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Unofficial fan content permitted under the fan content policy. Not Cover Art: Antonio J.

Manzanedo on Artstation
approved/endorsed by Wizards. Some material used is property of Clawmark Art: Cheremuha on iStock
Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC. Red Splash Art: Missii on pnghut
Curse of The Beast. Lycanthropy is the result of a Higher Calling. Pact lycanthropes are those with
curse that mutates the blood of a humanoid. It allows near full control over their transformations. This is the
them to access the strengths and abilities of a wild result of a dedication to controlling their curse, usually
beast, as they transform into a monstrous form. In through faith in a god or higher being. The curse of a
some cases, the humanoid can switch between their pact lycan is also bestowed by the being they
hybrid form and humanoid form at will, maintaining worship. Pact lycans must always have a cause; a
consciousness and mental aptitude across both forms. reason to control their lycanthropy in service of their
In other cases, the monster takes over completely, and patron. This could be a simple set of ideals, like
the humanoid has no control. There are also respecting the laws of nature, or a direct goal like
lycanthropes that lie somewhere in the middle. sending souls to the underworld for a demon lord to
feed on.
Mutation & Magic. The only thing magical about a
lycanthrope is the curse itself. When they transform, it’s Limited Power. Pact lycans, while plenty strong, are
a biological process resulting from their mutation. Skin, still some of the weaker lycanthropes because their
organs, and bones shift, crack, and bubble painfully as discipline also holds them back from giving in to the
bestial attributes grow all over the body. full power of the curse. When a pact lycan transforms
it maintains its personality and memories completely.
Varied Origins. Each curse is unique. Sometimes the
They can still use the same clothes and weapons
curse comes from drinking lycan blood, other times
because they maintain far more of their humanoid
from wearing lycan skin. The curse can also come from
a demon or god or the result of blood magic.
Alchemical experiments have been known to result in Curse Removal. The curse of a pact lycan can only
lycanthropy as well. be removed if they lose faith in whom they’ve
worshipped to receive the curse. No other means
Untold Strength. Lycanthropes exhibit increased besides a wish spell can revert a pact lycan.
speed and strength, heightened senses, regenerative
abilities, resilient hides, and a bad relationship with

Unofficial Fan Content ART: Knights on a Cold Patrol by Kekai Kotaki Written by Ryan Ruchkall (KelpTana)
Variations. Pact lycan boars are humanoid
lycanthropes (wereboars) that can transform
themselves into a hybrid of some sort of swine. This
can include warthogs, pigs, boars and the like.
Because their curse was willingly accepted as a gift
from a god they worship, they have near full control of
themselves in both forms.
Personality. Wereboars are generally strong and
steadfast. They enjoy a good argument as much as a
good drink and will always win at darts. In battle,
wereboars usually prefer to charge with little
forethought, and come up with their ideas as they go
along. This makes wereboars predictably
unpredictable. Their favorite weapon is the tusks
protruding from their bottom jaw, which can cause
significant harm to their enemies. They’re also fond of
versatile weapons like battle axes and long swords,
as well as hammers. They’re deadly with a crossbow.

GM Advice: Some wereboars can charge their foes.

You can optionally add the charge trait; If the wereboar
moves at least 20 feet straight toward a target and then
hits it with a gore attack on the same turn, the target
takes an extra 3 (1d6) slashing damage. If the target is a
creature (size medium or smaller), it must succeed on a
DC 12 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.

Unofficial Fan Content ART: Wereboar by Vilenko on DeviantArt Written by Ryan Ruchkall (KelpTana)
Variations. Pact lycan mustelids are humanoid
lycanthropes (weremustelids) that can transform
themselves into a hybrid of some sort of mustelid.
This can include badgers, weasels, wolverines, and
the like. Because their curse was willingly accepted
as a gift from a god they worship, they have near full
control of themselves in both forms. Although
raccoons and skunks are not mustelids, they can also
be used as weremustelids – just rename them
wereskunk and wereraccoon.
Personality. Weremustelids are loyal and inquisitive.
They enjoy a good joke but can quickly switch to a
serious tone when they need to. They operate well in
tight enclosed spaces and are often overwhelmed by
vast landscapes. Weremustelids are also true to their
word, whether good or bad. If they say they’re going
to kill you, it isn’t a threat – it’s a promise. They tend
to prefer midsized weapons like the shortsword and
shortbow, and will also make use of shields.

