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Table 1

Descriptive Statistics on the available resources of college students

Statements N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Online Learning [I have 30 2 5 3.43 .971
no/low internet
Online Learning [I have 30 2 5 4.10 .885
intermittent internet
Online Learning [I have 30 1 5 2.60 1.102
strong internet
Online Learning [I have 30 1 5 2.23 1.135
no devices to use in
online classes.]
Online Learning [I have 30 2 5 4.30 .837
a smartphone to use in
online classes.]
Online Learning [ I have 30 1 5 3.17 1.724
a laptop to use in online
Online Learning [I have 30 1 5 2.33 1.647
a desktop to use in online
Valid N (listwise) 30
Note: 5 strongly agree, 4 agree, 3 neutral, 2 disagree, 1 strongly disagree

The Likert Scale, with its five points, is classified as an interval scale. The significance of the

mean cannot be overstated. It ranges from 1 to 1.8, indicating strongly disagree. It signifies

disagree between 1.81 and 2.60. It implies neutral from 2.61 to 3.40, agree from 3.41 to 4.20, and

strongly agree from 4.21 to 5

Table 1 shows the average statistics from Bachelor of Early Childhood Education

respondents from both the first and second year. According to the findings, only a small

percentage of people have a strong internet connection, while the majority have a severely poor

internet connection. Although everyone has a gadget for class, the use of smartphones is

particularly prevalent.

Based on the responses of the students, the evaluation reveals that only a small percentage

of them have good internet access to meet their competitive needs in online learning. The

majority of the population does not have high connectivity, but only has intermittent and low

connectivity. Only a few people have a desktop computer, and most people use a laptop computer

but the majority of people rely on their smartphones. The availability of resources can be linked

to the students' parents' annual income, with those earning more than 50,000 likely to be able to

meet the needs of online learning, while those earning less than 50,000 are more likely to stick

with what they already have as a means of continuing to take online classes. Learning through

technology transforms the internet into more than just a delivery medium; it can also be used to

improve the quality of learning experiences and behaviors (Means et al., 2013).

Table 2

Descriptive Statistics on the Effects of Lack of Motivation to Student’s Academic

Minimu Maximu
Statements N m m Mean Std. Deviation
Pandemic [Number of 30 2 5 3.80 .805
assignments requested
during the COVID-19
lockdown was too
Pandemic [Prior to the 30 1 5 3.50 1.253
COVID-19 quarantine
phase, I had very little
experience in using
virtual classrooms.]
Pandemic [Due to 30 2 5 3.90 .759
COVID-19 lockdown,
it was very difficult to
utilize my abilities and
performance with
regards to course
learning outcomes
using virtual learning
Online Learning [I can 30 1 5 3.03 .890
manage my own
learning better in online
Online Learning [While 30 1 4 2.70 .915
I have never completed
an online class, I
predict I would not see
much difference in my
enjoyment of the online
learning environment
compared to being in
the classroom with
other learners and the
Valid N (listwise) 30
Note: 5 strongly agree, 4 agree, 3 neutral, 2 disagree, 1 strongly agree

The Likert Scale, with its five points, is classified as an interval scale. The significance of the

mean cannot be overstated. It ranges from 1 to 1.8, indicating strongly disagree. It signifies
disagree between 1.81 and 2.60. It implies neutral from 2.61 to 3.40, agree from 3.41 to 4.20, and

strongly agree from 4.21 to 5.

The second factor of the study which is the Effects of lack of motivation to students’

academic performance has five sub-variables, the last two statements which are under the

bracket of Online Learning, “I can manage my own learning better in online courses.” and

“While I have never completed an online class, I predict I would not see much difference in my

enjoyment of the online learning environment compared to being in the classroom with other

learners and the instructor.” are the only statements to have results showing neutral indicator of

how the lack of motivation affect the students’ academic performance. Whereas the first three

sub-variables showed an agreeable interpretation that Pandemic has a negative impact that

contributes on the Effects of lack motivation to students’ academic performance.

Based on all of the statistical data in this table, it was discovered that the respondents

found very difficult to apply their abilities and performance with regard to course learning

outcomes using virtual learning resources, and that they had very little experience with digital

learning. On the other hand, the results showed that online students are more balanced in their

learning and do not see a significant difference in enjoyment of the online learning environment

vs being in the classroom. Online courses rely heavily on student self-motivation. Students need

to motivate themselves to complete activities online. This feeling of connectedness can affect a

students` motivation and, in turn, their performance in their academics. In a socially distanced

community, using technology such as Zoom calls and emails to stay connected to others is vitally

important. This disconnect may be one of the reasons for lowered motivation and communication

in students (Poon et. al.,2021).

