5e Plague Doctor (v4.4) - The Homebrewery

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Plague Doctor

He coughs into his beaked mask, the various aromatic herbs

and flowers inside doing little against the putrid air. The
stench of death was everywhere, but the woman before him
was not yet meant for death. Her wounds begin close as he
draws on divine power to stablise her critical condition.
He takes her in his arms, the poisonous cloud he had
summoned to dispatch her ailants making way for the
procession to this woman's salvation.
He was the one who would stand between aliment and rot,
between life and death, and between this woman and a
gruesome end. In his wake, he left the corpses of the weak.
Plague doctors are a symbol of fear amongst many, their
presence often denoting the coming of disease and grim
duties. They commit themselves to complete the work too
grisly for even the strongest of stomachs.
They are masters of improvised medicines and, through
divine intervention, controlling miasmas of plague.
Ordained Healers
Plague doctors were the norm in areas where the power of
prayer had yet to reach the settlements there, and even in
places where a cleric's power was limited.
Their medical instruments were crude, but the power to
control and cure disease was often mistaken for a miracle. In
actual fact, these dark drudges were acting as the
instruments of the deities who needed a conduit to save the
people of the material plane from their mortal ravages.
In the modern day, the methods that plague doctors employ
is an out-moded form of healing, but there are some who
believe that some day, the gods may stop answering their
prayers, and there will only be those who have learned these
medical practices to keep mortal men from perishing.
Plague doctors accept that their otherworldly power comes
from a divine source, but are fully prepared to continue their
deity's work should their absence ever come to pass.
Grim Laborers
The life of a plague doctor is generally unpleasant. They are
witness to a great many unsightly illnesses and grisly scenes
which carry the stench of death. The practice of being a
plague doctor is usually born of neccessity, but sometimes
passed down within a family bloodline to ensure the skills
and knowledge aren't lost.

In some places, plague doctors are not recognised as holy

vessels, and Clergy often dismiss their tools and methods as

unnecessarily inhumane. Plague doctors whole-heartedly
believe in their tried-and-true practices, and often use the fear
Note From the Author and stigma they incite with their presence as leverage in
This class is a WORK IN PROGRESS and does not difficult situations.
represent a refined product.

Although they're given a wide berth by most, they

endeavour to live by their hippocratic oaths, lending their
If you have any feedback for me, please contact me assistance to the innocent in suffering.
on reddit under /u/lukemortora01

Some plague doctors swear their oath to their deity, where

as some simply swear it to their people. In either case, they
Playtest at your own risk. understand that their job might be an undesirable one, but
V4.4 - 03/03/2020 they fulfil their duties with somber dignity.

The Plague Doctor
Proficiency Cantrips Techniques
Level Bonus Features Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th Known
1st +2 Medical Techniques 3 2 — — — — — — — — 2
2nd +2 Restorative Regimen 3 3 — — — — — — — — 2
3rd +2 School of Medicine 3 4 2 — — — — — — — 2
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 4 4 3 — — — — — — — 2
5th +3 — 4 4 3 2 — — — — — — 3
6th +3 Grim Harvest 4 4 3 3 — — — — — — 3
7th +3 School of Medicine 4 4 3 3 1 — — — — — 3
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 4 4 3 3 2 — — — — — 3
9th +4 — 4 4 3 3 3 1 — — — — 4
10th +4 School of Medicine 5 4 3 3 3 2 — — — — 4
11th +4 Adaptive Procedures 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 — — — 4
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 — — — 4
13th +5 — 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 — — 5
14th +5 School of Medicine 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 — — 5
15th +5 Waste Not, Want Not 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 — 5
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 — 5
17th +6 — 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 6
18th +6 School of Medicine 5 4 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 6
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 5 4 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 6
20th +6 WIP 5 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 6

