Edu 472 Strategy Instruction Log Drivers Ed Scenarios

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EDUCATION 472 Strategy Instruction Log


TOPIC AREA: Driver’s Education – How to React

GROUPING: (Name size of student group receiving the strategy instruction. For example, one-to-one, group
of four, whole class, etc.)

One-on-One Instruction
STRATEGY USED: (Provide name of the strategy and include references.)


RATIONALE: (Tell why you are implementing this strategy. How does it connect to Marzano’s Top Nine?
What evidence have you gathered that made you choose this specific strategy?

This student is interested in taking Driver’s Education next year. Through the year, I have determined that he learns
best through pictures and verbal cues. Through Marzano’s Top Nine – Questions, Cues, and Advance Organizers,
the student was able to use background knowledge to make sense of information. Giving the student scenarios
allowed him to picture the situation and develop an appropriate response.

COMMON CORE PA STANDARDS and/or IEP GOAL: (If applicable, list the appropriate Common Core
PA Standards)


Analyze the role of individual responsibility for safe practices and injury prevention in the home, school and

- modes of transportation (e.g., pedestrian, bicycle, vehicular, passenger, farm vehicle, all-terrain vehicle)


the strategy will be taught to the students.)

Tell the student a story about a time I was driving in the rain and encountered a large puddle

- Ask the student what he thinks I did

- Tell the student that whenever you drive in the rain and encounter a puddle, slow down or avoid it if

Ask the student to describe three different conditions that may affect road conditions

- Snow

- Rain

- Ice

- Darkness

Ask the student how he may change his speed when there is snow on the ground.

- Provide feedback

Assessment: Tell the student that we are going to look at scenarios drivers face every day and how we are to react in
specific situations

Administer Drivers Ed Scenarios PowerPoint:

- Read scenarios out loud to the student

- Explain that there can be multiple answers for almost every scenario

- The answers I am expecting must pertain to safe driving and recognition of signs or signals

Listen to student answers and provide immediate feedback

- Explain why an answer is correct

- Explain why the answer is incorrect

- If the student gives a one-word answer, ask him to elaborate

- If the student says, “I don’t know”, explain the situation again and check for recognition. If still unsure,
provide an answer and explain why it is correct.

Results of the Strategy:

I believe this strategy benefitted the student. He was able to use the pictures provided and understand the scenarios
read to him. For a couple of scenarios, I had to be more precise in wording because the student is not totally familiar
with vocab in this area of study.

Personal Reflection:

I believe I will be using this strategy in the future. It allowed the student to put themselves in a
situation and determine how to react. By listening to the student’s answers, I was able to provide
immediate feedback. The student said that he enjoyed the scenarios and appreciated my hard work.

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