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Volume 39, Number 1, pp 30-37

Copyright B 2009 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins


Case Management Delivery Models

The Impact of Indirect Care Givers on Organizational Outcomes

Patricia Thomas, PhD, RN, FACHE, NEA-BC, ACNS-BC

Objective: This study examined the effect of 2 In the last decade, significant changes have been
case management delivery models on the orga- made in reimbursement policies on local, state, and
nizational outcomes of length of stay (LOS) and national levels. In light of the changes in healthcare
payment denials. reimbursement and increasing costs, there is a need
Background: Organizational leaders frequently to redefine nursing roles and care delivery systems.1-5
identify case management as a method to manage The case management specialty of healthcare was
LOS and demonstrate fiscal responsibility; yet, created, in large part, because of the influence of
most case management research is anecdotal, managed care, third-party payers, and reimburse-
describing specific patient populations or clinical ment systems. Care coordination, access to care,
units for outcome measurement. delivery of care, resource use, and financial reim-
Methods: Regression analyses and analyses of bursement are key aspects of the roles fulfilled by
variance were used to examine the role functions case managers to organize care and reduce costs.2,4-6
of case managers and the impact on LOS and For healthcare organizations to function suc-
payment denials. Outcomes were evaluated on cessfully, healthcare delivery models must change.
medical, surgical, neurology, and cardiology pop- The ability to effectively and successfully lead and
ulations across general, intermediate, and intensive manage healthcare organizations is hampered by
levels of care. the historic and traditional models of care delivery
Results: Caseload distribution and role defini- and organizational management.7-9 There are not
tion had a statistically significant impact on LOS enough nurses to fulfill existing roles in the care
and denial management across clincial specialty, delivery system, and it is anticipated that the
units, and levels of care. The role of the case shortage of nursing staff will continue in the
manager predicted 11% of the organizations LOS coming decades.7,10 The healthcare system is
management. becoming more complicated, creating the impera-
Conclusion: Case management role definition tive for healthcare leaders to identify strategies to
impacts organizational success measures found in address the inefficiencies and uncoordinated
LOS reduction and improved reimbursement. Al- healthcare delivery systems through structure and
though only 11% of the LOS was predicted by the process. A greater understanding of professional
role function of care coordinators, altering a single roles and role functions, the use of technology to
RN role had a statistically significant impact on aid communication, and an understanding of
LOS across clinical specialties and levels of care, financial reimbursement methods will be necessary.
demonstrating that indirect care givers have an
important impact on organizational success. Lack of Evidence
There is a lack of empiric research on the specific
Author Affiliation: Assistant Professor and Coordinator, structure, role definition, and role functions in case
Clinical Nurse Leadership Program, University of Detroit management that leads to organizational success.
Mercy, Michigan. The burden to validate and verify rationale for
Correspondence: University of Detroit Mercy, 4001 W
McNichols Road, College of Health Professions, Detroit, using registered nurses (RNs) in job roles not
Michigan 48221 ( associated with direct patient care has become a

