001 - PVC Stabilizers of The Past, Present, and Future

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PVC Stabilizers of the Past, Present, and

Akzo Chemicals Znc.
New Brunswick, New Jersey 08903

When chemical additives were found that could minimize the loss of chemical
and physical properties of a thermally-processable but heat-sensitive polymer
called poly(viny1chloride) (PVC),a n industry was born. And with it grew the world
of plastics additives. Stabilizers for PVC became a n industry itself, feeding into
and off of this versatile polymer industry, in a n almost symbiotic relationship.
There have been so many types of stabilizers in use throughout the past fifty
years: inorganics, leads, organics, barium/cadmiums, calcium/zincs, organotins,
and antimony. And so very many more have been conceived but not commercial-
ized: organoleads, organoantimonys, bismuths, indiums, and a myriad of organic
chemicals. What are the merits and deficiencies of these stabilizers? Which of
yesterday's products are still with us? What are the newer types? What might be
tomorrow's products? This paper will attempt to review and discuss the past,
present, and future of PVC stabilizers; the factors that are responsible for their
variety, for influencing their research, development, and commercialization, and
how these factors change with time.

INTRODUCTION thermal instability, a German company (1) let its

vinyl chloride monomer (VCM) and PVC patents
hen there's a vinyl fabrication problem, invar- Industrial interest picked up in the 1930s in the
W iably, the stabilizer supplier the first to be
blamed. The resin supplier is next, followed in rapid
U S . with the patented (2) use of certain phosphate
and phthalate iqmpounds to produce flexible, shap-
succession by the other additive producers. Why able PVC adhesive compositions. White lead and so-
question the stabilizer first? Because the fabricator dium silicate are believed to have been employed, in
understands just how fundamentally important sta- this case, as heat stabilizers.
bilizers are in successful processing of PVC. Recog- Probably, the stabilizers of the 1930s grew out of
nition of this type can be very stressful, however. the rubber industry additive technology (3), where
It all started in 1872, quite a long time ago. In that litharge was likely, among the earliest successful
year, a potentially marvelous and versatile new poly- products. Then came metal soaps, patented in 1934
mer was created. A white powdery material, which (4).a n obvious offshoot of the use of alkali metal and
on heating could be formed into useful shapes-but alkaline earth oxides and hydroxides (5).
not without partial decomposition. Thus treated, During the 1940s both calcium-zinc and barium-
color and physical properties would suffer and many cadmium soap synergism was discovered, as were
processing difficulties were to be encountered, not highly effective organotin salts, including unsatu-
least of which were the liberation of extremely nox- rated carboxylic acid ester derivatives (6, 7).
ious and corrosive HC1 and sticking of the hot poly- In the 1950s. one of the most long-lived, commer-
mer to the metallic equipment shaping it. cially successful, organotin mercaptoacid ester sta-
It was hopeless! A waste of time! Nothing would bilizers was invented (8) along with other notable
ever come of poly(viny1chloride) until some scientists organotin sulfur-containing products (9, 10). Anti-
would find certain relatively simple chemical addi- mony mercaptoester stabilizers ( 1 1). use of polyols
tives that would minimize thermal decomposition. (12),and mixed alkyl/aryl phosphites (13)for mixed
The PVC industry and the world of stabilizers was metal soap stabilizers were also patented.
yet to be born. Look at the literature and patents of the 1960s and
A lot happened since PVC was first made in a 1970s and you'll find a seemingly endless and amaz-
laboratory in 1872. Mostly, however, time passed. ing variety of proposed new stabilizer products, stud-
In the mid-1920s. owing to the lack of available ies of mechanisms of PVC decomposition and stabi-
machinery which could process PVC, overcoming its lization, and reviews.


