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Bachelor’s Degree Report (BSc)

Facial Recognition – Based Attendance System (FRAS)


Mahmud kawu Ibrahim

Supervisor: Usman Ahmad Baba

School of Information Technology & Computing

American University of Nigeria

June 2021
Facial Recognition – Based Attendance System (FRAS)


Mahmud Kawu Ibrahim

BSc Report

Project Report submitted in

Partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
Degree of software engineering

Supervisor: Usman Ahmad Baba

School of Information, Technology & Computing

American University of Nigeria

June 2021


I Mahmud kawu Ibrahim declare this written submission represents my ideas, and that to the

best of my knowledge has not been submitted and is not currently being submitted either in

whole or in part for any degree or award in any other University. Where any secondary

information is included, it has been duly acknowledged.

Student’s Name: Mahmud Ibrahim Signature…………………………….

Supervisor’s Name: Usman Ahmad Baba Signature…………………………….

Program Chair: Dr Sandip Rakshit Signature…………………………….

Dean: Dr. Grace Oletu Signature…………………………….

SDP Coordinator: Dr. Grace Oletu Signature…………………………….


This work that I have produced would not have even been possible had it not been for the

innumerable amount of help I got from different people.

First and foremost, I am grateful to God and my ever-supportive family. Words cannot

express how appreciative I am of all that you have done for me. Thank you to the

administration and staff of the American University of Nigeria who provided me with the

platform I needed to make this possible.

However, this acknowledgment would be incomplete if I do not thank my supervisor prof

Usman Ahmad Baba of the American University of Nigeria, who dedicated his time and

expertise in software engineering to give me the guidance that made the completion of this

work possible. In the same vein, I would like to thank, Dr. Grace Oletu whose practical

knowledge in writing research work proved to be a readymade treasure for my research. I

thank her for all her criticisms and guidance this semester.

While thanking the above, the mistakes in this work are solely mine. Controversial claims

and inconsistencies of facts, if any, are made without their help or concurrence.


Our modern world has changed a lot since the first introduction of schools and school systems

the way we know them however, one relatively unchanged thing is the way we take

attendance in our classes and schools from kindergarten to university level classes one thing

that remains constant is the way we take our attendance it is done by a teacher calling your

name and the student proceeding to answer. For a very long time now that was the only way

we could have conceived of how it should be done but that doesn’t have to be done like that

anymore we are moving into a new age where we can do this automatically, we can now take

our attendance with farcical recognition, the implementation of this kind of system is the

future of how schools should go about the process of taking attendance that is what this paper

goes over the proposed automated attendance system and also the works of others who have

already implemented their systems this paper will critically analyze the current system of

taking attendance that is all but the norm right now and also analyze how we can improve it

by the introduction of the proposed farcical recognition system.

Table of Contents




TABLE OF CONTENTS-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------vi

LIST OF FIGURES------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------viii

LIST OF TABLES---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ix

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS---------------------------------------------------------------------------------x

CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION------------------------------------------------------------------------1

1.0 Introduction-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1

1.1 Background and motivation-------------------------------------------------------------------------------1

1.2 Problem statement------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2

1.3 Aims and Objectives---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3

1.4 Significance-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3

1.5 Outline of report--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4

CHAPTER TWO: REVIEW OF EXISTING LITERATURE--------------------------------------------5

2.1 Introduction-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5

2.2 Existing Studies--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5

2.3 Existing Software Systems-------------------------------------------------------------------------------9

2.4 Summary of Literature Reviewed----------------------------------------------------------------------11

CHAPTER THREE: METHODOLOGY------------------------------------------------------------------12

3.1 Software development life cycle-----------------------------------------------------------------------12

3.2 Justification for the technologies------------------------------------------------------------------------16

3.3 System Design: Software Architecture. ---------------------------------------------------------------16

CHAPTER FOUR: RESULTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------22

4.1 Results -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------22

4.2 Discussion of Results ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------26

CHAPTER FIVE: Conclusion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------28

