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Project: Implementing New Instructional Approaches in a K-12 Setting

Project Scope
Case Study 5 – Implementing New Instructional Approaches in K-12 Setting
EDUC 6145: Project Management in Education and Training
André Hinds
Walden University

Project: Implementing New Instructional Approaches in a K-12 Setting

Table of Contents
Project Scope Statement ............................................................................................................................. 3
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 3
Background ................................................................................................................................................. 3
Project Purpose and Justification.............................................................................................................. 4
Specific Project Objectives ......................................................................................................................... 4
Scope and Acceptance Criteria .................................................................................................................. 5
Scope Management Issues .......................................................................................................................... 8
Primary Stakeholders & Roles .................................................................................................................. 9
Key Assumptions....................................................................................................................................... 10
Phased Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) ........................................................................................... 11
Responsibility/Accountability Matrix Key ............................................................................................. 12
Responsibility/Accountability Matrix (RACI Chart) ............................................................................ 12
Project Schedule ........................................................................................................................................ 14
Gantt Chart ............................................................................................................................................... 15
Resource Allocation Plan ......................................................................................................................... 17
Communication Plan ................................................................................................................................ 19
Project Monitoring Matrix....................................................................................................................... 20
Project Close-Out Checklist ..................................................................................................................... 22
Rationale Statement .................................................................................................................................. 23
Signatures .................................................................................................................................................. 24
References .................................................................................................................................................. 25

Project: Implementing New Instructional Approaches in a K-12 Setting

Project Scope Statement

Project Name: Implementing New Instructional Approaches in a K-12 Setting
Project Manager: Maya Thomas
Prepared By: André Hinds
Project Tracking No: PJK12MATH
Date: 2022-09-25 Version: 1.0.4


Ruth Ann, a middle-school math teacher, reached out to Maya Thomas, a staff

development and instructional consultant for the Middle City School District for assistance in

finding an innovative way to reach and teach struggling students that will be taking 7th-grade

math. Ruth Ann initially envisioned a laboratory-style class where students could be exposed to

more “real-world” experiences. Ruth has some resources such 10 (ten) laptops for students and 1

(one) computer for the teacher which are all connected to the wireless network. Ruth expressed

that her teaching method of allowing students to work through problems on the board was one of

the only ways she knew how to teach math. She believes however there is a better way but needs

assistance from Maya to formulate it (Orill & Hill, 2014).


The community where the school is located is currently under transition from a working-

class community of farmers to a mix of working class and college educated professionals who

were attracted to the tight-knit community culture. With these changes to the community

landscape have invited different expectations about education and willingness to try new ideas

for teaching and learning. The students who were most likely to be in Ruth Ann’s class were not

the students of the farmers or the college-educated but the ones who tended to move between

Project: Implementing New Instructional Approaches in a K-12 Setting

parents and between school. These students tended to be unsupervised after school and did not

have parental support when they got home in the afternoon (Orill & Hill, 2014).

Project Purpose and Justification

The PJK12MATH project has been approved to plan, design, and implement new

instructional approaches to assist struggling math students in the 7th Grade. The purpose of this

project is to provide a framework for the integration of these new teaching strategies and

curricular materials to address deficits in students’ basic mathematical skills, supplement gaps

between the prescribed textbook and state Common Core Standards and improve student interest

and performance. In Ruths previous class the students typically did not have supervision after

school or parental support. These students exhibited behavioural issues due to low interest in

class causing them to distract other students. Ruth’s biggest concern was that students had

deficiencies in basic mathematical skills. All these factors also contributed to students not doing

their homework. By implementing the PJK12MATH project, Ruth can leverage the limited

resources provided by the school to integrate new techniques and materials to improve student

engagement and understanding. The successful implementation of this project is expected to

improve student engagement in class, reduce incidences of poor behaviour and improve

mathematical performance on continuous unit assessments.

Specific Project Objectives

• Create a better mathematics experience for 7th Grade students

• Increase interest of students in mathematics by the utilization of innovation curricula

• Evaluate the existing course materials, texts and equipment available to students moving

to 7th Grade

Project: Implementing New Instructional Approaches in a K-12 Setting

• Collaborate with key stakeholders such as teachers, students and parents at the Middle

School to gather their feedback and suggestions on current teaching resources and


• Provide training and resource materials to Ruth Ann to support updated curricula.