GM Advice: Some mustelids like wolverines

are great climbers. To add this trait, add a
climbing speed of 25 ft. and decrease the
burrow speed to 0 ft. To give a weremustelid
a shield, add a +2 to its armor class.

Unofficial Fan Content ART: Mystic Warlords of Ka’a TM & © 2012 Warner Bros Written by Ryan Ruchkall (KelpTana)
Variations. Pact lycan wildcats are humanoid
lycanthropes (werecats) that can transform
themselves into a hybrid of some sort of wildcat. This
can include tigers, leopards, panthers, lions, and the
like. Because their curse was willingly accepted as a
gift from a god they worship, they have near full
control of themselves in both forms.
Personality. Lycan wildcats are generally quick and
cunning. They prefer to play it safe and plan out their
moves before they execute them. They can
communicate simple concepts with felines. In
addition, they prefer light, biting weapons like the
scimitar or rapier, but their claws and teeth are just as
GM Advice: Some cats are incredible
climbers. To add this trait, add a climb speed
of 30 ft., and optionally the surefooted trait,
which gives advantage on saving STR and
DEX saving throws against being knocked

Unofficial Fan Content ART: Barbarian Tabaxi, by Laura Anderson Written by Ryan Ruchkall (KelpTana)
Variations. Pact lycan rodents are humanoid
lycanthropes (wererodents) that can transform
themselves into a hybrid of some sort of rodent. This
can include rats, mice, naked mole rats, muskrats,
beavers, squirrels and the like. Because their curse
was willingly accepted as a gift from a god they
worship, they have near full control of themselves in
both forms. If the rodent is one that burrows like the
groundhog or mole, one might prefer to use the Pact
Lycan Mustelid stat block, which has a burrow speed
instead of the Screech action.
Personality. Wererodents are generally shifty and
secretive. A wererodent usually prefers to do things
solo rather than with a group, but they’ll tolerate good
friends. Wererodents like to meddle in the affairs of
others and make unusual remarks to see the reaction
they can get. Their favourite weapons are daggers,
throwing stars and knives, and hand crossbows.
They’ll also opt for light poking blades like the rapier.
GM Advice: Some rodents like mice are
exceptional swimmers, able to swim hours at
a time without resting. To add this trait, add a
swim speed of 30 ft.

Unofficial Fan Content ART: 老鼠 (Old Rat) by Hongyu Wang on Artstation Written by Ryan Ruchkall (KelpTana)
Variations. Pact lycan apes are humanoid
lycanthropes (were-apes) that can transform
themselves into a hybrid of some sort of ape. This can
include gorillas, chimps, orangutans, gibbons, and the
like. For obvious reasons, humans aren’t included.
Because their curse was willingly accepted as a gift
from a god they worship, they have near full control of
themselves in both forms.
Personality. Were-apes are wise, thoughtful, and
stubborn. They’re quick to assess a situation and a
good response for it. Were-apes often tell their friends
(and enemies) that they could’ve done a better job
themselves. Their favorite weapons are quarterstaffs,
clubs, and heavy crossbows. Larger were-apes will
also lean towards greataxes and halberds. Were-apes
enjoy climbing up large trees or cliffs and dropping
down on their enemies in a brutal ambush.

GM Advice: Some were-apes are incredibly

good at hiding in their natural environment –
usually a forest. To add this trait, give the
were-ape the forest camouflage trait, which
gives it advantage to WIS (stealth) checks
made to hide in forest terrain.

