Quote Day Directions 21 The Little Prince

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Quote Day!

“To me, you are still nothing more than a little boy who is just like a hundred thousand other little boys. And I
have no need of you. And you, on your part, have no need of me. To you I am nothing more than a fox like a
hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be unique

in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world....” (Page 50) ANALYSIS

SUMMARY: 5 pts Why did you choose this quote initially? Explain
What is happening in the book around this quote? what about it caught your eye. Do not go into a lot
Who is saying it, or what is the direct context? of detail; you will do that in the next question.
Answer in at least 3-5 sentences: However, you do need to explain. Write 2-3
******************************************* sentences. (5 pts)
After landing on Earth, while looking for men, the little
prince meets a fox and tells him about his search for a The quote clearly states a principle or truth about
friend. The little prince asks the fox to be his friend, the human condition, so it sparked my interest. The
but the fox replies that the prince must tame him first. quote implies all individuals are unique, which
Following this, the prince asks what “tame” means. means individuals never really know a person until
The fox tells the prince it means to establish ties and they talk to them. Albeit they may have
explains what that means in the quote above. preconceived assumptions about a person, but
these assumptions are not that individual’s true
Why is this quote important to the book as a whole? How does it What meaning does this quote have for you personally?
connect to what happened before/ after in the story? Does it show How could you apply it to yourself or to someone you know
plot development, character growth, setting establishment, or personally? What can you personally learn from it? Write
something else? This response should be a little longer, at least 5-7 at least 5-7 sentences and be very descriptive.
sentences. DIG DEEP! *****************************************
The quote taught me a lesson about being content with
The quote above leads to character development. From the fox, the what I have. Furthermore, it enhanced my ability to cherish
little prince learns a lesson about cherishing his relationships with the world around me. Through this quote, I learned that the
others. Before the little prince and fox become friends, they were world offers unique perspectives, experiences, and lessons
strangers. The little prince subconsciously thought that he was just whether they be good or bad. Therefore, I cherish the world
a fox like many of all the other foxes. However, the fox taught the around me more. One example of this quote’s impact in
little prince that despite individuals’ similarity in appearances, all action includes mowing the lawn. I did not want to mow the
individuals have unique things to offer. Moreover, the fox teaches lawn today, but because of the possibility of learning a
the little prince that real love is unconditional. Through telling the unique lesson about discipline, I decided to persevere. My
roses that they are just roses and unlike his rose (despite the rose decision to mow the lawn stems directly from what I learned
lying to the little prince about being the only one of her kind, he in this quote. Furthermore, instead of complaining, I decided
still unconditionally loves her), the little prince demonstrates the to view this experience as an opportunity for myself (i.e.,
ANALYSIS Continued
lesson he learned from the fox by saying this to the roses.
RESPONSE continued
being content with what I have).


How does the language of this quote reflect the How could this quote connect to an historical
overall diction/ style of the book? event, a literary text, or a current event in the
What poetic devices are present, and how do news? Explain exactly how it can connect. Try not
they impact the reader? Write 5-7 sentences. to just think literally or concretely, but make

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