• Implement alternative teaching and learning plan for Ruth Ann to be employed over the

course of the academic year with alternative grading mechanisms and incentives to

encourage student participation

• Deliver list of new curricular materials for Mathematics to target the 7th Grade low

achievers which meet State Common Core Standards.

• Evaluate the impact of the new curricula and strategies assessment on student behaviour

and academic performance

Scope and Acceptance Criteria

The scope of this PJK12MATH project is to plan, design and implement a set of teaching

strategies and materials to be integrated in the 7th Grade mathematics classes. These strategies

and materials will be implemented by Ruth Ann throughout the academic year. All changes will

be aligned with the State Common Core Standards. Additional pre and post-tests for each unit

will be implemented to track effectiveness of the treatment. Quarterly benchmark assessments

will also be administered. New strategies will include real world hands-on activities, open-ended

problems, and incentives to increase student interest. No additional money will be used to fund

the intervention. The scope of this project includes all the requirements gathering, planning,

design, development, and implementation of the PJK12MATH approach.

Project: Implementing New Instructional Approaches in a K-12 Setting

Acceptance criteria have been established for the PJK12MATH Project to ensure

thorough vetting and successful completion of the project. All acceptance criteria must be met in

order to achieve success for this project:

• Meet all deliverables within scheduled time and budget tolerances.

• Increase active participation and student engagement in mathematics

• Provision of all necessary training and support materials to Ruth Ann to implement

strategies for learning and development in mathematics

• New materials are all in line with State Common Core Standards

• Accomplish student performance improvement to score at least 50% on end of year test

Project: Implementing New Instructional Approaches in a K-12 Setting

Period of Performance
The project plan will be submitted and approved in accordance with the activity schedule

below. Upon approval of the project plan resources will be assigned to the project and work will

commence at the indication by the school administration. It is estimated that the following stages

will be completed over the four (4) months prior to the Fall Semester.

Stage Activity Duration

An analysis will be done using questionnaire and interviews to


gather feedback on the current curricula, student, and teacher 15 Days

perspectives as well as the perspective of the assistant principal.

Outline the scope of the project by ascertaining the objectives,


10 Days
activities, budget and the development cycle.

Creation of new grading schemes, incentives and resources that

10 Days
are in line with Core Standards

Train, implement and document the new strategies being used. 5 Days

Assess and document strengths and weaknesses of the


implementation. Review student progress from quarterly

10 Days
assessment. Gather student feedback on new curricula and

Project: Implementing New Instructional Approaches in a K-12 Setting

Scope Management Issues

All changes to the scope of the project must first require an approval process where both

the PM and the client have signed a document outlining those changes. Any request for changes

must be submitted using a change request form. All change requests will be discussed with the

PM team to determine its relevance or importance to the overall client goals, its impact to the

timeline, cost and resources allocated to the project. Any change that is not approved will be kept

in an ongoing change log to be discussed as part of a follow-up project (Greer, 2010).

Project: Implementing New Instructional Approaches in a K-12 Setting

Primary Stakeholders & Roles

Role Description Name

Project Manager Handles all project administrative duties (schedules, Maya Thomas
staffing, delegation of tasks and budget), interfaces
to project sponsors and owners and has overall
accountability for the project.
Key Stakeholder Key provider of requirements and recipient of Ruth Ann /
project deliverable ad associated benefits. Assistant
Deliverable will directly enhance the stakeholders’ Principal
process and environment.
Sign-off Has responsibility to sign off on major deliverables Ruth Ann
Authorities and acceptance documents

End users Will be the beneficiaries or recipients of the project Poor 6th Grade
deliverables. math achievers
(next years 7th
Contributors Provide additional background information for the High 7th grade
project. math achievers
Poor 7th grade
math achievers

Project: Implementing New Instructional Approaches in a K-12 Setting

Key Assumptions

• New strategies are shared with the parents to ensure buy-in

• Any additional materials and resources will come in under school budget

• Approval from principal or any other senior management is acquired to conduct the


