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Philippine National Issues

during Magsaysay’s Regime

Government Response to
National Issues

Apura ǀ Autida ǀ Datiles ǀ Flores ǀ Loreto ǀ Lusara ǀ Mengullo ǀ Orbase ǀ Rama ǀ Vibar
Inside the Life of the 7th President of
the Republic of the Philippines

January 25, 1954— Philippine National Issues during

the first SONA

January 24, 1955— Philippine National Issues during

the second SONA

January 23, 1956— Philippine National Issues during

the third SONA

January 28, 1957— Philippine National Issues during

the fourth SONA

Magsaysay’s Administration Responses to National


Apura ǀ Autida ǀ Datiles ǀ Flores ǀ Loreto ǀ Lusara ǀ Mengullo ǀ Orbase ǀ Rama ǀ Vibar

network and guerrilla warfare plans

Ramon del Fierro over the following ten years. After
Magsaysay, Sr. was born to Ex- being elected President in 1953, he
equiel Magsaysay y de los San- remained operating in the railway
tos, a blacksmith, and Perfecta industry even after his stint as gen-
del Fierro y Quimson, a school- eral manager of the Manila Rail-
teacher, in 1907. Magsaysay road Company ended. He was
spent his childhood in Cas- known as Mambo Magsaysay and
tillejos, Zambales, before enrol- was instrumental in enacting land
ling in the University of the reforms and gaining membership for
Philippines in 1927. Later, he the Philippines in the Southeast
worked as an automobile me- Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO).
chanic and fought against Japa- Magsaysay's presidency is some-
nese soldiers during World War times referred to as the "golden
II. Part of the famous guerrilla years" since it was considered one
group that operated under of the least corrupt and cleanest pe-
Colonel Merrill, he was a sup- riods in Philippine history.
ply officer prior to leading
10,000 guerrilla soldiers. They
played a major role in wiping Ramon Magsaysay was the
out the Japanese forces along seventh president of the Philippines
the Zambales coast. and the third president of the Third
Republic. He was the first elected
president to not have come from the
I believe that he who has Senate, having been a former De-
fense Secretary. President Mag-
less in life should have
saysay is well-remembered as a
more in law. friend of the masses, having opened
- Ramon Magsaysay Malacañang Palace to the general
public. His passing in 1957 brought
an early halt to his term. After giv-
Magsaysay’s political
ing speeches at educational institu-
career began when he first
tions in Cebu City, Magsaysay's jet
joined the Liberal Party in
crashed on the way back to Manila,
1946. He played a significant
killing him along with the other vic-
role in developing the railroad