R. D. Dworkin

Among the highlights of this era were the intro- Tribase lead sulfate is one of the most effective
duction of food grade octyltin stabilizer, high tin/high and commonly used stabilizers.
efficiency and overbased butyltin stabilizers, com- Dibasic lead phosphite is a n excellent and highly
mercialization of methyltin stabilizers, one-pack tin efficient stabilizer, which unlike other lead com-
stabilizers, estertin stabilizers, non-dusting lead sta- pounds, provides excellent weatherability to PVC.
bilizers, and sulfur-based organic stabilizers. The Dibasic lead phthalate is another excellent product
VCM/angiosarcoma relationship, industry’s better which has superior long term stabilization proper-
than hoped for technical response to decreasing re- ties.
sidual vinyl chloride monomer (RVCM) in PVC, the These products, often called commodity leads, are
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms banning now sold in non-dusting forms or compounded into
of PVC containers for alcoholic beverages, cadmium stabilizer “one-packs.”A typical one-pack might con-
bans in Scandinavia, and the implementation of the tain one or more inorganic lead salt, some lead stear-
Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)were some of ate, wax lubricants, oxidized polyethylene wax, and
the more dramatic events of this time. auxiliary compounds. The products are formed into
By comparison to the past two decades, the 1980s non-dusting prills, strands, pastilles, or flakes.
have been technologically relatively slow, but envi- Lead stabilizers’ major use is attributable to their
ronmentally, quite active. Some of the more interest- non-conductive electrical properties. These stabiliz-
ing stabilizer developments of this period involved ers and their decomposition product, lead chloride,
the introduction of stabilizers for gamma-irradiated are the least conducting compounds of all stabilizer
PVC medical articles (14, 15), growth of liquid cal- types. Thus, they are used in PVC primary electrical
cium/zinc stabilizer use in FDA applications, high wire insulation and jacketing. Their drawbacks in-
flash-point, i.e., low volatility, barium-cadmium sta- clude potential toxicity, sulfide/cross-staining, and
bilizers, safer-to-handle lead stabilizers, and a opacification of PVC.
keener interest in cadmium-free and low fogging (au-
tomotive) products.
Barium-Cadmium Mixed Metals
The emphasis on safety, health, and the environ-
ment has been dramatic, to say the least. A s a n Barium/Cadmium Carboxylates: M(OCOR)2
example, the Palisades Section of the Society of Plas- -0COR Types: Stearate
tics Engineers held a one-day symposium at Poly- Laurate
technic Institute, Brooklyn, New York, on April 22, Naphthenate
1981. The theme was “Cadmium and Lead Additives Neodecanoate
for PVC: Where are they headed?” Ten papers were Octanoate
presented, transcribed, and later published in a sin- Benzoate
gle volume of the Journal of Vinyl Technology (I6). p-t-Butylbenzoate
A s you see, a lot has happened since PVC was first Oleate
synthesized. Let’s now take a look at the additives Tallate
which have most helped the PVC industry grow to its
present position of commercial and practical promi- Barium (Alky1)Phenates Ba ( O a R l2
nence. Types: Octylphenate
-OQR Phenate
Barium (Ba) and Cadmium (Cd) soaps are most
frequently used in combination to take advantage of
Litharge PbO synergistic behavior. Additionally, zinc salts or or-
Basic Lead Carbonate 2PbC03. Pb(OH)2 ganic auxiliaries, such as organophosphites, antiox-
(White Lead) idants, and epoxidized oils may be used to further
Normal Lead Stearate Pb(OCOCi7H35)2 boost performance.
Dibasic Lead Stearate 2Pb0. Pb(OCOCi7H35)z Solid Ba/Cd soaps, the stearates and laurates, are
Triibasic Lead Sulfate 3Pb0 * PbS04. H z 0 very powerful stabilizers which also contribute lu-
Dibasic Lead Phosphite 2Pb0. PbHP03 ’hH20 brication to PVC formulations. Their major draw-
Dibasic Lead Phthalate 2Pb0. Pb(OCO)zCsH4 backs are toxicity, especially of dusty powders, and
Dibasic Lead Carbonate 2Pb0 * PbC03 plateout.
The other Ba/Cd soaps are generally produced as
liquid solutions, with or without synergistic adju-
Basic lead carbonate quickly replaced litharge as vants. Selection of one or more carboxylic acid li-
one of the earliest stabilizers because it was non- gands is made on the basis of the flexible vinyl prod-
yellowing. At higher temperatures, however, it can uct’s desired end properties, e.g., clarity, low plate-
liberate C02. out, inhibition of early color development, and eco-
Normal lead stearate and dibasic lead stearate sta- nomic considerations.
bilize poorly but are very lubricating. Barium alkylphenates and their basic analogs are


