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Undoubtedly education has always been immortal part of our lives and one must be

thankful to everyone in this journey as education ain't only empowers an individual also isn't
the way to manifest quest & goals either but actually a path which contributes in
enlightenment, broading the vision and devlop the sense to live as best individual.

Unfortunately the speed by which world is turning as goal oriented and has advanced its
speed for development & productivity and geared up for advanced technology, search and
surveys our curriculum had lacked since a long time. Our curriculum, education system,
textbooks, concepts are still the same.
Today the dire need of the education system is to introduce every individual with latest
technology and searches but the part where we almost as a world lack is old fashioned
system in which we are still struck.
A recent study by University of America, California states that for public improvement of
country, government should fix the education system first.
As a matter of fact from basic schooling to technological education , public education system
in which we are and what is known to us is outdated and has been in pratice since decades.
In addition to that enginnering drawing ,map plotting,map reading are still part of
curriculum and is taught to students cluelessly which is fruitless in itself as world long ago
has developed advance softwares which not only reduces the time whilst working but also
gives reliable data. Cliche syallabus and old fashioned computer languages are taught
merely for examinations which serves no aim.
Eventually today scholar after investing a huge time in education are facing unemployment,
engineers are unable to serve engineer feat . Apparently we emphasis on therotical
knowledge and loose in touch with practical aspects as students must be taught questions
but taught their importance and engineers shouldn't taught how to operate machines,drive
motors but how to build them.

Latest surveys reveals that a huge fraction of IITians and IIMs' scholar are depressed and
dealing with everyday stress and burden. It isn't a secret that how from a young age youths
are put in uniform & standard way of teaching and are enrouted in usual rat race while
ignoring their own intrest & suppressing their will. This not only contributes to absence of
work satisfaction but also in happiness & sound mental health.

Toady need of hour is that we should collectively come as a team and work on this to fix this
Books & study mateial must be updated, parents should take keen interest to stay updated,
faculty should be in constant touch with new techs. Outdated syllabus should be called off
and curriculum must be geared one step advance to satisfy market demands. 
As it is easy to do things the way they are always been done , it would take a little time but
with proper strategy and updated tech we can achieve this and indeed this would proove to
be fruitful in a long run.

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