30 JONA  Vol. 39, No. 1  January 2009

Copyright @ 2008 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
paramount responsibility for nursing leaders.7,10 In addition to the focus on discharge planning
The knowledge, skills, and abilities of RNs are and payment authorization, the full immersion
viewed as organizational assets, and organizational model of case management defined additional care
leaders who use RNs in case management role coordinator role responsibilities. Documentation
functions will need to demonstrate why RN expectations changed to include daily chart review;
resources should be used for administrative pur- daily electronic documentation in the utilization
poses rather than in direct care roles. This study management and electronic medical record; and
proposes that specific RN case manager role daily communication with attending physician
functions and responsibilities can be measured to staff, consulting physicians, and bedside RN staff
quantify case manager contributions to overall for each of the patients in their caseload. Daily
organizational success. interactions between professional staffs were
intended to minimize the likelihood of payment
denials from untimely communication about treat-
Models of Case Management ment plans and interventions to third-party payers.
Irrespective of the practice setting or model of case By improving written and verbal communication,
management chosen, central to any case manage- the care coordinator could also anticipate potential
ment program are concepts of care coordination; treatment delays that could be proactively man-
communication and collaboration between health- aged. Caseloads for care coordinators were pre-
care providers, patients, and payers; and attention scribed and identified as 12 to 14 patients on
to the continuum of care for continuity of services medical and neurology specialty units and 16 to 18
provided.4,5 This study was conducted to examine patients on surgical and cardiology units (Figure 1).
the impact of 2 distinct case management delivery
models and the impact on organizational measures
Research Question
of length of stay (LOS) and payment denials. The
case manager role functions were completed by To address the gap in research on organization-
RNs in the care coordinator role. wide impacts of case managers, the overall pur-
pose of the study was the comparison of LOS and
Comparison of Traditional and Full Immersion payment denial outcomes in the traditional (his-
Delivery Models torical) and full immersion models of case man-
The traditional model of case management focuses agement delivery. The research question for this
on discharge planning and utilization reviews for study was as follows: ‘‘what is the relationship
payment authorization by third-party payers. In between a specific structure, role definition, and
the traditional case management model, chart role functions in case management delivery that
review for utilization management functions was leads to organizational success?’’ One unique
expected every 3 days for contracted payers and characteristic of this study was the inclusion of
every 7 days for Medicare and Medicaid. Care cardiac, medical, surgical, and neurology patient
coordinator caseloads were between 16 and 28 populations across general, intermediate, and
patients a day. intensive levels of care.

Figure 1. Traditional and full immersion models.

JONA  Vol. 39, No. 1  January 2009 31

Copyright @ 2008 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Human Subjects Protection selected the clinical unit they worked on. These
practices do not allow for randomization or
Protection of human subjects was undertaken
control. Variables that were not controlled include
through application and approval of this study by
the assignment of the case manager on a clinical
the participating organizations’ institutional review
unit, physician practice patterns, and assignment
board. Data were extracted from the electronic
of patients to available beds during the admis-
databases and placed into a secure password- sion process.
protected database. Only the primary investigator
and the management engineer completing data Case Managers
extraction had access to the data. Data were
Case managers in this study had a bachelor of
organized by unique patient identifiers and patient
science in nursing as a requirement to be hired
visits to link information from disparate databases.
into the care coordinator role. Years of experience
ranged from less than 1-year experience as a case
Assumptions manager but no less than 3-year experience as an
RN to 7-year experience as a case manager and
This study was completed recognizing that con- more than 25 years of nursing experience.
trols over certain variables would not be possible.
Existing organizational policies were used for
the assignment of patients to a clinical unit during Methods
the admission process. Each of the units main- Regression correlation analysis was used to exam-
tained its clinical specialty, and no changes were ine the number of utilization reviews conducted by
made to organizational practices related to the care coordinators for each patient and the percent-
hiring of staff. Physician-admitting practices were age of reviews completed to determine if the goal
not altered. of 100% daily reviews decreased LOS and pay-
ment denials. This analysis examined the correla-
Data Collection tion between LOS and the number of utilization
reviews completed and comparisons between the
Patients in this study were adults admitted to and traditional and full immersion delivery models.
discharged from medical, surgical, neurology, and This represents a testing of the case management
cardiology units. Data were collected by care delivery models to establish whether the compo-
coordinators as part of the routine patient care nents of the full immersion model would be able to
process. Baseline data were collected in the year statistically represent differences in LOS across
before the implementation of the full immersion clinical specialties and levels of care.
model using the electronic database systems. The Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to
utilization management database was used to examine payment denials. Denial of payment can
record utilization management functions, payment be complete or partial. Complete denials for care
denials, and delays in care. Care coordinators also rendered were based on the payer’s determination
documented assessment and evaluation findings in that acute care was not appropriate or needed.
the electronic medical record database to commu- Partial denials were based on payer determinations
nicate with healthcare team members. that treatment delays occurred because of ineffi-
ciencies in the organization processes, resulting in
specific numbers of days denied payment. If a
denial was not identified, the organization was
Causal-comparative designs are used to study paid in full.
relationship between variables to determine differ- To examine LOS in the traditional model and
ences between groups when the groups are based full immersion model, an ANOVA was conducted.
on preexisting variables or something that can- Length of stay was evaluated using baseline data
not be manipulated.10 Causal-comparative designs collected in the year before the implementation of
provide evidence of cause and effect that allows the full immersion delivery model on each clinical
for the study of relationships between independent unit and compared to the LOS post implementation.
variables.10,11 In considering whether the differences in LOS
In this study, the patients were assigned to could be attributed to specific clinical specialties, a
different care units based on clinical diagnosis, 1-way ANOVA was conducted to examine the LOS
clinical specialty, and availability of beds based on and clinical unit specialty. Units included in the
existing organizational policies. Staff members self- study were cardiac intensive care unit, cardiac step

