Feasibility Study Format - June 2022

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[rr 4 FEB ie ow, bd Sr ee meng) els BB FMR wk free San een eet a atereree era ee et tl FE sw.se.000 888 8.000.300; rt: eNeanons® rf Fre ofons Row ewe enya coerce er Fa Kr AS aR TE area SM oge Oan ere aero aw afer or eT ETI ox! afore, Gms ere meter meREER mes os Co RTE GUM ees HC ee ee ee wr cc gE Re ee , iSaiees ae ee cr sens ‘wrt shahvinn@emailcom 31. Gmrare, eecrcrr ea Pa am eens, HERE ot 81 Rorfiorry, eficer wien, fier Sey SI, FT 9h TUT oo, ery ASRS, TEM, a 8 fates, cere ara EATS, BASEN aT, Ra, ST eas RET HR), URES Ee HTS, TTT Sh fier, eres eet BFE, cote, sofia efi 31 AR arte aera aces ao were ores ae eeToet ABA TA 81 She Be (Emme) ore mE eeu Thee, Fo emery ER aM, ER, oe so} ere (mmm acres eters es afc, a 6 ery ARETE MITE, OT APTA, ST 81 Sere we seed omen 3 = Re She exo feet emer Sree oe Frve SEE avon sere! unit ffocerear ea covet rm oe coer Tero efter RENE STRING BN NN GEOR tHE ret Feo wit eect wr oO Ae WE Pea Fee wat Spe NIC Om ee roe wo afer oy EH eH SE RIE)! a oteer, Omns gure meter otters meer ae Ger ere gu afers see ech Peernsheab cabephiyco = ae sre ree on one) th ete we en eth ae Sertonter seem: os 8 bviee ay teehee fet eter aoe oe ~~ oS DUNS eves eniny, qeereM we come, BT Zhe BoM grr es opt a mae aRe ote: a mm. on fe WF SRA SA, aver o eer te Fr oe OO co Rete trary oem ree ce = Aare RT or 4 eae RSM, OE ARH EE try of ——- Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh Feasibility Study for -- (Name of the Project/Projects) Executive Summary ‘Summarise the key findings of the Feasibility Study and recommendations. Project Feasibility Study Report Section 1: Basle Information T_[ Name ofthe Project 2. |) Sponsoring Ministy/Division (©) Implementing Agenoy 3. | Project Objectives Project tobe waken base on the study) 4 | Bstimated Project Cot (akan Crore) 5._| Sestor & Sub-Seetar 6. | Project Category (Based on Environment Conservation Rules 1997) 7. | Projst Geographio Location (9) Countrywide (b) Division (6) District, (@ Upazila (©) Others (Clty Corporation Pourashva) B_| Project Dretion Section 2: Introduction Describe the followin (@) Projct Background: Rationale and genesis (Mention the sources of infomation ‘through reviewing the elevant documents); (6) Objective of he feasibility sudy: (©) Approach nd methodology ofthe fesibility study; end (© Organization ofthe feasibly sud. Section 3: Market/Demand Analysis ‘This section asesses the need for public investments and involves the elements lied below: () Problem Statement: Provide an explicit definition of the problem tobe addressed, identify the Hkely causes both direct and indies) of the problem and pve abe insight ofthe likely consequences if no intervention in public sector is made. (© Relevance of the Project Idea: Justify the need forthe proposed project by linking the project(s) goals, outcomes and curpus to GlobalNstional Development PlangPolices and Sector Sttepc objectives. (©) Propoted Project Interventions: Describe the interventions (projec inputs & outputs) that need tobe undertaken by the government trough the proposed projet to addeess the problem, describe the interventions undertaken eae tp sole this ‘problem by this organization or other organizations (i ny) (© Stataholders:Kentify the key stakzholders that are likely to be associated with the project interventions. (9 Demand Analysis: Identify the need for public investments by aceesing @ Cument demand (based on statistics provided by service providers-egulstors’ ‘inistesiational & regonal statistical offices forthe various types of wes), (i Future demand (based on reliable demand forecasting models) in both the scenarios with and without the projet nd (li) Various constrains to mest the demand including government regulations, technologie! development ee ( SWOT Analysis: Identity the Stengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats to the projet. Section 4: Technica Technological & Engineering analysis ‘A summary ofthe proposed project shall be presented with the following bexdings (@) Location: description of the location of the project including © geographical astrtion (map andor geo-cocrdinaes) with unification, Availabilty of land is ‘key aspect; evidence should be provided tha he land is owned (or ean be acessed) by the organization, which has the full le to use ior has to be purchased (or rented) through acquiskionreqistion proces, Identify the issues of diate risks (existing and future) inthe proposed location including projet site on hazard map () Technical design: description of the mein components, technology adopted, design, standards and specifications. Key output indicators should be defined asthe key Plysicel quanies produced (eg, meters, sq. meters, Kilometers, numbers, ‘manmonts, et), shouldbe provided. If the project i in disaster prone aress and hs the probability f climate change impact, disaster and eliate change ris related information shouldbe integrated in technical design in order to adress the input of hazards onthe projec. (©) Output plan: éescrpton ofthe output and the expected utilization re. These ements describe the service provision ftom the supply side in the context of the forecasted demand. (@ Costs estimates: estimation ofthe financil needs fr project sian, implementation nd operations, componentwise cst estimates should be provided based on evidence, (©) Implementation timeline: realistic projet timeline alongwith the implementation schedule should be provided, (or example, «Gantt Char with the werk ple) ay Section 5: Environmental Sustainability, Climate Resilience and Disaster Risk Analysis S1__ Environmental, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Analysis Describe and specify the economic effectwimpacts of environmental, disaster and climate hares eGttsnpats and possible compensation or ecological damages. Key ses be address (@) What are the likely