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Am J of Geriatric Psychiatry 30:8 (2022) 859−877

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Regular Research Article

Nonpharmacologic Interventions
for Family Caregivers of People
Living With Dementia in Latin-
America: A Scoping Review
Jose M. Aravena, M.S., Jean Gajardo, Ph.D., Rodrigo Saguez, M.S.,
Ladson Hinton, M.D., B.A., Laura N. Gitlin, Ph.D., F.G.S.A., F.A.A.N.


Article history: Objective: Dementia prevalence in Latin America (LATAM) is rapidly increas-
Received May, 4 2021 ing, contributing to significant family burden. As families are responsible for
Revised October, 25 2021 care, supportive interventions are critical. To understand the state-of-the-sci-
Accepted October, 26 2021 ence, a scoping review was conducted of non-pharmacologic interventions for
caregivers of people living with dementia (PLWD) in LATAM. Design: Eight
Key Words: databases were searched (PubMed, Embase, PsycINFO, Scopus, Scielo, Lilacs,
evidence-based practice Redalyc, Google Scholar) for nonpharmacological intervention studies pub-
Alzheimer Disease lished up to July, 2021 in LATAM reporting at least 1 caregiver outcome. A
Rehabilitation research qualitative synthesis examined study designs, participants, and outcomes char-
Social determinants of health acteristics. Results: Forty-five studies were identified from 25.8% (n = 8/31) of
Global Health LATAM countries (28 = Brazil, 4 = Chile, 4 = Cuba, 4 = M exico, 2 = Colombia,
Psychotherapy 1 = Peru, 1 = Ecuador, 1 = Argentina): 29% (n = 17) were randomized clinical
trials (RCT), 7% (n = 3) nonrandomized comparison trials, 42% (n = 19) pre-
post trials, 9% (n = 4) postintervention analyses, and 4% (n = 2) single case
studies, comprising a total of 1,171 caregivers and 817 PLWD. For 20 RCT and
nonrandomized comparison trials, 31 interventions were tested of which
48.4% (n = 15) targeted caregivers and 32.3% (n = 10) dyads. Most studies
involved daughters with less than 12 years of education and tested multicompo-
nent interventions involving disease education (90%), and cognitive behav-
ioral coping (45%). Half of interventions (51.6%; n = 16/31) tested were
adapted from other countries, and reported benefits for caregiver depression,

From the Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences (JMA), Yale University School of Public Health, New Haven, CT; Instituto de Inves-
on y Postgrado Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud (JMA), Universidad Central de Chile, Santiago, Chile; Facultad de Ciencias para el Cui-
dado de la Salud (JG), Universidad San Sebastian, Santiago, Chile; Department of Occupational Therapy and Occupational Science (JG),
University of Chile, Santiago, Chile; Public Nutrition Unit, The Nutrition and Food Technology Institute (INTA) (RS), University of Chile, San-
tiago, Chile; Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences (LH), University of California Davis School of Medicine, Sacramento, CA; Col-
lege of Nursing and Health Professions (LNG), Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA; and the Center for Innovative Care in Aging (LNG), Johns
Hopkins University, Baltimore, MA. Send correspondence and reprint requests to Laura N. Gitlin, Ph.D., F.G.S.A., F.A.A.N., 1601 Cherry
Street Mail Stop 1051,10th Floor, Room 1092, Philadelphia, PA 19102. e-mail:
© 2021 American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 30:8, August 2022 859

Nonpharmacologic Interventions for Family Caregivers of People Living With

quality of life, and burden. Conclusion: Studies were conducted in a limited

number of LATAM countries and few were RCTs. Results of RCTs showed bene-
fits for socially vulnerable caregivers on psychosocial outcomes. There is an
urgent need to rigorously evaluate more country/culturally specific interven-
tions addressing unmet familial needs beyond psychosocial support. (Am J Ger-
iatr Psychiatry 2022; 30:859−877)

 What is the primary question addressed by this study?
What are the characteristics and research gaps of dementia family caregiver nonpharmacological interven-
tion studies conducted in Latin America (LATAM), including methodologies, participants, interventions,
and outcomes?
 What is the main finding of this study?
Forty-five studies of single case to randomized trials conducted in 8 of the 31 countries in this region. Most
studies enrolled female (daughters) caregivers with low formal education, tested disease education and cogni-
tive/behavioral approaches, and reported improvements in caregiver depression, quality of life, and burden.
 What is the meaning of the finding?
Considering LATAM is one of the regions with the highest dementia burden, there is an urgent need to
develop and test culturally relevant interventions that address unmet needs applying rigorous methodolo-
gies, and with high scalability to be implemented in current national plans for dementia care.

care-related adverse sequelae are often exacerbated

by life-long disadvantages, including low education,
low to no income, limited to no pensions or health
insurance, poor housing, persistent food insecurity
and limited healthcare.8,9
L atin America (LATAM) is experiencing demo-
graphic changes at a significantly faster pace
than European and North American countries, lead-
To address this family care gap,10 three countries
(Chile, Costa Rica, Mexico), developed national
ing to rapid aging in this region. Consequently, dementia care plans with plans underway in nine
dementia is a critical public health concern with other countries (Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia,
LATAM already reaching the highest prevalence of Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Panama, Per u, and
dementia globally (8.5%).1 In LATAM, the number of Uruguay).11 Unclear, however, is which caregiver
people with dementia is predicted to increase from support interventions should be supported, scaled
7.8 million in 2013 to over 27 million by 2050.2 and disseminated widely by plans.
LATAM comprises both middle and high-income According to the Latin American and Caribbean
countries, all with significant economic inequities. Consortium on Dementia (LAC-CD), LATAM hosted
This region confronts similar public health dementia only 11% of all dementia care clinical trials registered in
care challenges as high-income countries, but with,12 with six trials testing non-pharmaco-
limited preparedness and fewer resources.3 Through- logical interventions. Thus, LATAM is one of the most
out LATAM, most people living with dementia understudied regions in the world with limited under-
(PLWD) are supported informally in their own homes standing as to which caregiver interventions are effective
by a family member, usually female, who becomes and amenable to widespread adoption.12,13 Scoping the
responsible for long-term care. In turn, most family state-of-the-science and regional distribution of studies is
caregivers experience negative consequences includ- a fundamental step in identifying research gaps and
ing poor physical and emotional health, financial informing future research investments, national plans
insecurity, and increasing social isolation.4−7 These and associated policies in LATAM.

860 Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 30:8, August 2022

Aravena et al.

treatments or reporting only PLWD outcomes were

OBJECTIVES excluded. Studies could involve PLWD residing in any
care setting and with any disease classification, disease
We conducted a comprehensive scoping review to
stage and diagnostic method for confirming dementia.
1) describe characteristics of dementia caregiver non-
LATAM countries were defined as the Commu-
pharmacological intervention studies conducted in
nity of Latin American and Caribbean States
LATAM including methodologies, participants, and
(CELAC) that include: south LATAM (Argentina,
intervention characteristics; and 2) identify research
Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyane,
gaps in existing literature from which to understand
Guyane Françoise, Paraguay, Per u, Suriname, Uru-
the state of research activity in this region.14,15
guay, Venezuela), central LATAM (Belice, Costa
Although we report findings from all identified stud-
Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicara-
ies, we describe in more detail studies using randomi-
gua, Panama, Dominican Republic, Saint Kitts and
zation and/or one or more comparison groups. These
Nevis, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines, St.
designs reflect a higher level of methodological rigor
Lucia, and the Caribbean region countries), and
and possible readiness of the evidence to be tested in
north LATAM (Mexico). LATAM countries
pragmatic trials and/or scaled. Our ultimate goal is
(n = 31) are economically diverse and include 8
to understand the state-of-the-science for supporting
high-income, 19 upper-middle income, and 4
LATAM family caregivers.
lower-middle income countries.

