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1. Age : a) Below 30 years b) 30- 40 years c) 40- 50 years d) 50& above : 50% : 42% : 08% : 00%

d a b a c d

2. Educational qualification (Academic) a) Below matriculation b) Matriculate& Below graduate c) Graduate & above : 0% : 58% : 42%

a c b a b c

3. Educational qualification(Technical) a) None b) Technical Diploma c) Technical Degree : 16% : 18% : 66%

a a b c b c

4. How many years of experience you have when you have joined this organization? a) Up to 05 years b) 05 to 10 years c) 10 years& above d) None : 50% : 17% : Nil : 33%

a b a c d

c b

5. How long you have been working in this organization?

a) Up to 05 years b) 5 to 10 years c) 10 & above

: 50% : 41% : 09%

c a b a b c

6.Have you undergone any training after induction in this organization? a) Yes : 100% b) No : Nil

7. If yes, what are the training you have received? a) Industrial (OJT) c) Quality circle (QC) e) Time management g) WCM programme j) Leadership development b) Supervisory development d) High performance team building f) House keeping h) Safety

8. Have you attended any external training programme sponsored by this organization? a) Yes : 33% b) No : 67%

a a b b

9. If yes, what are those? a) BITRA, SITRA and NITRA b) Quality circle programme(Hindalco, Jayshree Text etc) c) Workshop on time management& house keeping d) Super visional programme (Hindustan Gas) :16% : 25% : 9% : 50%

d c a b a b c d

10. How you have attained present designation? a) Promotion b) Direct recruitment c) Transfer : 25% : 75% : Nil

a a b c

11. How many people are working under you? a) Below 25 b) 25 to 50 c) 50 and above : Nil : 42% : 58%

a b a b c c

12. Do you find any motivational changes among your subordinates after training and retraining? a) Yes : 100%

b) No

: Nil

13. If yes, what are those? a) Working enthuse with qualitative change b) Problem attending attitude c) Consultative attitude d) Team work attitude e) WCM concept implementation : 80% : 76% : 62% : 65% : 58%

80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% a b c d e

14. How do you correct your subordinate way of working? a) Job specification b) Job classification c) Training/Retraining : 40% : 48% : 12%

c a

15. How do you share your working with your trained subordinate? a) Direct involvement b) Team building c) External supervision : 21% : 71% : 08%

a b c

16. What do you know about World Class Management? a) Plant autonomous maintenance b) Implementation of 5 S concept c) Zero defects, zero breaks down, zero Losses, zero accident and zero pollution d) World standard quality product e) Continuous improvement : 88% : 78% : 66% : 72% : 86%

100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% a b c d e

17. Do you have any participation in WCM? a) Yes : 100% b) No : Nil

18. If yes, how? a) Workshop attendance b) As a level II member c) Attending Engineering and operating problem d) Schedule WCM meeting 19. Do you feel workers training programme is meeting the job requirement? a) Yes : 72% b) No : 28%

b a b a

20. If no, why? a) Gap between theory and practices b) Inadequate compensation c) Mind-set problem d) Low level of intelligence e) Implementation of conception is difficult : 83% : 94% : 89% : 42% : 66%

100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% a b c d e

21. If yes, how? a) Workers involvement effectively and efficiently b) Inspiration in job enrichment c) Identify machine performance and product quality d) Kaizen
100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% a b c d

: 79% : 68% : 83% : 76%

22. Is there any facility to project training requirement to your section/department or higher authority? a) Yes : 88% b) No : 12%

b a b a

23. If yes, how? a) Through HRD and WCM corporate cell b) Direct involvement in Seminar c) Through abnormality management board (TAG Display) d) Through performance appraisal
100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% a b c d

: 64% : 24% : 100% : 80%

24. Any specific suggestion regarding training programme? a) Grass-root suggestion should be implemented : 52%

b) Worker should be made to know how they are mutually benefited : 68% c) WCM team member should be increased d) Work appreciation should be emphasized e) Motivational aspect should be thoroughly counseled f) Job orientation than action orientation : 66% : 66% : 58% : 77%

80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% a b c d e f

25. Any specific suggestion on training programme? a) Training should be imparted with in specific work areas b) More external training programme should be schedule for supervisors c) Multi skill programme should be schedule for workers d) Training evaluation should come directly from shop-floor e) Behavioural training is required to be enriched
100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% a b c d e

: 68%

: 78% : 81% : 92% : 77%

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