PVC Stabilizers of the Past, Present, and Future

used to enhance plateout resistance compared to car- S

boxylates. Diphenylthiourea
Liquid barium-cadmium stabilizers are available
for virtually any application which does not require Beta Diketones 0 0
non-toxicity, e.g., according to the approval guide- II II
lines of Health and Welfare Canada, U S FDA, etc. R--C --CHz--C-R’
Because of their general applicability, this class of Mercaptans (Thiols) R-SH
mixed metal products has had the lion’s share of the Sulf ides/Disulf ides R-S-R, R-S-S-R
primary stabilizer market for flexible PVC. Thioanhydrides 0 0
Aside from their toxicity and plateout potential, all II II
barium-cadmium stabilizers may sulfur/cross-stain. R--C --s--C -R
Epoxies 0
Calcium-Zinc Mixed Metals / \
RI4! 4-R3
Calcium-Zinc Carboxylates M(0COR)z
-0COR types: Stearate I I
Laurate Rz R4
Octanoate Organophosphites
Hindered Phenolics
Calcium (Ca) and zinc (Zn)soaps, like Ba/Cd prod- Bisphenol A H
ucts, respond synergistically and are, therefore, most Phenols
often used in combination. Weaker stabilizers than Pentaerythritol C(CHzOH)4
Ba/Cd’s, Ca/Zn’s usually require additional syner- Sorbitol HMHz(CHOH)4CHZ-
gists in the form of organophosphites, antioxidants, OH
and polyols. Trimethylol CH&HzC(CHZOH)3
The major use of Ca/Zn’s is in non-toxic applica- Propane
tions. The solid soaps are the basis of many commer-
cial powder and paste, non-toxic stabilizer composi- There are thousands upon thousands of organic
tions. The laurates, however, are no longer believed chemicals known to us. It isn’t surprising, therefore,
to be of commercial significance. that a large number of them have been evaluated as
Many of the other carboxylates are approved by co-stabilizers for PVC. It’s even less surprising that
the US FDA for food-contact PVC applications, but a substantial variety of organic compounds have
some are not. When even one ingredient of a Ca/Zn been shown to possess genuine activity. In general,
stabilizer is not sanctioned by FDA, it may not be it would seem that nitrogen, sulfur, and oxygen func-
used in non-toxic applications. These products would tionality are most effective.
still be considered to be low in toxicity compared to Alpha-phenylindol (18)was used in Europe, for a
other mixed metal stabilizers. time, a s a co-stabilizer (19) with Ca/Zn’s for PVC
Efficient, non-toxic, liquid, Ca/Zn stabilizers for mineral water bottles. In 1978, it was removed from
clear, flexible PVC applications were scarce until the French approval list. Its further use anywhere in
solubilized rosinate technology was developed ( 17). the world is in doubt.
Ca/Zn stabilizer drawbacks include plateout, haze As recently as 1985, beta-aminocrotonates were
development in thick’ cross-sections of clear sub- being used in Germany for food-contact and non-
strates, water-blush characteristics, and early yel- food packaging and phonograph records. These or-
lowing. ganic compounds, even today, are mostly used in
conjunction with Ca/Zn’s (20): they have never
Organic fC-1 Stabilizers caught on anywhere else, probably due to poor early
color properties.
Diphenylthiourea (21) was used in several Euro-
pean countries for food packaging. Since the switch
from alkaline-prestabilized emulsion resin to suspen-
sion PVC, their use has apparently dwindled.
Beta-diketones (22), specifically stearoyl-benzoyl-
Beta-Aminocrotonic 0 methane, which is USFDA approved for food contact
Esters use in PVC, are good Ca/Zn stabilizer boosters (23).
At $8.50/lb, the PVC bottle industry is slow to re-
spond, even though usage levels of this co-stabilizer
may be quite small.


