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Meeting of the Joint Organization Committee

Wednesday, November 30, 2022 – 9:00 am
Virtual Meeting via Zoom

1. Call to order, Deborah Boyer and Tanicia Jackson

2. Staff Presentation on 2022 vendor performance (OVM and BBB)

3. Approval of the minutes of the January 12, 2022 meeting Action Item

4. Recommendation to the Board of Directors to approve preliminary 2023 operating budget

• DOA Action Item
• LMUDA Action Item

5. Discussion and Recommendation to the boards for Approval that Additional Assessment Income
Received in 2022 be Allocated Among Program Areas and Expended in 2022
Action Item
6. Review and recommendation to the Joint Boards of Directors to approve the Approval of OVM
Contract renewal per district bidding policies Action Item

7. Discussion and Recommendation to the boards for Approval that we go out to RFP for Clean and
Safe in January 2023 Action Item

8. Review of Open Board Seats and New Nominees

9. Review of Preliminary 2023 Meeting Schedule

10. Other

Government Code 54950 (The Brown Act) requires that a brief description of each item to be transacted or discussed be posted at least 72
hours prior to a regular meeting. The Corporation posts agendas with the City at 1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, #101. Action may not be taken
on items not posted on the agenda. Copies of the agenda are available from the Downtown Oakland Association at 388 19th Street,
Oakland, CA 94612. Meeting facilities are accessible to persons with disabilities. If you require special assistance to participate in the
meeting, notify our office at 510 238-1122 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.
Adjournment into Executive Session
All staff and public attendees are required to leave the meeting at this time.
All decisions will be a part of public record according to Government Code 54950 (The Brown Act)

11. Recommendation to the Board of Directors to approve additional personnel compensation (OVM
and BBB)
• DOA Action Item
• LMUDA Action Item

12. Next meeting date: not yet scheduled

13. Adjournment

Joint Organization Committee Meeting
January 12, 2022 – 11:00 a.m.
Via Zoom Conference

Present: Deborah Boyer, Tanicia Jackson, Kim Bardakian, Ruth Simon, Mike Guerra, Jamie Choy, Jamie
Flaherty-Evans, Courtney Belanger


Staff: Steve Snider, Andrew Jones, Victoria Decker, Tamiko Garner, Mauton Akran, Charles Taylor

General Counsel: Daniel Schacht

Discussions held and decisions made by the Joint Organization Committee

Subject Discussion Action
Call to order The meeting was called to order at 11:00 a.m.
Public comments and
Approval of the minutes of The minutes of the November 29, 2021, meeting was Ruth Simon moved, and
the November 29, 2021, presented to the committee for review. Deborah Boyer seconded
meeting the motion to approve
the minutes of the
November 29, 2021,
meeting as presented.
The motion was approved
Year-end financial report Tori presented the year-end financial report
Recommendation to the Tori presented for review and approval proposed 2022 Tanicia Jackson moved,
Joint Board of Directors to operating budgets for each district. and Mike Guerra
approve the 2022 proposed a. DOA -These budgets are very much in alignment seconded the motion to
budgets with the preliminary 2022 operating budgets approve the DOA 2022
DOA presented at our last board meetings but proposed budget as
LMUDA incorporate actual carry forward. presented. The motion
These numbers are based on the operating was approved
budget percentage allocations outlined in our unanimously.
District Management Plans, with allowable 10%
adjustments between categories to address Jamie Choy moved, and
need. Deborah Boyer seconded
the motion to approve
In anticipation of delayed disbursement from the
the LMUDA 2022
county and city as well as non or late payment of
proposed budget as

property taxes, this budget is once again built presented. The motion
upon an assumed 95% collection as opposed to was approved
the historic 97%. unanimously.
The line items will remain in large part consistent
with the 2021 allocations despite the
considerable underspend – this is due to what we
anticipate being a return to public space
activation and programming, event sponsorship
and other marketing efforts consistent with pre-
pandemic levels. To that end, Public Space
Programming in 2022 is seeing an Increased
allocation over 2021 budget is intended to
provide sufficient funding to direct toward
significant public space activations in 2022,
including 13th Street Commons and the Picnic in
the Plaza summer series at Frank Ogawa Plaza.
Staff anticipates significant sponsorship funding
to be received in support of these initiatives as
well. Allocations have been increased modestly
for insurance and accounting expenses to
account for annual increases.