5.1 Summary--- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------28

5.2 Conclusion-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------28

5.3 Future Work ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------29

REFERENCES -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------30

List of Figures

Figure 3.1.1 Framework for the FRAS System .................................................................... 15

Figure 3.3.1 Use case diagram .............................................................................................. 18

Figure 3.3.2 Sequence diagram ............................................................................................. 20

Figure 4.1 The system detecting test subject 1’s face. .......................................................... 23

Figure 4.2 The system accurately detecting test subject 2’s face. ........................................ 23

Figure 4.3 The system accurately detecting test subject 2’s face and labeling it. ................ 24

Figure 4.4 A CSV file that records attendance. .................................................................... 24

Figure 4.5 Faces stored in the database................................................................................. 25

Figure 4.6 Spreadsheet containing attendance taken. ........................................................... 25

List of Tables

Table 3.3.1: Use case Description......................................................................................... 19

List of Abbreviations

PCA: P rincipal component analysis

HOG: Histogram of oriented gradients

(LBPH): Local Binary Patterns Histograms are the three.


1.0 Introduction:

Most lecturers have many students, and it is difficult to keep track of all their absences

the current manual way of doing it is simply obsolete and now a lot of institutions are

seeing that. Many institutions have begun rolling out facial recognition to take attendance

of their students. The current manual way of taking attendance is the most popular.

1.1 Background and Motivation

As a student in AUN, I have seen how old and inferior the current system for taking

attendance is the manual method of writing names or calling attendance takes far too long

and in our current day and age where we have the technology to speed up the process and

make it faster, I see no reason for us to not use it especially when the tools we need to

make the quality of life significantly better is readily available.

It is no secret that a lot of time from classes and lectures get taken from using it to take

attendance now it might seem like not much being 5 maybe 10 minutes but in the long

run when all the time gets put together the amount of time wasted starts growing into

surprisingly large numbers. The only other solution I have seen implemented by teachers

to curve the time-wasting is to take attendance after the class ends which will make the

students have to stay there until it is done it might not seem like a big deal, but it can

result in many students running late for other classes or other things they might need to

get to promptly.

1.2 Problem Statement:

Attendance is an important part of daily classroom evaluation. At the beginning of class,

it is usually manually done by using an attendance sheet or a callout, which is a time-

consuming event. Moreover, it is very difficult to verify each student in a large classroom

environment with distributed branches whether the authenticated students are responding

or not.

As the manual labor involved in this process is time consuming, an automated system

that uses face detection and face recognition techniques is proposed The necessity for

taking attendance in school is something that doesn’t have to be argued or told to anyone

so us having a system for it is nothing surprising for the last century or so the way it’s

been done has been pretty much the same a teacher will call the names of the students

one by one and they would indicate whether they were here or not by either raising their

hand or responding with present this system did the job for a very long time with very

little issues till the size of classrooms started getting bigger. As of now, it’s not too

uncommon to see classrooms of upwards of 40 people in certain even less privileged

schools having 100 people in one class is not unheard of in that case the system of calling

names one by one would fall flat on its face because it took far too much time from the

actual class.

A system where a piece of paper is passed around the class and people write their names

on it to signify, they are in class is used however that system is very prone to manipulation

anyone could write anyone’s name, the future is now and the system for taking attendance

available to us needs to change it needs to evolve into a system that is better.

1.3 Aim and objectives

This project aims to design and implement an automated facial detection and

recognition–based attendance system.


• To feed the system with a live video/picture of a class/group of students.

• Use the HOG method to increase the consistency of results.

• To detect a face/face from the converted image.

• To identify a face by matching it with the images already in the database.

• To record the date and time at which a recognized face (student) was seen in


• To update the attendance record in the database.

• To generate a comprehensive class attendance report.