R. D. Dworkin

Mercaptans have been shown to help stabilize PVC or suggested, but I would be remiss for not mention-
(24, 25).but odor, cost, and marginal effectiveness ing dicyandiamide and melamine. Both nitrogen com-
are not conducive to widespread application. When pounds were used years ago in conjunction with
used in combination with organotin mercaptoesters, metal salts, for vinyl/asbestos tile, as a way to retard
beta-mercaptopropionic acid can improve early color the development of the bluish discoloration that
inhibition of clear PVC compounds. could otherwise form.
Of all the sulfides and disulfides which have been
tried in PVC, only esters of thiodipropionic acid con- Inorganics
tinue to find limited use in primary stabilizer com- The only material worth mentioning in this cate-
positions. gory is a complex magnesium-aluminum salt known
Thioanhydrides, especially thiolauric anhydride, as talcite or hydrotalcite (30).Two specific products
are quite interesting organic stabilizers. While they have the formulas:
promote significant early yellowing, they provide
good long term stability and can be performance Mg6A12(OH)16C03and Mg4.5A12(OH)1&03.
3.5 H 2 0
boosted by small amounts of organotin mercaptoester
co-stabilizers (26-28). The main drawbacks to these These products do show some activity with certain
products are cost and poor shelf-stability. organotin mercaptoesters and zinc carboxylates, co-
Epoxy compounds, mentioned earlier to be excel- stabilized with beta-diketones. However, usage levels
lent synergists for mixed metal Ba/Cd and Ca/Zn and costs are high and they cause opacity.
stabilizers, are one of the most widely used co-stabi- I t is interesting to note that they have almost world-
lizers (19, 29). Activity is essentially keyed to the wide governmental health and safety approvals for
amount of oxirane oxygen, but plasticization, lubri- use in polyolefins and PVC.
cation, and cost parameters play a role in their selec- Organotins
tion and use.
The most common products are epoxidized soya Di-Alkyltin Carboxylates:
oil, linseed oil, castor oil, sunflower oil, epoxidized Laurate
tall oil esters, and some polymerics. Probably the
biggest problem with epoxy compounds, particularly (7 )
R2Sn -0C C11H23 2
those derived from vegetable oils, is their propensity
to titer out at cold temperatures.
Organophosphites constitute another class of ex-
R2Sn - 0 C CH==CHC0-
tensively used co-stabilizers for Ba/Cd and Ca/Zn Maleate Esters
soaps. Tri-phenyl phosphite has been used for gen-
eral purpose applications where the possibility of
releasing free phenol does not pose environmental, Alkyltin Chlorides:
R2Sn( 0
OCCH4HCOR’ 7 ) z

health, or safety problems. Tris (nonylphenyl) phos- Butyltin Trichloride C4H9SnC13

phite is commonly used in non-toxic applications Dibutyltin Dichloride(C4Hg)zSnC12
where U S FDA approval is required; other “non-toxic” Alkyltin Sulfides:
types are available too. Mono Butyltin Sul-
The most effective general purpose types, however, fide
are the mixed alkyl/aryl products. Diphenyl decyl and Dibutyltin Sulfide
didecyl phenyl are among the most effective mate- Di-Alkyltin Mercap-
rials (13). Nonetheless, most all organo-phosphites tides:
have as their biggest drawback, hydrolytic instabil- n-Dodecyl Mercap-
ity. tide
Antioxidants help stabilize PVC; and while the Mono-/Di-Alkyltin
variety of potential products is quite large, two gen- Mercaptoacid Es-
eral types work well in most applications: BHT and ters:
bisphenol A. The difference in steric hindrance is Isooctylthioglycolate 0
enormous but both products have a place in solid and
liquid mixed metal stabilizers.
Polyols are organic compounds, containing three Di-Alkyltin Mercapto-
or more alcohol functional groups, which find some carboxylates:
utility in mixed metal stabilizers (12).Most of this Mercaptopropionate
class of products exhibits some water solubility and
can, therefore, contribute to water-blush problems.
On the other hand, polyols are limited in solubility in Mono-Alkyltin Mercap-
typical solvents used to make liquid mixed metal toalcohol Esters:
products and are, therefore, more generally employed 2-Mercaptoethyl 0
in solid stabilizer systems. Oleate
Many other organic costabilizers have been used RSn


