Assignment 6

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Try to imagine what other, general information you would need a year from now,

when you've forgotten the details about the project and the questionnaire and list this
information as succinctly as possible (in general what does the questionnaire
measure, when/where was the data collected, by whom, etc.).

You should not write a running piece of text with full sentences. Instead try to create
lists, use keywords and make your codebook as short as possible without leaving out
relevant information. You do not need to include the questionnaire or data example
provided above. The only new thing you need to come up with are the variable
names in the data file. The variable names should be short (preferable 8 characters
long, no longer than 20 characters).

Here's an example: for example question 7 'are you Dutch? [yes / no]' (which would
be recorded in the datafile as V8), the codebook could contain this information:

V8 - variable name: nationality, variable description: Dutch nationality, values: 1=yes,


You have 500 words, but you should be able to complete this assignment with 200-
300 words or even less!

1) General information of the project: to measure motivation

2) information of the variables

V1 and V2 are nominal values that can not be quantified, but play an important role in
defining the sample.

V1: variable name “age”

V2: Variable name “gender”

V3 to V7 are quantifiable variables, most likely interval ones. They measure the
construct “motivation” of the students in different ways.

Those variables can be aggregated to obtain a value that represent the overall
motivation of the sample.

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