1.4 Significance:

The current system available is alright it has served its function reliably without many critical

issues however with the improvement of technology and resources we must update and

improve our infrastructures. If we decided to not improve our systems because the current

ones available are okay our technology and infrastructures would never get better innovation

is the cornerstone for most of the amazing things that have been made and are readily

available today and that’s why I believe this kind of system is the logical next step for school

systems. this system will help with a lot of the issues the schools are plagued with aside from

the issue of falsified attendances and time wasted on taking attendance there are other issues

this kind of system will stop.

In the US, the rampant issue of school shootings is something infamous worldwide the facial

recognition system would detour such behavior and, in some cases, might even prove

instrumental for saving lives although in Nigeria school shootings is not an all-too-common

problem something that is and would be completely stopped by this system is an issue of


Most Nigerian universities and The American University of Nigeria is no exception theft is

a very rampant issue having a facial recognition system active on campus will completely

detour and in most cases catch anyone that would attempt to take something that did not

belong to them from off-campus

1.5 Outline of the report

This paper is mainly composed of five chapters. The first chapter which is the introduction

is a detailed discussion and beginning of the study, it introduces the project by presenting the

main aim of the project and the objectives, significance background motivation research

questions, and finally the problem statement. The second chapter will be the literature review.

works that are related to the facial recognition attendance systems will be critically analyzed

and related to the work in this section.

The third chapter is the methodology, this section talks about the methodology used for this

paper, reasons why a specific language was picked and not another, and the System gets

explained. The fourth chapter the result presents the results gotten from the whole work as a

whole. The fifth chapter the conclusion concludes the whole study and provides a summary

document of the work, the major findings from this study by trying to answer the aims and

objectives, limitations, and presents areas for future study research. Here is a small outline

of all the chapters that will be present in this paper.


2.1 Introduction

Facial recognition is nothing new it has been a part of a lot of technological devices For a

while now, its present in some pretty compact devices so its implementation on larger scales

shouldn’t be anything shocking even its application in schools isn’t new, in some of the

papers I will be talking about in this section of the paper we will go over how it has been

implemented in certain schools around the world how they differ from mine and talk about

the success they had gotten from their implementations of the system.

2.2 Existing Studies

In the first paper we are reviewing they talk about what a face recognition system is here they

say “ a face recognition system which is an application of computer vision and image

processing which is capable of two major tasks identifying a person from a photo or video

database” (Rekha & Ramaprasad, 2017) in this conference paper they talk about many of the

issues I also highlight in mine which come with the issue of having our attendance system

remaining manual. Two of the biggest reason for most schools pushing for this is the fake

attendance and the consumption of time problems that come with this current manual system

that is present. They also bring up a point I did not even think about which is the larger a

school gets the more likely it is for students with the same names to both be enrolled in the

school at the same time.

The introduction of the facial recognition system would completely prevent that from causing

issues when two students with the same names although unlikely but still possible are

attending the school at the same time managing the records might become messy or even

impossible at times. He goes on to talk about PCA which is a technique used for reducing

dimensions. The process is done like this “The face database images are converted to

multivariate data set (Chintalapati & Raghunadh, 2013) utilizing data compression PCA

technique reduces the dimension of data and shows the most effective low dimensions

structure of facial features “(Mulla et al., 2015)

In another conference paper I read they talk about how Attendance plays a pivotal role in

determining academic. performance of children and youth in schools and colleges. They also

noted that regular attendance the students are less likely to engage in delinquent or destructive

behavior they have also discovered that chronic absences increased the risk of school failure

and early dropout This document takes about some of the flaws of manual attendance are It

takes away a lot of lecture hours and are Prone to proxies or impersonations in an attempt to

deal with this they have implemented multiple attendance management systems (S. K. Jain,

U. Joshi, 2011).

In this paper also do talk about multiple other alternatives to the classic manual attendance

system we know, one of the methods talked is a desktop-based application in which students

are given attendance by clicking a checkbox next to their name and then by clicking the

register button to mark their presence they also proposed a blue-tooth based attendance

system. It required an application is installed on a mobile phone which would enable

registering the attendance. via blue-tooth connection and transfer the notification to the