PVC Stabilizers of t h e P a s t , Present, and Future

Mono-/Di-alkyltin Mer- Alkyltin chlorides are not, themselves, sold as PVC

captoester Sul- stabilizers. but can be formed in vinyl via reaction of
fides: liberated HCl with typical organotin stabilizers. Due
Mixed Ligands SR’ R to Lewis-acidity of alkyltin chlorides, particularly
I I monoalkyltin trichloride, one would imagine these
R - S n - S - S n-R products to de-stabilize PVC. On the contrary, they
I I have been found to have a slightly stabilizing effect
SR’ SR’ (31,32, 33).
Organotin stabilizers are the most universally appli- Dibutyltin sulfide is not a good stabilizer by itself
cable of all stabilizer types. While they find greatest as it causes initial discoloration. On the other hand,
utility in rigid PVC, homopolymer, and co-polymer monobutyltin sulfide provides PVC with very good
applications, some products perform quite well in early color and was used for years as a sole stabilizer
flexible vinyls too. in rigid calendered goods. High cost and poor disper-
Unlike lead stabilizers, organotins may be used in sion in vinyl resin were among its drawbacks.
the fabrication of crystal clear PVC articles. In Eu- Dibutyltin bis(n-dodecyl mercaptide), like its di-
rope, lead stabilizers are the dominant type, finding laurate counterpart, causes immediate yellowing of
utility in potable water pipe and profile extrusion. In PVC but provides good lubrication. When color
the U S . tin stabilizers have the strongest foot-hold boosted with a little zinc carboxylate, it becomes
and leads are mostly used for wire and cable insula- more efficacious as a stabilizer/activator for chemi-
tion and credit card stock. cally blown, extruded PVC (34).
From the beginning, butyltin stabilizers dominated Dibutyltin bis(isooctylthioglyco1ate) had been the
the market for general purpose applications. Octyltin work-horse of the tin stabilized PVC industry for over
products were later introduced for food-contact ap- 20 years. Mixtures of mono- and di-butylin com-
plications and commanded a premium price. pounds were used in every conceivable rigid PVC
When they were finally commercialized in the early application, except food packaging. Its dominance
1970% methyltins successfully challenged butyltins was successfully challenged by higher tin content,
in a number of areas, eventually including some FDA slightly more efficient methyltin analogs.
approved applications. Once the methyltin process was refined enough,
The most recent development in organotin stabi- low-trimethyltin products were approved by FDA for
lizer technology (mid-1970s)was in the form of ester- non-toxic applications. Thus, dioctyltin bis(iso-
functional products called “Estertins.” Only sulfur- octylthioglycolate)also met with stiff competition.
containing products are commercially available for Diestertin bis(isooctylthioglyco1ate)is representa-
both general purpose and FDA approved food-contact tive of the newest in tin stabilizer technology. Prod-
PVC applications. ucts based on this type of molecule have been known
While each family of organotin stabilizers has to possess somewhat better UV light stabilizing effi-
some undesirable properties, their advantages f a r cacy than alkyltins. The FDA approved estertins per-
outweigh their disadvantages. Barring any unforseen form closest to octyltin types, with slightly better
problems or radical new technologies, they are prob- early color inhibition.
ably here to stay. Dibutyltin mercaptopropionate is a most interest-
Mono-/Di-alkyltin combinations usually offer syn- ing solid stabilizer with excellent early color and
ergistic performance properties, but there are a num- moderately good UV properties. This product is,
ber of all-mono or all-di stabilizers being used in chemically, very closely related to the cyclic thiogly-
certain applications. colate compound which usually precipitates out of
Dibutyltin dilaurate is a very lubricating, low odor solution from methyltin and butyltin isooctylthiog-
product which has been substantially replaced by lycolate based products. However, the mercaptopro-
more cost-efficient compounds. It has good long term pionate’s performance far outshines the thioglyco-
stability but develops a yellow discoloration immedi- late’s.
ately. Mixtures of this material with dibutyltin ma- So called “reverse ester” monoalkyltin stabilizers,
leate solved the color problem but shelf stability of based on mercaptoalcohol derivatives instead of mer-
the blend was too poor to maintain commercial inter- captoacid derivatives, were found to be useful in
est. giving PVC pipe compound a “whiter-white” color.
Dibutyltin maleate provides excellent early color The combination with organotin sulfides fast became
ihhibition to PVC in addition to the strongest UV the basis for potable water pipe stabilizers, despite
light stabilizing properties of any organotin product. their strong odor and in spite of the fact that a white-
Drawbacks of this solid compound include polymer white pipe is only esthetically better than a pale-
de-lubrication, lacrymatory properties, and high cost. yellow-white pipe.
Dibutyltin bis(ma1eate esters) also provide decent Mixed ligand alkyltin stabilizers, i.e., those con-
early color and U V stability. The usual liquid nature taining mercaptoesters and sulfides, were the basis
of this family of products is conducive to ease of for highly diluted (5%to 13%tin) PVC pipe stabilizers.
handling, but does not completely eliminate potential Since reverse ester products replaced these materials
eye, nose, and throat irritation during use. in this application, the mixed ligand stabilizers have