32 JONA  Vol. 39, No. 1  January 2009

Copyright @ 2008 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 1. Length of Stay (LOS) Full Immersion and Traditional Models
Patients, n Mean Deviation Median

Traditional 21,440 8.69 10.68 5.93

Full immersion 17,669 7.12 7.48 5.02
Total 39,109 7.83 9.09

SS df MS F Statistic Significance

Between groups 23,831.116 1 23,831.116 290.139 0.00

Within groups 3,212,126.700 39107 82.137

Abbreviations: MS, mean square; SS, sum of squares.

LOS in days; P G .05.

down unit, 2 general medical units, medical inten- typically examined a single unit of care or a specific
sive care unit, neurosurgery progressive care unit, diagnosis requiring care.
and a general surgical unit.
Utilization Reviews Completed
Utilization review documentation was completed
Results and Findings
in the utilization management database and served
Length of Stay as the cornerstone of the differences between the
More than 39,000 patients were included in this traditional and full immersion models of case man-
study (N = 39,109). The average LOS for the agement. Documentation in the database served as
17,669 patients included in the traditional model a proxy that care coordinators reviewed the pa-
of case management was 8.69 (SD 10.68) days. tient’s medical record and had taken steps to com-
The average LOS for the 21,440 patients included municate findings with other healthcare providers.
in the full immersion model was 7.12 (SD 7.48) In addition, as a result of these reviews, steps were
days. There were statistically significant differences taken to facilitate movement of the patient through
(P = .00) between groups identified as traditional the hospital system to impact LOS. The utilization
and full immersion. The LOS was 1.57 days lower review notes are the basis for payer determinations
in the full immersion sample than in the traditional of payment for services rendered. Given an antici-
model sample. This demonstrates a difference in pated 5-day LOS, a threshold of 80% of reviews
the LOS when case manager role functions, struc- completed was equal to 100%, acknowledging that
ture, and documentation expectations are defined
and measured (Table 1). The variation in LOS was
also lower in the full immersion model. The
traditional model median LOS was 5.93 days, Table 2. Clinical Unit and LOS
and the full immersion model median LOS was Unit n Mean SD SEM
5.02 days. This demonstrates less variation in the
process to manage LOS. Critical care 1,781 8.87a 13.40 0.32
Cardiac 6,425 6.29a 6.27 0.08
Clinical Units Medical 8,793 7.12a 6.47 0.07
Medical 3,451 11.64a 12.19 0.21
Statistically significant differences were found on intensive caret
all of the clinical units across general, intermediate, Neurosurgical 9,839 7.65a 8.36 0.08
and intensive care units (P = .00). This demon- Surgical 8,820 8.17a 10.77 0.11
Total 39,108 7.83 9.10 0.05
strates that the full immersion model impacts are
not isolated to a particular clinical specialty, unit, Abbreviations: LOS, length of stay; SEM, standard error of the
mean; SS, sum of squares.
or level of care (Table 2). This is important be- LOS in days.
cause each unit had unique clinical specialties, Within groups: 3,163,003.25; between groups: 72,954.56.
Within and between groups statistically significant at the 95%
bedside nurse staffing patterns, years of care co- confidence interval.
ordinator experience, and physician practice pat- a
P G .05; df1 = 5; df2 = 39103; F = 180.38.
terns. Past research on case management outcomes