Works like this although doesn’t share too much in common with the project I am proposing

it, however, is another take on it instead of having to go the fully automated route this one is

a little more manual it is easier to implement but also less reliable it and still prone to some

of the flaws that the current system of taking attendance has the same problem possibility of

the attendances being faked so it only solves one of the two problems that we set to solve one

being the time wasted and two eliminating the possibility of having fake attendance, They do

end up moving away from the check box system they originally started and went for a fully

automated facial recognition system they acknowledged those other systems had limitations

such as being distracting for the students which would be causing more problems again.

I found a paper that talks about a facial recognition system that is very similar to mine in

many ways, it even uses python however somewhere they differ is by them implementing a

skin classification technique” In this process first the skin is classified and then only skin

pixels remains and all other pixels in the image are set to black, this greatly enhances the

accuracy of the face detection process” (Selvi et al., 2014).

I don’t agree with this technique because it would only work in a system that doesn’t use the

HOG and from the research I found the HOG to be one of the best and most reliable ways to

detect faces although there are other ways none are as accurate in both low light and well

light environments systems without the HOG a very likely to give inaccurate results because

of the fact it’s likely for the system to make mistake in considering the same person two

different people depending on the lighting condition.

Another piece of literature that caught my attention is a Fingerprint Based Attendance System

Using Microcontroller and LabView it is another automatic attendance system that does not

use facial recognition but a thumb print detector. To handle the fingerprint recognition

process, this system employs two microcontrollers. The fingerprint pattern will first be

obtained using a fingerprint sensor, and the information will then be transmitted to

microcontroller 1. Following that, microcontroller 1 will pass the information to

microcontroller 2 to perform the database check. After locating a student match, the

information is sent to the PC via serial communication and displayed.(Yadav et al., 2015).

The widespread use of internet of things sensors and gadgets has piqued people's curiosity in

a variety of disciplines. It spawned a new wave of higher education, known as Education 3.0,

that focuses on business intelligence and business analytics 3.0 to produce smart results.

According to the Economist, the number of smartphones and tablets has surpassed the

number of PCs and laptops. IoT capabilities enable large-scale mobile edge computing and

provide context and location awareness. Some researchers proposed a fingerprint -based

student attendance management system (SAMS) (Akinduyite et al., 2013).

This study recommended that students scan the barcodes on their identification cards to keep

track of their attendance(Akinduyite et al., 2013). In 2012, Malaysian academics urged the

usage of student ID cards combined with Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)

technology.(Moksin & Yasin, 2009) Any researchers have proposed a face recognition-based

real-time internet-based attendance system? For face detection, the suggested system used

Har-cascade, and for face recognition, it used LBP.(Chinimilli et al., 2020)

2.2.1 Class Attendance Management System Using NFC Mobile Devices

A solution for automating, monitoring, and further processing attendance gathering is

provided to allow faculty members to concentrate on teaching. This paper covers a Class

Attendance Management System (CAMS) prototype that was created and tested with the help

of an NFC-enabled mobile device and an NFC (or RFID) tag/card. This technology allows

school/university staff to take attendance quickly and easily in a class using their cell phone,

saving time in the classroom. Faculty can track students' attendance throughout an academic

year, issue warnings, and seek a student's withdrawal if they fail to meet the institution's

attendance requirements. (Mohandes, 2017)

2.3 Existing Software Systems:

In this section I will be talking about systems that are similar to mine that already exist s first

In I would like to start with an Automated Attendance System Using Face Recognition For

face detection, the Viola-Jones Algorithm was used, which detects human faces by using a

cascade classifier, the PCA algorithm for feature selection, and SVM for classification this

proposed system is based on face detection and recognition algorithms, which are used to

automatically detect the student's face when he/she enters the class and the system is capable

of marking the attendance by recognizing him. When compared to traditional attendance

marking, this system saves time and aids in student monitoring. (PRAGATI ASHOK

DEOLE, 2014).