Creating a Plague Doctor Class Features

While you are creating your plague doctor, consider where As a Plague Doctor, you have the following class features.
you acquired your skills and power. Is the profession a family
tradition? Or were you taught by someone else? How did you Hit Points
get your practitioner's manual and tools? Hit Dice: 1d8 per plague doctor level
The other question should consider is whether you Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
worship a deity or not. You may choose to serve a deity if you Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution
choose, but even if you don't, you are still the instrument of
some deific intervention. Not all plague doctors need to modifier per plague doctor level after 1st
worship a deity, and some are entirely unaware that their Proficiencies
power comes from a divine source - your DM may even Armor: Light armor.
decide to use this as a plot hook. Weapons: Simple Weapons, hand crossbows.
Tools: Herbalism Kit, Practitioner's Kit.
Quick Build
You can make a plague doctor quickly by following these Saving Throws: Constitution, Intelligence
suggestions. First, make Wisdom your highest ability score, Skills: Choose three from History, Insight, Investigation,
followed by Constitution. Second, choose the acolyte Medicine, Nature, Religion and Survival.
Equipment Plague Doctor Unique Spells
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the As a Plague Doctor, you learn spells unique to your class at
equipment granted by your background: the following prerequisite levels. These spells do not count
towards the number of spells you can prepare. In addition,
A Simple weapon, leather armor and a practitioner's kit you know the poison spray cantrip, which does not count
(a) A hand crossbow with 20 bolts or (b) a dagger against your cantrips known.
(a) A priest's pack or (b) a scholar's pack
(a) A holy symbol or (b) a component pouch Plague Doctor Level     Bonus Spell
1st   Miasma
3rd   Expunge
Practitioner's Kit
5th   Vermintide
A practitioner's kit contains bandages, salves, and
splints as with the healer's kit, but also contains 7th   Wall of Corpses
syringes, a bone saw, an artificial leech, suture wire, 9th   Deadly Pathogen
needles, and medicines for common ailments.
Most importantly, it contains a practitioner's 11th   Maddening Haze
manual which you use to prepare your spells, and 13th   Nebulous Form
your plague doctor mask.
In addition, it contains the same things a 15th   Namtar's Revulsion
herbalism kit does. The kit weighs 8lbs in total and 17th   Pandemic
costs 20GP to replace if lost.
The kit has ten uses. As an action, you can
expend one use of the kit to stabilize a creature New Condition: Infected
that has 0 hit points, without needing to make a While a creature is infected, it suffers minor adverse effects
Wisdom (Medicine) check, or remove the infected such as a cough or fatigue, and is unable to gain advantage by
condition from one creature. You can replenish any means.
Many of your plague doctor unique spells and class
these uses by buying the supplies required for
features interact with the infected condition. This infection is
unique to you, therefore you should track infections from
other sources separately.
The infected condition can be

removed with lesser restoration or similar healing magic.

Spellcasting Plague Doctor's Mask

As a conduit for divine power, you can cast plague doctor While you are wearing your plague doctor mask, you gain
spells. See chapter 10 of the Players Handbook for the immunity to the effects of the spells cast by you listed under
general rules of spellcasting. The plague doctor spell list is the plague doctor unique spells feature, but you have
detailed at the end of the plague doctor class section. disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks.
Spellcasting Ability
Cantrips Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for your Plague Doctor
At 1st level, you know three cantrips of your choice from the spells. The power of your spells comes from your devotion to
plague doctor spell list. You learn additional plague doctor your deity. You use your Wisdom whenever a Plague Doctor
cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use
Cantrips Known column of the plague doctor table. you Wisdom modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a
Plague Doctor spell you cast, and when making an attack roll
Preparing and Casting Spells with one.
The Plague Doctor table shows how many spell slots you

have to cast your spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +
these spells, you must expend a slot of the spell's level or your Wisdom modifier

higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a

long rest. Spell attack modififer = your proficiency bonus +

You prepare the list of plague doctor spells that are your Wisdom modifier
available for you to cast, choosing from the plague doctor
spell list. When you do so, choose a number of plague doctor Ritual Casting
spells equal to your Wisdom modifier + your plague doctor You can cast a plague doctor spell as a ritual if that spell has
level rounded down (minimum of one spell). The spells must the ritual tag and you have the spell prepared.
be of a level for which you have spell slots.
You can change your list of prepared spells when you finish Spellcasting Focus
a long rest. Preparing a new list of plague doctor spells You can use a holy symbol or a component pouch (found in
requires time spent in study of your practitioner's manual: at chapter 5 of the Player's Handbook) as a spellcasting focus
least 1 minute per spell level for each spell on your list. for your Plague Doctor spells.