Unofficial Fan Content ART: Guttural Response by Ben Wootten Written by Ryan Ruchkall (KelpTana)
Variations. Pact lycan bears are humanoid
lycanthropes (werebears) that can transform
themselves into a hybrid of some sort of bear. This
can include grizzly bear, black bear, polar bear, sun
bear, panda bear and the like (koalas are marsupials,
please don’t do it). Because their curse was willingly
accepted as a gift from a god they worship, they have
near full control of themselves in both forms.
Personality. Werebears are serious and to-the-point.
They enjoy a good meal more than anyone, and may
permanently injure those that they arm wrestle. A
wearbear has an incredible sense of smell, and can
track a scent for miles further than a werewolf. During
the winter, werebears based on bears that normally
hibernate will become more lazy and uncaring, while
polar werebears will be in a much better mood. Their
favorite weapons are any one-handed weapon paired
with a shield, or heavy two-handed weapons like
great hammers. The roar of a werebear can be heard
from over 300 ft. away.

GM Advice: Some werebears carry a

shield. To add a shield to a wearbear,
simply give it a +2 to armor class.

Unofficial Fan Content ART: Tome of Beasts IV, by Marcel Mercado Written by Ryan Ruchkall (KelpTana)
Variations. Pact lycan cervids are humanoid
lycanthropes (werecervids) that can transform
themselves into a hybrid of some sort of cervid. This can
include deer, elk, caribou, moose and the like. Because
their curse was willingly accepted as a gift from a god
they worship, they have near full control of themselves
in both forms.
Personality. Werecervids are quick, strong, and
resilient, yet incredibly careful. They make lifelong
friends with ease and are exceptionally good at calming
others down. Though they do not consume meat, they’re
still susceptible to the lycan bloodlust trait, although it’s
more of a rampage.
GM Advice: Many werecervids are masters of the
bow. To make a more powerful werecervid,
increase the multiattack to three attacks,and allow
two of them to be made with the longbow.

Unofficial Fan Content ART: Caoraa the Deerkin by r/BobKehl Written by Ryan Ruchkall (KelpTana)
Variations. Pact lycan wolves are humanoid
lycanthropes (werewolves) that can transform
themselves into a hybrid of some sort of canine. This
can include wolves, foxes, dogs, coyotes, and the like
(hyenas included). Because their curse was willingly
accepted as a gift from a god they worship, they have
near full control of themselves in both forms.
Personality. Werewolves and other werecanine
aren’t easily intimidated and care little of what others
think of them. This can sometimes result in selfish
behavior and rude remarks. Those who become close
friends with a werewolf may find they are treated with
much more respect. Their favourite weapons are
longswords, battle axes; anything with the versatile
property that can accommodate their varied fighting
style. A werewolf’s howl can be heard from over 500ft.
away, and nearby canines may howl back.
GM Advice: Some werewolves gain extra
strength during a full moon. To add this
property, simply increase the Lycan
Regeneration trait to a regain of 8 hit
points when the moon is full.

Unofficial Fan Content ART: Wolf Warrior by orochi-spawn on DeviantArt Written by Ryan Ruchkall (KelpTana)
Frenzied Unfortunates. Humanoids that crave Born of The Dark. A nightwolf is a dangerous breed
strength or power sometimes drink the blood of a of werewolf with much greater size and strength. It
werewolf, and become cursed with lycanthropy, can communicate with wolves and werewolves, and
turning into yanari some several days later. A yanari changes form for the duration of each night. The first
is a werewolf that cannot escape hybrid form. Forced nightwolf was theorized to be the result of alchemical
to live as monsters for eternity, yanari quickly lose experimentation – an attempt to cure a family disease
their sanity, and fully give in to their bloodlust. Many that would cause early death in infants. The cure
yanari follow more powerful lycanthropes (usually a worked to some extent, and infants with the disease
night wolf) in their natural urge to follow a pack leader. no longer die. Sometime later during their adulthood
though, the curse of lycanthropy awakens.
One With the Pack. Yanari often force humanoids to
drink their werewolf blood so the pack can grow in Alter Ego. Each night, the creature transforms into its
strength, and more carnage can be unleashed. Some hybrid form. The hybrid and humanoid form have
farmers and peasants simply make the mistake of separate personalities and names, and only one may
tasting a freshly killed werewolf’s blood out of occupy the mind at a time. When the nightwolf rises
curiosity, or in a celebration of victory. from its counterpart’s bed, it rushes out into the dark
to unleash carnage or plot nefarious evil plans. Its
Curse Removal. The curse of a yanari can be primary goal is to feed an insatiable bloodlust, but it
removed with the remove curse spell, the kiss of true may also plan other ways to cause pain and anguish;
love, or a lesser reversion elixir which the yanari must like kidnapping and turning a baron’s daughter,
consume. The elixir can only be brewed by an lighting a village ablaze, or sending its minions to lay
experienced alchemist (proficiency with alchemist’s waste to a roadside market.
supplies, a successful DC 10 INT check, all required
materials, and 4 hours of work per elixir). The elixir is Curse Removal. The curse of a nightwolf can only be
composed of a frostblossom flower, the eye of a dire removed by the death of a loved one or a wish spell.
wolf, and a flask of powdered silver. The nightwolf must witness the loved one die while in
either of its forms, and both alter egos must feel true
love for the individual that dies.