Study Identification, Data Extraction, and


For this review, we followed Arksey and O’Malley’s Results from database searches were collated in
five steps15: identifying the research question(s), identi- EndNote17 and duplicates removed by one author (J.
fying relevant studies, study selection, charting data, A.). Articles were then uploaded to Covidence,18 an
and collating, summarizing and reporting results. We online platform for evidence synthesis. In a first step,
reported results according to PRISMA guidelines.16 reviewers (J.A., J.G., R.S.) screened articles indepen-
This review was not previously registered. dently to determine if they met inclusion criteria,
Articles published up to July, 2021 with no restric- selecting articles based on title and abstract. Results
tions on language were searched in eight electronic data- were compared and disagreements resolved through
bases: PubMed, Embase and PsycINFO using Ovid, consensus. In a second step, two authors (J.A., J.G.)
Scopus, Scielo, Lilacs BIREME, Redalyc, and Google independently reviewed full-text articles to determine
Scholar (See Supplementary digital content S2 for search fit with inclusion criteria. Following independent
strategy example). Additionally, we searched for clinical reviews, disagreements (n = 6) were resolved through
trials in the Cochrane Library, ProQuest Dissertations & discussion and consensus. Studies published based
Theses Global,,, and the on the same trial were grouped together such that the
WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform final count of included studies reflected unduplicated
(ICTRP). Gray literature was also examined including unique interventions.
conference abstracts and book chapters. For articles reporting results of RCT and non-
randomized control group studies, two authors per-
formed data extraction independently using a
Study Inclusion Criteria
prespecified data extraction form developed by inves-
Studies were included that met four criteria: 1) tested tigators for this review. For other study designs (pre-
a nonpharmacological intervention using randomized test post-test, case studies), data were extracted by
controlled trials (RCT) or non-RCT study design; 2) one reviewer (J.A.). Data were entered on Google
tested an intervention targeting family caregivers, sheets and summarized by reviewers once agreement
PLWD or both; 3) tested the intervention in LATAM; was obtained.
and 4) reported one or more outcomes for family care- Data extraction involved documentation of study
givers. Studies evaluating only pharmacological design, country, year, article language, randomization,

Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 30:8, August 2022 861

Nonpharmacologic Interventions for Family Caregivers of People Living With

blinding scheme, sample size calculation, number of Brazil, 8.9% (n = 4) in Chile, 8.9% (n = 4) in Cuba,
caregivers per arm, sample characteristics, classification 8.9% (n = 4) Mexico, 4.4% (n = 2) in Colombia, 2.2%
of interventions following Gaugler et al., (Table 1),19 (n = 1) in Peru, 2.2% (n = 1) in Ecuador, and 2.2%
and outcomes (measures, validation, testing occasions). (n = 1) in Argentina. Of designs utilized, 37.8%
Descriptive results involving frequencies and measures (n = 17) were RCTs (Brazil = 12; Colombia = 1;
of central tendency and dispersion were synthesized Cuba = 1; Mexico = 1; Peru = 1; Argentina = 1), 6.7%
in tables and figures using Python 3.7.9; Pandas pack- (n = 3) non-RCT comparisons (Brazil = 3), 42.2%
age, ( and Google sheets. (n = 19) pre-test post-test (Brazil = 11; Cuba = 3;
Study characteristics and outcomes were synthesized Chile = 2; Colombia = 1; Ecuador = 1; Mexico = 1),
in Tables 2 and 3, respectively. Characteristics of study 8.9% (n = 4) postintervention interview (Brazil = 2;
designs without comparison groups (pre-test post-test, Chile = 2), and 4.4% (n = 2) case studies (Mexico = 2).
post intervention interview, case studies) were As to analytic approaches, 82.2% (n = 37) reported
included in the Supplementary digital content S4. quantitative outcomes, 8.9% (n = 4) involved mixed-
methods, and 8.9% (n = 4) reported qualitative find-
ings. Pre-post intervention results were reported in
88.9% (n = 40) of studies and 8.9% (n = 4) reported
only post-intervention outcomes.
Figure 1 summarizes article selection flow. A
total of 3,651 studies were initially identified from
which 1,921 studies were extracted after removal RCT and non-RCT Comparison Group Study
of duplicates. Of these, 1,709 were excluded based Characteristics
upon title or abstract with 212 studies included for Table 2 describes characteristics for RCT and non-
full-text review. Of the 212, 168 were excluded for RCT comparison group studies (n = 20).20−41 Of 20 tri-
reasons described in Figure 1 (not found publica- als, 85.0% (n = 17) were RCTs and 15.0% (n = 3) non-
tions were included in Supplementary digital con- RCT comparative designs. Sample sizes ranged from
tent S5). This resulted in 47 articles representing 45 12 to 132 (IQR: 19.5−46) with a total sample of 497
unique studies (two interventions had two publica- PLWD and 574 caregivers.
tions each) meeting inclusion criteria and included
in final analyses (see Supplementary digital content Participant characteristics
S6 for references).
Of 20 studies, 65% (n = 13) were targeted to people
with a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. Regarding
Study Characteristics
caregivers, 70% (n = 14) reported caregivers' age, with
Of 45 studies in this review, 20 (44.4%) used RCT mean ages ranging from 50.5 to 66.0 (IQR: 53.3−57.8);
or non-RCT comparison group designs, 25 (55.6%) 65% (n = 13) reported caregivers’ sex, with 88.0%
used single-group study design (pre-post evaluation, (n = 404) being female; 40% (n = 8) reported relation-
post-intervention interview, or case study), 88.9% ship with PLWD, with 45.9% (n = 130) being children
(n = 40) were published in peer-reviewed journal (daughter/son), 29.3% (n = 83) spouse/partner,
articles, and 11.1% (n = 5) were conference abstracts. 1.77% (n = 5) sister/brother, and 23.0% (n = 65) other
Overall, 68.9% (n = 31) were published in English, relationship-type; 55% (n = 11) described caregiver
17.8% (n = 8) Portuguese, and 13.3% (n = 6) Spanish. education, with mean years ranging from 9 to
Study sample sizes ranged from 1 to 200 (median = 19; 12.1 years and six studies including caregivers with
interquartile range [IQR]: 12−38.5) with 48.9% mean years of education less than 12 years.
(n = 22) enrolling dyads, 44.4% (n = 20) enrolling only As to PLWD characteristics, 60.0% (n = 12) of these
caregivers, and 6.7% (n = 3) only PLWD, comprising studies reported age, with mean ages ranging from
a total of 817 PLWD and 1,171 caregivers who partici- 73.8 to 85.7 (IQR: 75.7−81.2); 24.4% (n = 11) reported
pated in these 45 studies. sex, with 65.4% (n = 291) being female; 45.0% (n = 9)
Figure 2 summarizes country locations and design reported cognitive status using Mini-Mental State
types. Of 45 studies, 62.2% (n = 28) were conducted in Examination (MMSE) with mean scores ranging from

862 Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 30:8, August 2022

Aravena et al.

