January 2023

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The Villages of Skelton, Shipton, Overton, Newton-on-Ouse, Linton-on-Ouse & Beningbrough

The Revd Trevor Gant, 6 Lumley Road, York, YO30 6DB Tel: 01904 654784 (evenings) trevtherevgant@btinternet.com
The Revd Catherine Toase, 07777 672400, catherine_toase@yahoo.co.uk

CHURCH WARDENS: Online version at www.theousianleague.weebly.com/newsletter

Skelton Shipton Newton
Carolyn Evans 01904 470125 Church Warden Vacancy Church Warden Vacancy
Ian Holbrook 01904 470674 January 2023

Sunday 1st January New Years Day
M any of us make New Year resolutions
only to find 2022 complications still
influence and concern us a great deal of the
Shipton 11:00am Benefice Communion time, not enabling us to move forward with
our lives or free up time and effort for our
Sunday 8th January Epiphany New resolutions.
Skelton 9:30am Family Communion Paul in Romans 15 reflects on how his
Shipton 10:00am Family Communion old life has interwoven into his new life in
Jesus making him a better person, by not only
Newton 11:00am Family Communion
picking the right very best values of his old life
but also incorporating Jesus’ values into his
Sunday 15th January Epiphany 2
new life, making the right choices for his life.
Skelton 9:30am Morning Prayer This not only changed people’s opinion of
Shipton 10:00am Family Communion Paul but freed up time for him to fulfil his
Newton 11:00am Holy Communion new chosen resolutions to the full.
Henry Nouwen a well know priest and
Sunday 22nd January Epiphany 3 psychologist suggests some good resolutions,
Skelton 9:30am Family Worship even when our emotions and feelings are still
Shipton 10:00am Family Communion steeped in hurt or resentment, we can choose
Linton 11:00am Celtic Café Church
gratitude instead of complaint, be grateful
instead of criticizing, to see the inner beauty
Sunday 29th January Candlemas
of a person instead of ugliness and forgive
instead of revenge.
Newton 10:00am Benefice Service
These resolutions don’t cost any money
but take time and effort to continue doing
Sunday 5th February 3rd before Lent throughout our lives, but like Paul people will
Skelton 9:30am Family Communion see a great change in us, as we view the world
Shipton 10:00am Family Worship in a brighter, happier light than previously.
Newton 11:00am Holy Communion Jesus promises to walk alongside us
every step of the way and will give us
strength to achieve our new resolution.
Newton services are now available online from the church’s As we unwrap the months of 2023 may
Facebook page. The services are available for one month
we all make resolutions which will make a
from the date of streaming.
Worship Calendar Services subject to change at short notice, difference not only to our lives but to the
in line with government guidelines, infection rates and PCCs. lives around us and creation. It will take
determination, hard work and commitment.
However, the rewards will be great, you will
NOTICES FOR THE NEWSLETTER see the faces smiling around you. Amen.
should be received by the 15th of January for the February issue.
All notices emailed to: NewletterSSLN@gmail.com Happy New Year, from Rev Catherine
sslnadverts@gmail.com. & the Ministry Team

Gentle Yoga Class Every Thursday, 1:30-3:00pm, now online.
Benefice Co-ordinator: Could you spare a few hours a Contact Nestor on 07503 157361 or nestorportnoy@yahoo.com
month to co-ordinate the paperwork for baptisms and
weddings in the Benefice? We would love to hear from you Skelton Walking Group: Join us for a New Year walk on
if you could help us. Please contact any of the Saturday the 7th January 2023, for an easy walk near to Green
Churchwardens – contact details on front of the Newsletter. Hammerton, followed by a light pub lunch. All welcome we meet
at Skelton Village Green at 09.30am. For further information tel:
Discussion Group: To continue monthly, starting 7pm on 07809612155
Wednesday 11th January. Venue will be Tanglewood
Cottage, Cherry Tree Avenue, Newton-on-Ouse, YO30
2BN. Please register your interest, with Revd Catherine
Toase, 07777 672400, catherine_toase@yahoo.co.uk.

