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I think that teachers should be replaced by computers for four reasons – it allows each student to learn at their
own speed; computers are the future and this is the only way to teach people how to use them; it would be lots of
fun because they could also play games; and because computers are going to take over the world.

My first argument is that it allows each student to learn at their own speed. Teachers have 30 students in their
class who each might find a different bit of the lesson more difficult. If computers are used instead, then each
student on a computer can just focus on the bit they find hard rather than having to follow the teacher explaining
other bits they already understand. This will allow students to learn more because the computer won’t move on
before they understand or spend lots of time on one part they’ve already understood. For example, in Maths class
some students might find multiplication most difficult, while other students might find division most difficult. As
such, computers help students to learn at their own speed and we should replace teachers with them.

My second argument is that this is the only way to teach students how to use computers and they are the future.
Computers are really important and all sorts of jobs now use them. Replacing teachers with computers will give
students more time on computers and so they can learn the skills of how to use one. Having a teacher lead lessons
and then hand-writing all of your work in class means that you don’t pick up these skills. For example, if a student
does not have a computer at home that they can use, they will never learn to use a computer. If they don’t learn,
when they get to secondary school they will have difficulty doing their homework compared to other students.
Because the point of school is to teach people valuable skills that they will use later and because using computers
teaches that, I think that we should replace teachers with computers.

My third argument is that computers are really fun. Imagine playing games on computers whenever you wanted to.
Lots of people really enjoy all the different worlds and activities that a computer can give you. This means that
any time you are on the computer you could instead stop what you’re doing and play a game instead. Since without
teachers everyone would be working on computers you would be able to get all your class to join in as well. For
example, if you found science class boring that day you could instead all play games instead. Because this would
make school more fun as you can play games whenever you want, something teachers wouldn’t let you do, I think
we should replace teachers with computers.

My fourth argument is that we could make friends with computers before they take over the world. We have all
seen that computers are getting more and more intelligent and more widespread. Because they keep getting better
it is only a matter of time before computers take over the world. It is important that we stay on the good side of
computers when computer intelligence takes over so they can protect us. For example in lots of films we see that
computers take over the world. In those films clever people work with the machines they make friends with and
this is an important skill to learn. Because computers are going to take over the world and we want to be on their
good side, we should choose computers instead of teachers now.

For all four of my reasons, that they help students work at their own speed, that it teaches valuable computer
skills for secondary school, that computers are fun and the computers will take over the world I think we should
replace computers with teachers.

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