• State Common Core Standards will not be changed

• Specific lower-achieving students will be selected to be in Ruth Anns class

• Academic Year is comprised of three semesters/terms

Project: Implementing New Instructional Approaches in a K-12 Setting

Phased Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

Project PJK12MATH: Phased Work Breakdown Structure (WBS))

Analyse the community Design and Planning Development of Curricula Implementation of Curricula Evaluation

Conduct interview with Ruth Ann Review history of student Consult with subject matter Conduct post-class review of
performance expert Develop implementation schedule strengths and weaknesses

Draft approval document to Develop alternate grading Administer and review results from
conduct interviews with students Ascertain project scheme Training of facilitator in new quarterly benchmark assessment
budget strategies
Create questionnaires for Gather feedback from students on
stakeholders Create list of incentives
new curricula and techniques
Implement new strategies in live
Identify learning objectives class
Conduct interviews with 6th
Grade Students Gather/Develop media resources

Conduct interviews with 7th Create list of activities Record classes using new curricula
Create mockups, samples,
Grade High Performers prototypes

Determine method for Allow stakeholders to review

Interview Assistant Principal development and Review of class footage
revisions of materials

Interview 7th Grade teachers

Develop Project Scope Map new materials to Core
document Standards
Develop project charter
Develop project schedule

Project: Implementing New Instructional Approaches in a K-12 Setting

Responsibility/Accountability Matrix Key

Abbrev Role Abbrev Name

PM Project Manager ID Instructional Designer
KS Key Stakeholder EU End User
SOA Sign-off Authorities CS Contributors

Abbrev RACI role Definition

R Responsible Does the work to complete the task
Delegates work and is the last one to review the task or deliverable
A Accountable
before it is complete
Provides input based on how it will impact the project work or their area
C Consult
of expertise
I Informed Needs to be kept in the loop on project progress

Responsibility/Accountability Matrix (RACI Chart)

No Activities PM ID KS SOA EU CS
1. Analyze the Community
1.1. Conduct initial interview with Ruth Ann A R I
1.2. Draft approval documentation to conduct interviews A R I C
1.3. Create questionnaire for stakeholders A R C C C C
1.4. Conduct interviews with 6th Grade Students A R I C C C
1.5. Conduct interviews with 7th Grade High Performers A R I C C C
1.6. Conduct interview with Assistant Principal A R I C C C
1.7. Conduct interview with 7th Grade teachers A R I C C C
1.8. Develop project charter A R C C
2. Design and Planning
2.1. Review history of student performance A R C
2.2. Ascertain project budget A R C
2.3. Identify learning objectives A R C
2.4. Create list of activities A R C
2.5. Determine Methodology for development and A R C I
revisions of materials
2.6. Develop Project Scope document A R C I
2.7. Develop project schedule A R C I
3. Development of Curricula
3.1. Consult subject matter expert (SME) A R I
3.2. Develop alternate grading scheme A R C
3.3. Create list of incentives A R C
3.4. Develop multimedia resources A R C
3.5. Create mockups, samples, prototypes A R C

Project: Implementing New Instructional Approaches in a K-12 Setting

3.6. Review of materials by key stakeholder(s) A R R

3.7. Map new materials to Core Standards A R R
4. Implementation of Curricula
4.1. Training of facilitator in new strategies A R C I
4.2. Develop Implementation Schedule A R C I
4.3. Implement new strategies in live class A R R C R
4.4. Record classes using new curricula A R R I R
4.5. Review of class footage A R R I
5. Evaluation
5.1. Conduct post-class review of strengths and weaknesses A R R I
5.2. Administer and review results from Quarterly A R R I
Benchmark Assessment
5.3. Gather feedback from students on new curricula and A C R I