I found this to be a system to be very similar to mine and I agreed with their mentality for it

to be fast and efficient will being reliable however I don’t completely agree with their system

because it uses the Viola-jones algorithm after I did the research on the system I found it to

be a little less reliable then the HOG system I use especially when they are in low lighting

conditions, In Nigeria where 24 hours of electricity is still not the norm those kinds of things

need to be kept in mind when we embark on these kinds of projects.

2.3.1 Loop learn the system.

In estimates of saving up to 2,5 hours of teacher time per week, the Loop Learn Facial

Recognition Call System was marketed. Automated registration systems are also considered

an effective way of overcoming 'fake attendance' and 'proxy' problems, especially in

countries like India where there is a common occurrence of fraudulent attendance. (Wagh et

al., 2015)

2.3.2 RFID system

When using a fixed finger identification device at the classroom entry, attendance should be

taken under the observation of the teacher so that students do not depart after the finger

recognition, making the process time-consuming for both the teacher and the pupils. In the

case of RFID card scanning systems, attendance can be taken using the cards given to

students. (Konatham et al., 2016)

2.3.3 Facial Recognition Using Simulated Prosthetic Pixelized Vision

To explore the effects of phosphene and grid parameters on facial recognition in a model of

simulated pixelized prosthetic vision utilizing noncontiguous circular phosphenes. A video

headset was used to view a reference set of four faces, followed by a partially averted image

of one of those faces viewed through a square pixelating grid that contained 10 10 to 32 32

dots separated by gaps, and a partially averted image of one of those faces viewed through a

square pixelating grid that contained 10 10 to 32 32 dots separated by gaps Except for grids

with 70% random-dot dropout and two gray levels, the individuals obtained highly

significant facial recognition accuracy in all high-contrast assessments (Thompson Jr et al.,


As there are two types of outcomes in this project, one is his feedback and the feedback on

how it helps in enhancing the performance of the student record, image processing matched

with machine learning is implied. Facial Recognition Facial identification is a record that

identifies and verifies if a student who arrives at college with a specific roll number is

confirmed and assigned to the system as an identifying priority (Reddy et al., 2018).

2.3.4 Iris-Recognition Based Attendance System

Another biometric that can be employed in Attendance Systems is the iris. The authors

present an Iris recognition system based on the Doughmans algorithm. This system employs

an iris recognition management system that captures, extracts, stores, and matches iris

recognition images. However, laying transmission lines in areas with poor topography is a

challenge. The authors offer a system based on real-time facial recognition that is

trustworthy, safe, and quick, although it still has to be improved under varied lighting

circumstances (Kadry & Smaili, 2007).

2.4 Summary of Literature Reviewed

in this section we went through the paper talked about certain pieces of literature that had a

similar topic to mine these papers talked about alternatives to taking attendance like the

detector that gets passed around but was considered to be a distraction, the check box system

where students tick their names when they are in class however it still was possible for it to

be manipulated by students who wanted to change their friend’s status ultimately in this

section we concluded the best attendance system is the facial recognition one it is the least

prone to manipulation and places that already have it implanted have found great success

because it reduced the time wasted in class and was completely unmanipulated by students

places that have their kind of it have enjoyed all these benefits.


3.1 Software development life cycle:

For the project, I am using Agile which is a type of development methodology that

anticipates the need for flexibility and applies a level of pragmatism to the delivery of the

finished product I am using this SDLC because it allows me to keep evolving the system

while maintaining a focus on the efficient delivery of the system.

3.1.1 Stages of Agile life model

1. Scope out and prioritize projects: The team scopes out and prioritizes projects during

the first step of the agile software development life cycle. In this stage for the system,

I was assessing the feasibility of the project and how to go about it.

2. Diagram requirements: for the initial sprint in this stage, we worked to develop

requirements after the project was selected, I also started to design diagrams.