Behind His Excellency’s SONA

JANUARY 25, 1954

D uring the 1953

presidential elections, Ra-
ning for the presidential
seat and successfully beat-
and crops. That time, the
country was still in the pro-
services being offered in
rural communities. These
ing the former administra- cess of recovering after the existing matters don't seem
mon Magsaysay ran for tion of Quirino. Republic had been inaugu- to be foreign to everyone.
presidency backed by the rated that brought devastat- For years, these problems
Nacionalista Party against In his first year of ing effects on the Philippine have already been taking
former President Quirino, power, Magsaysay ad- economy. Agriculture and place but it took none of the
who at that time, was aiming dressed issues involving industry was among the earlier administration to
for an extended term for the national security, specifi- heavily affected sectors. It take initiative in putting an
said position. Prior to that, cally the recurring threat was either in the state of end and giving solutions to
he served as a former gueril- from the Hukbalahap Re- injury or devastation but basic social problems.
la leader during World War bellion also known as the Quirino’s administration Hence, Magsaysay took it
II and soon became a mili- “Huks” which is a com- surprisingly was on its in his hands to propose im-
tary governor and congress- munist-led peasant uprising course of rapid recovery provement projects to bar-
man of his home province, who were anti-Japanese giving a good starting point rio areas in the country.
Zambales. He was also ap- guerilla army and later im- for Magsaysay. Even be-
pointed by Quirino, the very posed serious security fore, Magsaysay has al- Money, undoubtedly,
person he will soon defeat in threat for going against the ready given importance on was one of the biggest
the presidential election, as government. For context, agrarian issues, thus his problems the government
the secretary of defense to Magsaysay was once ap- eagerness and desire for faced and is facing at the
deal with the “Huks”. By pointed to deal with the reformation. moment and it is not far
seizing the members of the said communist group from reality during the
central politburo and impris- ahead of his presidency and “I must remind you of an Magsaysay’s administra-
oning them, Magsaysay was rewarded for his suc- all-important fact: that tion. The government debt
broke the back of the com- cessful anti-guerilla cam- what we have set out to do pending as of September
munist Huk insurrection in can be realized only
paigns a year ago. Further- through concerted action 1953 amounted to 1 Billion
that post. Thus, the early more, he observed concerns and unity. More than ever, pesos already. This gives
communist threat to the regarding the current agri- we must think, plan, and little to no space for him to
young republic was reduced cultural set-up such as the work as one, with only one work on. Therefore, he em-
to a manageable distraction supreme goal in mind –
possession of land farms, the promotion of the wel-
phasized the importance of
in subsequent years even landlord absenteeism of fare and happiness of our the sources of government
beyond the Quirino years. uncultivated lands, and ten- people.” revenue and its proper man-
He then charged the Quirino ancy relations. Noteworthy agement and distribution of
administration with corrup- of attention also is the in- funds. In light of this, the
tion and incompetence sufficiency of rice produc- In addition, underly- decline of morality in the
which flamed many enemies tion and the disruptions on ing concerns regarding the government was proven
against him and compelling farming brought by the lack poor irrigation system in and given the spotlight.
him to resign from his posi- of modern equipment and the barrios seems to be
tion. But that urged him occurring pests and diseas- prevalent as well. Along
more to strive for better gov- es which impose harm and this, he noted the lack of
ernance following his run- destruction to plants and medical and health-related

I n President Magsaysay’s
second SONA, he declared with
pride that this year’s Administration
has somewhat restored the masses’
sense of national patriotism, unity,
as well as faith in the democratic
government that was once lost.
However, danger remained right
around the corner. Communist im-
perialism still hasn’t abandoned its
intent of total domination. At the
time, the Tachen Islands, only a few
miles distant from our country,
were under attack.

According to Magsaysay, they

were making significant progress in
enhancing our national security. He
was able to settle the Philippine-
American Mutual Defense Treaty,
wherein America pledged to pro- tural sector together with self-help elementary levels, salary alteration
vide immediate reinforcements to efforts made by communities, the of schoolteachers, and foreign trade
our country in the event of an at- noticeable increase in agricultural settlements are yet to be remedied
tack. This agreement was further production still wasn’t able to suf- for our economic internal solidity.
strengthened by the formation of a fice Philippines’ consumer needs. This improvement still would not be
Philippine-American Council. In Looking through an industrial lens, able to compensate for all essential
addition, the ‘Manila Pact’ by the there has been a concerning im- programs and services the current
United Nations Charter, further con- mense rise in the unemployment Admin has planned to implement.
tributed to the security of our coun- rate of our country. One way to Owing to the scarcity of govern-
try. On that note, the surrender of counter this is to open jobs in the ment funds, the President recom-
Luis Taruc and the death of face of establishing new indus- mended to the Congress to give an
Mariano Balgos, two of the top tries. even heavier penalty for tax eva-
communists in our country, was sion. In his last state-of-the-nation
brought about our Armed Forces’ “I am aware of our people’s de- message, he mentioned our dire
vigilance and dedication; most ‘Huk sire to see quick results in punish-
need for economic advancement
ing the guilty and ridding the
leaders/followers’ were surrender- Government of those who would programs. In response to the Presi-
ing, while others were being caught pull it down by their greed and dent’s plea, the staff of the National
or slain. dishonesty. We are pledged to
Economic Council authored a con-
satisfy that desire by every legiti-
mate means…Respect for basic tinuing five-year program that con-
In an attempt to secure social human rights must continue to be tends revision founded upon con-
and economic conditions, the Ad- one of our prime concerns. We
structive criticisms, yearly perfor-
must live up to our pledge to act
ministration focused on three main as guardians of the dignity and mances, ungovernable circumstanc-
subjects: land reform, intensified worth of the individual.” es, as well as endless possibilities
help to tenants and rural farmers, for future advancements.
and intensive stimulation of commu- The President concluded his
nities with emphasis on self-help. In comparison to last year’s statement by pledging to the people
Notwithstanding the administration financial state, we can say that we that the present Administration is
exerting vigorous measures in the are standing at a better position committed to give the people and
agricultural sector together with self this year. Howbeit, challenges in the nation what they desire and de-
-help efforts made by communities, lending policies, trade imbalance, serve by every legitimate means.
the noticeable increase in agricul- recovery of the seventh grade in

