No Pregnancy Is Safe For Any Woman

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- It is true that no pregnancy is safe for any woman because they is always a risk for
complication that is life threatening for both mother and baby especially if the mother is
not healthy and doesn’t have the knowledge of a healthy pregnancy. This experience for
women is worth remembering because they were able to bear the child for 9 months in
the womb, also endured labor and was very happy to see their child being born.
Women's bodies are amazing for the ability to nourish and deliver a baby and I am
blessed to have a wonderful mother.

Everyone should be grateful that we are born in this world, knowing that our mothers risk their
life to give birth to us healthy. More or less our parents wanted us to have a great life without
expecting something in return because we are their joy.


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2. G8 T6 P1 A0 L6


Neural tube defects are birth defects of the brain, spine, or spinal cord. These types of
birth defects develop very early during pregnancy and also forms very early in embryonic
development which occurs when neural tube does not close properly.


There is high chance that the baby might develop hypothermia which is why this practice
from before early newborn bath is not being done any more in some hospitals. Delayed new born
bath also benefits the baby by reducing risk of infection, Stabilized infant blood sugar, improved
temperature and more.


Human development is really amazing, evolutions from every era and we are aware that
everyone grows old, they gain a lot of wisdom and the minds also get younger. The imagine
shows the cycle of how mankind started and on how it’s going to end. If you think about it there
is a saying that tells that today is the oldest you've ever been, and the youngest you'll ever be
again for the rest of your life. You will eventually stop growing but you will never stop learning
and developing new characteristics in life.


Parallel play is a form of play in which we notice in children especially toddlers. They
usually play alone during parallel play but are interested in what other children are doing, they
will sometimes be observing and even mimicking the other child and they commonly play with
others but without interacting directly with them. They eventually develop independently when
they are more focus their work but are side to side with others children’s.


This is honest mistake for most of the teenagers that are getting pregnant at an early age
because that pregnancy will ruin their life, academic, family and her. It’s a social problem
because teens do usually have works to provide a family’s need in day to day basis and the lack
of education about this topic is also a high risk for their health.

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