globalization refers to the acceleration of global movements and exchanges
(of people, goods, and services, capital, technologies, and cultural
practices). Globalization has the effect of promoting and increasing
interactions between different locations and populations around the world.

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