Behind His Excellency’s SONA

JANUARY 25, 1954

I n his third State

of the Nation Address,
highlighted the inadequate
monetary and credit man-
agement in the nation,
President Ramon Mag- which was hindering agri-
saysay emphasized the cultural and industrial pro-
need for his administra-
duction and slowing eco-
tion to continue prioritiz-
ing the happiness and nomic development and
security of the common growth.
man. He acknowledged The mistake the world
the urgent need for de- is making with the sim-
velopment in the rural ple peoples is to try and
hurry them into politi-
areas of the country, cal concepts they don't
where a significant por- understand and aren't
tion of the nation's re- prepared to cope with. I
sources were located. By know. I am a peasant
providing support to myself. ... I say, Spit on
the big, fancy schemes.
these areas, the govern- I want all the little
ment aimed to not only things first. Then per-
improve the lives of rural haps we can get on to
inhabitants, but also ben- the bigger things.
efit the country as a
whole. The government's
focus on the common man
President Mag- was rooted in the belief
saysay also recognized that a thriving nation re-
the need to improve ac- quires the prosperity and
cess to credit and contentment of its majori-
healthcare in these areas, ty. President Magsaysay
as these resources were and his administration
crucial for the success were committed to sup-
and well-being of the porting the well-being of
people. Additionally, he the common man and pro-

Ramon Magsaysay graced the cover of

TIME magazine for November 26,
1951, featuring a quote emphasizing
his strict adherence to the rule of law:
“I will send my own father to jai if he
breaks the law.”


A s President Magsaysay
entered upon his fourth SONA, he
evaluated the progressions of the
Constitution that had been started
three years ago when the Philip-
pines became its partner under his
term. He said that the advancement
of national security had been the
government's main priority, along
with the promotion of mass’ moral
and well-being, development of the
national economy, and improve-
ment of public services.

The defense of the country

is the foremost responsibility of the
Government based on the constitu- January 28, 197
tional mandate. As of January 1957, Last SONA before Magsaysay’s plane crash
the Communist Imperialism re-
mained a threat to the country with
their sole objective to overthrow the It is an issue that the gov- has been to strengthen and
government. The President stated ernment had previously already broaden the foundation of the coun-
that the communists may undertake addressed three years ago, howev- ty’s economic activities. The Phil-
this objective by force - by infiltrat- er, much more is needed to satisfy ippine’s economic structure was
ing the Government and private or- the growing demands of the Filipi- justifiably stable the previous year
ganizations, by pursuing the legali- no people. There are 1,300 record- but this may collapse unless some
zation of their political activities, ed official municipalities across greater numbers of workers are
and by defrauding the democratic the country that are in great need made committed in enterprises suf-
processes — strategies that at any of the government’s expansion of ficiently divided up to supply the
time might turn into an armed rebel- health programs. country’s necessities, increase em-
lion. The communist parties do not ployment, and raise the wages of
limit themselves within the Philip- Furthermore, the main eco- workers. Additionally, the President
pines but are a crisis to some other nomic aim of the government dur- stated that the solution to strengthen
countries as well. ing Magsaysay’s administration and expand the national economy is
has been to strengthen and broaden through a balanced agricultural and
Public health is also one of the foundation of the county’s eco- industrial development.
the ongoing national problems that nomic activities. The Philippine’s
Magsaysay discussed in his SONA. Ultimately, Magsaysay em-
phasized that it is also the prime
purpose of his administration to
provide the best and necessary ser-
vices to their people. He said that
governments exist to protect every-
one’s rights. His administration’s
stance has always been that the
government should actively pro-
mote the exercise of the people's
rights as well as honoring them
March 17, 1957 through enhanced public services.
1957 Cebu Douglas C-47 crash