TABLE 1. Classifications of Interventions for Caregivers and People Living With Dementia
Categories Definition Classifications
Target Whether the main receptor of the intervention is the PLWD, the Person living with dementia.
caregiver, or both (dyads). Caregiver of PLWD.
Dyads (PLWD and caregiver).
Type The clinical content and focus of the PLWD and caregiver Case management.
interventions. Cognitive/behavioral.
Physical activity.
Psychosocial support.
Skill building.
Technological device.
Cognitive stimulation.
ADL training.
Structure Whether the PLWD and caregiver intervention has one type of Single component.
component or combines multiple components (multicompo- Combined (multicomponent).
nent or multitype).
Format Whether the PLWD and caregiver intervention was delivered Individual.
individually, in groups, or both. Group.
Setting The setting where the intervention was provided to the care- Home-based.
giver and/or PLWD. In-patient (hospitalization).
Long-term care.
Primary care.
Community organization.
Delivery technology Whether the PLWD and caregiver interventions were delivered In-person.
face-to-face, through computer or telephone, video, or web- Computer (e.g., a software in the com-
based platforms. puter).
Video (e.g., training videos).
Web-based (e.g., an internet webpage or
Technological device.
Standard-tailored Whether the PLWD and caregiver interventions follow a stan- Standardized.
dard protocol of application or promote tailoring of the com- Tailored.
ponents to the participants needs.
Type of delivery Whether the PLWD and caregiver interventions are mainly ori- Caregivers are trained to deliver.
ented to train caregivers to deliver the intervention, or pro- Professional support for Caregivers.
vide professional support to caregivers and/or PLWD. Professional support for PLWD.
Adaptation Whether the PLWD and caregiver interventions are adapted or Adapted or based on a previous intervention.
based in a previous studied intervention, or if it is a new New intervention.

Content of the table adapted from Gauger, Jutkowitz, Shippe, and Brasure, 2017.19
PLWD: Person living with dementia.

13.9 to 23.0 (IQR: 15.3−21.1); 55.0% (n = 11) described intervention to others. Of 13 studies with a control
education level, with means ranging from 4.5 to group, 53.8% (n = 7) used a nonintervention or wait-
10 years, and 11 studies included PLWD with mean list control group, 30.8% (n = 4) were usual care, 7.7%
education less than 12 years. (n = 1) passive control (social interaction), and 7.7%
(n = 1) placebo (sham stimulation).
Of 17 RCTs, 70.6% (n = 12) described randomiza-
Design characteristics
tion processes whereas 29.4% (n = 5) did not. Of 12
Of these 20 studies, 65.0% (n = 13) included a con- studies describing randomization, 23.5% (n = 4) uti-
trol group, whereas 7 (35.0%) compared one lized block randomization, 17.6% (n = 3) matched on

Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 30:8, August 2022 863

Nonpharmacologic Interventions for Family Caregivers of People Living With

FIGURE 1. Selection of articles for the review.

FIGURE 2. Total number and types of studies included by Latin-American countries.

864 Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 30:8, August 2022

Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 30:8, August 2022

TABLE 2. Characteristics of RCT and Non-RCT Comparison Group Studies

1) Target
Type). Adapted/Based
2) Format. on a Previous
Number of Study Randomization 3) Setting. Duration Weeks Intervention or
First Author Country (Article Participants (Number Study Design and Blinding Intervention(s) and/or Control 4) Delivery Type of Delivery − Number of New
(Publicatio Year). language). Per Arm) (Intervention Arms). Scheme. Characteristics. Technology. − Intervenor. Sessions. Intervention.

Groppo (2012)20 a Brazil (Portuguese) 12 PLWD (control = 6; Non-RCT comparison NA Intervention: 1) Patient (mild- Professional sup- 24 weeks − 72 Not specified.
intervention = 6) group (Control vs Generalized and systematic physi- moderate AD). port for PLWD sessions.
Intervention) cal exercise program. Three 2) Group. − Physical
weekly sessions were held on 3) Outpatient. therapist.
nonconsecutive days during 6 4) In-person.
months (24 weeks), providing
physical exercises focused in
functional capacity (agility, bal-
ance, strength endurance and aer-
obic capacity) associated with
cognitive tasks (for example:
countdown, shape recognition,
colors, verbal fluency tasks, etc.).
Control: NA NA NA NA
Nonintervention or waitlist.
Stella (2011); Canonici Brazil (English) 32 dyads (control = 16; Non-RCT comparison NA Intervention: 1) Patient (mild- Caregivers are 24 weeks − 72 Aerobic exercise
(2012)21,22 a intervention = 16) group (Control vs 60-minute physical exercise rou- moderate AD). trained to sessions. included five
Intervention) tines over 6 months, 3 X a week 2) Group. deliver, and pro- phases sug-
(warm up, stretching, flexibility, 3) Outpatient. fessional sup- gested by Gobbi
strength, agility and balance). 4) In-person. port for PLWD et al (2005).
Caregivers followed group proce- − Physical
dures at home for 6 months. trainer.
Control: NA NA NA NA
Individual medical treatment as
Viola (2011)23 a Brazil (English) 41 dyads (control = 16; Non-RCT comparison NA Intervention: 1) Dyads (mild Professional sup- 12 weeks − 24 Not specified.
intervention = 25) group (Control vs Multifunctional stimulation pro- AD). port for care- sessions.
Intervention) gram. 2) Group. givers and
Group sessions offered 2 X week 3) Outpatient. PLWD − Multi-
at day-hospital facilities during 12 4) In-person. disciplinary
consecutive weeks. Sessions team.
included: cognitive rehabilitation,
computer assisted cognitive train-
ing, speech therapy, occupational
therapy, art therapy, physical
training, physiotherapy, and cog-
nitive stimulation through reading
and logic games. Sessions were 60
−90 minutes long and were
offered once a week. Psychoedu-
cation and psychological counsel-
ing were provided in group
sessions for caregivers twice a
Control: NA NA NA NA
Standard outpatient care, with
monthly follow-up visits to the
memory clinic.

Aravena et al.
(continued on next page)

Nonpharmacologic Interventions for Family Caregivers of People Living With

TABLE 2. (continued)
1) Target
Type). Adapted/Based
2) Format. on a Previous
Number of Study Randomization 3) Setting. Duration Weeks Intervention or
First Author Country (Article Participants (Number Study Design and Blinding Intervention(s) and/or Control 4) Delivery Type of Delivery − Number of New
(Publicatio Year). language). Per Arm) (Intervention Arms). Scheme. Characteristics. Technology. − Intervenor. Sessions. Intervention.

Aboulafia-Brakha Brazil (English) 27 caregivers (intervention RCT (Intervention vs Participants were Intervention 1: 1) Caregiver (mod- Professional sup- 8 weeks − 8 Not specified.
(2014)24 1 = 12; intervention Intervention) semirandomly Both group interventions were led erate-severe port for care- sessions.
2 = 15) assigned to the by the same therapist. Cognitive AD). givers −
EDUC or CBT behavioral therapy (CBT): 8 ses- 2) Group. Psychologist.
groups. The sions of 90 min. Topics: activities 3) Outpatient.
assignment to before/after being a caregiver, 4) In person.
each group was emotions, family engagement, and
done during the techniques to engage in activities.
first contact by Management of neuropsychiatric
phone, in alter- symptoms using group dynamics.
nating order. Intervention 2: 1) Caregiver (mod- Professional sup- 8 weeks − 8 Based on Zarit,
Blinding not Psychoeducation (EDUC) group: erate-severe port for care- sessions. Anthony, and
reported. 60-minute sessions for 8 weeks. AD). givers − Boutselis (1987)
Psychoeducation about dementia 2) Group. Psychologist. and Parks and
and strategies to manage neuro- 3) Outpatient. Novielli (2000).
psychiatric symptoms presented 4) In person.
in a structured way.
Avila (2007)25 Brazil (English) 16 dyads (intervention RCT (Intervention vs Pseudo-randomized Intervention 1: 1) Dyads (mild- Professional sup- 22 weeks − 22 Not specified.
1 = 5; intervention 2 = 6; Intervention vs in 3 groups also Group neuropsychological reha- moderate AD). port for care- sessions.
intervention 3 = 5) Intervention) matched for age, bilitation (NR). 2) Group. givers and
schooling, and 5 patients, 60-minute-sessios, 1 X 3) Combined PLWD − Multi-
severity of week, Psychologist and speech (home and out- disciplinary
dementia. therapist provided memory train- patient). team.
Blinded randomi- ing (motor movements, verbal 4) In-person.
zation and associations, categorization, ADL
assessment. training). Family members of all 3
groups joined 90-minute-group
sessions, 1 X month, guided by
psychologist and speech therapist
providing disease education
counseling and support.
Intervention 2: 1) Dyads (mild- Professional sup- 22 weeks − 22 Not specified.
Individual neuropsychological moderate AD). port for care- sessions.
rehabilitation (NR) 2) Individual givers and
6 patients, 40-minute-sessions, 1 X and group. PLWD − Multi-
week by psychologist and speech 3) Combined disciplinary
therapist providing memory (home and out- team.
Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 30:8, August 2022