Medical Techniques Waste Not, Want Not
Through your learned craft of medical procedure and study of Starting at 15th level, if you have spell slots left over at the
your practitioner's manual, you are privvy to techniques which end of a long rest, you can choose one of these spell slots to
enhance your abilities. store a spell of 5th-level or lower from the Unique Plague
Starting at 1st level, you learn two medical techniques of Doctor Spells list. You can cast the stored spell once without
your choice. Your technique options are detailed at the end of expending a spell slot. You cast this spell at the level at which
the class description. When you gain certain plague doctor it was stored.
levels, you gain additional techniques of your choice, as This effect lasts until the end of your next long rest.
shown in the Techniques Known column of the Plague
Doctor table. Affliction
Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can When you reach 20th level, you can unleash a disease of your
spend an hour in study of your practitioner's manual and own invention. As an action, you can become a conduit to this
choose one of the techniques you know and replace it with plague for 1 minute, touching any number of creature for the
another technique that you could learn at that level. duration to attempt to inflict them with this disease. Any
Restorative Regimen creature you touch must succeed on a Constitution saving
throw or become afflicted with your disease. A creature that
Starting at 2nd level, you can use a single charge of a healer's succeeds or fails this saving throw is not aware of this at the
kit or a practitioner's kit to provide treatment to a number of time you attempt to inflict it.
willing creatures equal to your Wisdom modifier at the end of Once you use this feature, you must complete a long rest
a long rest. before you can use it again.
As long as each creature has had an adequate amount of Each time you use this feature, you decide upon the
food and drink, this treatment grants the same effect as the disease anatomy as per the below appendix.
lesser restoration spell. Any creature attempting to diagnose or treat against your
affliction uses your spell save DC for any checks. You
School of Medicine automatically succeed on any check made to diagnose or
At 3rd level, you commit to a School of Medicine, all detailed treat your own affliction, but this may not guarentee recovery
at the end of the class description. The school you choose of the creature depending on the nature and intention of the
grants you features at 3rd level and again at 7th, 10th, 14th, disease.
and 18th level.
Disease Anatomy
You use the below to decide upon the details of the disease:
Ability Score Improvement
Incubation Period. This represents the time it takes for a
When you reach 4th level, and again at, 8th, 12th, 16th, and
19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice disease's symptoms to appear. The minimum incubation
by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by period is 1 hour, and the maximum is 96 hours.
1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 Symptoms. Symptoms of a disease can include painful
using this feature rashes, coughing, nausea etc. Your disease must have at least
1 symptom which an afflicted creature will notice once the
Grim Harvest incubation period expires.
Starting at 6th level you are able to tap into the life-energy of Contagiousness. You can decide whether the disease you
creatures that die around you. Whenever a hostile creature inflict is contagious or not. It can be any combination of
within 60ft of you is reduced to 0 hit points, you can store a contact, airborne and waterborne. It is also capable of passing
small amount of their life energy within your spellcasting between different specific creature types of your choosing. (A
focus for 1 minute. highly contagious disease can have disasterous
When you cast a spell of 1st level or higher that deals
damage or restores hit points, you can choose to expend this consequences.)
life energy to deal additional necrotic damage or increase the Duration. This represents how long the symptoms of a
healing by an amount equal to your Wisdom modifier. disease last. The minimum is 2 days and the maximum is 2
This feature is effective on spells that affect multiple weeks.
creatures, but only necrotic damage or additional healing can Severity. This represents whether a disease is intended to be
be chosen, not both. fatal or not. If you choose for a disease to be fatal, at the end
of the duration, the creature must succeed on three
Adaptive Procedures Constitution saving throws. A creature that has recieved any
Starting at 11th level, you can spend a hour in study of your form of appropriate treatment makes these saves with
practitioner's manual to exchange one of your prepared spells
for another spell on the plague doctor spell list. advantage. Once the creature reaches 3 failures, it is reduced
Once you have used this feature, you must complete a long to 0 hit points and dies. A creature that succeeds on these
rest before you can use it again. saving throws recovers instead, but has its maximum hit point
total halved for one week.