Committee on Anti-Filipino Activi-

ties. Magsaysay further stated that it
is fortunate that a Committee of this
Congress has recognized the need
of giving the Government the legal
strength with which to foresee and
overpower the proposals of the
communists, including the banning
The creeping advancement of of Communist Party and amending
communism led by the Hukbalahap the treason laws.
Rebellion imposed a serious threat
in national safety and security. As a
retired defense secretary once
tasked to handle the very same
group, Magsaysay knew very well As for the external defenses,
how to overcome the problem. He the Philippines continue to strength-
first made sure to strengthen the en it through the mutual security
national defenses to protect the well agreements with the USA. Various
-being of the people around the state problems have been resolved
country. He authorized a policy of from the past few years such as the
“all-out-friendship or all-out-force” ownership of base lands. He said
wherein surrendered members of that other problems such as military
the communist guerilla movement bases talks will require further ne-
were given a second chance in life gotiations from the two nations.
through opening doors of opportu- Magsaysay further stated that they
nities for a decent job and liveli- have newly acknowledged and
hood. Otherwise, they will refer to shared diplomatic representatives support in building waterworks and
physical violence in combating with numerous Asian and African artesian wells in the country for the
those who wish to overthrow the states, as well as achieving an op- people to utilize. Civic-spirited lo-
independent democratic govern- portunity to engage more entirely in cals in the community have volun-
ment of the country. At the same the United Nations. Years of rec- tarily risen to the challenge of sup-
time, he made use of the strength orded developments indicate that plying our residents with artesian
and resources of the Armed Forces the Manila Pact, signed in Septem- wells, most especially the Lions
to fight both the causes of and the ber, 1954, has been one of the sig- Club and the Liberty Wells Associ-
effects of dissidence. Troops and nificant elements in preventing ation. The Social Welfare Admin-
trainees of the Armed Forces were Communist aggression in Southeast istration also has laid out a precise
mobilized for the construction of Asia. Through the gained allies of program of self-help programmes
public works and economic devel- meant to put people in need back on
opment projects, as far as it is com- their feet. It will also cooperate ac-
patible with their primary mission tively in the settlement program and
and with the economy of operation. send social workers to the barrios to
carry out rural improvement pro-
Due to the continuous at- jects.
tacks from the communists, the
Armed Forces were kept in a state He also addressed the laws
of adequacy and preparedness in governing the production and allo-
order to locate and dismantle all the cation of the nation’s facilities and
dissidents. They recently made an services. He stated that we have
immediate response on how to best Magsaysay noticed the un- drastically increased public medical
meet this new Communist’s strate- safe drinking water sources of the
gy with the aid of the House Com- people in barrios and asked for full PANGKAT D ǀ 06