training. patient).
4) In-person.
Intervention 3: 1) Dyads (mild- Caregivers are 22 weeks − 22 Not specified.
Home-based NR guided by relative moderate AD). trained to sessions.
or caregiver. 2) Individual deliver, and pro-
5 patients received 40-minute ses- and group. fessional sup-
sions of memory training, 1 X 3) Combined port for
week delivered by family member (home and out- caregivers −
previously provided with a NR patient). Multidisciplin-
guide involving strategies (motor 4) In-person and ary team.
movements, verbal associations, telephone.
categorization, and ADL training).
Patients visited hospital for medi-
cal appointments assessments.
Phone-support provided to family

(continued on next page)

Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 30:8, August 2022
TABLE 2. (continued)
1) Target
Type). Adapted/Based
2) Format. on a Previous
Number of Study Randomization 3) Setting. Duration Weeks Intervention or
First Author Country (Article Participants (Number Study Design and Blinding Intervention(s) and/or Control 4) Delivery Type of Delivery − Number of New
(Publicatio Year). language). Per Arm) (Intervention Arms). Scheme. Characteristics. Technology. − Intervenor. Sessions. Intervention.

Bottino (2005)26 Brazil (English) 21 dyads (control = 7; RCT (Control vs Stratified randomiza- Intervention: 1) Dyads (mild Professional sup- 20 weeks − 20 The errorless
intervention = 12) Intervention) tion by age, edu- 4 components: 1) AChE-I: rivastig- AD). port for care- sessions. learning tech-
cation, disease mine 6 mg/day or 12 mg/day; 2) 2) Individual givers and nique described
severity. cognitive rehabilitation (90 min and group. PLWD − by Baddeley and
Blinded weekly); 3) ADL training; 4) care- 3) Outpatient. Researcher. Wilson (1994).
assessment. giver support education group. 4) In-person.
Control: NA NA NA NA
AChE-I only with 30-min monthly
consultations with doctor for
medication and caregiver
Campos (2019)27 Brazil (Portuguese) 15 caregivers (control = 8; RCT (Control vs Not reported. Intervention: 1) Dyads (AD). Caregivers are 8 weeks − 8 Multiple no-phar-
intervention = 7) Intervention) ComTato psychoeducation pro- 2) Individual. trained to sessions. macological
gram. On average, eight meetings 3) Home-based. deliver − interventions
were held, lasting approximately 4) In-person. Researcher. aimed at
one hour each, providing educa- caregivers.
tion about dementia and caregiv-
ing strategies, coping tools for
stressful and challenging situa-
tions, and training to implement
cognitive stimulation in the
daily routines. caregivers received
a leaflet with summary of informa-
tion to share with family and rein-
force contents.
Control: NA NA NA NA
Nonintervention or waitlist.
Danucalov (2013; Brazil (English) 46 caregivers (control = 21; RCT (Control vs The randomization Intervention: 1) Caregiver (AD). Professional sup- 8 weeks − 24 Not specified.
2017)28,29 intervention = 25) Intervention) was: two pieces Yoga and comparison meditation 2) Individual port for care- sessions.
of folded paper program group (YCMP) in 8 and group. givers −
were placed into weeks (3 X week / 1 hr. and 3) Outpatient. Physical trainer.
a box. The volun- 15 min.). One weekly one-on-one 4) In-person and
teer chose one of sessions, and 2 home sessions video (e.g.,
them randomly. with a DVD of a combination of training videos).
Blinded group and individual low intensity
assessment. yoga exercises and mindfulness
meditation techniques.
Control: NA NA NA NA
Non-intervention or waitlist.
Ferreira (2016) 30
Brazil (Portuguese) 15 dyads (control = 8; RCT (Control vs Matching randomi- Intervention: 1) Dyads (AD). Caregivers are 4 weeks − 8 Based on three
intervention= 7) Intervention) zation based on Case analysis, education and train- 2) Individual. trained to sessions. studies (Bar-
sex, education, ing to manage behavioral prob- 3) Home-based. deliver − ham, et al.,
work. Blinding lems of the patient (named P3Es). 4) In-person. Researcher. 2015; Faleiros,
not reported. Three dimensions: knowledge to 2009; Gitlin,
reduce caregiver burden, strate- et al., 2008).
gies to cope with behavioral prob-
lems, and incorporation of
cognitive stimulation activities in
the routine of care.

Aravena et al.
Control: NA NA NA NA
Nonintervention or waitlist.

(continued on next page)


Nonpharmacologic Interventions for Family Caregivers of People Living With

TABLE 2. (continued)
1) Target
Type). Adapted/Based
2) Format. on a Previous
Number of Study Randomization 3) Setting. Duration Weeks Intervention or
First Author Country (Article Participants (Number Study Design and Blinding Intervention(s) and/or Control 4) Delivery Type of Delivery − Number of New
(Publicatio Year). language). Per Arm) (Intervention Arms). Scheme. Characteristics. Technology. − Intervenor. Sessions. Intervention.

Kamkhagi (2015)31 Brazil (English) 37 caregivers (intervention RCT (Intervention vs Not reported Intervention 1: 1) Caregiver (mild- Professional sup- 14 weeks − 14 Not specified
1 = 20; intervention Intervention) Psychodynamic group psycho- moderate AD). port for care- sessions.
2 = 17) therapy [PGT]. 14 group sessions 2) Group. givers −
of 90 minutes provided by trained 3) Outpatient. Psychologist.
facilitators.: Caregivers were 4) In person.
involved in techniques to express
emotions, analyze common situa-
tions, and solutions to cope with
their feelings and re-engage in sig-
nificative roles.
Intervention 2: 1) Caregiver (mild- Professional sup- 14 weeks − 14 Designed accord-
14 group sessions of 90 minutes. moderate AD). port for care- sessions. ing to the
Body awareness therapy [BAT] 2) Group. givers − “Functional
was provided to improve care- 3) Outpatient. Physical Symbolic
giver’s body self-awareness 4) In person. therapist. Dynamics”
through movement, sensory, and methodology,
relaxation techniques. created by Mar-
cia Taques Bit-
Marinho (2021)32 Brazil (English) 47 PLWD (control = 24; RCT (Control vs Participants were Intervention: 1) Patient (mild- Professional sup- 7 weeks − 14 CST adapted pro-
intervention = 23) Intervention) consecutively Treatment as usual plus Cognitive moderate port for PLWD sessions. cedures
allocated into stimulation therapy (CST) in dementia). − Researcher. described by
groups using a groups of 5 to 8 participants, over 2) Group. Bertrand and
random list gen- 7 weeks, twice a week (14 ses- 3) Outpatient. colleagues.
erated by a com- sions). Sessions consisted of 4) In-person.
puter program group song, warm up exercise
and stratified by and a main activity based on the
dementia sever- week's theme) tailored to group
ity. Blinded ran- characteristics.
domization and Control: NA NA NA NA
assessment. Treatment as usual: regular visits
every 2 to 3 months to a geriatric
Psychiatrist, AChE-I prescription,
occupational therapy, physical
activities and psychotherapy.
Martini de Oliveira Brazil (English) 21 dyads (intervention 1 = RCT (Intervention vs Participants were Intervention 1: 1) Dyads (demen- Caregivers are 12 weeks − 8 Gitlin et al., 2010;
Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 30:8, August 2022