Enigmatic Element
The potency of your diseases has increased to violently
DM Notes on Affliction unstable levels. Starting at 18th level, creatures have
disadvantage on saving throws that would result in poison
When a player uses affliction, you should consider
how it might affect the creature they have targeted.
damage or the infected condition.
If the disease was contagious and applied to a
travelling trader, would they reach their destination Sawbones Medic
before they died? How likely is it that the infection
would spread? Does their destination have
adequate medical help to prevent an outbreak?
Starting at 3rd level, You can use your practitioner's kit to
If the disease was applied to a creature, what
make makeshift tinctures and ointments to cure minor
kind of effect would it have on the wildlife or ailments like headaches and rashes. You can also choose to
nearby settlement? spend an hour creating a medical prescription which will
A settlement currently in danger of an outbreak suppress the effects of a disease. Whilst under this effect, a
might put out an urgent request for help and creature can ignore the most severe effect of a disease it is
inadvertantly spread the disease. It is your currently afflicted by, unless that effect causes the creature to
discretion how the disease spreads and how the die or fall unconscious. This effect lasts for 24 hours.
players learn of the consequences of this action. Additionally, you gain proficiency in the medicine skill. If
you are already proficient, double your proficiency if you have
not already done so.

Starting at 7th level, you are able increase the potency of your
Schools of Medicine healing spells. When casting any healing spell of 2nd level or
higher, you can also end one condition afflicting each target.
Infectious Diseases The condition can be blinded, deafened, paralysed or
You have specialised in the field of infectious diseases which poisoned.
has given you the ability to better control the miasmas of
plague you spread. Not only that, but you are also able to Curative Methodology
increase the potency of your diseases, afflicting those who You have learnt how to deal with high-pressure situations
would not normally be susceptable to its ravages. where lives are on the line. Starting at 10th level, as long as
you have a practitioner's kit, you have advantage when
Controlled Contaminant performing any wisdom (medicine) check.
Your understanding of how your plague spreads allows you to In addition, you can use your practitioner's kit to aid in the
manipulate which creatures it affects to varying degrees of recovery of your allies. Whenever a creature spends a hit die
success. Starting at 3rd level, creatures you designate gain during a short rest, they recover additional hit points equal to
advantage to saving throws against your spell effects which your Wisdom modifier for each hit die they roll.
cause poison damage or the infected condition.
Envoy of Plague
Potent Mutagen Starting at 14th level, at the end of the long rest, you can give
Defying all expected outcomes, your diseases are able to a treatment to one willing creature using your practitioner's
affect creatures in unique ways. Starting at 7th level, your kit. This creature becomes immune to any adverse effects of
spells ignore resistances to poison damage and the poisoned any infected condition you inflict. Additionally, whenever the
condition. Creatures that are immune to poison take half treated creature would take poison damage from spell effect
damage from your spells that deal poison damage. you cast, the treated creature automatically passes the saving
This sometimes manifests itself in visible ways, such as throw, ignores any damage, and instead regains hit points
patches of rust on an iron golem, or rigor mortis upon the equal to twice the spell's level. (for multiple instances of
undead. damage such as expunge, this effect is additive)
This effect only ends at the end of a long rest.
Virus Mastery
You have mastered the ability to control the effects of your Surgeon General
diseases. Starting at 10th level, whnever you cast a plague Starting at 18th level, You have mastered your craft to the
doctor spell, creatures you designate gain immunity to your point of perfection. You have a near-encyclopaedic knowledge
spell effects which cause poison damage or the infected of ailments and diseases, as well as their treatments.
condition. When making a Wisdom (Medicine) check to determine
the details on a disease, treatment, wound, cause of death, or
Symbiotic Bond similar knowledge, treat any roll of 9 or lower as a 10.
Starting at 14th level, once per turn when you cast a spell In addition, your presence on the battlefield instills courage
that targets a single creature, you can target an additional in your allies. You can take the Help action as a bonus action
creature within 15 feet of it as long as the secondary target is on each of your turns. That ally also gains 10 temporary hit
suffering from the infected condition. points which last until the start of your next turn.
Healing Hands
Medical Techniques Prerequisite: 13th level, Sawbones Medic school
Black-feather Malady When casting any healing spell of 2nd level or higher, you
Prerequisite: Infectious Diseases school can also end an additional condition afflicting each target.
Whenever you cast poison spray on a target and it fails its The condition can be paralysed, petrified, stunned or a
saving throw, that target is also infected for 1 hour. condition listed under the renewal feature.
In addition, you can add your wisdom modifier to the
damage you deal with this cantrip. Infectious Impingement
Prerequisite: 7th level
Corvidae Corvus When a creature hits you with a melee attack, you can use
You can cast find familiar once per day without using your reaction to force them to make a constitution saving
material components or a spell slot. You can only choose a throw. On a failed save, the creature takes poison damage
Raven as its form (PHB 309). equal to your plague doctor level and is infected for 1 hour.
Your familiar uses your spell attack bonus for its attacks,
and its maximum hit points are increased by twice your Miasmatic Affinity
plague doctor level. Prerequisite: 5th level, Infectious Diseases school
When your raven hits with a melee attack, you can force The damage caused by your miasma spell increases by 1d4
the target creature to make a constitution saving throw using at 5th, 11th and 17th level.
your spell save DC. On a failed save, the creature is infected
for 1 hour. Neurological Assault
In addition, you are able to speak with Ravens and similar Prerequisite: 15th level, Infectious Diseases school
avian creatures as if you had cast speak with animals. Your diseases have devastating effects on a creature's
synaptic processes.
Dark Laborer's Armor Whenever you inflict the infected condition on a creature,
Instead of relying on your own ability to avoid attacks, you you can also choose to cause the creature to fall prone and
instead rely on the guidance of a power greater than yourself. become stunned until the start of its next turn.
When calculating your armor class, you can use your Once you have used this technique, you cannot use it again
wisdom modifier in place of your dexterity modifier. until you complete a short or long rest.
Doctorate Physiological Analysis
You gain proficiency in a skill of your choice. If you are Prerequisite: 11th level
already proficient, double your proficiency for that skill if the You can use an action to perform a Wisdom (Medicine)
skill is on the plague doctor skill list. You can take this check on a creature to determine its physical weak points.
technique more than once, but only once per skill. The DC equals 8 + the CR rating of the creature. On a
success, you determine a weak point for your allies to strike.
Divine Esteem Any subsequent attack roll that hits the creature deals
Prerequisite: 5th level, Sawbones Medic school
Choose three additional damage equal to your wisdom modifier. This effect
spells from the cleric spell list. These become plague doctor lasts for 1 minute.
spells for you, and you can choose these when preparing your This check automatically fails if performed on a creature
spells. with no physical form.
Whenever you gain a level in the plague doctor class, you If you fail this check, you cannot make it again on the same
can change these three spells for another three. creature until 24 hours have passed.
Expanded Medical Plan Plaguebringer
Prerequisite: 15th level, Sawbones Medic school Prerequisite: 17th level, Infectious Diseases school
The number of creatures you can treat with your Envoy of Casting Miasma at any level becomes a cantrip for you.
Plague feature increases to 2. At 18th level, the number of
creatures increases to 3. Makeshift Potions
Prerequisite: Sawbones Medic school
Experimental Booster Shot Using your practitioners kit and questionable ingredients
Prerequisite: 3rd level, Sawbones Medic School you find in your vicinity, you can create makeshift healing
As an action, once per day, you can administer an potions. These potions only last 24 hours before they spoil; a
experimental concoction to a willing creature using your spoiled potion becomes mundane and has no effect when
practitioner's kit. This concoction has all of the effects of the drunk.
enhance ability spell, and lasts for 1 hour. At the end of a long rest, you can create a potion which
heals a creature for Xd4 plus your plague doctor level, where
X is your wisdom modifier.