The most significant adjustments are seen in the

staffing line items, for both OVM and BBB.
Specific to BBB, we have increased the annual
allocation to factor in a 5% increase to the
Operations Manager salary and a 12.5% increase
to the starting ambassador wage. This is intended
to address both the CPI increase as well as to
remain competitive in the marketplace as sister
districts, in SF for example, have increased the
starting wage to $25/hour. Regarding OVM
staffing line items, staff personnel, Digital media
coordinator, and Program Coordinator and
Director positions, the proposed increase
intended to address the CPI increase as well as an
increase to all director salaries that have
remained static since 2019.

Discussion of the creation The Oakland Venue Management and Block by Block
of the OVM and BBB contracts have passed the three-year mark which means
endorsement letter in that an amendment to the contract must be approved by
accordance with bidding the board annually or the board must go out to bid for
policies and procedures the contract. If the decision is to not go out to RFP, a
member of this committee is asked to write and

endorsement letter of Oakland Venue Management and
Block by Blocks performance and recommending that the
board approve the extension of the contract for another
year. We have included a previously issued letter
endorsing OVM in this packet and I can provide talking
points and a template letter for BBB to whomever is
tasked with writing the letter.

Mike agreed to write the letter of endorsement for Block

by Bock, and Tanicia agreed to write the letter of
endorsement of Oakland Venue Management.
Recommendation to the Per City Council Resolution 87323 dated July 24, 2018, Deborah Boyer moved,
Joint Board of Directors the and the DCBD and LCBD Management District Plans and Mike Guerra
approval to include a 5% provide that the Board of Directors has the option to seconded the motion to
annual assessment increase assessments annually up to 5% from the approve the
increase, as allowable in previous year’s assessment. We need to first agree that recommendation to the
both District Management we want to trigger the increase and then notify affected Joint Board of Directors
Plans, in the Annual stakeholders of that intention along with offering the the approval to include a
Reports to the City, due on ability to participate in a public meeting to discuss, before 5% annual assessment
or before March 15, 2022 we include the intent to increase in the Annual Report increase as allowable in
due on March 15th. That opportunity for public comment both District
Management Plans. The
would occur at our March 2nd board meetings, The
motion was approved
request for this increase, if approved, will be included in
the 2019 Annual Report and Budget to the City. This
increase requires the approval of the City Council.
Discussion of invitation Chinatown request for a meeting
from Oakland Chinatown
Improvement Council to
continue dialogue around
Chinatown BID(DOA only)
Next Meeting Date TBD
Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 12:18 p.m.

Minutes taken by: Tamiko M. Garner, Marketing and Administrative Coordinator

DOA 2022-2023 Budget Worksheet Budget vs. Actuals

2022 2022 2022 2023

% Variance (2022
Annual Anticipated Annual Proposed
YTD Actual budget and 2023 Notes
Budget Over/Underspend Budget
proposed budget)

Assessment Revenue (98% collection) 2,179,587.71 2,117,772.00 61,815.71 2,290,720.00 € 8%
(Reserve) -120,000.00 -120,000.00 120,000.00 -68,030.53 € 3% of anticipated collection

Prior Year Carry Forward 246,096.35 246,096.35 0.00 227,293.53 € -8% Includes remaining Reserve and
anticipated expense category
$2,305,684.06 $2,243,868.35
Total Assessment Revenue $ 2,449,983.00 €
Total Income $2,305,684.06 $2,243,868.35 $120,000.00 $ 2,449,983.00 €

Clean and Safe Enhancements
Clean and Safe 1,189,486.82 1,329,057.20 31,435.21 1,475,687.00 € 11% Includes increase in starting
ambassador wage.
Misc. 3,091.44 5,000.00 1,627.52 5,000.00 € 0%
Program Coordinator 53,984.27 62,396.31 0.00 71,016.00 € 14% Incorporates 2.5% increase and COE
increase inclusive of additional
employee benefits.
Program Director 68,777.94 83,550.54 0.00 87,305.00 € 4% Incorporates 2.5% increase and COE
increase inclusive of additional
employee benefits.
Outreach Coordinator 15,000.00 €

PROW Maintenance $111,194.14 170,036.61 0.00 178,343.00 € 5% Allocation based on anticipated need.

Total Clean and Safe Enhancements $ 1,426,534.61 € $ 1,650,040.66 € $ 33,062.73 € $ 1,832,351.00 € 11%

Marketing and Economic Enhance.

