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NCM 112

First Semester, S.Y. 2021-2022


Title of the Article The 10 biggest global health threats of the

Brief Synopsis of the article The World Health Organization released a
study highlighting the most important health
concerns for the next decade. All of the
health problems on the WHO list are very
important, and many of them are connected.
And with the problems they have stated in the
article, it requires a collaborative effort not
only by the healthcare workers but also from
our government, organizations, and
communities. Despite the need to address
the health challenges that we face, our
leaders in our countries and around the world
are not putting enough effort into core health
priorities and systems. The article identified
the 10 biggest global health threats, namely:
elevating health in climate debate; delivering
health in conflict and crisis; making
healthcare fairer; expanding access to
medicines; stopping infectious diseases;
preparing for epidemics; protecting people
from dangerous products; investing in the
people who defend our health; keeping
adolescents safe and; earning public trust.
Critical reflections on the content, issues, While reading on the article, indeed those
and value of the article in terms of the health challenges are what the world is really
overall course objectives facing right now but as reading and
understanding, here are some points that are
highlights for me.

First, how can you elevate health when the

world or the people themselves hinders it?
Health sectors put into efforts on how to
promote health but despite those efforts, it
will be hard to attain improvement when we
also things that will stop it from improving.

Second, there is a need to give an affordable

and accessible healthcare. Relating it to
nursing, one of our goals is to promote health
and prevent illnesses. Yes, we do continue in
this objective but if the healthcare is not
affordable making it hard for our communities
especially in the lower economic side, it
hinders them to have that accessible
healthcare which they need and they have
the right to have it.

Third is on the underpaid but overworked

healthcare workers. We cannot deny the fact
especially here in the Philippines that most of
our nurses aim to go abroad than working
here in the Philippines because of the
inadequate salary they receive despite the
amount of work they do. Yes, as much as the
healthcare workers want to give the outmost
care our clients deserve but they do also
have families they support and needs for their

And lastly, to gain public trust. As much as

we want to give promotion on health through
information dissemination and social media
became a great factor to make it easier to
attain that goal but also the social media itself
hinders the objective since a lot of
misinformation that scatters around any
social media platforms and that is why we
cannot prevent sometimes that there are a lot
of misconceptions to do for our health.
Most valuable lesson derived from the For me, the most valuable lesson derived
article from the article, connecting all the ideas into
one is that they must be always a room for
more knowledge and improvement. If we
acknowledge this challenges the global
health is facing we must study, explore, and
know more about the world is facing and
provide accurate solutions that will be
appropriate to improve the health and
overcome the challenges. And through that,
we can attain a much better health care that
our patients or our clients must have.

90-100  Accurate synopsis of the article content,

 Clear identification of content and issues covered in the article
 Demonstrates synthesis of the content of the article clearly, and
used in an evaluation of the value of the article in the overall
objectives of the course
 Articulately presented the most valuable lesson learned from the
80-89  Accurate synopsis of the article content
 Some of the main issues and content of the article were identified
 Some synthesis of the content of the article was present;
evaluation of the value of the article exhibited a level of synthesis
 Presented most valuable lesson learned from the article.
70-79  A synopsis of the article is offered
 A few of the content and issues covered in the article were
 Low level of synthesis of the content of article demonstrated;
evaluation of the value of article not well correlated with synthesis
of content
 Most valuable lesson learned from presentation unclear
69 and <  Synopsis not clearly presented
 Content and issues not clearly identified
 No synthesis of content and issues covered in the article;listed few
ideas from the presentation; evaluation of overall presentation not
 No presentation of most valuable lesson learned from the article

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