Untitled by Kerem Beyit Morkvarg by Marek Madej

Unofficial Fan Content Written by Ryan Ruchkall (KelpTana)

GM Advice: A lone yanari is a
weak yanari. Keep them grouped
together for maximum chaos.

Unofficial Fan Content ART: One of the Pack by Craig J. Spearing Written by Ryan Ruchkall (KelpTana)
GM Advice: A wounded nightwolf should
retreat from a fight to regenerate while its
allies keep the enemy busy. It should also
use its howl to break the concentration of
spellcasters trying to hinder it.

Unofficial Fan Content ART: Dawn by Algido on DeviantArt Written by Ryan Ruchkall (KelpTana)
Hulking Giants. A dregbear is a powerful lycanthrope Touch of Death. A skremrat’s curse is like that of a
that takes the form of a huge rampaging bear. The nightwolf; during the night it changes from humanoid
cursed humanoid remains in bear form for the entirety form into a screeching horror. The skremrat
of the warmer seasons. During the winter the curse resembles a giant rat, but much larger in size and with
hibernates, and the dregbear reverts to its humanoid blistered, steaming skin. Those who touch it become
form which has no memories from the time it spent in incredibly ill, sometimes to the point of death. In
bear form. Dregbears are feebleminded. They’ve addition, the skremrat boasts a full set of dagger-like
similar intelligence to an ordinary bear but are filled teeth instead of usual rodent incisors. When a
with enough hate and rage to constitute a chaotic evil skremrat transforms, it seeks nothing beyond a
alignment. carnivorous blood bath. When it reverts to human
form, it doesn’t remember its time in rat form.
Wrath of Nature. The dregbear curse is punishment
from a nature domain god that has been angered. Forbidden Rituals. The curse of a skremrat is the
Generally, the curse afflicts cruel individuals who’ve result of an ancient blood ritual. The witchcraft is only
brutally disrespected nature. Examples include known to evil hidden orders and all-powerful
intentionally starting a forest fire or hunting a archmages. The curse ritual takes several days to
woodland creature to extinction. Dregbears usually complete and causes immense pain, resulting in a
serve their eternal sentence by guarding a large very high chance of death. Powerful cults have been
stretch of undeveloped land, intent on hunting and known to capture commoners and attempt such
murdering any humanoid that enters its territory. Any rituals in secret. On the slight chance of success, the
non-natural structure built on dregbear territory is sure humanoid is cursed with lycanthropy. The cursed
to be found and destroyed. humanoid may be allowed to return home and
unknowingly unleash hell upon their city or village.
Curse Removal. The lycanthrope’s bear form is They may also be kept as a trophy and forced to eat
sterile, but if the true humanoid form has any the scraps of dead prisoners. Sometimes a skremrat
offspring, the curse will be lifted if the dregbear kills is even released into the sewers or forest to terrorize
one or more of these offspring in its rampage. Another the area and keep its evil creator’s hideout safe.
removal method is an elixir called black agrum, which
only works on an unconscious dregbear with 0 hit Curse Removal. If the ritual caster that created the
points. It can only be brewed by an experienced skremrat is found, their death will end the curse. The
alchemist (proficiency with alchemist’s supplies, a curse can also be removed by the death of a loved
successful DC 13 INT check, all required materials, one or the wish spell. The skremrat must witness the
and 8 hours of work per elixir). The 4-gallon elixir is loved one die while in either of its forms, but only the
composed of a giant elk antler, mammoth tusk, a flask humanoid form must feel true love for the individual
of powdered silver, and a flask of blood from a that dies. The skremrat will recognize the true love of
murderer. The elixir leaves the uncursed humanoid its humanoid form and may attempt to prevent their
unable to have viable children. A wish spell removes death to save itself.
the curse with no consequence.