Accounting Expenses 3,600.00 4,000.00 400.00 15,600.00 € 290% Include anticipated cost of CPA
Review Report as required by the
Annual Stakeholder Event 0.00 5,250.00 5,250.00 4,800.00 € -9%
136.94 3,000.00 2,850.61 0%
Computer Service & Support 3,000.00 €
Consulting and Legal Expenses 0.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 € 0%
Digital Media Coordinator and Support 38,160.65 43,522.56 0.00 53,344.00 € 23% Incorporates 2.5% increase and COE
increase inclusive of additional
employee benefits. Also includes an
additional allocation for anticipated
consulting needs.
Memberships, Fees & Permits 3,900.72 5,000.00 744.67 5,000.00 € 0%

Directors & Officers 600.00 700.08 100.08 600.00 € -14%
General Liability $2,555.00 3,391.44 836.44 3,000.00 € -12%

Marketing and Communications 22,546.67 45,000.00 10,000.00 45,000.00 € 0%

Misc. 3,540.91 5,000.00 1,137.19 5,000.00 € 0%
Office furniture & equipment 1,005.90 10,000.00 3,000.00 7,500.00 € -25%

Postage, shipping, delivery 179.10 1,000.00 804.62 1,000.00 € 0%

Printing & copying 2,495.24 3,000.00 277.92 3,000.00 € 0%

Public Space Management 97,842.84 123,206.89 5,000.00 115,000.00 € -7%
Rent 61,407.02 71,000.00 0.00 72,500.00 € 2%

Staff Personnel 215,866.52 255,256.72 0.00 267,288.00 € 5%

Supplies 2,127.06 3,000.00 679.57 2,500.00 € -17%
Telephone & Internet 2,518.66 3,000.00 252.37 3,000.00 € 0%

Staff and Board Development $6,779.67 8,000.00 604.00 9,000.00 € 13% Allocation based on anticipated need.

Total Marketing and Economic $ 468,417.90 € $ 593,827.69 € $ 74,230.80 € $ 617,632.00 € 4%

Total Expenses $1,547,022.54 $2,243,868.35 $107,293.53 $ 2,449,983.00 € 9%

LMUDA 2022-2023 Budget Worksheet

2022 2022 2022 2023

% Variance (2022
Annual Anticipated Annual Proposed budget and 2023
YTD Actual Notes
Budget Over/Underspend Budget proposed

Assessment Revenue (98% collection) 1,697,107.96 € 1,658,577.00 € 38,530.96 € 1,859,856.02 € 12%

(Reserve) -80,166.57 € -80,166.57 € 70,166.57 € -55,000.00 € 3% of anticipated collection.

(Payments Made From Reserve) -10,000.00 €

Prior Year Carry Forward 195,058.38 € 195,058.38 € 0.00 € 115,821.22 € -41% Includes remaining Reserve and anticipated
expense category underspend.
Total Assessment Revenue $ 1,811,999.77 € $1,773,468.81 € $ 0.00 € $ 1,920,677.24 €
Total Income $ 1,811,999.77 € $1,773,468.81 € $ 70,166.57 € $ 1,920,677.24 €

Clean and Safe Enhancements
Clean and Safe 897,361.00 1,002,622.09 23,682.82 € 1,113,237.00 € 11%
Misc. 2,606.89 3,000.00 156.12 € 3,000.00 € 0%
Program Coordinator 36,506.12 47,070.96 0.00 € 53,574.00 € 14% Incorporates 2.5% increase and COE increase
inclusive of additional employee benefits.
Program Director 51,885.13 63,029.28 0.00 € 65,862.00 € 4% Incorporates 2.5% increase and COE increase
inclusive of additional employee benefits.
Outreach Coordinator 15,000.00 €
PROW Maintenance 140,390.35 132,188.00 -16,000.00 € 122,548.24 € -7%
Total Clean and Safe Enhancements $ 1,128,749.49 € $1,247,910.33 € $ 7,838.94 € $ 1,373,221.24 € 10%

Marketing and Economic Enhance.