Transformative Technique

Prerequisite: 17th level Sawbones Medic school

Creatures treated by your Envoy of Plague feature can use

a bonus action to gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing

and slashing damage from non-magical weapons for 1


If a creature under this effect drops to 0 hit points, they can

make a DC10 constitution saving throw to instead stay on 1
Symptom: Lethargy hit point. A creature can only make this save once per
Prerequisite: 13th level, Infectious Diseases school treatment.
When you inflict the infected condition on a creature, its
walking and climbing speed is also halved for the duration of Violent Expulsion
the condition. Prerequisite: 7th level, Infectious Diseases school
The area of effect of your expunge spell increases by an
Trauma Kit additional 5ft.
Prerequisite: 7th level, Sawbones Medic School
You can use a charge of your practitioner's kit to cast Virulent Strain
Gentle Repose on a creature without material components or Prerequisite: 3rd level, Infectious Diseases school
expending a spell slot. Whenever you inflict the infected condition, you can
In addition, You can use two charges of your practitioner's designate a creature within 10ft of the infected creature to
kit to cast Revivify on a creature without material make a Constitution saving throw if they have not make a
components. You must have the spell prepared, and you must saving throw to resist this condition already this turn. On a
also expend a spell slot of 3rd level or higher to cast it. failed save, that creature is infected for 1 hour.