3. Construction/iteration: the work begins once a team has identified requirements for

the first sprint based on stakeholder feedback and requirements. In this stage I started

working on the code for the project.

4. Release the iteration into production: in this stage the product is getting ready to be

brought into the world. In this stage I finished my code, and the system was close to


5. Production and ongoing support for the software release: This phase involves ongoing

support for the software release in this stage I continued to fine tune the program to

help make it perform better and remove any bugs that popped up

6. Retirement During the retirement phase, you remove the system release from

production. In this stage the system was completed, and I was done working on it.
3.1.2 Functional Requirements

For a Start, the proposed system will be able to be put into action with very few resources.

Resources as simple as a camera with the ability to detect faces even in low light areas, a

connection to the internet for the processing, and a database for the storage of the information.

these requirements and resources will be discussed in this section of this paper.

▪ Track facial recognition attendance at certain times.

▪ Directly send the names of the absent student to the professor

▪ Enable the lecturer to change the absent or late student.

▪ Displaying the names to prevent errors of who is absent or late on the screen.

▪ The system detects the student’s face.

▪ The system marks the attendance of students.

▪ The system will update and store the attendance records.

3.1.3 Nonfunctional requirements

• Speed and reactivity: operations should be executed quickly.

• Accuracy and precision: to prevent problems, the system should perform its process

precisely and precisely.

• Maintainability: any problems should be resolved suddenly by the maintenance


• Changeability: it should be easy to change the system; it should be correct for any


3.1.4 Hardware Requirement

The system hardware requirements for this project are few because it is a software system

that does not require hardware functionalities. The major hardware requirements are:

• Laptop computer for development

• A camera capable of detecting faces even in low light.

3.1.5 Technological requirements

These were the technologies used during the development of this project.

• The internet

• Database(excel)

• Python

• Python library open cv

• Dlib

• Cmake

• NumPy

• Face recognition

Figure 3.1.1framework for the FRAS System

3.2 Justification for the technologies

NumPy arrays are more compact and faster than Python lists. An array uses less memory and

is easier to work with. NumPy stores data in a much smaller amount of memory and has a

mechanism for specifying data types. This allows for even more optimization of the code.

Face recognition is the world's simplest face recognition library which allows you to

recognize and manipulate faces from Python or the command line.

Python: Its ecosystem is one of the largest of any programming community, with an extensive

library of open-source data analysis tools, web frameworks, and testing tools. And Python is

an accessible language for new programmers due to the abundance of introductory resources

available from the Python community. It's also widely taught in universities and used to work

with beginner-friendly devices.

3.3 System Design: Software Architecture.

Some data must be added to the system before the attendance management system can work.

They are essentially the basic information of the individual which is their identity and face.

The initial portrait acquisition process can be performed with a camera to capture the

individual's faces. In this procedure, the system will first recognize the presence of a face in

the image shot. If the face is not identified, the system will request the user to reappear until

specific portraits are met which are 5 needed portraits for every student in this project.

The choice to store 5 photographs per student is because the storage is restricted, and the

system does not slow down if the entire study quantity is regarded as heavy in the university.

Then the photos are pre-processed for gray images and cropped faces of images of the same

size because they are the precondition for the use of the Eigenfaces Acknowledger. The

algorithms must be considered once the language, libraries, and operating system have been

chosen. The OpenCV package includes three specific algorithms by default. Eigenfaces,

Fisher faces, and Local Binary Patterns Histograms are the three (LBPH). Each has its own

set of advantages and disadvantages; thus it is crucial to first examine and comprehend these


The conversation in this section will start with a description of the system. After determining

the necessary libraries, algorithms, and design, the coding began. Many challenges, such as

the "one sample per person" problem were presented. However, each problem was met with

a solution.

The following chapter showcases the results of this. project. the proposed system is an

attendance system that uses facial recognition it does this by scanning the face of a particular

student and then assigns a present or absent the system is almost completely fully automated

and is brought to life with the use of python a library in it called open cv and a modern C++

toolkit called Dib.

