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Why do you wish to join the Shinobi: Project Staff Team?

(1+ Paragraph) *

| want to become a member of the Moderation Team because | feel like | am fit for
position, and | believe | have enough experience to benefit the game greatly.

I want the games community to be as clean as possible so everyone can have a good
experience and enjoy the game overall

I believe | can do this job extremely well

That's why | want to become a member of the Moderation Team.

What are some of your weaknesses and strengths? (Strengths - 1+ Paragraphs | *

Weaknesses - 1+ Paragraphs)

‘Some of my strengths; | can be extremely persistent, and can do anything tasked to

me. |
can do basically anything assigned to me to my best ability 100% of the time.
strength, Trustworthiness. | can be extremely trustworthy. Some add-on Strengths,

‘Some of my weaknesses; Well I don't really have a lot of weaknesses but here are
Self-Criticism (sometimes but not even close to often) and a lack of confidence
(Once again,
sometimes but not even close to often),

What qualities differentiate you from others? (1+ Paragraph) *

‘Some qualities that make me different from other applicants is | can be extremely
consistent with my work, and I can get jobs done extremely well

Ihave a good time working through some situations, | can make up solutions and what
to do
extremely quickly

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