Facebook: St Giles Church, Skelton, York SHIPTON WITH OVERTON NEWS
Skelton Parish Council Next meeting 7.30pm, 26th January, in Yoga for improved health & wellbeing Wednesdays, 9.30-
the Village Hall. Following meeting 23rd March. For more 11.30am at Shipton Community Centre. All abilities welcome. Come
& experience the benefits for your physical & mental health. Taster
information see www.skelton-york.gov.uk or
class is £8. Phone: 07515 577377 or 01904 704226. Email:
email: clerk@skelton-york.gov.uk .
rachel@acornyoga.co.uk. Website: www.acornyoga.co.uk.
Shipton by Beningbrough Parish Council Meetings are held in
St. Giles Opening: Daily between 10:00am and 4:00pm. person in the main room of the Community Centre at 7:30pm on
the fourth Thursday of the month. Members of the public are
Skelton Gardening Club: There is no meeting in December. In welcome. The agenda is published online (https://
January is our annual festive get together. 16th February our www.shiptonbybeningbroughcommunity.org.uk/) & on the Parish
normal meetings resume in the village hall at 2pm when Peter Council notice board (at the bus stop opposite the pub) at least 3
Mathers will recount on his 'Paradise Revisited' Visitors are days before a meeting. To contact the Parish Council please
warmly welcomed. For further details contact Janet on 628388, email clerk@shiptonbybeningbroughcommunity.org.uk.
email niceyorknana@yahoo.co.uk Shipton Space Café & Cinema Re-opens 10th January 2023. We
have plenty of tables with waitress service. The hall will always be
Mandy’s Community Café We are offering the café as a Warm fresh and airy. CAFÉ at Shipton community hall is open every
Hub on 1st Friday of each month over winter. We are open for Tuesday from 2 pm – 4.30 Tea / Coffee cakes and scones. Chat
coffee & lunches from 10:30am until 1:30pm. Come and enjoy a and friendship. CINEMA re-opens 3rd February, then every
warm place with good company, good food & drinks and good 1st Friday* Doors open at 7pm for 7:30pm Bring your drinks. If you
books. If you are unable to make your own way to the Village have any questions about the show, please text Branwen on 07986
Hall, we can come and pick you up from home. Contact Carolyn 244599. If you want to join the Cinema & Café email
L – 470528/ Carolyn E – 470125 group, ring John 07906 890 465 or
01904 470187 or scan this QR code
Shipton Wildflower Woods Proposal To establish a wildflower
Skelton Social Running Group A casual running group meets
and native wood on this area of land owned by the
on Tuesday nights, 6.30pm at the green on St. Catherine’s
Shipton Parish Council. Email
Close. We usually run 5km (3 miles) in a small group. Everyone shiptonwildflowerwoods@btinternet.com
welcome & if enough people we can split into different groups Or Scan me for more details on the
for different distances & speeds. Contact us via the Skelton Shipton village website.
Community Share Facebook group.
Shipton By Beningbrough Playground 100 Club
Mobile Library in Skelton. The Mobile Library visits Skelton Congratulations to the winners of the Shipton By Beningbrough
every two weeks. Borrow books, update your library card or Playground December 2022 100 Club draw, drawn by Karen at
York Card, return books from any other York library, & request Tesco Clifton Moor on Friday 2nd December- 1st Prize £53.13
books to be brought to Skelton. The library stops in Fairfields Angela Crane (Ticket 12), 2nd Prize £26.56 Nikki & Chris Gent
Drive from 2:40pm to 3:10pm and Brecksfield from 3:15pm to (Ticket 62), 3rd Prize £26.56 Peter & Rita Chapman (Ticket 35).
3:50pm. Alternate Mondays. Contact 01904 552655, email Christmas 2022 Bonus Draw, ticket 28, goes to Emma & Pete
mobile.library@exploreyork.org.uk or go to Dransfield for £106.25, Well done! The money raised from the
www.exploreyork.org.uk Shipton Playground 100 club goes towards the maintenance
running costs and new equipment for our playground. Thanks
Skelton WI: 12th January, In the village hall at 7.30pm. The again everyone for your support for the playground over the years,
speaker is Jerry Holland Cyber Crime- keeping safe online. a member of the Parish Council will be in touch soon to renew your
Visitors are always very welcome- please ring 470113 for further membership for 2023.