Short Faced Bear by Daniel Eskridge Dark Ritual by Caio Monteiro Art Rat Creature Design by Russel Dongjun

Unofficial Fan Content Written by Ryan Ruchkall (KelpTana)

GM Advice: A
wounded dregbear
should first attack its
enemies, then run
through them to
reposition itself and/or
escape without
provoking attacks of

Unofficial Fan Content ART: Untitled by Dave Mcalister Written by Ryan Ruchkall (KelpTana)
GM Advice: A skremrat
screech is unique in that
it can frighten enemies. It
should inflict enemies
with the Death’s Touch
trait before frightening
them, as frightened
enemies may retreat to a
ranged position which is
deadly to the skremrat.

Unofficial Fan Content ART: Rat Creature Design by Russel Dongjun Written by Ryan Ruchkall (KelpTana)
A Tall Tale. A lone knight travelled to a distant kingdom along a Monstrous Prison. A raseri (ras-er-eye) is an
beaten forest trail. He came across a lost merchant at the forest’s enormous boar that was once a humanoid, before
edge, looking like he’d been scouring the woods for days only to being cursed with lycanthropy. The raseri is entirely
just then find the road once more. The knight offered food and a unable change back to its humanoid form. In the
place in his tent for the merchant to rest. The next morn, the knight boar form, the humanoid’s mind is trapped and fully
awoke to terrible screams, and saw that the merchant had gone. conscious of all events – but the boar controls its
He reached for his silvered sword geureia. Bursting from the tent, body.
the knight hollered loudly in the crisp morning air. A monstrous
wildcat, two horses tall had sunken its fangs into the flesh of a Untold Origins. Long ago, when boars were
young hunter. The hunter’s corpse fell to the ground and the beast nearly hunted to extinction, the nature gods
gulped down a mouthful of intestines. The knight readied his created the beryl boar. The beryl boar was an
sword, and suddenly the beast spoke. – otherwise ordinary boar with a blue-green hue to its
eyes, and its meat was highly toxic. Furthermore,
“Put that sword down, and I’ll make it quick. You’ve given me the wearing the beryl boar’s pelt would cause it to bind
privilege of a good night’s rest; I surely owe you the privilege of a with the wearer’s flesh, cursing them and creating
swift demise. I saved the best for last you see, your flesh smells a raseri. Over time as regular boars returned, beryl
like it’ll be much tastier than his.” boars became scarce, but they certainly exist.