JONA  Vol. 39, No. 1  January 2009 33

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Table 3. Utilization Management Reviews in Full Immersion and Traditional Models
Immersion Traditional

Reviews not complete, Count 16,255 15,033 31,288

80% of days reviewed Expected count 17,141.6 14,146.4 31,288.0
Percentage within completeness 52.0 48.0 100.0
of reviewsV80% of days
that there was a review
Percentage of reviews 76.0 85.2 80.2
Adjusted residual j22.6 22.6
Count 5,121 2,608 7,729
Expected count 4,234.4 3,494.6 7,729.0
Reviews complete Count 5,121 2,608 7,729
Q80% of days reviewed Expected count 4,234.4 3,494.6 7,729.0
Percentage within completeness 66.3 33.7 100.0
of reviewsV80% of days
that there was a review
Percentage of reviews 24.0 14.8 19.8
Adjusted residual 22.6 j22.6
Total Count 21,376 17,641 39,017
Expected Count 21,376.0 17,641.0 39,017.0
Percentage within completeness 54.8 45.2 100.0
of reviewsV80% of days
that there was a review
Percentage of reviews 100.0 100.0 100.0

Significance Significance Significance

Value df (2 Sided) (2 Sided) (1 Sided)

Pearson 2 2 511.951 1 .000

Continuity correction 511.373 1 .000
Likelihood ratio 521.765 1 .000
Fisher’s exact test .000 .000
Linear-by-linear 511.938 1 .000
No. of valid cases 39,017

Completeness of reviews = 80% of days there was a review.

n = 39,017; P G .05.

a utilization review might not be completed on the 80% of the total utilization reviews completed
discharge day (Table 3). and documented 66% of the time. Patients cared
In the traditional model, care coordinators for using the traditional model of case management
were expected to review charts every 3 days for had 80% of the reviews complete 34% of the time
contracted payers and once every 7 days for (Table 3).
Medicare and Medicaid patients to arrange dis-
charge plans and authorize payment from third-
party payers. In the traditional model, 80% of the
utilization reviews were only completed on patients Table 4. Regression Model
15% of the time during their hospital stay. Said R R2 Adjusted R2
another way, 85% of the patients did not have a
0.334a 0.112 0.112
utilization review completed as expected in the care
coordinators role description and the organizations df F Significance
contractual requirements. Regression 2 2,449.879 .000a
In the full immersion model, care coordinators Residual 39,014
Total 39,016
were expected to complete daily chart reviews and
document in the utilization management database P G .05.
Visit length of stay in days is a dependent variable.
and electronic medical record to expedite care a
Reviews per day of stay and year/month of
through communication and coordination efforts. admissionVconstant.
Patients cared for on full immersion model units had

34 JONA  Vol. 39, No. 1  January 2009

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Table 5. Correlation of Date of Admission and Length of Stay (LOS)
B Standard Error " T Significance Variance Inflation Factor

Constant 12.559 0.128 97.973 .000

Year/month of admission j0.009 0.005 j0.008 j1.666 .096 1.038
Reviews per day of stay j8.658 0.127 j0.332 j68.379 .000 1.038

P G .05.
B, dependent variable visit LOS in days.