Linton on Ouse Parish Council Meetings are held in person Newton-on-Ouse Allotments Association has vacant plots on
in the main room of the Village Hall at 7:00pm on the third its site on Back Lane. Options, showing annual rental rates, are:
Thursday of the month. Members of the public are welcome. half plot £20, or quarter plot £10, with a one-off set-up fee of
The agenda is published online (https:// £10 in both instances. If you are interested in taking on a plot
www.lintononouseparishcouncil.org.uk/) & on the Parish Council please contact John Barnes-Tee: jbarnestee@live.com.
notice board (outside the Village Hall) at least 3 days before a
meeting. To contact the Parish Council please All Saints Shelf Indulgence Café 10:30am on Saturday, 14th
email clerk@lintononouseparishcouncil.org.uk. January: Indulge in a coffee or choose from a selection of teas
and infusions with an included freshly-baked scone. Forward-
Craft and Chat We meet every 2nd and 4th Wednesday in buy a coffee for a new resident or friend! Take home ‘off the
each month except August. Cost is £3.00 per session from 1pm. shelf’ freshly-baked cakes, scones or sweeties from our
Bring your own crafts. Enjoy a cuppa with like minded people. selection. Browse our shelves of books for sale at bargain
Coffee mornings have restarted in the village hall Linton Coffee prices. Everyone welcome.
Mornings in the VH Every 3rd Saturday of the month from
10am. Join us for a bacon/sausage sandwich. Good company! Friends of All Saints’ Church: There won't be an event in
A warm welcome awaits! Thank you very much Pat Hunter January but please put 7:00pm Thursday, 2nd February in your
01347 848629 diary when Tim Key will be speaking about, ‘Bird Watching
Around the World’.
Newton on Ouse Parish Hall 100 Club Ring Bill for details on
01347 844001. Treasurer Vacancy: All Saints PCC has a vacancy to fill from
January 2023. If anyone is interested in fulfilling this role and
Linton History Group: For more information please contact requires further information please contact Victoria Woolf via
Maureen on 01347 848268 or check website private message or email victoriawoolf@allsaintsnewton.org.uk
https://lintonhistorygroup.weebly.com/ .

Book of Remembrance: If you would like an entry for a

deceased loved one in the church’s new Book of
Remembrance, please complete the form on the church
website: www.allsaintsnewton.org.uk and pay the small fee
required to cover calligraphy charges into the specified account.
The book will be on permanent display in the church.

North Yorkshire Dance Academy Classes have resumed at

Linton Village Hall every Tuesday and are available for all ages
and abilities from tots to adults to enjoy. For further details
contact Diane Sugden on 07810 483 546, or email:
dancewithdiance@googlemail.com or see our Facebook page
New Church Website: Please note the change to a new Please mention the Parish & Community Newsletter
website for All Saints available at www.allsaintsnewton.org.uk. when contacting advertisers
Requests for Friends Membership, Remembrance Book entries
or baptism/marriage enquiries can all be made through the new
Advertising space available.
Line dancing in the Newton Parish hall Wednesdays at 7:00pm Help support the parish newsletter.
-9:00pm. £5 per person. Contact: 07941 459862 Dave Stamp.
Please contact: sslnadverts@gmail.com.
Church opening hours: All Saints’ church is currently open
from 11am to 3pm daily.
Would you like a helping hand to keep your
Foodbank Collection: Items for the York Foodbank can be left
garden beautiful?
inside at the rear of the church during any of the daily opening
hours of 11am to 3pm. Groceries of all kinds are welcome, but  weeding  garden tidying  lawn edging
no home-baked or other fresh food please. We will ensure the
items reach the Foodbank as soon as possible. Thank you for Call Alex on:
helping those in need. Tel: 01347 848060 GARDEN BEAUTIFUL
Mob: 07905 102702 garden maintenance

Please mention the Parish & Community Newsletter when contacting advertisers

Helen Manders BSc (Hons) MCSP HCPC

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ADVERTISEMENTS Please contact sslnadverts@gmail.com to enquire about advertising opportunities

Celtic Café

All are Welcome

Every fourth Sunday of the month
At Linton Village Hall - 11:00am

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