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EE453 Fundamentals of Nano-electronic spring 2019

Home Work – “Plenty of Room at the Bottom” by Richard


There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom

An Invitation to Enter a New Field of Phiysics
By Richard P.Feynman
Docx file: Microsoft Word - Feynman's Talk.doc

1. What did Feynman say people talked about as soon as he mentioned the subject?
Describe one of the examples they gave, and tell how he objected. Identify his example
and give details?
2. Read the sections “Information on a Small Scale” and “How Do We Write Small?”
Identify and describe how, according to Feynman, all of the information people have
accumulated in all the world’s books can be written, and identify instead of which other
way. In what thing did he say this can be done? (Hint: Identify shape, size, and
composition). To what common thing you know did he compare this thing? (Hint: It can
barely be seen by human eyes).

Answer 1:
According to Feynman people talked about a completely different subject when they were made
a mention about the subject. He describes the subject in which little is done but much more can
be done which is basically working and manipulating things on small scale. But as soon as he
mentioned he was objected by various examples given by the people like they tell about the
miniaturization like electric motors which are as small the size of nail of little finger. Along with
that there is another device in which we can write a whole Lord’s prayer but according to the
FEYNMAN it’s so old invention and there is nothing to boost about this. He has objected to
these inventions by saying that these are not as good to write a whole volume of encyclopedia on
this. According to him the size of the head of the pin if magnified by 25000 diameters becomes
as large as an area which can cover the all pages of encyclopedia Britannica. As the head of the
pin is 16 of an in inch if measured across. So, in order to do so we will just have to reduce the
size of the letters and imprint them in such a way that they become easily visible even on the
head of the pin. Feynman considered this as the plenty of room at the bottom which is actually
the space available to cover so much of the information in such a short diameter.

Answer 2:
According to the writer all the information gathered by the people in all over the world can be
written on small scale by the use of method of codes and bars. In this method every bar and code
will represent a group of information and instead of letters it will be replaced by dotes and
dashes which will be accommodated in a shorter space. And along with that he has also put
forward the use of internal of the pin head after the use of head. The usage of interior will depend
on the metal with which the head is formed one word will represent one metal and next will be in
next metal and so on. Going further we can also utilize the atoms present inside and counting the
atoms we can make a gesture that how many atoms will be required for how many words. He has
compared this system with the study of biology as there has been discovered a single cell in the
human body which has a nucleus which controls the functions of the whole body. it has also been
defined by biology that there is a nucleus which contains small nucleotide unit called as DNA
which are responsible for the way a person looks like and simple study of these can tell whether
the person will have brown or black hair so according to the writer this will almost consume 50
atoms to tell. So, we can also change the system to the small scale by utilizing it according to

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