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Your Name:


Record team member names in space provided. Rate each team member, including yourself, on each of the five
criteria, using the scale below. Use the space below to comment on your ratings for each team member. You
MUST provide DETAILS for any rating of less than 4 (never, rarely, or some of the time).

Most Some
Always of the time of the time Rarely Never
5 4 3 2 1

Criterion Team Team Team Team Team Team

Member 1 Member 2 Member 3 Member 4 Member5 Memb
List names of team members
1. Delivery: helped create timely work
 Completed tasks as promised
 Addressed problems early
 Took initiative early
2. Communication: communicated well
 Shared communications with all
 Made sure everyone had input
 Alerted everyone to delays/problems
3. Team Player: Was positive & supportive
 Helped set deadlines, but was flexible
 Expressed concerns constructively
 Recognized team member contributions
4. Professionalism: Did quality work
 Applied & developed high quality skills
 Found ways to benefit from diverse skills
 Focused on partner agency’s interests
5. Overall: Contributed fully to work
 Did share of work in timely fashion
 Collaborated well & professionally
 Produced high quality work
Name 1 Comments:

Name 2 Comments:

Name 3 Comments:

Name 4 Comments:

Name 5 Comments:
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