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Name: Kia Khyte L.

Flores Year & Course: 1st year BPED

What is a civil union? A civil union is a legal relationship between two people that
provides legal protections to the couple only at the state level. A civil union is not a marriage,
though. Civil unions do not provide federal protections, benefits, or responsibilities to couples,
and a civil union may not be recognized by all states. Civil unions, similar to domestic
partnerships in some ways, were established primarily as an alternative for same-sex couples in
states where marriage was unavailable. The main differences between marriages and civil unions
concern how those unions are treated by other states and the federal government. Marriage law is
decided by the states, but has implications in federal law. Civil unions, on the other hand, aren’t
recognized under federal law, unless they've been converted to marriages. What would a civil
union be like in the Philippines?

Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people in the Philippines face legal
challenges not faced by non-LGBT people. The Philippines does not offer any legal recognition
to same-sex marriage, civil unions or domestic partnership benefits. We are a catholic country,
and the people nurture for man to woman marriage not man to man or woman to woman
marriage. Social media has democratized access to a wider range of narratives and stories on
LGBT’s. But personally, I would agree with the Civil Union. In Civil Marriage, it only
acknowledge Male and Female partners. But in Civil Union, the law and the state allows and
acknowledge same-sex couples. In simple term, I support and would probably allow LGBT to
get married under the law but not by the church since Bible and State Laws are different. It
would enable gays and lesbians in the Philippines to marry the person they love and would
strengthen everyone’s rights. From a human rights perspective, broadening civil union to couples
of the same sex demonstrates respect for the fundamental rights of equality and

Utilitarianism and Kantian Ethics can justify my stand. In Utilitarianism, the right choice
is that which brings about the future state of affairs with the greatest net benefit and/or the least
net harm. It asserts that utilitarians would favor same-sex marriage because of the "direct
benefits" to same-sex couples and it will promote happiness to them. The best way to live is to
"pursue our own good in our own way, so long as we do not try to deprive others of theirs, or
obstruct others' efforts to obtain it." With that said, allowing them to pursue their own happiness
by being able to be with their partner increases their utility and capacity for achievement from a
utilitarian standpoint. Lastly, in Kant’s Categorical Imperative view, I think civil union would be
allowed because civil union is only allowing a couple of same sex to enter into the bond of
matrimony like normal couples and I think it can be a universal law.

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