Accounting Expenses 3,600.00 3,600.00 0.00 15,600.00 € 333% Include anticipated cost of CPA Review Report
required by the city.
Annual Stakeholder Event 0 5,500.00 5,500.00 3,500.00 € -36%

Computer Service & Support 259.40 1,500.00 1,217.02 1,500.00 € 0%

Consulting & Legal Expenses 0 1,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 € -50%
Digital Media Coordinator and Support 38,160.65 43,522.56 0.00 53,344.00 € 23% Incorporates 2.5% increase and COE increase
inclusive of additional employee benefits. Also
includes an additional allocation for anticipated
consulting needs.
Memberships, Fees & Permits 3,248.73 5,000.00 1,455.93 5,000.00 € 0%

Directors & Officers 600.00 600.00 0.00 600.00 € 0%
General Liability 5,073.00 5,073.00 0.00 5,073.00 € 0%
Marketing and Communications 24,145.63 45,000.00 18,659.31 35,000.00 € -22%

Misc 2,092.47 4,948.16 2,665.47 3,000.00 € -39%

Office furniture & equipment 1,038.94 9,000.00 2,000.00 7,500.00 € -17%
Postage, shipping, delivery 132.68 650.00 505.26 260.00 € -60%

Printing & copying 1,303.31 3,000.00 1,578.21 2,500.00 € -17%

Public Space Management 50,636.57 61,000.00 5,760.11 60,000.00 € -2%

Rent 64,727.11 71,500.00 0.00 72,500.00 € 1%

Staff and Board Development 10,249.17 8,000.00 -3,180.91 12,500.00 € 56%

Staff Personnel 212,234.34 250,664.76 0.00 262,979.00 € 5% Incorporates 2.5% increase and COE increase
inclusive of additional employee benefits.

Supplies 2,110.28 3,000.00 697.88 3,000.00 € 0%

Telephone & Telecommunications $2,789.00 3,000.00 -42.55 3,100.00 € 3%

Total Marketing and Economic Enhancements $ 422,401.28 € $ 525,558.48 € $ 37,815.72 € $ 547,456.00 € 4%

Total Expenses $ 1,273,058.44 € $1,773,468.81 € $ 45,654.65 € $ 1,920,677.24 € 8%

Downtown Oakland Association and the Lake Merritt/Uptown Association
Bidding Policy and Procedures

1. Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that goods and services purchased by the Downtown Oakland Association
and/or the Lake Merritt/Uptown Association (each, a Community Benefit District or “CBD”) are obtained in a
cost-effective manner and in compliance with applicable regulations and the Disbursement Agreement with the
City of Oakland dated February 10, 2009, as amended or renewed from time to time.
2. Precedence
In the event of any conflict between this bidding policy and the Disbursement Agreement, as amended, the then-
applicable terms and conditions of the Disbursement Agreement shall control. This bidding policy is also subject
to any applicable bylaw or policy of the CBDs, including any conflict of interest policy.
3. Standard Bidding Procedures
All contracts that receive funds pursuant to the Disbursement Agreement and are worth over $5,000 in any
calendar year (“Major Contracts”) are subject to Standard Bidding Procedures. Standard Bidding Procedures
a. Advertisement. The appropriate CBD shall advertise the RFP on its website for at least 10 calendar
days before the due date for bids, have copies of RFPs available at its administrative offices, and
provide a copy of the RFP to the City of Oakland for its possible referral of the contracting
opportunity to local Oakland vendors or consultants. The appropriate CBD will make reasonable
efforts to advertise Standard Bidding RFPs on other websites, such as industry association websites,
to seek qualified applicants. The RFP will provide a clear and accurate description of the service or
good desired, including the range of acceptable standards or minimum acceptable standards.
b. Qualifications. The CBD shall determine the necessary qualifications for a successful bid, and
evaluate and weigh bids based on those criteria. This may include consideration of the quality of the
performance to be provided by the bidder; the ability, capacity and skill of the bidder; the ability of
the bidder to perform promptly; the character, integrity, reputation, judgment, experience and
efficiency of the bidder; the environmental impact of the proposed service or good; the quality of
bidder’s performance on previous contracts with the CBD; and the ability of the bidder to provide
future services. The CBD may waive informalities or minor irregularities in any Standard Bids.
c. Requirement to Bid Contracts. All Major Contracts must be put to bid every three years. The CBD
may choose to waive this requirement and/or extend existing contracts beyond the 3-year limit with
Board approval, which approval shall be obtained annually for every year extended beyond the 3-
year limit. Such Board approval must be accompanied by written justification for the extension,
including why the extension maximizes value to the CBD.
4. Alternative Procedures
The CBDs may use Alternative Procedures for any contract not subject to the Standard Bidding Procedures, above.
Alternative Procedures may include an informal cost/price analysis; selecting a vendor offering the best
combination of quality, service and price for the specific need; and verbal or written bids, or price lists on
websites or catalogues. Reasonable efforts shall be made to ensure fair and competitive pricing.
5. Non-Competitive Vendor Selection
Notwithstanding the previous sections, a CBD may choose not to competitively bid a contract where there is
insufficient time to conduct a competitive source selection due to the extreme urgency of the requirement, in
which case the CBD shall only contract for the goods or services subject to that extreme urgency. The CBD shall
provide a detailed narrative justification for any non-competitive vendor selection.