environmental, disasters and climate change impacts or sks fom the project (any impacto project to increase the existing disaster an climate change related risks andor contibute terete new risks)? (©) What counter measures are taken to reduce these impacts? (©) Whatisthe cost for reducing/mitignting the negative impacts? (@) Are there alternative ways of delivering the required services or goods without ‘ncurng these environmental costs? What ar the costs of thet lternaves? (@) What ypes of assessments are required fr the projet (eg, EIA/DIA)? (© Ace there any resetements issues tobe addressed? If yes, provide resetlement ‘moda in brie 52 Assessment of Disaster Resilieace of the Project This section asesses the resilience and address about uncertainties, Key indicators need to be discussed (©) Contingency Pan for Emergency Disaster Management: Desribe the emcuation plan ‘iteequire, institutional anangemen fr shutting down of uty service, and gemsal procedures tobe fllowed by individuals during disasters (Fire, Earthquke, Food, Cyelone et () Business Continuity Plan: Outine the key response and recovery prores. Tis plan will deal out how different utility services Will be rendered f0 suppot the overall Emergency Managemen len; (©) Time of Recovery: Required time for rehabilitation aera disaster and (@) Reporting of residual risks: Reporting of remaining rake afer recognition an put in place adequate risk reduction measures. Section 6: Cost-Benefit Analysis 641 Financial Analysis Descrite the components of costs and benefits at maket pics including option analysis. (2) density the components of cost & benefit; (6) Transfer them in monetary value; (6) Construct cashflow; (@ Identity th Key Assumptions considered in exercises then () Compute the following indicators ad interpre the resus (Financial Net Present Value (FNPV) (i) Financial Benefit Cost Ratio (FBCR) (li) Financial ternal Rate of Return (FIRR) ay 62 Economie Analysis [Beonomic adjustments from fntcial data using standard conversion factor afer that costs snd benefits ae appraised ffom the point of view of the entire economy, (e) entity the diet, indret and associated cost and benefit components; (©) Adjust hem where necessary; (©) Conver the value of cost and benefit components into economic price by wing Standard Conversion Factor (SCF) determined by the Goverment; (© Construct te exsh flow; (©) Mention the Assumption (® Compute the following indiestore and interpret the ests: (© Beonomic Net Preseat Value (ENPY) (i) Beonomis Benefit Cost Ratio (EBCR) (Gi) Beonomi Internal Rate of Return (EIRR) Section 7: Human Resources and Administrative Support Analysis (@aring Implementation and Post Implementation ofthe project) Point out the funtional structure and instintionsl capacity ofthe Agency (in tems of both ‘Teshniel & Financia) required for implementation snd opertional sages ofthe project), sources ofthe workforce & financing ae needed tobe identified, Key issues to be uddesed (@) What ypes of managerial and skilled workforces ae neoded forthe project? Specify the manpower requizements by category ae recalled wih availabilities during project timeline, () Dees the project entity have ability to provide the managerial and skilled werkonees ‘needed fr implementation af the project? Ifnot, provide suggestion specially (@ Is the project entity able to manage the project properly orgnized and its ‘management adequately equipped to handle the Project including post, implementation stage)? (@ ste project entity capable of continuing the project outputs (Operstional Phase? lustre the requirement of resources (HR & Financial Package) (©) Ising of rojet consistent with organizational capacity atm of quatty and ther)? Section 8: Institutional and Legal Analysis ostrate the legal restrictions (if eny) that may obstust or impede the project during its ‘implementation and finetioal stage ofthe project cupus, Key ise re . (4) Does the project match with the legal boundary (allocation of busines or mandate) of the projet entity? (©) Are the capabilities and flies being properly ulzed? (6) Is there any ned fr adjustment (ceforms) inthe policy andor instttiona setup? (@ What adjustments may be requied befor the projec is implemented? (@) Do the instations have suitable sil and capacity in ne withthe ree requirements? 8 ae (9 Are there incentives or penalties in place to ensue the projet delivery on time and ‘within the budge? (@) Are there any critical governance issue that may affect implementation? Iyes, sate brie. (6) Are ay challenges related to cros-cuting issues tobe aderessed? Ife, a mitiguion strategy would be sugested. Section 9: Risk (Uncertainty) and Sensitivity Analysis ‘The flow of costs and benefits throughout the projec lif is uncertain. Given tht uncertainty, considerations have tobe given tothe costs that risk imply. The objective ofthis module Is {o simulate various seearis and genecate guidance on how to reduce the risk exposure ‘trough relevant contractual clauses. Te questions that nce to be answered se (4) What ze the major rks that may affect project? (©) How wil the project be affected ifthe isk evet materialized? (©) What are the posible mitigation measures needed? (8 How sonstve are the assumptions used inthe inncil and evonomic models in an environment that fers significantly? (©) Wha are the csks, legal and regulatory obligations thet could inerease cst or decrease the benefits? Section 10; Alternative/Options Analysis Option Analysis with Recommendations & lusfcations Section tecommendation and Conclusion lustre the solutions spcitialy to overcome the eral issues tht may inde the project. implementation and that would be supported by diferent sections of analysis. Section 12: Annexes Attach detailed technical and enginecng designs, plant proiotypes design ee. Finacial & eonomie models and any supporting documents ay

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