and hospital facilities, from having As a response to heighten management for the welfare of all
81 rural health units in 1954 to hav- our rice production, it is com- workers. The President stated that
ing 1,280 RHU as of the date of this mendable to protect rather than by his fourth SONA, the country’s
SONA in 1957. He said that to en- slaughter carabaos, as they serve a labor experiences greater security
courage this welfare and to preserve great purpose to rice production. than ever before.
this development of commodities, Livestocks are also encouraged to
the government has greatly expand- be produced in large quantities in
ed their health programs where it is order to aid in advancing nutri-
most needed—in the rural areas. tion.
With the farmers’ discerni-
ble exigency for irrigation, the gov-
ernment decided to conduct an irri-
gation construction program. A total To boost agricultural produc-
of 4 irrigation projects, funded by In Magsaysay’s presidency, tion and remove absentee-
public works finance, covering a he pledged to promote free union- landlordism, Magsaysay suggested
9,000-hectare-land have been ac- ism. On the subject of unionism, the Congress investigate the feasi-
complished. The PHILCUSA-FOA the number of workers under labor bility of charging special taxes on
funds were able to support comple- unions have immensely increased, areas that have been left uncultivat-
tion of projects located in Nueva implying that the labor has amelio- ed for an unreasonable time period
Ecija, Iloilo, and Isabela, covering a rated its collective agreement for and without justification. He
42,100-hectare-land in total. Fur- greater wages and quality working. acknowledged that the laws on land
thermore, seven irrigation projects In 1953, the Workmen's Compen- registration and the disposition of
were still in progress, covering a sation Commission completed a public lands need revision to make
40,000-hectare land, costing up to quite large number of cases. The it easier for people to possess land,
22 million that came from bond is- Wage Administration Service free from any technical constraints.
sues. Seven irrigation project in (WAS) recovered 1.5 million pe- He further suggested that farmers
progress are the following: Agno sos in total in wage restitution for and producers be given easier ac-
River (Pangasinan), Sta. Cruz and worker claimants. cess to borrow money when re-
Macaban River (Laguna), Daet Riv- quired to enhance their production,
er (Camarines Norte), Agos River Because of the govern- thus more rural banks and a better
(Quezon province), Pañgiplan River ment’s continuous efforts in en- working capital for the Agricultural
(Negros Occidental), and Suague hancing the labor management in Credit Cooperative Financing Ad-
River (Iloilo). In hopes of providing the country, by the year 1957, ministration (ACCFA). As of 31st
potable water to the people, the there are now three workers for of December 1955, ACCFA issued
government, together with the Lib- every worker who has a union card 18.9 million pesos in loans of a va-
erty Wells Association, have put up by the start of Magsaysay’s admin- riety of types to farmers. It was
approximately 4 artesian wells each istration, The government have able to produce 232 Farmers Coop-
working day, measuring up to 1,300 given importance to the Magna erative Marketing Associations
artesian wells by the end of the Carta of labor and other labor laws (FACOMAS) in Central and North-
year. promoting regional labor- ern Luzon and Cotabato, together
with 105,943 farmers.

Improvement of our land

tenure system was augmented by
land resettlement. The 1954 Agri-
cultural Tenancy Act paved the way
for further protection of tenants and
allowed individuals to have the lib-
eration to choose the leasehold sys-
tem on their own accord, taking
economic independence to greater
heights. Despite the progress being
made, the President still further rec-
ommended the establishment of the
Court of Agrarian Relations. With
regards to settlement areas, we have
Magsaysay noticed the un- the National Resettlement and Re-
safe drinking water sources of the habilitation Administration
people in barrios and asked for full PANGKAT D ǀ 07
support in building waterworks

(NARRA) to impart assistance to that all of these, along with ther- States will not look upon our pro-
families moving out from crowded mal and diesel-electric plants set posals with indifference. He also
rural areas, supplying them with up by private utility operators, emphasized that the promotion of
farm implements, transportation, will give Filipinos the energy foreign trades will be considered as
and so forth. In this Administration, needed enough to propel indus- one of their primary objectives with
NARRA was able to reach 2,882 tries and the comforts the people its mission to contribute directly to
settler families to approximately need to live comfortably in their the economic stability and expan-
27,000 hectares of land. houses. sion of trades of the people. Mag-
saysay also initiated participation in
The Administration’s aim to all regional activities that will
provide substantial aid to our small strengthen economic and cultural
farmers was fulfilled through estab- relations within the neighbors of
lishment of necessary facilities, Magsaysay recalls that in his Southeast Asia. Along with that, he
such as water and roads, as well as SONA in 1954, he stressed the ne- established a strong connection with
provision of guidance regarding cessity of revitalizing the National European countries through our
farm operations improvement. Economic Council’s economic de- Spanish heritage and aimed to pro-
velopment plan. With its revision mote a beneficial commercial rela-
Through the current govern- in 1955, the National Economic tionship with them.
ment’s tenancy and land reform Council presented its recommen-
measures, they have enhanced the dations for advancing the plan
living standards of our farmers. from 1954. Among these sugges-
Magsaysay said that the Bureau of tions was a system of industrial
Lands in the last three years gave a considerations to control the distri-
total of 124,200 land titles to quali- bution of international trade, the
fying settlers. This outcome not on- management of the government's
ly reflects expanded efforts of the fiscal affairs, and the authorization
government in public land distribu- of national loans. Magsaysay stat-
tion but also attests to a major ad- ed that this industrial priority sys-
vance in land reform. It indicates tem has been adopted by the coun-
that the Philippines is setting up try as a guide for implementing
thousands of small independent projects that will contribute the
farmers a land of their own for them most to manufacturing, employ-
to work on, make opportunities, and ment, and wages.
have a good life with their families.