(2019)33 11; intervention 2 = 10) Intervention) randomized using TAP- Outpatient (TAP O). 8 ses- tia). trained to sessions. 2017
randomly per- sions over a 3 month period (1 2) Individual. deliver − Occu- Tailored Activity
muted blocks per week /1 hr. one-on-one) by 3) Outpatient. pational Program (TAP).
method. The per- occupational therapist in an out- 4) In-person. therapist.
son responsible patient setting. TAP-O provided
for the randomi- co-designed prescription of 3 tai-
zation had no lored activities for the patient and
contact with the caregiver training including care-
patients. Blinded giver training, environment modi-
patients and fication, relaxation techniques,
assessment. communication strategies, and
education about dementia and
neuropsychiatric symptoms
Intervention 2: 1) Caregivers Professional sup- 12 weeks − 8 Not specified.
Regular care and psychoeducation (dementia). port for care- sessions.
group sessions, by trained occupa- 2) Group. givers −
tional therapists over 8 sessions in 3) Outpatient. Occupational
an outpatient clinic. Information 4) In-person. therapist.
about dementia, activities, and
communication was provided.

(continued on next page)

Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 30:8, August 2022
TABLE 2. (continued)
1) Target
Type). Adapted/Based
2) Format. on a Previous
Number of Study Randomization 3) Setting. Duration Weeks Intervention or
First Author Country (Article Participants (Number Study Design and Blinding Intervention(s) and/or Control 4) Delivery Type of Delivery − Number of New
(Publicatio Year). language). Per Arm) (Intervention Arms). Scheme. Characteristics. Technology. − Intervenor. Sessions. Intervention.

Novelli (2018)34 Brazil (English) 30 dyads (control = 15; RCT (Control vs Randomized by Intervention: 1) Dyads (demen- Caregivers are 16 weeks − 8 Gitlin et al., 2010,
intervention = 15) Intervention) blocks of 4 gener- Tailored Activity Program − Brazil tia). trained to sessions. 2017; Tailored
ated by a com- (TAP-BR). 8 home sessions by 2) Individual. deliver − Occu- Activity Pro-
puter, performed occupational therapists over 4 3) Home-based. pational gram (TAP).
by a blinded months. TAP-BR provided co- 4) In-person. therapist.
research assis- designed prescription of 3 tailored
tant. activities for patient and
Blinded randomi- caregiver training including dis-
zation and ease education, environment
assessment. modification, relaxation techni-
ques, communication strategies,
and setting up activities.
Control: NA NA NA NA
Non-intervention or waitlist.
Prado Sanchez Brazil 29 caregivers (intervention RCT (Intervention vs Consecutive Intervention 1: 1) Caregivers Professional sup- 8 weeks − 8 Mindfulness
(2020)35 (English) 1 = 11; intervention 2 = Intervention) patients were Mindfulness meditation group (dementia). port for care- sessions. interventions.
18) randomized (MMG). 8 sessions, one per week 2) Individual. givers −
through a list per two months. Participants 3) Home-based. Researcher.
generated on the received guided mindfulness 4) In-person.
randomization. training.
com page. Intervention 2: 1) Caregivers Professional sup- 1 weeks − 1 Not specified.
Blinded randomi- 2 -hour home visit involving (dementia). port for care- session.
zation and data health education and screening 2) Individual. givers − Nurse.
analysis. dementia education, risk factors, 3) Home-based.
diagnosis, care measures (emo- 4) In-person.
tional impact), and treatment.
Education and guidelines to man-
age dementia at home was pro-
vided through a booklet.
Suemoto (2014)36 Brazil (English) 40 dyads (control = 20; RCT (Control vs Randomization Intervention: 1) Patient (moder- Professional sup- 2 weeks − 6 Non-invasive brain
intervention = 20) Intervention) sequence with Transcranial direct current stimu- ate AD). port for PLWD sessions. stimulation
1:1 allocation lation (tDCS) applied to the left 2) Individual. − Technology methods (direct
using block sizes dorsolateral prefrontal cortex of 3) Outpatient. or material. current stimula-
of 8 by blind patients with a constant direct 4) Technologi- tion - tDCS -).
investigator. current stimulator, for 20 minutes cal device.
The allocation at an intensity of 2 mA, with 10 s
sequence was ramping up and down. The proto-
concealed in col was applied every other day
sequentially num- for 6 sessions in 2 weeks.
bered, opaque, Control: NA NA NA NA
and sealed enve- Placebo (sham stimulation). The
lopes. Blinded same procedure was used for
patients and sham stimulation, but in this case,
assessment. electric current was applied only
in the first 20 s tDCS and sham
stimulations were applied every
other day for 6 sessions during a
period of 2 weeks.
Alvarez (2018)38 Cuba (Spanish) 32 dyads (control = 16; RCT (Control vs Not reported. Intervention: 1) Dyads (mild Professional sup- 26 weeks − 26 Not specified.

Aravena et al.
intervention = 16) Intervention) Educational program "Recordar es dementia). port for care- sessions.
vivir", based on reminiscence 2) Group. givers and
therapy, review of life and re-edu- 3) Primary care. PLWD −
cation of the patient, among 4) In-person. Researcher.
others. Different memories were
evoked related to school, home,
family, nature, work, community
and society in general. Caregivers

(continued on next page)


Nonpharmacologic Interventions for Family Caregivers of People Living With

TABLE 2. (continued)
1) Target
Type). Adapted/Based
2) Format. on a Previous
Number of Study Randomization 3) Setting. Duration Weeks Intervention or
First Author Country (Article Participants (Number Study Design and Blinding Intervention(s) and/or Control 4) Delivery Type of Delivery − Number of New
(Publicatio Year). language). Per Arm) (Intervention Arms). Scheme. Characteristics. Technology. − Intervenor. Sessions. Intervention.