Table 3

Descriptive Statistics on the Effects of Online Learning to Studdents

Minimu Maximu
N m m Mean Std. Deviation
Pandemic [During 30 2 5 3.83 .791
COVID-19 lockdown, I
was unable to absorb all
knowledge and skills
associated with some of
the courses and as a
result I fear it may
affect my performance
in the future.]
Pandemic [During the 30 2 5 4.10 .662
lockdown, I believe all
needed course topic
was covered by the
Online Learning [The 30 3 5 4.33 .606
online class were
Online Learning 30 2 5 3.57 .728
[Response time from
teachers and assistants
is quicker in online
Online Learning [My 30 2 5 3.73 .868
online experience has
increased my
opportunity to access
and use information.]
Online Learning 30 2 4 3.07 .640
[Assessment of my
academic progress is
more accurate in online
Online Learning [I 29 2 5 3.28 .751
enjoy the online
learning experience
significantly less.]
Online Learning [I 30 1 5 3.07 .828
enjoy the online
learning experience
significantly more.]
Online Learning [While 30 2 5 3.67 .802
I have never completed
an online class, I
predict I would enjoy
the learning experience
significantly less online
compared to being in
the classroom with
other learners and the
Online Learning [While 30 1 4 2.50 .861
I have never completed
an online class, I
predict I would enjoy
the learning experience
significantly more
online than being in the
classroom with other
learners and the
 Effects of Online 30 2 5 3.00 .910
Learning [Taking the
online classes increased
my interest in
educational statistics.]
 Effects of Online 30 2 5 3.20 .887
Learning [The online
classes improved my
understanding of
educational statistics.]
 Effects of Online 30 2 5 3.67 .661
Learning [We are
generally given enough
time to understand the
things we have to
 Effects of Online 30 2 5 3.33 .922
Learning [The online
classes have sharpened
my analytic skills.]
 Effects of Online 0
Learning [An online
class really tries to get
the best out of all its
x Effects of Online 30 2 5 3.70 .915
Learning [Online
classes have
encouraged me to
develop my own
academic interests as
far as possible.]
 Effects of Online 30 1 5 3.60 .855
Learning [Online
classes have improved
my written
communication skills.]
 Effects of Online 30 2 5 3.53 .860
Learning [As a result of
doing online classes,
one feel more confident
about tackling
unfamiliar problems.]
 Effects of Online 30 3 5 4.10 .712
Learning [Overall, I am
satisfied with the
quality of this course.]
 Effects of Online 30 1 4 3.00 .983
Learning [Overall, the
online learning is the
best learning experience
I have ever had.]
Valid N (listwise) 0
Note: 5 strongly agree, 4 agree, 3 neutral, 2 disagree, 1 strongly agree

The Likert Scale, with its five points, is classified as an interval scale. The significance of the

mean cannot be overstated. It ranges from 1 to 1.8, indicating strongly disagree. It signifies

disagree between 1.81 and 2.60. It implies neutral from 2.61 to 3.40, agree from 3.41 to 4.20, and

strongly agree from 4.21 to 5.

Table 3 shows the respondents’ responses regarding on the effects of online learning to

students. When taking into account of 30 responses, it was found that majority of the responses

fell to agree with a total of 11 responses, followed by 7 responses that falls to neutral which

shows neither they agree nor disagree to the statements provided, then 1 response fell in the

strongly agree as well as in the disagree. There is one statement that the respondents refused to

respond. The majority of respondents agreed with the first statement which denotes that during

COVID-19 lockdown, the students were unable to absorb all knowledge and skills associated

with some of the courses and as a result they fear that it may affect their future performance. In

these statements ‘’During the lockdown, I believe all needed course topic was covered by the

teacher’’, ‘’Response time from teachers and assistants is quicker in online class’’, and ’’My

online experience has increased my opportunity to access and use information’’ the respondents

showed agreement. The students bear strong agreement to the third statement which signifies that
students see online class valuable. In the sixth and seventh statement, the respondents were

neutral to the statements which denoted that assessment of student’s academic progress is more

accurate in online courses, and students enjoy the online learning experience significantly less.

The 8th statement which is under the bracket of Online learning “I enjoy the online learning

experience significantly more.” And the 11th, 12th, 14th statements which are under the bracket

of Effects of Online learning, “Taking the online classes increased my interest in educational

statistics, The online classes improved my understanding of educational statistics, The online

classes have sharpened my analytic skills.” are the statements to have results showing neutral

indicator of Effects of online learning to students. Whereas, the 9th statement which is under the

bracket of Online learning “While I have never completed an online class, I predict I would enjoy

the learning experience significantly less online compared to being in the classroom with other

learners and the instructor.” And the 13th statement which is under the bracket of Effects of

online learning, “We are generally given enough time to understand the things we have to learn.”

showed an agreeable interpretation that online learning has a negative impact that contributes on

the Effects of online learning to students. Also, the 10th statement which is under the bracket of

online learning, “While I have never completed an online class, I predict I would enjoy the

learning experience significantly more online than being in the classroom with other learners and

the instructor.” is the only statement to have result showing disagreeable indicator on the Effects

of online learning to students. Furthermore, the following statements of 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th,

19th, and 20th in the bracket of Online Effects of Online learning which are “An online class

really tries to get the best out of all its students, “Online classes have encouraged me to develop

my own academic interests as far as possible, Online classes have improved my written

communication skills, As a result of doing online classes, one feel more confident about tackling

unfamiliar problems, Overall, I am satisfied with the quality of this course.” are the statements
that shows a result of agreeable interpretations. The 21st statement, “Overall, the online learning

is the best learning experience I have ever had.” In the bracket of Effects of Online learning

shows the result of students being neutral.

On the basis of all statistical information reflected on this table, it was found that the

respondents found online class in this time of pandemic a helpful tool in continuing education in

which face-to-face classes is constrained. The results showed that they believed online class has

improved their skills such as their analytic and written communication skill. According to

Thompson (2012), students in online classes are equally satisfied with the method of instruction

and perform well, as students in face-to-face classes. However, it was also shown in the results in

table that despite performing well in online class the respondents still prefer the classroom with a

physical presence of instructor and classmates to virtual classroom. According to Baker (2010), it

is in interaction that the most effective learning environment happens regardless of delivery

format, and interaction. This tends to aid student motivation. Despite the advantages in online

learning, most students still seem to prefer face-to- face courses.

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