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Electric Po tential (Vv) Electric potential Aifference between any tuo points A and B17 4N electric fictd is defined as negative of werk done by electrostafre force in moving a unit bosidive charge frm A to 8. toace Ve-Vac 7 werk done by Clectrostah a force in moving @ anit psitive charge from A 8 Electric. Potential Ufference due te a pomt ches. 8 wife Va-Va = ~f Far 1 A 8 A 1 __ ’ YW * 7 a e | Bax z Nn y a, =: —_ to 3 ats], Eo Fa (5, x \ 2 Va-%e & FL (77 Y, To’ Fird potential at ony point, we eves fo take oa reference point and potential at that pernd is taken a5 227°. TE infinity is taken of reference point and Bis at infinttly «Vg oo 5s c eee ED ao Vy - © = kL(7¥, =) s a @ So, potengial at a distance 7 from a point charge Y 15 A @ v= & > Flectric potential is a Scalar quanbity and Us unit is voekt(v). Electric potential due ty a System of point charges .- Tf there 35 4 Sy5ter~ FSUaomeee of point charges 4,, 2,---- oe potential at any point tue t tta Syston wil be adgebraic sum of potentials aue to au te individual permt charge c.e. vy; = V, + Vy aoe Ey tee ae: Y, Gyre’ CP°775> as, 22, 39 oe +464 are placed at tue Corners ofa Square ef side feng a. Fined +02 potential ak the centre : , +L Sey. gf E+ (209, a) eS) a ial 2vzkn a /I2 ON Electric Potential clue to Let there is a charged 1 body having charge % ~ To find tre potential at ) : any pomnt p duc ty tee a lec? o body, we fake Gn ‘nfinitesimal ; clewert vf charge dd. Potential at pont P due to tts element 2 where TIS te aistemce dvi co Of point Prem 4 Charge due to tte anfinidesimal elewerd entire bedy at P yr Sav Ex. There is cc unicirmly charged Abin ved of - Lemgtn and charge 7 oe ee \ frm fee potentiod 1 ee at point P ave tte wd Sol. Considey on infortermd ’ + isenst of hergth an ela a of Le md. foterdial at? Aue to the a sas ar xz ave Kee kK oe ee entire wd foderdial at P dus to ve fav = be [Se = Et alSt) @ Ex find tre potential on he onic of of wedivg R and charae 9 charged rin ae Al a ~Ly dv= k ete q —— Y Ron a Electrostekic Potential Eneray WW Electrostodic Potential Energy of a Syster of Two point charges oes pe Reemdbin 2° Electrostatic potential elo) Energy of a System ay ig °f two point charges 4, and % placed at a distemce yx from each Other 1s tha work done. by enter nal force tn bringing the duro point charges from Onfindte distance Frm each otter fo position Where distance between Lhom is a ae Fene bet 4,35 fined is _—_, FS) a € a electro ) \ a falc 4, 1S moved Slowly fiom infinity Arwerds DL, tin distance between them becomes r. a ( Suppsse of any moment Aistance betwean ten 'S WH The cukynal force required 4° move 4, tewerds 4%, ot this mewent fo = [ec =a —s Font = lecbnstalce es Total work done by enterpat force Bf fa Sete > = eta a Tr tS formula 1, and 4, Gre Charges oF ke kwo point charges With ther Prber sign (pesitive oy negative) Electrostedic potential of point charges enerzy 1s the algebraic Sum of © of A Sy6tenn boterdial energies of att Me pairs of Ue point charges. Ex, Three pont charges “15 and a cre Placed ¢£ Shmm in the fig, Find Ere Clechrostahic putential 1 Enevgte of Rre System, iS ¥ (ees Bae Sel. Ae i : oi ES ' 7 é 7 z 2 Bed Ob (Be, eee) 1, ah tha" % ‘y ey. Four equal point charges JY are placed ak the Corners of a squcre Le- a L of edge 2. fine the \ \ potendick encryg of the Ay ) System i ee, 2 ee - 7 (Oe epee) ane L Va e ant charges, number ee , . ne, = ROD wR four point } | = Corners of a