Magsaysay also stated that

The self-help program joint by the the Philippines must establish an
Philippines and United States was economy in which industrial growth
created to aid in the economic de- and agrarian advancement are sup-
velopment of our nation, which plementary. Industries can obtain
vigorously needed support accord-
their raw materials from agriculture.
ing to the late President Mag- As the farmers raise their income,
saysay. Along with the representa- the products of industry will also
tives of the Foreign Operations
have an increasing domestic pro-
Administration, they sought new
The President also addressed gress. Therefore, in a way, there
means to speed up the assistance
the resolutions to the electricity cri- will be a developed relationship of
program to benefit the people the
sis within the country. The govern- enduring strength and reasonable
soonest they could.
ment has stepped-up power devel- pattern for the nation’s economic
opment, the cheapest source of In the sincere belief that constant growth. As a result, the
which in our country being water the conditions under which the manufacturing sector of the country
power. The Ambuklao Hydro- would extend rapidly. Magsaysay
Bell Trade Act was originally con-
electric Project, Maria Cristina No. said that this growth in industrial
sidered and drafted have changed
2 Unit, Amburayan Chute Project, production is partially related to the
and that a new predicament has
Pearanda Chute Project, Digos Riv- application of trading and regula-
emerged that necessitates a new
er and Talomo No. 2-B Projects, arrangement, the government has tions which have permitted the in-
and the Balombong River Project requested a re-examination of the creased import of foreign machin-
were all still being built throughout law. He is confident that the gov- ery and raw materials for growing
the previous three years. He said new industries
ernment and people of the United PANGKAT D ǀ 08

He also mentioned in his Magsaysay stated that “Government

fourth SONA the necessity for the service is only as efficient as the
development of a metallurgical in- individual public servant is effi-
dustry where the National Shipyard cient”. Hence, the public servant
and Steel Corporation (NASSCO) must be supplied with the essential
founded rolling mills for steel plates incentives to perform productively.
and sheets which will be utilized in He mentioned that one of these in-
shipyards and other fabricating centives is a fair compensation with
shops. Magsaysay claimed that President Magsaysay also the respect that their efforts merit. It
when all these mills are in function- stressed the improvement of stand- is the government's remedy that this
ing within approximately two years, ards in public services. He men- demand be satisfied within the lim-
we may have made substantial pro- tioned the creation of the Presiden- its of the country's financial re-
gress towards meeting our demands tial Complaints and Action Com- sources.
for iron and steel from our own re- mittee (PCAC) in 1954. He stated
sources. He said that the advance- that this policy that prompted the
ment of the economy, specifically founding of this Committee contin-
in the industrial sector, results in the ues undiminished and is one of the
growth of urban communities and reasons why Filipinos are certain
boosts practical demand for national that the Government is truly genu-
goods. It also gives a broad range of ine with their intentions. He added
work opportunities, especially in that when the government operates
supplementary industry sectors and as an easily available organization
market-based trades. for hearing
complaints, Magsaysay further said that they are
the PCAC has preparing for partial implementa-
served to curb tion of the proposals formulated by
misconduct by the Wage and Position Classifica-
the officials. tion Office (WAPCO), which
Thus, it has would standardize government po-
managed to sitions and guarantee an equal and
help the gov- fair compensation for services ren-
ernment to dered by everyone. He indicated
carry out their that the budget included in this pro-
pledge of mo- posal shall be provided a month af-
rality and hon- ter his fourth SONA.
esty in the
public service. PANGKAT D ǀ 09

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