The process starts with the program scanning through all the faces in a folder assigned with

names if a face is matched it notes down when the person is seen and the time the person was

seen if the person seen is unknown it saves them as unknown and records the time they were


3.3.1 Use case diagram.

A use case diagram is a type of Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagram that depicts the

functionality of a system, as well as the actors who interact with it and any relationships

between use cases. In this system the admin has ability to manage the attendance while the

lecture can view the attendance of the students and also manage them. The student can only

view their attendance and finally the timer is responsible for recognizing the faces activating

the camera and detecting the faces all these actors working together help the system to work

Figure 3.3.1 use case diagram

As shown in the figure above, we have Admin, Lecturer, and Student which are the main

users of the system. Another actor, timer which turns the camera on to record attendance by

detecting and recognizing faces.

Actors: Admin, Lecturer, student

Description: This use case describes how Admin, Lecturer, and student log
into the system.

Triggering events: Lecturer, admin, and student enter his username and

Steps Performed (Main 1. -System requires users to enter username/password.


2. -Users enter username/password.

3. -System validate entered username/password.

4. -The use case ends successfully.

Preconditions: 1. The system is installed on pc.

2. Admin, Lecturer, and student must be authorized.

Post-conditions: Log in is successful.

Alternate: If the Admin, Lecturer, and the student does not fill correctly,
the login fails.

Table 3.3.1: Use case Description

3.3.2 Sequence diagram

Students in a class enroll themselves and their faces are captured and entered in the database.

Once all the students are entered in the database, the system can be used to mark attendance.

To make the system fool proof, the images are captured twice once. at the beginning of the

class and once at the end. Both the images are used to identify and recognize a student and

the student is marked present only if he/she is recognized in both the images.

Figure 3.3.2 sequence diagram

3.3.3 Backend Component

The system needs to start by being able to detect faces and to do that it uses a method invented

in 2005 for fast face detection called the HOG (histogram of oriented gradients) is a term

used to describe a histogram of oriented gradients. It strips the color of the image to make

the image black and white and then looks at each pixel of pixels at a time. The purpose of

this is to see how dark a pixel is compared with the pixel it sounds, then an arrow indicates

the direction in which the image becomes darker. The arrows are called pitches, showing the

light stream across the entire picture. This is done for consistency if we use the pixels as they

were images of the same person that was dark or light end up giving different results next

step will have us break up the image into small squares of 16x16 pixels each in each square,

we then proceed to count up how many gradients points in each major direction. Then We

replace that image square with the most powerful arrow directions. The result is that the

original image is transformed into a very simple image capturing a simple way of detecting

as small an errored face as possible in the fundamental structure of a face.


4.1 Results

The results of the experiment were a success, I have only been able to test it on a small scale

with a few students of AUN but the ones I have tested it on the system were able to detect

their faces without any issues in low lighting conditions and normally lit rooms. The average

time for detection is about 0.7 seconds and It takes about 2 seconds for the computer to

register on the database an update so it takes about 3 seconds for an average computer this is

far less than the time taken for a name to called during class or for you to write your name

on a piece of paper it is surely less distracting so what is the project's main working principle

well that is that video captured data is converted into images to detect and recognize it.

Figure 4.1 The system detecting test subject 1’s face.

Figure 4.2 The system accurately detecting test subject 2’s face.

Figure 4.3 The system accurately detecting test subject 2’s face and labeling it.

Figure 4.4 A CSV file that records attendance.

Figure 4.5 faces stored in the database.

Figure 4.6 Spreadsheet containing attendance taken.

4.2 Discussion of result

The system associate’s attendance with the student's recognized image; otherwise, the

database is marked as absent. The camera is set in a specific fixed position that allows for a

clear and direct line of sight and vision of everyone. With this camera in place, it will not be

moved and all students attending class in the venue will only have to pass by it with their

head raised and they will have their attendance recorded.