Project: Implementing New Instructional Approaches in a K-12 Setting

Project Schedule
Start End
No Activities Responsibility Duration
Date Date
1. Analyze the Community ID 3 Weeks 2 May 20 May
1.1. Conduct initial interview with Ruth Ann ID
1.2. Draft approval documentation to conduct interviews ID
1.3. Create questionnaire for stakeholders ID
1.4. Conduct interviews with 6th Grade Students ID
1.5. Conduct interviews with 7th Grade High Performers ID
1.6. Conduct interview with Assistant Principal ID
1.7. Conduct interview with 7th Grade teachers ID
1.8. Develop project charter ID
2. Design and Planning PM 2 Weeks 23 May 3 June
2.1. Review history of student performance ID
2.2. Ascertain project budget KS
2.3. Identify learning objectives ID
2.4. Create list of activities ID
2.5. Determine Methodology for development and revisions of ID
2.6. Develop Project Scope document ID
2.7. Develop project schedule ID
3. Development of Curricula SME 2 Weeks 6 June 17 June
3.1. Consult subject matter expert (SME) ID
3.2. Develop alternate grading scheme SME
3.3. Create list of incentives SME
3.4. Develop multimedia resources SME
3.5. Create mockups, samples, prototypes SME
3.6. Review of materials by key stakeholder(s) KS
3.7. Map new materials to Core Standards ID
4. Implementation of Curricula KS 1 Week 20 June 24 June
4.1. Training of facilitator in new strategies ID
4.2. Develop Implementation Schedule ID
4.3. Implement new strategies in live class KS
4.4. Record classes using new curricula KS
4.5. Review of class footage KS
5. Evaluation ID 2 Weeks 27 Jun 8 July
5.1. Conduct post-class review of strengths and weaknesses
5.2. Administer and review results from Quarterly Benchmark
5.3. Gather feedback from students on new curricula and

Project: Implementing New Instructional Approaches in a K-12 Setting

Gantt Chart

Project: Implementing New Instructional Approaches in a K-12 Setting

Project: Implementing New Instructional Approaches in a K-12 Setting

Resource Allocation Plan

Effort Misc.
Resource Stage Activity Rate Details Cost
(Hours) Cost

ID 1 Conduct Interview with Ruth Ann 2 $ 50.00 $ 100.00

Draft approval documentation to conduct
interviews 1 $ 50.00 $ 50.00
Create questionnaire for stakeholders 1 $ 50.00 $ 50.00
Conduct interviews with 6th Grade Students 2 $ 50.00 $ 100.00
Conduct interviews with 7th Grade High
Performers 2 $ 50.00 $ 100.00
Conduct interview with Assistant Principal 2 $ 50.00 $ 100.00
Conduct interview with 7th Grade teachers 2 $ 50.00 $ 100.00
Develop project charter 1 $ 50.00 $ 50.00

Determine Methodology for development and

PM 2 revisions of materials 2 $ 50.00 $ 100.00
Review history of student performance 2 $ 50.00 $ 100.00
Develop Project Scope document 2 $ 50.00 $ 100.00
Identify learning objectives 2 $ 50.00 $ 100.00
Create list of activities 2 $ 50.00 $ 100.00
Develop project schedule 4 $ 50.00 $ 200.00
Create project budget 4 $ 50.00 $ 200.00
SME 3 Consult subject matter expert (SME) 4 $ 100.00 $ 400.00
Develop alternate grading scheme 2 $ 100.00 $ 200.00
Create list of incentives 2 $ 100.00 $ 200.00
Develop multimedia resources 8 $ 150.00 1,200.00
$ $
Create mockups, samples, prototypes 8 $ 150.00 200.00 Printer 1,400.00
Review of materials by key stakeholder(s) 1 $ 50.00 $ 50.00
Map new materials to Core Standards 2 $ 100.00 $ 200.00
KS 4 Training of facilitator in new strategies 4 $ 50.00 100.00 Projector $ 300.00
Develop Implementation Schedule 2 $ 50.00 $ 100.00
Implement new strategies in live class 2 $ 50.00 $ 100.00
Record classes using new curricula 2 $ 50.00 120.00 Camera $ 220.00
Review treatment footage 4 $ 50.00 $ 200.00

Conduct post-class review of strengths and

ID 5 weaknesses 2 $ 50.00 $ 100.00

Administer and review results from Quarterly

Benchmark Assessment 2 $ 50.00 $ 100.00

Project: Implementing New Instructional Approaches in a K-12 Setting

Effort Misc.
Resource Stage Activity Rate Details Cost
(Hours) Cost

Gather feedback from students on new

curricula and techniques 2 $ 50.00 $ 100.00

78 $ 420.00 $ 6,420.00

Project: Implementing New Instructional Approaches in a K-12 Setting

Communication Plan
A communication plan defines how information and updates are shared within a project. To be

more precise, it sets out how often stakeholders and the project team meet or communicate with each

other to resolve issues or to get status updates (Neumeyer, n.d).

