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Drip Irrigation Manual

Construction, Operation, and Maintenance

Becky Abarca, Efrain Arambulo, Katie-Zhouyi Liao

November 2012
Table of Contents
Manual Overview............................................................................................................................2
Drip Irrigation System.....................................................................................................................3
Drip Irrigation Components.............................................................................................................4
Maintenance Procedures..................................................................................................................1
Steps to flush the system:............................................................................................................1
Steps for cleaning the disk filter:.................................................................................................1
Steps for cleaning the emitters:....................................................................................................1
Daily Operations Checklist..............................................................................................................2
Before operation:.........................................................................................................................2
During Operation:........................................................................................................................2
After Operation:...........................................................................................................................2
Seasonal Maintenance Procedures...................................................................................................3
System Construction Directions......................................................................................................4
Troubleshooting Procedures............................................................................................................5
Manual Overview
The purpose of this manual is to aid in the construction, operation, and maintenance of a drip
irrigation system.

Drip irrigation is a sustainable irrigation method because it saves water and nutrients. In a drip
irrigation system, water is distributed to a field through a set of water lines and drip emitters.
This system allows water to be released as close to a plant’s roots as possible at a slow rate (see
figure 1). Doing this saves water because it only provides as much water as necessary to feed
the plants and it minimizes the amount of runoff water (runoff water is the water flow that occurs
after soil is full of its water capacity). It also saves nutrients because the slow rate of water
allows the roots to absorb the nutrients.

Figure 1: The water distribution by drip emitters

The main components of a drip system are the filters, tubing, and emitters. The manual provides
a description of each component and its importance within the drip system. Following the
procedures in this manual will increase the life of the drip system.
Drip Irrigation System

Layout of drip irrigation system

Close-up of how main dtip components are attached

Drip Irrigation Components
Main Stake:
Valve: Keeps lines in
place and held
Manual on/off
to ground

Pressure Preventer:
Regulator: Prevents
Adjusts pressure reservoir water
to correct setting contamination

Adaptor: water filter to
Connects tubing prevent
to main water clogging

Emitters: Drip
Provides water
to the base of Distributes
the plant water to field
from water
: End Cap:
Attaches drip Caps the drip
tubing to lateral tubing at the end
lines so water is not
Tool: Fittings:
Makes holes in
Attached lateral
lines to main
Maintenance Procedures
Steps to flush the system:
1. Shut off water source.
2. Take off the cap from the main line. Take off the end-caps from the lateral lines.
3. Make sure the pump and filter connection is tight.
4. Open the flush valve. Turn on the pump. Flush it for 10 minutes or until the water runs
clear out of the valve.
5. Turn off the pump. Close the valve.
6. Recap the later lines and main line with the caps.
7. Repeat steps 1-5 for remaining drip lines until they are all flushed.
8. Turn on water source.

Steps for cleaning the disk filter:

1. Shut off water source.
2. Remove the cap from the filter.
3. Take out the stacked disks. Rinse off the disks with water to remove large debris.
4. Loosen the disks so they can move freely. Rinse off remaining
5. Rinse off the disks with water to remove remaining debris.
6. Tighten the stacked disks. Insert into the filter. Tighten the cap.
7. Repeat for remaining disk filters until they are all clean.
8. Turn on water source.

Steps for cleaning the emitters:

1. Shut off water source.
2. Twist the emitter cap off.
3. Rinse emitter with water to clear away dirt and debris.
4. Reattach cap.
5. Repeat for all emitters.
6. Turn on water source.
Daily Operations Checklist
Before operation:
□ Prime the pump. Pour water into intake valve. This prevents air bubbles from forming.

□ Open filter cover. Make sure disks are clean. If disks have a lot of dirt and/or debris,
follow maintenance procedure for cleaning the filter.

During Operation:
□ Turn on pump. Make sure it works properly. Listen for any unusual sounds or
vibrations. If something unusual is observed, refer to troubleshooting procedure.

□ Walk throughout field to visually inspect drip system

1. Check tubing for water leaks.
2. Check emitters for clogs.

After Operation:
□ Turn off pump.

□ Close valve.

□ Unplug pump.

□ Check filter. Clean if necessary.

Seasonal Maintenance Procedures
□ Replace old disk filters with new disk filter.

□ Inspect tubing for leaks, holes, tears, cuts, etc. If found, replace line.

□ Make sure tubing is clamped and attached properly.

□ Make sure emitters are evenly spaced apart.

Overall System:
□ Flush the system before operating it for the first time after each season.
System Construction Directions
To construct the drip irrigation system, begin at the water source:
1. Make a hole in the holding tank so that you can attach a 12” piece of ¾” PVC pipe.
2. Take a ¾” male adapter(S X MHS) and apply glue to the coupling male adapter and
connect the pipe and fitting.
3. Once dry, take the ¾” hose valve, apply Teflon tape to the thread and screw on the valve.
4. When connecting any threaded pipes you need to apply Teflon tape to ensure that there
are no leaks in the connections.
5. Take the backflow preventer and connect it to the main valve.

6. Next you connect the pressure regulator

7. Next you connect the Y-filter

8. Next connect the ½” tubing adapter

9. After the tubing adapter is connected, take the ½” drip line connect the drip line by
forcing the dripline and tubing together

10. Lay the ½” line across the plot and it will serve as the mainline.

11. At every row, cut the ½” drip tubing and in the same manner as the drip line was
connected to the tubing adapter, simply connect press firmly the ½” tee coupling at every

12. For every tee coupling connect ½” drip line and run it along the entire row

13. Using clamps secure the dripline to the ground and to ensure the dripline aligns properly
with the rows.
14. At the end of all driplines connect the ½” end caps or the end clamps to ensure that there
are not open lines

15. Once all lines have been set, take the tubing hole punch and punch holes at the location of
every coffee plant

16. Next you take the Pressure Compensating Drip Emitters and place them at every hole that
was punched in the ½” dripline.
17. Once all of the emitters have been placed then open the main valve to check for leaks.
18. If there are any leaks turn off the valve and asses the leaks

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