Unhindered Ferocity. An arynx is a lycanthrope that changes Charging Death. A raseri behaves mostly like any
from humanoid form into a giant bloodthirsty wildcat. In both boar, only several times larger. Large hunting
forms, the arynx’s mind remains fully intact, similar to pact parties that hear of a raseri nearby will go out of
lycans. Arynx’s are unique in that they’re naturally occurring their way to take it down, providing meat for the
lycanthropes. Generally, an arynx’s humanoid form is of a feline whole village. These hunting parties are usually
race, including tabaxi, leonin, and any other catlike races. In unaware of what they’re really killing, and that
such races, a rare, completely natural phenomenon sometimes someone’s trapped inside screaming for help.
occurs, and an arynx is born. Sometimes the raseri will become angry, as the
humanoid inside its mind fights the will of the boar.
Knowingly Unknown. Usually, an arynx won’t realize it has This will send it into a violent rampage that topples
special abilities until it reaches adulthood. As an arynx ages it trees, levels buildings, and leaves a trail of
develops large, magnificent horns on its head, face, and arms. disemboweled corpses behind.
The larger the horns on an arynx, the older it is. An arynx
always tends to be of chaotic evil alignment, becoming an Curse Removal. The curse of a raseri can be
outcast to its people. In both forms, the arynx’s mind remains removed with the greater reversion elixir, which
fully intact, similar to pact lycans. However, an arynx is far more only works on an unconscious raseri with 0 hit
powerful than such. Because most encounters with the creature points. It can only be brewed by an experienced
in its ravenous result in a bloodbath on the wildcat’s part, there alchemist (proficiency with alchemist’s supplies, a
is still much to learn of the arynx. successful DC 14 INT check, all required materials,
and 4 hours of work per elixir). The elixir is
Adventurer Advisories. Arynx’s aren’t cursed, and their composed of a manticore eye, peryton antler, siren
transformations are natural. Those looking to handle an arynx feather, a flask of powdered silver, and a merrow
are first advised to speak with it to find out what it wants. Save scale. The elixir leaves the uncursed humanoid
violence as a last resort. If the arynx wants a hardy meal and irreversibly blind. A wish spell removes the curse
you’re on the menu, fight for your life. with no consequence.

Frenzied Arynx by Filip Burburan Horned Wild Boar by Antonio M

Unofficial Fan Content Written by Ryan Ruchkall (KelpTana)
GM Advice: An arynx should make use of its ability
to not provoke opportunity attacks. It should throw
heavy hits at enemies and immediately back out of
range. The arynx retains its intelligence and
personality in both forms, so it might also taunt
enemies with sly quips and mockery as it does this.

Unofficial Fan Content ART: Lurking Arynx by Carl Frank Written by Ryan Ruchkall (KelpTana)
GM Advice: A raseri should
use the Hurling Charge trait to
the best of its ability. If it
charges a creature and makes
a multiattack,
sdsdsdthe raseri can
sometimes have enough
movement left to charge
another creature and finish the
attack. If the first target was
hurled only 20 ft., the raseri can
use the same method to run
down that target again while it’s
prone and vulnerable.

Unofficial Fan Content ART: Wild Boar by Adnan Ali Written by Ryan Ruchkall (KelpTana)
Voracious Monstrosity. A skinnende (skin-en-dee) is
a humanoid that has been cursed into the form of a A Tall Tale. During a cold winter night, a lost pair of
gigantic, greed filled malignant raven. In both forms, hunters desperately trudged on through the woods amid
the humanoid’s mind is in near full control over the a violent blizzard. Their toes were numb, their beards
body, but the raven form amplifies certain personality were frozen, and their stomachs were empty.
traits like anger, voracity, and selfishness. Once in the As time passed, the blizzard only became worse, and
raven form, the skinnende is unable to change back. the men feared they’d never make it home to their
families. One of the pair suddenly stopped walking, and
Greed & Gluttony. Generally, a skinnende’s allowed the other to continue ahead. A bow was drawn,
humanoid form is bird-like, which is usually a kenku. an arrow was knocked, and a dead body collapsed in
They can also be found in eagle, hawk, and owl the snow, blood glistening in the moonlight. The
variations. The curse of a skinnende is bestowed by a murderer pulled out his hunting knife and began to
god, usually a god of trickery or war. Those who’ve remove chunks of meat. He ate it raw.
succeeded to accomplish great scandals for wealth or
power are often left feeling unfulfilled. They pursue
other ways to feed their greed and filthy ways, which Relentless Hunger. When an angry nature spirit
leads them to the gods. When the gods curse the binds to a humanoid’s soul and causes them to
greedy, covetous individual with lycanthropy, they’re transform into a ravenous cannibalistic creature, it’s
transformed into a skinnende and to their surprise, called a wendigo. A wendigo has a constant,
they cannot return to humanoid form – a trick of the insatiable flesh hunger and emits an aura of
gods. starvation. It also tends to prefer cold climates. When
the spirit overtakes the body, the humanoid’s sanity is
Hording Mentality. Skinnende live in caves high up entirely lost. The wendigo can transform at any time
in the mountains, amassing enormous hordes to try the nature spirit desires, but once transformed it can’t
and fill their unfillable void of a heart. They’ve a change back until the next dawn, when the spirit must
particular obsession with shiny objects. Skinnende release its grasp on the body for at least 1d4 hours.
command and communicate with disease ridden The reverted humanoid is and will always be a
plague ravens; sending them out to collect trinkets psychotic murderer, devoid of all emotion. The mental
and keep eyes on the happenings of the world. The trauma they’ve undergone having their body distorted
ravens tell the skinnende every secret, every lie, and into the wendigo cannot be repaired by any means.
every plan that’s going on at once, and the skinninede
uses this knowledge to its advantage. Curse Removal. The curse that binds the nature
spirit to the humanoid breaks when the wendigo dies,
Curse Removal. The curse of a skinnende can be but the humanoid dies with it. It can also be broken
removed by removing its wings. It must be with a wish spell, or the nature spirit can sometimes
unconscious at 0 hit points to do so, or its wings will be appeased to return to the woods by attempting to
simply regenerate in a few minutes. The curse can reason with the wendigo (getting the spirit to pause
also be removed by the death of a loved one or the and listen requires a successful DC 16 CHA check.
wish spell. The skinnende must feel true love for the
one who dies and must witness their death.