Who Creates &

Receiver Information Frequency Form/Medium
Updates on project tasks
and deliverables under
the Analysis, Design, Instructional
Project Manager Weekly meeting, email
Development, Designer
status report
Implementation and
Evaluation stages
Feedback on project
Instructional deliverables, changes to
Daily/Weekly meeting, email Project Manager
Designer the scope or items that
status report
affect budget or time
meeting, physical
Assistant Approval documents to At sign-off
or electronic Project Manager
Principal conduct interview stage
document made
for signing
Receives information Face-to-face
father from surveys. meeting, email Instructional
Key Stakeholder Weekly
Sample materials, mock documents and Designer
ups and curricula multimedia
Sample updated
Students curricula and updated As needed Key Stakeholder
resource materials
Provide feedback on
teaching strategies,
Face-to-face Instructional
Teachers current curricula and Weekly
meeting Designer
sample real world

Project: Implementing New Instructional Approaches in a K-12 Setting

Project Monitoring Matrix

Est. Est. Actual Actual

No Activities Status Notes
Start End Start End
1. Analyze the Community
1.1. Conduct initial interview with Ruth Ann 2 May 3 May 2 May 3 May Complete
1.2. Draft approval documentation to conduct 3 May 3 May 3 May 4 May Complete Took an extra day for Assistant Principals comments to
interviews be updated and returned
1.3. Create questionnaire for stakeholders 3 May 3 May 3 May 5 May Complete Took an additional day to have questionnaire approved
1.4. Conduct interviews with 6th Grade Students 6 May 8 May 6 May 8 May Complete
1.5. Conduct interviews with 7th Grade High 9 May 11 May 9 May 11 May Complete
1.6. Conduct interview with Assistant Principal 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May Complete
1.7. Conduct interview with 7th Grade teachers 13 May 14 May 13 May 14 May Complete
1.8. Develop project charter 15 May 20 May 15 May 20 May Complete
2. Design and Planning
2.1. Review history of student performance 23 May 24 May 23 May 24 May Complete
2.2. Ascertain project budget 25 May 26 May 26 May 27 May Complete
2.3. Identify learning objectives 26 May 27 May 27 May 27 May Complete
2.4. Create list of activities 26 May 27 May 27 May 27 May Complete
2.5. Determine Methodology for development 28 May 29 May 28 May 29 May Complete
and revisions of materials
2.6. Develop Project Scope document 30 May 2 June 30 May 3 June Complete
2.7. Develop project schedule 30 May 2 June 30 May 3 June In Progress
3. Development of Curricula
3.1. Consult subject matter expert (SME) 6 June 7 June 6 June 7 June Complete
3.2. Develop alternate grading scheme 7 June 8 June 7 June In Progress
3.3. Create list of incentives 8 June 9 June 8 June In Progress
3.4. Develop multimedia resources 10 June 15 June 10 June In Progress
3.5. Create mockups, samples, prototypes 15 June 20 June 15 June In Progress
3.6. Review of materials by key stakeholder(s) 21 June 21 June 21 June In Progress

Project: Implementing New Instructional Approaches in a K-12 Setting

3.7. Map new materials to Core Standards 22 June 24 June 22 June In Progress
4. Implementation of Curricula
4.1. Training of facilitator in new strategies 24 June 26 June Not Started
4.2. Develop Implementation Schedule 24 June 26 June Not Started
4.3. Implement new strategies in live class 30 June 2 July Not Started
4.4. Record classes using new curricula 30 June 2 July Not Started
4.5. Review of class footage 2 July 3 July Not Started
5. Evaluation
5.1. Conduct post-class review of strengths and 5 July 6 July Not Started
5.2. Administer and review results from 7 July 8 July Not Started
Quarterly Benchmark Assessment
5.3. Gather feedback from students on new 9 July 12 July Not Started
curricula and techniques

