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EING 4020 Mini Lesson Speaking

Name: Catherine Andino Santiago

Date: Friday, November 25, 2022

Title –

Descriptive background –
This lesson will be taught as part of the unit on auxiliary verbs and after students can
correctly identify the purpose of an interrogatory sentence. This lesson will need two 30
minutes sections to complete.

• SMART goal- Eighth grade basic level proficiency students will converse using
the correct intonation when expressing at least 3 out of the 4 questions within a
short dialogue. They will recognize that intonation in interrogative sentences are
different from the other types and will acknowledge that intonation within
sentence expression can help decode meaning.
• Department of Education Standard Alignment
8.LS.6.1c Adjust language choices according to purpose, task, and
8.LS.2.1a Ask probing relevant questions to expand discussions.
8.FS.4.1c Use context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and
understanding, rereading as necessary.

Rationale –
Most of the teacher discussion and feedback require a question-and-answer
format. Likewise, most interaction of students to others within independent conversation
include questions and answers. It is pertinent for students to recognize a when a
question is being asked and how to intonate correctly so that others also recognize
when a question is being made since this is a significant different between questions in
Spanish and in English. This will help student become more secure when speaking and
are like to participate more in class.

Procedure –
1. Begin the class by over modeling the usual initial questions. For example: how
was your morning? Is there anyone absent? Who would like to take the
2. Share the goal for the day and the way they (the students) benefit from being
able to ask questions with proper intonation and fluency.
3. Provide the visual (Image 1) and elicit questions that we (the class) might want to
figure out about the situation. Write 3 examples on the board.
4. Identify the question word within the sentence and note the punctuation marks.
Model the intonation for interrogative sentences and make a line representing in
which part of the sentence students should raise and lower their tone and pitch.
5. Drill them with other examples (Image 2)
6. Divide the class into groups of 3 to 4 students.
7. Let students choose a famous actor, singer, or performer.
8. Write an 8-lined interview for the person chosen.
9. After they write their interview, each student will read the interview question and
the group will proof check each other’s intonation providing support and
feedback to each other. They teacher will monitor this process and provide
individual group corrections.
10. They group will chose 2 students to share the interview with their classmates.

Assignments and assignment reminders-

Students create an interview that present at least for correctly expressed
interrogative sentences.

Materials and equipment needed - Projector, board, markers, modified desk seating,
Image 1, Image 2, dialogue format worksheet.

Accommodations for students with special needs?

• Students can benefit from the accommodation of using their phones to record the
model sentences and can practice as many times as needed.
• Guided practice by identified peers.
• Allow extra practice time.

Assessment of student learning -

• Students will be assessed in their individual groups.
• At the end of the lesson, the teacher will make note of key positive
accomplishments and will note areas where might have struggled.
Image 1:
Image 2:

Worksheet: Interview
Name ______________ Date __________________
Name ______________
Name ______________
Name ______________

Today’s task: Choose a famous actor, singer, or

performer. Write an 8-lined interview for the person
chosen. (You can draw a line on top of the questions
hep you remember how to intonate a questions)

Who did you choose? ___________________________

➢ ______________________________________
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➢ ______________________________________
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➢ ______________________________________
➢ ______________________________________
➢ ______________________________________
➢ ______________________________________

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