R. D.Dworkin

found utility in other rigid, opaque applications. against this, a fabricator must dedicate his plant to
For a short time, overbased organotin mercaptoes- handle only one type of product, antimony or tin.
ters were commercially available: these high tin-con-
tent, low odor, high efficiency materials had the THE ISSUES BEHIND STABILIZER
unique property of minimizing blue toner exhaustion DEVELOPMENT
in PVC bottle compounds.
Made from dibutyltin oxide and butyltin mercap- A Need
topropionate esters, these moderately viscous stabi- Without the need to solve a problem, meet a chal-
lizers were somewhat deficient in long term dynamic lenge, or explore a n opportunity, we’d all become
properties. blissfully complacent. In the past, there was a very
As with lead stabilizers, some liquid tins were con- strong need to find the solution to the problem of
verted to solid (powder) one-packs by mixing with PVC decomposition during attempts to fabricate it
wax, calcium stearate, oxidized polyethylene, and a n into useful articles. W h p Because this new polymer
absorbant, such a s synthetic silicates. While just a was begging to be used. It could be made from chem-
few of these products are still commercially active, ical industry by-products and plentiful raw mate-
the concept fills a very logical need in the PVC pipe rials. Machinery couldn’t do it so the answer had to
market, as it minimizes the handling of micro-ingre- be chemical.
dients and decreases raw material inventories for Once some solutions were found, the need shifted
some fabricators. emphasis to deal with newer process resins. Pres-
It should be mentioned that many of the original ently, the need is more economic and one of technical
alkyltin mercaptoacid esters invented in the U S . survival. How much more so in the future, when the
were based on 2-ethylhexyl alcohol. The same type emphasis changes once again to stronger competi-
products are today’s standards in Europe, whereas, tive, regulatory, and environmental concerns?
U S . products use isoctyl alcohol rather exclusively.
Cost and availability were the deciding factors. For Creativity
the most part, both esters give stabilizers of equal
overall performance. This factor is the cornerstone of success. It seems
to come naturally to some people; one idea building
upon another. Curiosity is creativity’s middle name.
Tin-Based Mixed Metals There was a starting point for stabilizer develop-
Also for a time during the 1970s.low tin-content ment in the past. Some breakthroughs were discov-
liquid stabilizers, containing either barium or cal- ered which formed the basis for rapid growth in the
cium, were used in considerable volume for PVC pipe number of useful products; and this led to present
extrusion (35).The first products were based on mon- breakthroughs. If the stabilizer industry uses its cre-
obutyltin mercaptoacid esters and barium alkylphen- ative powers, we will also see slow but steady growth
ates. Later materials contained more complex mer- in the future.
captoacid ester derivatives. While they were darkly
colored, these low cost tin-based mixed metal stabi- Economics
lizers gave reasonably good-looking white pipe with The great opportunity of the past to find ways to
only a very slight yellow cast to it. stabilize PVC had financial motivation as its partner.
Today’s opportunity is no less financially motivated,
Antimonies but profitability has erroded so much that several
companies have been driven out of business. For
Essentially all commercial antimony stabilizers technology to grow, stabilizer manufacture must be
consisted of antimony tris(isooctylthioglycolate), profitable. This will be a n issue in the future, too.
though the initial invention was based on the 2-
ethylhexyl ester. A s originally commercialized, for
high usage level processing on single-screw ex- Performance
truders, antimony stabilizers were no match for or- The early stabilizers were barely satisfactory but
ganotins, although they did find some utility in vinyl they rapidly got better in performance. Today’s per-
phonograph records. formance criteria are even more stringent. Fabrica-
Antimony stabilizers got a second chance when tors want to use less and get more out of their stabi-
they were found to have some potential cost-perform- lizers. To survive in the future we must and will meet
ance advantages over mixed-ligand organotins, at the industry’s expectations.
low stabilizer usage levels. Additionally, it was found
that certain metal soaps responded synergistically Health, Safety, and Environment
with antimony and di-hydroxybenzenes boosted UV
light and storage stability (36). This issue only seemed to be less important in the
Of all the drawbacks to using antimony stabilizers, past than it is today. We now strive to protect our
the most serious may be their cross-staining potential workers, customers, and the environment. Our chal-
with any sulfide-based tin stabilizer. To insure lenge for the future, then, is to make less toxic sta-


