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Calculating Cooling Load

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Calculating Cooling Load

What exactly determines the size of the heating
and air conditioning system and the required
amount of air (CFM) to be delivered to the
space? in this article we’ll show you what goes
into calculating the cooling load of a building and
the CFM for a typical exterior room with a

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Sensible Heat Equation

The following are the formulas you can use to
determine the requirements for any room. You
will first need to determine the total heat gain
for your space as shown below.

Btuh = CFM x 1.08 x (EAT – LAT)

CFM = Btuh / 1.08 x (EAT – LAT)

EAT = Indoor Design Temp (DB)

LAT = Supply Air Design Temp

Sensible Heat is a Change in Temperature (DB)

with no change in moisture content.

There are 4 Main Contributors, and several

others that contribute to Sensible Heat gain
based on variables that we will discuss later.

1) People – Internal Sensible Load

ASHRAE Sensible Load per Person

People add heat to the space they occupy. The

amount of heat they contribute depends on the
level of activity they are involved in. ASHRAE
show various levels of activity, such as “Seated –
Very Light Work (230 Btu/Hr), Seated – Light
Work (255 Btu/Hr) and Heavy Work – Lifting
(635 Btu/Hr)”.

As the level of activity increases, so does the

amount of heat that a person gives off to the
space they occupy and the more air conditioning
capacity you will need. A gym needs more air
(CFM) per square foot or meter than does an
office space of the same size.

Sensible Heat from People

ASHRAE – Occupancy Heat Gains

Seated, Very Light Work ……………. 230 Btu/hour

Seated, Light Work ………………….. 255 Btu/Hour

Heavy Work, Lifting …………………. 635 Btu/Hour

2) Lighting – Internal Sensible Load

Lighting Sensible Heat Load

Lights give off heat in various quantities based

on their properties. Incandescent are the least
efficient and turn a lot of their energy into heat
instead of light. The more efficient LED that are
commonly used in lighting retrofits and put off
less heat for the same amount of light as other
types. You will need to know the total watts of
the lights in the space you are calculating your
heat load for. For most commercial spaces you
can assume 1 watt per square foot or less.
(10.76 Watts/M2)

Each Watt is equal to 3.41 Btu’s, so the more

watts you have the more heat added to the
space and the larger the air conditioner gets.

Sensible Heat from Lights

1 watt = 3.41 BTU

Q = 3.41 Btu/Watts x Watts

200 Watts x 3.41 Btu/Watt = 682 Btu/Hour

Excludes lighting use factors & ballast

allowances. Assumes CLF = 1

3) Plug Loads – Internal Sensible


Computers, Appliances and Equipment that are

plugged into electrical outlets.

Plug Loads – Sensible Heat Gain

Plug loads account for everything plugged into

an electrical outlet. This can be accounted for by
using an assumption of 1 watt/Ft2 or less as
discussed in this ASHRAE article on Plug Loads.

Sensible Heat from Plug Loads

1 watt = 3.41 BTU

Q = 3.41 Btu/Watts x Watts

150 Watts x 3.41 Btu/Watt = 512 Btu/Hour

4) Solar Loads – External Sensible


Solar Load – External Sensible Load

Conductance – Wall & Glass

The solar load is composed of sensible heat gain

due to conductance and radiation.

Solar or the external design temperature has a

large effect on the internal heat gain when
calculating cooling loads for sizing air
conditioners. Heat is gained through the building
construction based on the surface area,
resistance of the materials and temperature
difference between the design outdoor and
indoor temperatures per the following formula.

Solar Load through Glass by Conductance


solar load by conductance

Q = U x A x TD

Q = Btu/Hour

U = The U-Factor is the reciprocal of the


A = Area (Ft2) of Building Component

TD = Temperature Difference

Solar Load through Wall Construction by


Solar Gain – Conductance thru Wall

Solar Radiation – Glass

Glass exposed to the suns rays will allow heat

into the building based on the Area (Ft2) of the
window, the SC (Shading Coefficient) and its SCL
(Solar Cooling Load Factor)

Solar Load through Glass by Radiation

Solar Load by Radiation

Q = A x SC x SCL

Q = Btu/Hour

A = Glass Area (Ft2)

SC = Glass Shading Coefficient (Effected by

window blinds)

SCL = Solar Cooling Load Factor

Shading Coefficient is a ratio from comparing

the proposed glass to a benchmark plain glass.

Solar Cooling Load Factor is based on glass

orientation, month, time of day & geographical

How to Calculate Total

Sensible Load

2 People x 255 Btu/Hour = 510 Btu/hour


2 Lights x 100 Watts/each = 200 Watts x 3.41

Btu/Watt = 682 Btu/Hour

Plug Load

2 Plugs x 125 Watts/each = 250 Watts x 3.41

Btu/Watt = 853 Btu/Hour

Solar – Conductance thru Glass

Assumes 200 Ft2 wall with 30% glass.

Q = 0.80 (U-Factor) x 60 Ft2 (30% of 200 Ft2) x

25 (Temp Diff Outside – Inside) = 1,200

Solar – Radiation

Q = 60 Ft2 x 0.8 (SC) x 250 (SCL) = 12,000


Solar – Conductance thru Wall

Q = U x A x CLTD

Q = 0.07 (U-Factor) x 140 Ft2 x 25 TD = 245


Total Sensible Cooling Load

Total Sensible Cooling Load

How to Determine Room CFM

The following calculation can be done after you
have done your cooling load calculation to
determine your total sensible load.

CFM = Q / 1.08 x (EAT – LAT)

CFM = Cubic Feet per Minute

Q = Btuh (Solved above = 15,490 Btuh)

EAT = Entering Air Temperature (Room

Temperature 75 F Degrees)

LAT = Leaving Air Temperature (Supply Air

Temperature 55 F degrees)

CFM = 15,490 Btuh / 1.08 x (75 F – 55 F)

CFM = 15,490 / 1.08 x (20)

CFM = 717

Items not Considered in the above

Sensible Heat Calculation


This is the air that makes its way into the

building unconditioned, under exterior doors,
through window frames or building cracks.

Ventilation (Outside Air)

This is air brought into the building for health

reason. Ventilation codes require so much
outside air for every person based on occupancy
type or by building use. This ventilation air adds
additional loads to the air conditioning system,
including the addition of latent load (moisture)
that must be removed at the cooling coil. Using
VRF in some jurisdictions allow for reduced levels

You can also watch our YouTube video on this

topic Cooling Loads

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