The components of the full immersion model the full immersion model did not have an impact
explain 11% of the LOS value during a hospital- on LOS.
ization (R2 = 0.112) (Table 4). The R2 represents the On the basis of the regression correlation
proportion of total variation around the mean, thus (Table 5), the number of utilization reviews com-
the power of the relationship between the compo- plete was statistically significant to LOS (P = .00).
nents of the model to a straight line (P = .00). This information coupled with the timing of the
In examining the dependent variable of LOS admission is important because it illustrates that
and independent variables of year and month of the completion of the utilization review had an
admission and the number of utilization reviews important impact on LOS management but the
completed per day, there is statistically significance timing of the admission did not influence LOS.
impact of the independent variables on the depen-
dent variable (P = .00) with little collinearity. The Denials
variance inflation factor in this regression analysis Using data from the utilization management data-
was 1.038, well below the variance inflation factor base, a comparison between payment denials
value of 10 that demonstrates collinearity.11 This during the traditional and full immersion opera-
demonstrates that the interaction or overlap be- tions was undertaken. The Healthcare Financial
tween the timing of the admission and the com- Management Association identifies target denial
pletion of the reviews during each stay had little rate benchmarks of less than 4% of gross revenue
overlap in influencing LOS (Table 5).The analysis for inpatient hospitals.12 In this study, there was a
of the pre-post model demonstrated a statistically slight increase in denials received during the year
significant correlation between LOS and the num- that the full immersion model was implemented
ber of reviews completed during the hospital stay from 1.08% to 1.28%, well within the benchmark.
(P = .00) (Table 6). Only 0.50% of the claims were not paid after
The month and year of the admission were appeal. This represents increased revenue capture
used as a proxy to case manager experience given of $6,553,799.00 and illustrates the effectiveness
the role changes for case managers in the full of the denial management process based on the
immersion model. Examination of the year and information in the utilization management data-
month of the admission did not demonstrate base to demonstrate necessity of hospitalization to
statistical significance between the LOS and the third-party payers for authorization of payment.
timing of the patients stay (P = .96) (Table 5). This In examination of payment status, a 1-way
establishes that the experience of the care coor- ANOVA was conducted to determine if the LOS
dinator completing the review and the date of influenced the payment status for services rendered.
the admission in relation to the implementation of The LOS did not show statistical significance in

Table 6. Correlation Length of Stay (LOS) and Number of Reviews per Day in Stay
Visit LOS Year/Month of Admission Reviews Per Day of Stay

Pearson correlation Visit LOS 1.000 j0.071 j0.334

Year/month of admission j0.071 1.000 0.191
Reviews per day of stay j0.334 0.191 1.000
Significance (1 tailed) Visit LOS Y .000 .000
Year/month of admission .000 Y .000
Reviews per day of stay .000 .000 Y

n = 39017; P G .05. LOS in days.

JONA  Vol. 39, No. 1  January 2009 35

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Table 7. Payment Status (Appealed, Denied, or Partial Denial)
n Mean SD SEM

Appeal, denial or part denial 307 7.30 8.17 0.47

Completely paid 38802 7.84 9.10 0.05
Total 39109 7.83 9.10 0.05

SS df F Significance

Between groups 88.284 1 1.067 .302

Within groups 3,235,869.531 39,107
Total 3,235,957.815 39,108

Abbreviations: SEM, standard error of the mean; SS, sum of squares.

P G .05; dependent variable visit LOS in days.

