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Topic: The initial psychology and contemporary mind set behind up-cycling.

• Interview questions:
1) Are you familiar with the term sustainability?
2) what do you know about sustainable practices?
3) Do you think you have ever done something which counts as a
sustainable practice?
4) Have you ever came across the term up-cycling, if yes then
how? If no than what is your opinion about re using something?

5) Tell the concept and define sustainability and up-cycling

6) So now when you know the concept do you up cycle around the
house? How did your parents are grandparents up cycle?
7) What are the biggest obstacles in the implementation?
8) Do we really need to follow sustainable lifestyle and up cycling
9) Have you ever tried to include the environmental consciousness in
the life style you follow?
10) what made you think of using waste material as a source of
making something new?
11) Do you know how to repair or reuse clothing, or other things
around the house? If so, how did they learn to do these things? If
so, what is the reason do they do it? Is it a hobby, to save money,
because you care about the environment, or maybe another
12) Are recycling and up cycling same?
13) What do you think how up cycling is done in present era?
14) Is up-cycling being convenient in fashion industry, what would
happen if up cycling is not done there?
15) What consequences an individual can face during the up
cycling process?
16) How up cycling can make the textile industry eco-friendly?
17) Is up cycling plays an important role in sustainability? If yes
then how these both relate to each other and to the fashion
18) Can up cycling process make conventional sustainable garment
and what do you think, how it is processed in?
19) Have you ever did up cycling in your garments of for the sake
of fashion, before when you didn’t know the process you’re doing
is upcycling? If yes then what do you think How it help
sustainability and fashion industry as well?
20) If you got a chance to up-cycle the sustainable product, what
kind product would you like to up-cycle? How it will be eco-
friendly and sustainable?
21) How would you describe word “upcycling” in terms of its use,
characteristics, behavior when it comes to textiles and fashion?
22) What do you think, how many industries in Pakistan has been
working on upcycling and worldwide also?
23) In your area or the industries you know , is there any product is
being manufactured that we can say, it’s a upcycled sustainable
24) Do you up cycle and follow sustainable standards at work
place? If yes what do you do?if don’t then do you have any ideas
that can you practice?
25) Is upcycling best for textile growth and pollution reduction?
How much you are intending to promote the upcycling in future?
26) what impact do you think sustainable life style can have on our

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