6. Records.
Records regarding the Standard Bidding and Alternative Procedures shall be kept as required for all records of the
CBDs, in accordance with the requirements of the Disbursement Agreement.

1330 Broadway, Suite 434
Oakland, CA 94612
510.788.7500 T
510.628.0525 F

January 18, 2022

Board of Directors
Lake Merritt Uptown and Downtown Oakland District Associations

Re: Recommendation to Waive 3-Year bidding requirement for Oakland Venue


Dear Fellow Board Members:

The Association’s contract with Oakland Venue Management (OVM) for District Management
Services expired on December 31,2021. In accordance with the Association’s Bidding Policy
and Procedures, all major contracts are to be competitively bid every 3-years. However, the
policy provides that existing contracts may be extended beyond the 3-year limit with board
approval. Such approval must be made in writing with justification for the extension.

As a member of the joint Board and President of Downtown Oakland Association, it is my

recommendation that we continue extension of the OVM contract through December 31,
2022. Justification for the extension being the on-going leadership, and accomplishments of
the OVM team over their tenure. Particularly, the exemplary management demonstrated
through the COVID-19 pandemic. The entire team, (Steve Snider, Andrew Jones, Tori
Decker, Tamiko Garner and Mauton Akran) has consistently exceeded expectations and
shown thoughtfulness in the development of annual goals and exercised diligence, passion
and commitment in meeting objectives each year. As we head towards recovery from the
pandemic and its detrimental impacts to our Districts, maintaining upward momentum and
focus on recovery with the current team in place is our most prudent option. Revitalization of
our Districts is paramount and OVM has proven their capabilities and commitment to move
us towards success.

Furthermore, OVM has effectively represented the needs of both districts and their
interactions with the City of Oakland, established strong positive rapports with city agencies
and Oakland stakeholders. This has all been evidenced through the continued growth and
success of the Clean and Safe program and the Oakland Central campaign. None of which
can be sustained at the high bar OVM has set without their on-going participation.

OVM is best equipped to see us through this next year, especially as we work to support the
new Chinatown BID and recover from the pandemic. With planned street activations and
strategy development already in progress, by extending the OVM contract we remain
focused on what is most important and avoid distraction brought on by an unwarranted
bidding process.

Very kind regards,

Tanicia S. Jackson
Board President, Downtown Oakland Association

Downtown Oakland Association
Board of Directors 2022-2023

Person Elected Representing Committee Term Expiring

1. Tanicia Jackson 1111 Broadway ORG & C & S 2 years – 2023

Union Capital President Officer Term - 2022
2. Jamie Flaherty-Evans Chromata Retail M & B, ORG 1 year – 2022
Chromata Retail Vice President Officer Term – 2022
1338 Grand Avenue
Piedmont, CA 94680
Courtney Belanger Shorenstein ORG 2 years – 2023
601 12th Street, Ste. 275 Treasurer Officer Term – 2022
Oakland, CA 94607
Mike Guerra Lincoln University C & S, ORG 2 years – 2023
Lincoln University Secretary Officer Term - 2022
401 15th Street
Oakland, CA 94612
3. Michelle Lane, CPM Associate CBRE C&S 2 years – 2023
Director CBRE, Asset Services (thru end of
1111 Broadway, Suite 1800 2022)
Oakland, CA 94607
4. Kurtis Hanson, GM Oakland Marriott C&S 2 years – 2023
Oakland Marriott
1001 Broadway
Oakland, CA 94607
6. Greg Pasquali Carmel Partners C&S 2 years - 2022
492 9th Street, Suite 300
Oakland, CA 94607


7. Carmen Benjamin City Center M&B 2 years - 2022

CBRE, Inc.
1111 Broadway, Suite 1501
8. Adam Chall, Partner TMG Partners 2 years - 2022
100 Bush Street, 26th Floor 13th Street
San Francisco, CA 94104
9. Durell Coleman Resident M&B 1 year - 2022
447 17th Street
Oakland, CA 94612
11. Mark Morell, Director of Finance Oakland Marriott C & S/M &B 2 years – 2023
Oakland Marriott
1001 Broadway
Oakland, CA 94607
12. Matt Klimerman Tidewater C&S 2 years – 2023
564 Market St., Ste. 225 Capital
San Francisco, CA 94104
13. Tamira Twilie Property Owner M&B 2 years – 2023
Oakland City Center & Oakland
City Garage
499 14th Street Suite 210
Oakland, CA 94612
14. Simon Gibson Business Owner M&B 1 year – 2022
532 8th Street, Oakland, CA 94612