The process will start with the a live video of people entering the class and the video is then

converted by the cascade I imported into frames per second which will make it easier for

processing the pixels will be then turned into black and white using the Hog method which I

talked about in the methodology section of the paper but I will go over again in this section

of the paper It strips the color from the image to make it black and white then it proceeds to

look at every single pixel in the image one at a time the goal of this is see how dark a pixel

is compared to the pixel sounding it then an arrow pointing at which direction the image is

getting darker and when this is done correctly it for every single pixel it will replace all the

pixels in the image with just arrows the arrows are called gradients and show the flow of the

light over the whole image, this is done for consistency.

If we use the pixels as they were images of the same person that were really dark or really

light end up giving different results next step will have us break up the image into small

squares of 16x16 pixels each In each square. we then procced to count up how many gradients

point in each major direction. Then we replace that square in the image with the arrow

directions that were the strongest.

The result is we turn the original image into a very simple representation that captures the

basic structure of a face in a simple way that allows the system to detect faces with as little

error as possible. After this is done the system will be able to easily detect the faces of the

students After the completion of detecting and processing the face the system will then

proceed to compare it to the faces present in the students' database to update the attendance

of the students.

The system will then proceed to update the database with three possible results 1 being a

present 2 being an absent and 3 a request for manual evaluation. These 3 results encapsulate

all possibilities for the result the present if the face is detected normally and was able to be

matched to a face in the database the absent if no faces were detected and the request for the

manual evaluation if a face is detected but could not be matched to a face in the system. This

option exists in case the system was unable to match the face to someone and that should not

cost someone their attendance or cause an issue the call for evaluation will let a human

probably the admin in charge of the system to look at the problem and be able to resolve it

more accurately this hopefully will happen not often.

A few experiments were conducted to see how much time the introduction of this system

would save AUN in terms of teaching hours. I did this by recording how long it took for

attendance records taken in my classes. In my math class which had 23 students, it takes on

average four minutes and twenty-three seconds for the attendance to be taken. In AUN, in a

semester each course has 26 classes; thus 113 minutes will be saved, which is about 2 classes.

the experiment was an overall success it cut down the time wasted from taking attendance.

The Figueres above show how the system goes about it starts by having images put into its

database that is where it will reference the live faces from after the system has been turned

on it detects and labels the face it sees the results are saved in a CSV file automatically it can

then be opened in excel for an easier look at it.


5.1 Summary

The current way of taking attendance has been obsolete for decades now this is evident with

how long it takes and how prone to manipulation it is. The proposed system will be able to

significantly cut down all those issues with the current system the security that is added with

it needing facial verification eliminates manipulation, while the automation of the system

makes it not time consuming which are the two main crucial flaws of the current system.

5.2 Conclusion

I believe this system proposed is simple to implement in any institute or organization. Soon,

a method could be proposed to demonstrate robustness against variations. We could create a

system that is both robust and functional in adverse conditions. It is proposed here for an

institute to take student attendance, but this can be changed in the future. Used to do the same

work at both entry and exit points I am working to improve the system and hopefully develop

it into a fully functional system that will need very little to no human intervention at all.

Currently, the system made is reliable and does the task it has been given with very little to

no errors, but it can still be improved upon however for now This proposed system to

maintain attendance should be able to replace the manual system with an automated system

that is faster, more efficient, less expensive, and saves time and money by eliminating the

need for stationary materials and paperwork. As a result, this system is expected to produce

the desired results and, in the future, could be used for logout. Soon, the efficiency could also

be improved by integrating other techniques with it.

With adequate resources, this system is robust and efficient enough to be implemented in any

academic institution for classroom attendance taking, and it can also be adopted by

Companies and Organizations to serve as the attendance system for members of staff.

5.3 Future work

The current system takes about 20-25 seconds to recognize faces and retrieve information

from the database; however, this performance can be improved in the future. This system can

be further customized to include modules for task assignment and tracking. Furthermore,

functionality can be improved. instead of outsourcing to another tool, be added to run reports



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