The Giant Crow by AndyHughesArt The Wendigo by Mickael Bois

Unofficial Fan Content Written by Ryan Ruchkall (KelpTana)

GM Advice: A skinnende is intelligent
and should taunt and tease its foes with
mimicry. It should also try to cause
disarray by sharing the deepest secrets
of each foe it fights, having learnt these
secrets from its raven kin. A wounded
skinnende should attempt to fly away so
it can land somewhere safe to heal. If it
can’t do this, it will resort to bargaining.

Unofficial Fan Content ART: Untitled by Mariya S @hanghul Written by Ryan Ruchkall (KelpTana)
GM Advice: Plague ravens make a good supplement
to the feel of a scene. If you want to make a location,
feel particularly evil, you can point out the sickly
ravens perched around the area. Perhaps something
startles the flock and they become agitated, or they
see a shiny necklace and try to steal it.

Plagued Pests. A plague raven is a conduit for
disease and misfortune to enter the mortal realm. It
resembles an ordinary raven, but is larger in size and
exhibits a bony, skeletal look and pearlescent green
eyes. Plague ravens perch in flocks among ordinary
ravens and watch the happenings of the world with a
keen eye.
Prying Eyes. Some believe that plague ravens are a
sign from the gods judgment, and others believe
they’re nothing more than big, feathered pests to shoo
away. Whatever the case, one should be wary to
encounter these ravens, as they carry all sorts of
harmful pathogens. Mages and certain monsters have
been known to gather intel through plague ravens, so
one should always check their surrounding for these
prying onlookers before sharing an important secret.
Trail of Disease. One plague raven presents little to
no threat, but cause enough commotion to attract a
whole flock of them, and they’ll be picking meat off a
heap of bones in no time. It’s best advised to avoid
areas with large numbers of plague ravens. If intent
on searching for the rotten stench of evil, then
following the plague ravens is usually a good way to
get there.

Unofficial Fan Content ART: Crow of Dark Tidings by Tianhua X Written by Ryan Ruchkall (KelpTana)
GM Advice: A brutal wendigo will lure its victims
in with sounds of distress, then begin with an
Ambusher trait multiattack, and use its Eyes of
the Long Night if it hits the second claw attack.
On its next turn, it should lead with a Howl
attack to break its enemies down. If conditions
favor it, the wendigo can use Masks of the Wild
and Ambusher in horrifying harmony. These are
powerful methods that should only be enacted
on veteran adventurers.

Unofficial Fan Content ART: Deep Forest by Artem Demura Written by Ryan Ruchkall (KelpTana)
ART: werewolf silhouette by Paperlightbox on Deviantart

Back Cover Art: Savage Mountain by Naoya Sakamata

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