Plague Doctor 2nd Level 4th Level 7th Level

Aid Aura of Life Finger of Death
Spells Blindness/Deafness Aura of Purity Forcecage
Cantrips (0 Level) Calm Emotions Death Ward Nebulous Form*
Acid Splash Crown of Madness Evard's Black Tentacles Regenerate
Chill Touch Enhance Ability Freedom of Movement Ressurection
Guidance Expunge* Hallucinatory Terrain Symbol
Infestation XG Gentle Repose Vitriolic Sphere XG
Light Hold Person Wall of Corpses* 8th Level
Mending Lesser Restoration A-D's Horrid Wilting XG
Poison Spray Melf's Acid Arrow 5th Level Antipathy/Sympathy
Resistance Prayer of Healing Cloudkill Dominate Monster
Spare the Dying Protection from Poison Contagion Feeblemind
Toll the Dead XG Ray of Enfeeblement Deadly Pathogen* Namtar's Revulsion*
Enervation XG Power Word Stun
1st Level 3rd Level Greater Restoration
Cause Fear XG Animate Dead Insect Plague 9th Level
Create or Destroy Water Bestow Curse Mass Cure Wounds Mass Heal
Cure Wounds Create Food and Water Raise Dead Pandemic*
Detect Poison and Disease Dispel Magic Synaptic Static XG Power Word Heal
Expeditious Retreat Fear Power Word Kill
False Life Feign Death 6th Level True Ressurection