charges ore placed at ne Ayucye of Clechyestdic potential ener dy edge 4 find fre of fie aye ee ae 1 Bia Ee @ Electrostalic potential eneroy of a point charge LD placed in an enternal electric Sietd uU- 2V bee electric potential o” ko Khe enternal eller tte tree where Vis point charge L due fieta, THES is alse Colted tre interar dion brodendind energy betwun point charged andents fetal , ex. A point charge L is placed on Ue Gri of a Uniformly charge ving of charge Q and Tadivs Rag shen. Find tte pu fential eneryy of He poink charge . Q 4 4 \e Se ys av I). A - ka a = ol 7 . . x Rtn w~ Ws Kay gant Nokes When a point charge 4 is moved from busidion A + postion B I OM enternal Clectec fietd, change im gts electrestalrc botential energy Fe, = Ve - 2, we [zo a4 %)| WipyaeAwve— enternal force in (movies (ee point chavge 1 frm A ty 8 is tre entymal electric fietd ot. = 4U- 1 (vg -V,y] © w © EX There ane two a os UNS Formby charged tf 4 Cocxial wing, each of 5 TALS and distance between tte centres Aas Shon. Find tre Minimum pork clone Lo rT ot ~4 Move A boint charge 4 From the contrepor die * fot ring be Lhe Centre Bef fee ce cous wing ot Va = ea shee KR [Rear Uy = ie | ae 8, s ica live ils Wer ave Tava kanya] g Es is A charged particle, of Share oi apalln een A 1S released from rece on fired the axis oF A Uniformly charged 214 of charge +@Q and Pakng al a distance {FR from thre 4h Centre. Finct Che Sheed F of the particle When et eae Beaches the centre of the , ) nrg ac Jo-V3R-4 Sol. The ony force acting om the Enea) porticle is electyssfalre force A wolich iS Consey yative, So npeeebte mechanical herd of wihg plus payticle syctems wir be Conserved. 7 , +Ugees OU, a > or Cpe = | ne [G4 38* bar 2 ae E 2m . iin > vr KaL _ ma Y KLom® Ana Ex. Two point charges +R and t+2R are tL i placed ak the lorneaS 8 < +” aA +2Q of an eq uitaterat Eriangle of Side length 2 Find the werk done te move pent eee from te Cor Ate to MIA poimdk BD Of Line & BC Sot. im B Pn: ese 1 (',- Yn) = ae So BkAL 4a eo Ex. Three per equal point Charges J are placed a : at kre corner of Ae) teteval &riangle of cage & find + x dene fo move tron, to A Corners of equalcder equa wor Ryrangle of edge 2% rang ae waa 3h9% 2 vi — > ° os = eae = ne Re tation between Electric Pietd and Clec tric Potential If a point charge @ 1S moved from position Ae postion Bin am enlernal electric Seth change in potential eneray of the poind charge AU = VUg- Va = ave 2%a = 2 (MaMa) Since. Change in elecdwstahic potential Energy = — Werk done YY elec trustat ce force 8 Be ai v,-wy = —JOe 7 Bie B S = {ea ae A Par” €, o+ fyi + EK “ap os 4K pay d tae > Dias Exe bey dy Ae 6 > Ve— A Ss Eo J endn + Eydy + E,Az) A (a. Baie RG iy Conan Uc). f= © = = 3 Vg-Va = “Sear EO} Sr Ve ma So, VV ef electric fictd mm a ceytain region is ie Zew, at points of that region are at Same potential IS electric fierd : : acs “a E A region 4S uniform LN , PA A ie Ve-Va = - fe ay an oe > a= Jer esse A a = - Ecose fay = -(E cosa) A 4 ace cos o TE Ame Ag is baralter Bo eleetave fied Va-Ve = ow lectotc fie td TE Ame AB is perbendicular te clec™ \ Tf in a cervteun region eleckrve Sierd 15 along % axI5 amd poink Charge Y 1S moved thrugh an in Finitesim ah is placement Oa alors % axis. eee Sine W a ae ee lec trostedse Bit e Force 5 Pennies Av 7 ae So, Bt poterdiad Vi is given oa Function of x Co ovdinake we can fire the electric field THE flecdvic potentral Ve £(%,4 2) oe ae Ten Bas “BE, Gye “24,

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