PVC S t a b i l i z e r s of t h e P a s t , P r e s e n t , and Future

bilizers by safer methods and handle them in ways these products. Will there be substantially new
which will prevent water, air, or land contamination. breakthroughs in lead stabilizer technology? Most
likely for Europe but possible for the U.S. too. Will
Regulatory Matters the National Sanitation Foundation ever approve
leads for potable water pipe? I’m afraid my crystal
In the past, you couldn’t exactly do anything you ball won’t give up its secret answer to this question.
wanted to, but from the uncovering of toxic waste How much longer will Ba/Cd mixed metals be
dump sites nowadays, its keenly obvious that a num- around? After all, cadmium is toxic and now the cost
ber of irresponsible chemical manufacturers were of the metal has escalated. The answer is that l3a/
unreasonably careless. Cd’s will indeed survive for some time to come.
Due to lack of regulatory concerns in the past, we Cadmium containing, liquid and solid, metal soap
seem to be facing over-regulation in the present. stabilizers have been successfully and safely manu-
Unfortunately, even though the chemical industry is factured and handled for dozens of years. Just as
doing a very respectable job now, things will only get importantly, hundreds of vinyl processors have
tighter in the future. More and more world-wide leg- safely and effectively used these products during that
islation and regulation will be drawn up by relatively time. Low-cadmium and cadmium-free products will
chemically-uneducated people who may be trying to make inroads into automotive and sensitive applica-
please their constituents or succumb to the pressure tions, but these highly efficient Ba/Cd products will
of special interest lobbying groups. The stabilizer continue to be used in the most demanding applica-
industry must play a stronger role in guiding fair and tions.
warranted regulations. Highly efficient PVC stabilizers for low-foggingau-
tomotive applications are still in great demand. Sta-
Competition bilizer and plasticizer manufacturers have been well
Imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery, but aware of it in the past. Their customers periodically
everyone would like to have uniquely advantageous remind them of the need for better products, as well
products. as the Trade Journals (37). The future should witness
In the past, competition among stabilizer suppliers significantly improved stabilizers and other com-
had to be a whole lot weaker than it is in the present. pound additives to help solve the automotive fogging
Now it is a significant driving force in the develop- problem.
ment of better PVC stabilizers. Should economic in- Just like certain metal carboxylates and di-hydrox-
centives for R&D investment improve, competition ybenzene synergists gave new life to a long known
may get keener still in the future. but virtually forgotten stabilizer, antimony mercap-
Despite the problems that stabilizer manufactur- toester, this author believes that the future may see
ers may have because of competition, it is good for breakthroughs in synergists for several types of pri-
the PVC industry in the long run. mary stabilizers. Special, high-efficiency additives
may be found for Ca/Zn’s, Ba/Zn’s, and organotins;
perhaps through reawakening a forgotten or aban-
Technology doned technology: perhaps through the use of new
In the past, the budding PVC stabilizer industry metal soap combinations, such as bismuth and bar-
borrowed products and ideas from available rubber ium (38).
technology: but as soon as possible, patents were It’s very likely that we shall see better PVC stabi-
sought for newly developed products in addition to lizers in the future, but there never will be a univerr
keeping certain things proprietary. The technology sally applicable one. Even if PVC could be made with
base has built up almost exponentially to the present. zero defect sites and totally free of residual initiators,
However, emphasis has shifted from a more theoret- emulsifiers, etc., stabilizers would still be required-
ical approach to more applied concepts. even at lower usage levels.
The future should continue to see significant im- Some of the stabilizer products of yesterday have
provements in stabilizer technology. Even though outlived their usefulness, but only time will tell how
much of it will be patented, and that means restricted many will survive in the future.
use of the invention by the assignor for many years,
the driving force will be there to stimulate and chal- REFERENCES
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