were offered additional informa-

tion about the disease and home
Control: NA NA NA NA
Nonintervention or waitlist.
Arango-Lasprilla Colombia (English) 69 caregivers (intervention RCT (Intervention vs Participants were Intervention 1: 1) Caregiver Professional sup- 8 weeks − 8 Coping with Frus-
(2014)37 1 = 39; intervention Intervention) randomly ‘‘Coping with Frustration’’ group (dementia). port for care- sessions. tration by Gal-
2 = 30) assigned using class. 8-week / 2 hrs. per session 2) Group. givers − lagher-Thomp-
the flip of a coin. to manage: 1) personal negative 3) Community- Researcher. son (1992).
Blinding not feelings, 2) incorporation of cop- organization.
reported. ing cognitive-behavioral strategies 4) In-person.
(e.g., relaxation, cognitive techni-
ques). Participants received writ-
ten information and joined group
Intervention 2: 1) Caregiver Professional sup- 8 weeks − 8 New intervention.
Educational program of 8 weeks / (dementia). port for care- sessions.
2 hours/week, with information 2) Group. givers −
related to dementia, disease 3) Community- Researcher.
course, and sequelae, involving organization.
two sessions based on films about 4) In-person.
Guerra (2011)39 Per
u (English) 58 dyads (control = 29; RCT (Control vs Stratified permuted Intervention: 1) Caregiver Caregivers are 5 weeks − 5 10/66 Caregiver
intervention = 29) Intervention) block randomiza- 10/66 Caregiver Intervention: (dementia). trained to sessions. Intervention
tion, with blocks ‘Helping Carers to Care’, 5 ses- 2) Individual. deliver − ‘Helping Carers
of 4 within 2 sions of 30 minutes provided by 3) Home-based. Trained to Care’.
strata of baseline trained psychology or social 4) In-person. student.
Zarit Burden. worker undergraduate students
Blinded randomi- involving: 1) evaluation, 2)
zation and dementia education, and 3) strate-
assessment. gies for managing specific
Control: NA NA NA NA
Non-intervention or waitlist.
Serrani (2012) 41
Argentina (English) 132 PLWD (control = 44; RCT (Control vs Inter- Not reported ran- Intervention 1: 1) Patient (mild- Professional sup- 14 weeks − 24 Not specified.
intervention 1 = 44; inter- vention vs domization. Reminiscence therapy. Patients moderate AD). port for PLWD sessions.
vention 2 = 44) Intervention) Blinded assess- joined a peer group where guides 2) Individual − Psychologist.
Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 30:8, August 2022

ment and data offered memory triggers, such as and group.

analysis. photographs, recordings, and 3) Long-term
newspaper clippings to evoke care.
personal and common memories. 4) In-person.
Sessions were open to caregivers
or family members. Sessions also
involved the discussion on the
patient’s initiative to improve cog-
nitive capacities and relational
Intervention 2: 1) Patient (mild- Professional sup- 14 weeks − 24 Not specified.
The active control group was moderate AD). port for PLWD sessions.
based on counseling and unstruc- 2) Individual. − Psychologist.
tured social contact in bi-weekly 3) Long-term
sessions of one hour, and did not care.
include reminiscence. 4) In-person.
Control: NA NA NA NA
Passive control. Social interaction
and enjoyment provided by psy-
chologists during 24 bi-weekly
sessions during 14 weeks.

(continued on next page)

Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 30:8, August 2022
TABLE 2. (continued)
1) Target
Type). Adapted/Based
2) Format. on a Previous
Number of Study Randomization 3) Setting. Duration Weeks Intervention or
First Author Country (Article Participants (Number Study Design and Blinding Intervention(s) and/or Control 4) Delivery Type of Delivery − Number of New
(Publicatio Year). language). Per Arm) (Intervention Arms). Scheme. Characteristics. Technology. − Intervenor. Sessions. Intervention.

Villareal-Reyna Mexico (English) 46 caregivers (Intervention RCT (Intervention vs Not reported. Intervention 1: 1) Caregiver (AD). Professional sup- 8 weeks − 8 Cognitive conduct
(2012)40 1 = 10; intervention Intervention vs Inter- Cognitive conduct (CC): 90 min. 2) Group. port for care- sessions. intervention.
2 = 11; intervention vention vs sessions provided by trained 3) Community givers − Nurse.
3 = 12; intervention Intervention) nurse-assistant involving commu- organization.
4 = 13) nication and relaxation techni- 4) In-person.
ques, and group dynamics.
Intervention 2: 1) Caregiver (AD). Professional sup- 8 weeks − 8 New intervention.
Laughter exercises (L): 30 min. 2) Group. port for care- sessions.
sessions of relaxation exercises 3) Community givers − Nurse.
and techniques based on humor. organization.
4) In-person.
Intervention 3: 1) Caregiver (AD). Professional sup- 8 weeks − 8 Cognitive conduct
Cognitive conduct component 2) Group. port for care- sessions. intervention.
plus relaxation with laughter exer- 3) Community givers − Nurse.
cises [CCL]. Each session was 120 organization.
minutes long, divided into 90 4) In-person.
minutes of exercises to change
negative thoughts into positive
feelings conducted by a trained
nurse-assistant, including commu-
nication and relaxation techni-
ques, and group dynamics; 30
minutes of exercises and techni-
ques based on humor.
Intervention 4: 1) Caregiver (AD). Professional sup- 8 weeks − 8 Consejo Estatal
60-minute sessions of group dis- 2) Group. port for care- sessions. para la Pre-
cussion on accident prevention 3) Community givers − Nurse. vencion de Acci-
and home safety provided by a organization. dentes en
graduate nurse. 4) In-person. Jalisco.

Table order: 1) non-RCT comparison group trials alphabetically by author last name (n = 3), 2) RCTs alphabetically by author last name according to country of origin (Brazil, Cuba, Colom-
bia, Per
u, Argentina, Mexico).
non-RCT comparison group design; NA: Not applicable; PLWD: Person living with dementia; AD: Alzheimer’s Disease dementia; RCT: Randomized controlled trial; AChE-I: acetylcholin-
esterase inhibitor.

Aravena et al.
Nonpharmacologic Interventions for Family Caregivers of People Living With

demographic variables, and 29.4% (n = 5) used simple outcomes, a third (33.3%, n = 15) had been validated
randomization. Most studies (58.8%; n = 10) with the targeted sample. Most frequently reported
described a blinding scheme. outcomes were for burden (55.0%, n = 11), distress/
stress (35.0%, n = 7), quality of life (35.0%, n = 7),
depression (25.0%, n = 5), and anxiety (20.0%, n = 4).
Intervention characteristics
Regarding intervention benefits, caregiver depres-
Overall, 31 interventions were tested across 20 sion appeared most responsive with three of five tri-
studies ranging from 5 to 44 participants per arm als (60.0%) reporting statistically significant results (p
(IQR: 10−23) with 48.4% (n = 15) targeting caregivers, < 0.05; no studies reported mean effect differences or
32.3% (n = 10) dyads, and 19.4% (n = 6) PLWD. Inter- effect sizes). Of seven trials measuring quality of life,
ventions were implemented with varying time spans 57.1% (n = 4) reported positive results (two studies
(1−26 weeks [IQR: 8−16]) and sessions (1−72 [IQR: reported mean differences/effect sizes). Of 11 trials
8−22]). Intervention settings included outpatient measuring burden, 54.5% (n = 6) reported improve-
(41.9%, n = 13), home (19.4%, n = 6), community ments (four studies reported mean differences/effect
(19.4%, n = 6), long-term care (6.5%, n = 2), primary sizes). Of seven trials measuring distress/stress,
care (5.0%, n = 1), or combinations (9.7%, n = 3). 42.9% (n = 3) reported benefits (three studies reported
As to interventions, 51.6% (n = 16) were adapted mean differences/effect sizes). Of four trials evaluat-
from interventions tested elsewhere and 64.5% ing anxiety, 25% (n = 1) showed improvement (no
(n = 20) were multicomponent. Intervention compo- studies reported mean differences/effect sizes) (see
nents included caregiver education (58.1%, n = 18), Supplementary digital content S3 for individual trial
cognitive/behavioral coping (29.0%, n = 9), psychoso- results).
cial support (25.8%, n = 8), skill building (25.8%,
n = 8), or relaxation-yoga (19.4%, n = 6); and for
PLWD, cognitive stimulation (29.0%, n = 9), self-care
training (12.9%, n = 4), and physical activity
(9.7%, n = 3). Only one (3.2%) intervention involved Given escalating dementia prevalence rates and
technology. hence, disease burden for LATAM individuals, fami-
Of 31 interventions, 61.3% (n = 19) were standard- lies, communities, and countries, understanding the
ized, 29.0%(n = 9) tailored, and 9.7% (n = 3) a combi- state-of-the-science of caregiver support interventions
nation. Delivery formats varied with 54.8% (n = 17) is critical. To our knowledge, this is the first compre-
being group, 29.0% (n = 9) individual, and 16.1% hensive scoping review of interventions for dementia
(n = 5) combined. Most were in-person (90.3%, n = 28). caregivers in LATAM. From this scoping review, sev-
Intervenors varied and included study researchers eral key conclusions can be drawn to inform policy
(25.8%, n = 8), psychologists (16.1%, n = 5), nurses investments and future research.
(16.1%, n = 5), multidisciplinary teams (12.9%, n = 4), First, there appears to be growing research activity
occupational therapists (9.2%, n = 3), physical trainers in LATAM. In contrast to six trials registered in clini-
(6.5%, n = 2), physical therapists (6.5%, n = 2), stu-, we identified 17 RCTs testing caregiver
dents (3.2%, n = 1), or technology delivery (3.2%, interventions. This difference suggests that LATAM
n = 1). investigators may not engage with registration plat-
forms such as and that we captured
a wider swath of research in LATAM by searching
multiple databases and in any language.
Table 3 describes caregiver outcomes for these 20 Regardless, studies varied widely in methodologi-
trials. In these trials, an average of 2.5 (§ 1.7; IQR: 1 cal sophistication, mostly reflecting early stages of
−4) caregiver outcomes were evaluated per study. intervention development. Of 45 studies identified,
Follow-up timeframes varied from 1 week to 6 less than half (37.8%; n = 17) were RCTs, the preferred
months. Across 20 studies, a total of 45 caregiver- methodology for evaluating treatment efficacy. Few
related outcomes were measured of which 93.3% followed CONSORT reporting guidelines and there
(n = 42) were standardized measurement scales. Of 45 was considerable inconsistency in reporting design

