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Demystifying logistic


A practical guide
What is logistic regression?
Logistic regression is used to
describe data and to explain the
relationship between one dependent
binary variable
Why we use it?
Have I used it?
It’s like “is boost the secret of
sachin’s energy”
Yes i have used and it worked
Odds : p/(1-p)

Basically converting into
probability score
From linear to logistic
Results and interpretation
● Confusion matrix
● Accuracy
● Precision
● Recall
● Dependent variable to be binary and ordinal
● Observations to be independent of each
● Little or no multicollinearity
● Linearly related to the log odds
What did we achieve
Decision trees

A practical guide
What is Decision tree?
Supervised learning model used to solve both
regression and classification problems.
Uses the tree representation to solve the
problem in which each leaf node corresponds
to a class label and attributes are represented
on the internal node of the tree.
Why we use it?
Results and interpretation
● Confusion matrix
● Accuracy
● Precision
● Recall
Logistic Vs Tree
● Linear combination of ● Flexible in terms of
parameters β and the bagging and boosting
input vector ● Over fitting
● Multicollinearity ● Easy to explain
● Not so easy to explain

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