Project: Implementing New Instructional Approaches in a K-12 Setting

Project Close-Out Checklist

Worksheet: Sign-Off Form for Implementing New Instructional Approaches in a K-12 Setting

Project Name: PJK12MATH

Team Members and André Hinds Project Manager
Stakeholders: Maya Thomas Instructional Designer
Ruth Ann Ponten Key Stakeholder/Client
Assistant Principal Sign Off Authority
Students Contributers
Teachers Contributers

I have reviewed the following finished deliverables as of the dates identified below:

Deliverable Approved By Assigned to
Outline of alternative grading Ruth Ann Ponten Maya Thomas 8 June
List of student incentives Ruth Ann Ponten Maya Thomas 9 June
Implementation Schedule for new Ruth Ann Ponten Maya Thomas 26 June
grading scheme, incentive, and
Teaching and learning plan of new Ruth Ann Ponten Maya Thomas 23 June
7th Grade Mathematics curricula and
Core Standards alignment report Assistant Principal Maya Thomas 24 June
Student progress analysis report Assistant Principal

I have found these finished deliverables to meet with my approval, with the following

Student progress analysis report

Project: Implementing New Instructional Approaches in a K-12 Setting

For each of the deliverables that are name above as exceptions, we will proceed as follows
with the following remedies within the time frames specified.
Continue the intervention over the academic year to monitor the progressive improvement of
student performance
Conduct interview with students on level of engagement and interest after each semester

André Hinds, Project Manager
The Project Management Group

Date: _________________________

Rationale Statement
This case study was based on the request from a 7th Grade Mathematics teacher, Ruth

Ann Ponten to the staff development and instructional consultant for the Middle City School

District seeking assistance to find innovative ways to reach and teach upcoming 7th Grade

Mathematics students. Through further discussion it was highlighted that an incentive program

along with alternative grading schemes would be a requirement while ensuring that the new

instructional content be aligned with the Common Core Standards.

Assumptions were made to complete this project which included the assumption that

there were no hindrances or major challenges in the project that would affect the timelines. All

budgets and resources were available and adequate. There were no push backs from sign off

authorities or stakeholders who had to be interviewed. Certain timeframes and costings for the

Project: Implementing New Instructional Approaches in a K-12 Setting

resource allocation plan were used from personal experience and some liberties were taken with

unknown costs or the amount of time to complete unfamiliar tasks.

To complete the close-out checklist, deliverables were made to indicate that the

objectives for the project were met, however it did not indicate whether the strategies were

successful. The success or level of success would be indicated through the student performance

report which would be generated after the semester is over when final examinations and

quarterly benchmark assessments were tallied.


The following people agree that the above information is accurate:

Project Team Members

Role Name Signature Date

Graphic Artist
Subject Matter Expert
Project Manager

Approved by the Project Sponsor:

Project Sponsor Name
Project Sponsor Title

Project: Implementing New Instructional Approaches in a K-12 Setting

Approved by the Authorizing Manager:

Authorizing Manager Name
Authorizing Manager Title


Greer, M. (2010). The project management minimalist: Just enough pm to rock your projects!

Morrison, G. R., Ross, S. M., Kalman, H. K., & Kemp, J. E. (2013). Designing effective
instruction (7th ed.). John Wiley & Sons, Inc

Neumeyer, A. (n.d). How to create a project communication plan (with template). Retrieved

Orill C. & Hill R. J. (2014). Case Study 7, Maya Thomas: Implementing New Instructional
Approaches in a K-12 Setting. In Ertmer, P. A., Quinn, J. A., & Glazewski, K. D. The ID
Casebook: Case studies in instructional design (p.72-79). Upper Saddle River, NJ:

Russell, L (2015). Project Management for Trainers (2nd ed.) ATD Press Alexandria, VA

Williams van Rooij, S. (2012). The career path to instructional design project manager: an expert
perspective from the US professional services sector. International Journal of Training and
Development, 17(1), 33-53. DOI:10.1111/j.1468-2419.2012.00414x.


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