16. Felicia Scruggs EBALDC C&S 2 years - 2023

1825 San Pablo Avenue #200
Oakland, CA 94612

Lake Merritt/Uptown District Association Board of Directors

Person Elected Property Representing Committee Term Expiring

1. Deborah Boyer Swig Co./Kaiser Center ORG 2 years – 2023

EVP Director of Innovation and President Officer term –
Community Impact 2022
The Swig Company
220 Montgomery Street, 9th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94104
2. Kim Bardakian Kapor Center for Social M & B, ORG 2 years – 2022
2148 Broadway Impact Officer term –
Oakland, CA 94612 Vice President 2022
3. Jamie Choy Signature Development C & S, ORG 2 years – 2022
2335 Broadway Group Officer term –
Oakland, CA 94612 Secretary 2022
4. Ruth Simon Resident/Broadway Grand M & B, ORG 2 years – 2023
438 West Grand Treasurer Officer term –
Oakland, CA 94612 2022
5. Don Rogers CIM Group C&S 2 years – 2022
VP On-site Property Management
1 Kaiser Plaza, Suite 301
Oakland, CA 94612
6. Terry Wood Kaiser Permanente C &S 2 years - 2023
1800 Harrison Street, 19th Floor
Oakland, CA 94612
7. Yvette McCoy BART C&S 2 years - 2022
Principal Property Dev. Officer
300 Lakeside Drive
Oakland, CA 94612
8. Sara de la Riva Rubicon Point Partners M & B/C & S 2 years - 2023
55 2nd Street Suite 1900
San Francisco, CA 94105
9. Ke Norman Nailphoria Day Spa M&B 1 year - 2022
Nailphoria Day Spa Business Owner
320 17th Street
Oakland, CA 94612
10. Ramsey Wright Colliers International M&B 1 year -2022
Collier International Community at Large
1999 Harrison Street, Suite 1750
Oakland, CA 94612
11. Michelle Nash Uptown Station C&S 2 years-2023
Newmark Property Owner
Uptown Station 1955 Broadway
12. Chris Kwei 2424 Webster Street C&S 2 years - 2023
Oakland Kia Mitsubishi
2424-2428 Webster Street
Oakland, CA 94612
13. Nicole Price Starwood Capital Group C&S 2 years - 2023
2101 Webster Street, Suite 505
Oakland, CA 94612
14. Tederal Glover Kaiser Permanente C&S 2 years - 2022
Regional Building Operations
Kaiser Permanente
1800 Harrison St.
Oakland, CA 94612

Proposed 2023 Meeting Schedule

Month Meeting Date and time

January ORG Committee Wednesday, January 11 - 9:00 a.m.
Joint Board Wednesday, January 18 - 8:30 a.m.

February Clean & Safe Wednesday, February 15 - 12:00 p.m.

Marketing & Branding Thursday, February 23 - 11:00 a.m.

March DOA Board Wednesday, March 1 - 11:00 a.m.

LMUDA Board Wednesday, March 1 - 8:30 a.m.

April Clean & Safe Wednesday, April 19 - 12:00 p.m.

May DOA Board Wednesday, May 3 - 11:00 a.m.
LMUDA Board Wednesday, May 3 - 8:30 a.m.
Marketing & Branding Thursday, May 18- 11:00 a.m.
June Clean & Safe Wednesday, June 14 - 12:00 p.m.

July No meetings
August DOA Board Wednesday, August 2 - 11:00 a.m.
LMUDA Board Wednesday, August 2 - 8:30 a.m.
Clean & Safe Wednesday, August 16 - 12:00 p. m.
Marketing & Branding Thursday, August 24 - 11:00 a.m.
September No meetings
October DOA Board Wednesday, October 4 - 11:00 a.m.
LMUDA Board Wednesday, October 4 - 8:30 a.m.
Clean & Safe Wednesday, October 18 - 12:00 p.m.

Marketing & Branding Wednesday, November 16 - 12:00 p.m.

Joint Org Tuesday, November 28 – 8:30am
December DOA Board Wednesday, December 6 - 11:00 a.m.
LMUDA Board Thursday, December 6 - 8:30 a.m.
Clean & Safe Wednesday, December 20 - 12:00 p.m.


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