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The Deep in Sarkash

where the trees creak and groan,

And graveyards and tombs
in the warm earth are sown,

And spirits and monsters alike
feel at home,
Waits a nightmarish well
built of blood–mortared stone.

An introductory
adventure for
– by –
Xeno & Kraft

A bit too warm

if this drop doesn't kill you

Well 2 Don't bother Keruol
Rolf &
5 DR14 Agility to climb down
Loft (D8 Agility wih rope)
Shhhh... 3 or fall

than it Web of hair and glass
looks DR12 Toughness or take 1d4
damage & become infected

Pretty shoddy
At least it can't
climb out either...
the troll will

4 right?

Why not have a taste? 6
u ck ack ch)
l b ea
od g r
SPLASH! Go m bin n't
cl u ca
1d6 damage &
wake the troll (yo

MÖRK BORG is copyright Ockult Örtmästare Games and Stockholm

Kartell. THE WAILING WELL is an independent production by XENO &
KRAFT and is not affiliated with Ockult Örtmästare Games or Stockholm
Kartell. It is published under the MÖRK BORG Third Party License.
The Wailing Well Rolf will genuinely offer to help the PCs, 5. Loft
but if freed there’s a 50% chance he tries Up a rickety ladder (25% chance it breaks)
Goblins have made a nest in the
to eat their brains (while apologizing). are four very sleepy Goblins snuggling
fragmented bedrock beneath a long-
forgotten graveyard in Sarkash. in nests of human hair. Known to Rolf
The only way in: an eerie, decrepit
4. Kitchen as Eyeball, Knifey, New Guy and The
well. Descending the moss–slimed Tunnel from 3. Larder is wide but short. Eviscerator. These are the bastards
stonework is a fool's errand, but Normal-sized PCs must crawl into the the PCs must kill.
those afflicted with the Goblin sloped room. Shit-water pooling at the Wield shortbows and knives but aren’t
Curse have little choice. Find the bottom. Terrible smell. interested in a fight. If threatened,
greasy bastards, kill them, and get
out before it's too late.
Two Goblins at work on psychadelic Eyeball throws a Sparklecracker: everyone
organ stew. According to Rolf they are in the room tests DR12 Agility to cover
1. Graveyard called Nosy and Knuckles. their eyes or be blinded for d2 rounds.
Not necessarily hostile (roll Reaction). The goblins try to escape up the well.
Shrouded in morning mist. Warm, wet
earth reveals goblin footprints leading They speak in hushed tones about the Nests full of stolen baubles. 4d8 silver +
to 2. Well. beast below. If provoked will call for help roll on Occult Treasures (d10) + roll on
and fling stew (DR14 Agility to defend). Corpse Plundering (d66).
Silence broken by the sound of a shovel.
Keruol, a Wild Wickhead, digs up
6. Lair
graves. Cagey, mute and treasonous,
she can be convinced to help the Pitch black. Foul, stagnant water up
party but will backstab them at to the waist (too deep to run or
her earliest convenience. jump.) Cavern ceiling beyond
reach (impossible to get
2. Well back up into the well shaft
without help).
Simple and circular.
Stonework in good Bedrock floor littered
repair but covered in with bones and lucky
slick, grey moss. A deep coins (8d10 silver).
wailing echoes up from A big splash draws
the darkness. Brinviru, the hungry
Test DR14 Agility to Troll. Hairless, pale and
descend by hand (DR8 wrinkled. Bulging with
Agility with the help of ropey muscle. Lets out
a rope). Otherwise fall a terrifying, melancholy
down to 6. Lair taking 1d6 wail. Arrives for supper in
damage. 2d6 rounds.
Entrance to the goblin nest is Brinviru is too big to fit up
halfway down. Protected by a the well... unless it tries really
mesh of human hair and broken hard.
glass. Test DR12 Toughness to push
through or take 1d4 damage and become There is no escape
infected. Was it Keruol’s digging or the PCs’
scent? Either way, ancient and cursed
3. Larder If touched by the stew, roll d4: corpses emerge from the sodden earth.
Disembowled corpses strung
or backup PCs
1. Skin cracks and green foam oozes As the party makes their escape up the
up by their wrists. Floor sticky with out. The cracks never fully heal. well, 1d4 Blood-Drenched Skeletons
blood and skin. 2. Colourful hallucinations. +1 (unarmed) are waiting at the top. If there
One victim is Rolf, an intelligent Presence and -1 Agility for 1 hour. is a rope, the skeletons bite through it.
Zombie. Made a deal for eternal life 3. Flesh sloughs off. Test DR12 An additional 1d4 skeletons emerge
in exchange for eternal service to Toughness or suffer 1d4 damage. each round for 1d6 rounds. They can be
Nechrubel. Didn’t think this is what it outrun but will follow the PCs to their
4. Enraging disorientation. Test graves.
would look like.
DR16 Presence or immediately
Can’t die by mortal means. Body make an attack against nearest
stubbornly regenerates. The goblins creature—friend or foe.
harvest his organs for their vile stew.

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