Fog Cloud Gaseous Form Bones of the Earth XG

Healing Word Hypnotic Pattern Circle of Death

Inflict Wounds Magic Circle Create Undead

Miasma* Mass Healing Word Disintegrate

Purify Food and Drink Remove Curse Harm

Ray of Sickness Revivify Heal

Sleep Speak with Dead Maddening Haze*

Unseen Servant

Stinking Cloud


Miasma If it succeeds on this saving throw it instead takes half

1st level conjuration damage and is only incapacitated until the end of it's next
Casting Time: 1 action A creature that is incapacitated by this spell by any means
Range: 60 feet has its speed reduced to 0.
Components: V, S, M (a piece of blue toadshade mushroom) Once the effect ends the rats disperse and vanish.
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
You make a swirling motion with your hands and conjure a Wall of Corpses
barely visible pale green cloud, riddled with all manner of 4th-level necromancy
toxic substances. Casting Time: 1 action
You create a 5ft radius cloud of poisonous gas centred on a Range: 60 feet
point within range which lasts for the duration. The cloud Components: V, S, M (a scrap of disease-ridden flesh)
spreads around corners. When a creature enters the spell's Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
area for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, that
creature must make a Constitution saving throw or take 2d4 You touch the ground and it erupts before you in a mound
poison damage and become infected for 1 hour. of bones and flesh.
Whilst concentrating on the spell, you can use your bonus You create wall of corpses on a solid horizontal surface
action to move the area up to 20 feet to a point within range within range. You can make the wall up to 30 feet long, 10
you can see. feet high and 5ft thick. The wall can be any shape you choose,
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell and lasts for the duration.
slot of 2nd level or higher, you can increase the radius that Any creature that attempts to climb the wall must succeed
miasma covers increases by an additional 5 feet per spell on a athletics check to climb it, The DC equals your spell save
level beyond the 1st, up to a maximum of 10 additional feet. DC. Anyone who touches the wall must also make a
constitution saving throw or become infected for 1 hour. The
Expunge surface on top of the wall is difficult terrain.
2nd-level evocation Each 5ft section of the wall has an AC of 10, 70 hit points,
is resistant to bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage and
Casting Time: 1 action immune to poison damage.
Range: 120 feet
Components: V, M (a dried leech) Deadly Pathogen
Duration: Instant 5th-level evocation
A sickly wave of energy erupts from your hand, accelerating Casting Time: 1 action
the effects of nearby infections and causing them to burst Range: 120 feet
violently from their hosts. Components: V, S
You target any number of creatures within range that are Duration: Instant
currently infected by you. The target creatures and any
creature within 5ft of each target must make a constitution You point at a creature and a streak of pale green energy
saving throw or take 1d6 poison damage. If a creature would shoots from your hand and strikes it.
be subjected to multiple instances of this effect, they make A target within range must make a constitution saving
this saving throw only once, and all sources of damage apply. throw. If it is infected by you, it makes this saving throw with
Creatures that pass the saving throw take half damage. disadvantage. On a failed save, the creature takes 4d10 + 20
Targets of the spell are no longer infected. poison damage and becomes poisoned for 1 minute.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell A creature poisoned this way takes 2d10 + 10 poison
slot of 3rd level or higher, the damage of expunge increases damage at the start of each of its turns.
by 1d6 for each slot level above 2nd up to a maximum of 3d6 On a successful save, the creature takes half damage and is
additional damage. not poisoned.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
Vermintide slot of 6th level or higher, the damage of all effects caused by
3rd-level conjuration this spell increases by 1d10 for each slot level above 5th.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet
Components: V, S, M (a small rodent's skull)
Duration: Instant
You target a creature within range that is currently
infected by you and conjure a swathe of rats and vermin
which overwhelm it. The creature must make a dexterity
saving throw or become incapacitated and take 4d4 piercing
damage at the start of each of it's turns.
A creature incapacitated this way can make a dexterity
saving throw at the end of each of its turns to end this effect.
Maddening Haze Namtar's Revulsion
6th-level enchantment 8th-level illusion
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 300 feet Range: 120ft
Components: V, M (a drop of mercury) Components: S, M ()
Duration: Instant Duration: Instant
You must be concentrating on a miasma spell in order to You conjure up vile false images and smells which attempt
cast this spell, otherwise the spell fails. to overwhelm a creature's senses.
Your miasma turns a shade of purple as you magically Choose any number of creatures within range that are
infuse it with hallucinogenic toxins. currently infected by you. These creatures must succeed on a
All creatures within the area of effect of your miasma must wisdom saving throw or take 8d6 psychic damage. On a
succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or take 6d8 psychic successful save, a creature takes half damage. On a failed
damage and use its reaction to immediately move up to its save, the creature falls prone and is incapacitated as it begins
speed and make a melee attack with advantage against a vomiting profusely if it is able to vomit.
random creature also within the miasma. On a successful At the start of each of its turns it succeed on a constitution
save, a creature takes half damage and does not use its saving throw or take 4d6 psychic damage, and be
reaction. incapacitated and fall prone as it continues to vomit.
A creature incapacitated by this spell has its speed halved.
Nebulous Form
7th-level transmutation Pandemic
Casting Time: 1 action 9th-level enchantment
Range: Touch Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S, M (A small vial of poisonous gas) Range: 120ft
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour. Components: V, S, M (A plague doctor's mask, which you are
You transform a willing creature you touch, along with wearing.)
everything it's wearing and carrying, into a gaseous plague Duration: Instant
cloud for the duration. The spell ends if the creature drops to You speak a small prayer into your mask which resigns the
0 hit points. An incorporeal creature isn't affected. While in irredeemably sick to death, intended to open the gates to the
this form, the target's only method is a flying speed of 50ft. afterlife.
The target has resistance to nonmagical damage, and has You target any number creatures within range that are
advantage on Strength, Dexterity and Constitution saving currently infected by you. If the target has 50 hit points or
throws. fewer, it dies. If the target has more than 50 hit points, it must
The target can pass through small holes, narrow openings, succeed on a constitution saving throw or take half of its
and even mere cracks, though it treats liquids as though they current hit points in poison damage. Any creature that dies
were solid surfaces. The target can't fall and remains expels noxius fumes within 10ft of it. All creatures within this
hovering in the air even when stunned or otherwise area must suceed on a consitution saving throw or become
incapacitated. infected by you for 1 hour.
While in the form of a gaseous plague cloud, the target
can't talk or manipulate objects, and any objects it was
carrying or holding can't be dropped, used, or otherwise
interacted with. The target can't attack or cast spells.
The target can enter and occupy the space of another
creature - if it chooses to do so at any point, that creature
must make a consitution saving throw or take 8d8 poison
damage and become infected for 1 hour. On a successful
save, the creature takes half damage and is not infected.
Renamed Schools of "Medicine" to Schools of Medicine.
Reworked Restorative Regimen
Buffed Grim Harvest to be more in line with extra attack
and similar features
Stipulated a duration of "Waste not, Want not". RAW is
was possible to infinitely store a spell each day which was
not the intention.
Affliction buffed slightly and moved to 20th level capstone
Enigmatic element moved to 18th level because perma-
disadvantage is VERY strong
Symbiotic Bond added as 14th level feature
Reworked Divine Esteem as it was granting access to the
entire cleric spell list which is unfair. Unsure if this should
be limited to 5th level or lower spells.

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