872 Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 30:8, August 2022

Aravena et al.

TABLE 3. Caregiver’ Outcomes Reported by RCT and non-RCT Comparison Group Studies
Study Anxiety Burden Depression Distress/ Stress Quality of Life Other
Groppo (2012)20 ^ &
Stella (2011); Canonici (2012)21,22 ^ ~ ~
Viola (2011)23 ^ ~
Aboulafia-Brakha (2014)24 & & & & ~a
Avila (2007)25 &
Bottino (2005)26 & &
Campos (2019)27 V ~b
Danucalov (2013; 2017)28,29 ~ ~c
Ferreira (2016)30 ~ &d
Kamkhagi (2015)31 ~ ~ ~ ~e
Marinho (2021)32 &
Martini de Oliveira (2019)33 ~
Novelli (2018)34 & ~ ~
Prado Sanchez (2020)35 & & ~
Suemoto (2014)36 V &
Alvarez (2018) (*),37 ~
Arango-Lasprilla (2014)38 ~ ~ & ~f
Guerra (2011)39 ~ & & &g
Serrani (2012)40 V &
Villareal-Reyna (2012)41 ~ ~h
Total studies (n = 20) including the outcome. 4 11 5 7 7 8
Percentage of studies who measured the outcome 25% (1) 54.5% (6) 60% (3) 42.9% (2) 57.1% (4) 75% (6)
with positive results

Non-RCT comparison group studies; PLWD: Person living with dementia; ~= improvement; & = no differences; [blank space]: outcome not
included in the study.
Saliva-cortisol level.
Knowledge, and perception of problematic behaviors.
Self-compassion, attention, and subjective vitality.
Coping strategies.
Body self-awareness.
Satisfaction with life.
Psychological morbidity.
Attitude to care.
* The results show improvement, nevertheless, the authors did not conduct a hypothesis test to calculate statistical significance.
The study has a post intervention follow-up measurement: 1 year postintervention (Campos, 2019); 1 week after intervention (Suemoto,
2014); 6 months after intervention (Serrani 2012). Table order: 1) non-RCT comparison group trials alphabetically by author last name (n = 3), 2)
RCTs alphabetically by author last name according to country of origin (Brazil, Cuba, Colombia, Per
u, Argentina, Mexico) (n = 17).

elements, sample size calculations, power, and effect it is disconcerting considering dementia projections
sizes. Also, sample sizes were small and poorly char- throughout LATAM13 and the world priority to
acterized, making cross-study comparisons and reduce disease burdens in low-resourced countries.
understanding geographic reach of studies indiscern- Third, most interventions in this review were not
ible. Another observed methodological challenge is initially developed in LATAM. Yet, few studies
that few outcome measures had been designed or val- reported adaptations making it unclear whether inter-
idated for the targeted sample; only 33.3% of studies ventions needed to be modified (beyond language).
reported using measures previously validated for Countries in LATAM reflect distinct resources,
their samples. cultural and historical features, races/ethnicities,
Second, the scoping review revealed a limited urban/rural contexts, socioeconomic disparities, and
number of countries with published caregiver inter- health and economic systems. Moreover, within a
vention research; no studies were identified in 25 country, there is extreme heterogeneity in its popula-
(80.6%) of 31 LATAM countries. Furthermore, all 45 tion requiring a systematic understanding of what
identified studies were conducted in upper middle- interventions will work, for whom and why A
income countries with most (62.2%; n = 28) conducted “one size fits all” approach to dementia care is
in one, Brazil. No studies were found for lower mid- unlikely to be effective with in and across LATAM
dle-income countries. While perhaps not surprising,15 countries.

Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 30:8, August 2022 873

Nonpharmacologic Interventions for Family Caregivers of People Living With

Also unclear is if and how interventions addressed recruitment of diverse families and possibly result in
the unique needs of families who confront lifelong more rapid translation and use of evidence in real-
challenges including poor access to healthcare, finan- world settings.
cial strain or food insecurity; these social determi- A second recommendation is for future research to
nants compound care needs. Sources of caregiver carefully document and evaluate adaptations to inter-
stress, intervention acceptability and derived benefits ventions to more fully understand scaling and dis-
may be conditioned by such contextual factors includ- semination potentials. Lack of specification of
ing race/ethnicity, familism, religiosity, familial val- adaptations has also been identified for trials con-
ues and preferences,16 yet how interventions ducted in Asia.45 Careful documentation of adapta-
addressed these factors were not reported in these tions would facilitate replication and support more
studies. rapid translation. Exemplars are the Tailored Activity
Fourth, there is good news. Despite methodologi- Program (TAP)33,34 and the Helping Carers to Care:
cal, geographical, and contextual concerns, most stud- 10/66 intervention,39 where adaptations were care-
ies reported a positive benefit for caregivers who fully documented and reported by the respective
were predominantly female, daughters, and with less research teams and approved by original intervention
than 12 years of education, consistent with the gen- developers, positioning these interventions for more
dered burden of dementia care in the region. Care- rapid integration into different settings.
giver depression and quality of life were the primary The Early detection and timely INTERvention in
outcomes reported with statistically significant DEMentia (INTERDIM) consortium44 suggests that
improvements. This is promising, signaling that inter- researchers, providers and national plans use the best
ventions developed outside of LATAM may posi- evidence available to support dementia caregivers.
tively impact LATAM families, at least in the As such, from this scoping review, several clinical
psychosocial realm. While naming, framing, and doc- recommendations may be drawn. The evidence
umenting interventions remain inconsistent, similar suggests that support for caregivers should be tai-
to other systematic reviews, multicomponent lored to unmet needs and also be multicomponent.
approaches appeared most effective. We found that multicomponent interventions involv-
Based on this scoping review, we offer three inter- ing disease education and cognitive/behavioral cop-
related recommendations for future research. Fore- ing approaches reported psychosocial benefits for
most is the need to increase methodological rigor in the most socially vulnerable (education and income)
developing and evaluating caregiver interventions. populations.
Improvements include characterizing samples more A related research recommendation for future
thoroughly, assuring main outcome measures are val- research in this area is to draw upon implementation
idated with targeted samples, using randomization science with its theoretical frameworks and evidence-
methods such as block randomization and covariate based implementation strategies. An implementation
adaptive randomization,42 accurately reporting sin- lens implies that investigators start with the “end in
gle-blinding schemes, defining primary outcome(s) mind” when designing and testing interventions such
based on intervention targets, justifying sample size that the service context for delivery, and determining
and effect size estimations, identifying adverse events who delivers the intervention be identified early on.
and fidelity considerations, and using CONSORT Similarly, an implementation lens suggests that key
reporting guidelines. stakeholders (caregivers, health providers, policy
Additional improvements concern study designs. makers, intervenors, and administrators) be involved
A critical examination of the traditional elongated as research team members to assure alignment of
pipeline for intervention development is needed in study design, intervention components, measures,
order to more efficiently and rapidly evaluate care- outcomes, recruitment strategies and so forth with
giver interventions. Consideration should be given what matters most to different entities.11
for example to cross-over, adaptive, hybrid (effective- Implications for policy can also be drawn. First,
ness/implementation),43 mixed methods, wait-list investigators confront numerous barriers when con-
controls, and/or embedded pragmatic randomized ducting intervention research in LATAM. These
trial designs. These equitable designs can maximize include 1) cultural assumptions that families/

874 Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 30:8, August 2022

Aravena et al.

caregivers care for people living with dementia as psychosocial benefit, collectively, studies provide a
part of familial obligation/responsibility and thus, strong signal that caregiver interventions should be
their unique needs are not fully understood nor con- included in clinical practice and national plans for
sidered important to support; 2) extreme regional var- dementia care in the region. Although methodologi-
iation in needs and resources and cultures which cal quality was not rated as per scoping review guide-
stresses a research enterprise with limited funds and lines, it is nonetheless evident that rigorous Phase III
which requires replication studies and flexible inter- (efficacy) or embedded pragmatic trials (Phase IV
vention and study design approaches to accommo- [effectiveness]) are essential. We recommend invest-
date adaptations, and different testing modalities; 3) ment in pragmatic trial designs to fast-track testing
limited resources to support development, rigorous in real care contexts and to prime policy makers to
testing and then dissemination and scaling − each support their delivery. Also, there is a need to
phase of which requires significant financial invest- develop and test interventions that account for and
ment, human resources and research skills; and 4) address social determinants of health, attend to cul-
low rates of dementia diagnoses, an emphasis on cure tural and geographical variations and the full array of
and pharmacological solutions versus nonpharmaco- needs in LATAM. Thus, country investment in
logical approaches to support quality of life. Country applied studies and policies supporting implementa-
support for international collaborations may acceler- tion of evidence-based supportive approaches are an
ate development of solutions to overcome these bar- imperative.
riers. Also, country-wide public health campaigns
and purposeful training of health providers in non- Article Summary
pharmacologic dementia care may go a long way to
support adoption of proven programs in LATAM. A scoping review of nonpharmacological interven-
Moreover, our review suggests that caregiver inter- tions for caregivers of people living with dementia in
ventions previously developed elsewhere, can be Latin America identified 45 studies of single case to
effective in LATAM making adaptation a key randomized trials conducted in 8 of 31 countries in
research strategy. this region. Most studies enrolled female (daughters)
Several limitations of our scoping review are caregivers with low education, tested disease educa-
noted. Single group studies (n = 25) were coded by tion and cognitive/behavioral approaches, and
only one author. We did not examine national demen- reported improvements in caregiver wellbeing. There
tia plans and policy reports which may cite interven- is an urgent need to develop and test culturally rele-
tions. Given population heterogeneity in any one vant interventions that address unmet needs applying
country and limited understanding of adaptions to rigorous methodologies.
interventions, it is not possible to suggest which inter-
vention(s) is/are most suitable for LATAM. It bears
repeating that one size will not fit all such that differ-
ent interventions will be needed to address wide
ranging unmet needs, cultural preferences, and
In summation, this scoping review reveals that Jose M. Aravena: methods design, literature search-
dementia care research in LATAM is underway, with ing and duplicated removal, literature screening and
more activity than previously recognized. The 45 doble-check, extraction of studies information, data
studies reviewed are in an incipient stage reflecting analysis, preparation of the manuscript. Jean Gajardo:
Phase I (feasibility, safety testing) or Phase II (pilot literature screening and doble-check, preparation of
efficacy) testing with mostly small sample sizes, the manuscript. Rodrigo Saguez: literature screening,
short-term outcomes, limited use of validated meas- extraction of studies information. Ladson Hinton:
ures and incomplete reporting. The extant literature is study conceptualization, preparation of the manu-
thus not primed for systematic or meta-analytic script. Laura N. Gitlin: study conceptualization
review methodologies. Nevertheless, given that most and design, analysis preparation, preparation of the
studies reported at least one statistically significant manuscript.

Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 30:8, August 2022 875

Nonpharmacologic Interventions for Family Caregivers of People Living With

conflicts with any product mentioned or concept discussed

DISCLOSURES in this article.
Presented in part at the Gerontological Society of Amer-
We would like to express our gratitude to Kate Nyhan,
ica Annual Meeting, November 4−7, 2020.
MLS, and the librarian team from the Yale Cushing/Whit-
Aravena J, Gajardo J, Gitlin L. Non-Pharmacologic
ney Medical Library (CWML), for their support in the use
Interventions for Caregivers of People with Dementia in
of screening tools and article identification for this review.
Latin America: A Review. Innovation in Aging, Volume 4,
Dr. Gitlin was supported in part from grants from the
Issue Supplement_1, 2020, Pages 275−276, https://doi.
National Institute on Aging (R01AG049692 and
Some studies reviewed in this paper were presented in
Dr. Hinton was supported in part from a grant from the
the National Institute on Aging commissioned Decadal
National Institute on Aging (R01AG064688).
Paper: Gitlin, L. N., Jutkowitz, E., & Gaugler, J. E (2020).
Dr. Gitlin and Dr. Hinton were also supported in part
Dementia Caregiver Intervention Research Now and into
by the National Institute on Aging (NIA) of the National
the Future: Review and Recommendations. National Acad-
Institutes of Health under Award Number
emies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine: Washing-
U54AG063546, which funds NIA Imbedded Pragmatic
ton, DC.
Alzheimer’s Disease and AD-Related Dementias Clinical
Trials Collaboratory (NIA IMPACT Collaboratory).
The content is solely the responsibility of the authors
and does not necessarily represent the official views of the
National Institutes of Health.
Dr. Gitlin is an inventor of a training program for
health professionals for one of the interventions reported in
this scoping review (Tailored Activity Program). She and
her respective Universities are entitled to royalty based on
training fees. This arrangement has been reviewed and Supplementary material associated with this article
approved by her universities in accordance with its con- can be found, in the online version, at https://doi.
flict-of-interest policies. The other authors report no org/10.1016/j.jagp.2021.10.013.

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