whether the claim was paid or denied (P = .302) the focus of LOS management.5,8,14 In considering
(Table 7). In addition, the LOS for appealed, the results of this study, the ability of an organi-
denied, or partially denied cases was higher than zation to impact LOS by changing caseloads and
those paid in full. This demonstrates that LOS role functions of one group of professionals is
was not dependent on the ability of the care coor- significant and, more importantly, manageable
dinator to obtain authorization of payment from when compared with the other areas of focus that
third-party payers to continue a hospital stay. typically influence LOS management.
A third conclusion can be made regarding the
timing of an admission, care coordinators experi-
Discussion ence, and time needed to learn a new role before
The first conclusion from this study is that there organizational impact would be realized. Organi-
was a statistically significant reduction in LOS zations often believe that LOS management will
when the caseload staffing patterns and role ex- improve only slightly at the start of an LOS man-
pectations for the full immersion model were im- agement program, with improvements being real-
plemented. This outcome validates that caseload ized over time as the staff becomes more proficient
staffing patterns and case manager role definition with the change.1,14 This was not demonstrated in
do have an important contribution in organiza- this study. The timing of the admission during did
tional LOS management across clinical specialties not influence the LOS in a statistically significant
and levels of care. Patients cared in the full im- way. These are important findings for leaders to
mersion model demonstrated an average 1.57-day consider as they plan for the implementation of full
reduction in LOS compared with those in the tra- immersion delivery model. In part, this finding
ditional model. Furthermore, the variance in LOS might be attributed to only changing the care
decreased in the full immersion model, suggesting coordinators roles and functions. Physicians and
less variation in the process of LOS management. staff nurses were not asked to do anything different
This is an important consideration in outcome mea- in their practice other than talk to the care
surement and quality improvement principles that coordinator daily.
validate that reductions in process variation dem-
onstrate greater stability in implemented processes
Recommendations for Action
and less likelihood for errors.4,13
A second conclusion from the regression anal- Several areas of organizational operations benefited
ysis is that role definition and caseload components from this study. The finance department was
of the full immersion model explained 11% of the interested in the findings for 2 reasons. First, the
LOS. Although at face value 11% seems to be a full immersion model was able to demonstrate
low predictive value, in fact, it points to the ability reduced LOS and increased revenue capture irre-
of the full immersion model to statistically repre- spective of the clinical unit for care. Second, al-
sent differences in LOS across clinical specialties though initially the labor costs increased because of
and units. Influences such as physician practice reduced caseloads in the full immersion model, the
patterns, organizational culture, experience of the overall reduction in LOS brings balance to the
nursing staff, and payer requirements often become equation of fiscal responsibility.

36 JONA  Vol. 39, No. 1  January 2009

Copyright @ 2008 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
The quality, compliance, and contracting depart-
ments used the findings relative to payment and LOS
management to communicate the organization’s abil-
ity to demonstrate statistically that payment status
does not drive discharge or LOS. This is an important
information for staff to know because patients and
families often believe that they are being discharged
sooner because of their insurance plan. Figure 2. Outcomes.
Several recommendations can be made to nursing
leaders. Given the nursing shortage, this study pro- umes, and changes in insurance coverage might
vides compelling evidence to closely examine the roles have influenced LOS and payment denials and
and responsibilities assigned to professional nurses as were not controlled in this study. Lastly, changes in
budgets and staffing plans are created. Organizational the mix, education, and years of professional ex-
leaders are struggling to attract, recruit, and retain perience of staff were not altered and reflected
professional nurses. Given the shortage of nurses existing policies in effect during the study period.
providing care at the bedside, there is often hesitation
to take a nurse from a direct care role to complete
indirect care functions, and case managers are viewed
as indirect care givers in most organizations. This Clarity in role function and linkages to organiza-
study demonstrates that indirect care givers have an tional outcomes are needed to improve the delivery
important impact on organizational success high- of healthcare. New paradigms for the delivery of
lighted in LOS reduction and reimbursement across healthcare services will be necessary in organiza-
clinical specialties and levels of care (Figure 2). tions, as leaders are confronted with seemingly
conflicting pressures surrounding the need to re-
duce the cost of care while maintaining expected
Limitations of the Study
practices for high-quality care with limited human
This study was conducted at a large Midwestern resources. As the country experiences changes in
hospital that may not reflect experiences of other social policy, advances in technology, and persistent
organizations in the region or country. The accep- demands for high-quality patient care, organizations
ted expectations for measurable outcomes driven have the opportunity to radically change care deliv-
by contractual agreements and local practice norms ery models in a systematic and purposeful way. This
may have influenced efficiency and effectiveness. In study demonstrates that changes in our care deliv-
addition, other organizational practices may have ery models are possible and that increasing com-
influenced LOS, for example, quality and process munication, collaboration, and coordination of care
improvement initiatives. External forces related to through the use of RN case managers can have a
reimbursement contracts, changes in patient vol- positive effect on organizational outcomes.


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JONA  Vol. 39, No. 1  January 2009 37

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