A Review of Best Practice-Rapid-Coolings

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A review of best practices of

rapid-cooling vitrification for oocytes

and embryos: a committee opinion
Practice Committees of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine and Society of Reproductive
Biologists and Technologists

The focus of this paper is to review best practices for rapid-cooling cryopreservation of oocytes and embryos. The discussion of best
practices includes the types of cryoprotectants and cryo devices typically used. Key performance indicators of rapid-cooling vitrifica-
tion success are defined. (Fertil SterilÒ 2021;115:305-10. Ó2020 by American Society for Reproductive Medicine.)
El resumen está disponible en Español al final del artículo.

Discuss: You can discuss this article with its authors and other readers at https://www.fertstertdialog.com/posts/31764

DEFINITIONS HISTORY OF GAMETE AND the first baby was born from a
Embryo and Oocyte Warming. Com- EMBRYO CRYOPRESERVATION cryopreserved immature oocyte (13).
Improvements of culture media and
monly but incorrectly referred to as In 1985, a conventional embryo
laboratory techniques led to a resur-
‘‘thawing’’ or ‘‘rewarming,’’ refers to cryopreservation method using 1,
gence of research toward improving
the relatively rapid increase in tem- 2-propanediol (PROH) as a cryoprotec-
oocyte and blastocyst cryopreservation
perature of cells stored in liquid nitro- tant and a programmed slow-cooling
(14–18). In 1998, a landmark
gen to room temperature or above method was reported (3). Successful
publication described the use of an
under defined laboratory conditions pregnancies were achieved from slow-
open pulled straw (OPS) and ethylene
(1, 2). cooled human embryos but rarely
glycol and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)
achieved from slow-cooled human oo-
Rapid Cooling: A reduction in tempera- that allowed for a minimum volume of
cytes. The first report of a successful
ture, typically at rates of more than 1–2 mL of medium to be used for
pregnancy using cryopreserved oocytes
L2,500 C/min, before storage in cryopreservation of bovine ova (19).
with a slow-cooling and rapid-
liquid nitrogen at L196 C. Commonly The combination of cryoprotectants,
warming method was in 1986 (4). Addi-
referred to in the literature as rapid-cooling rate (greater than
tional studies of oocyte cryopreservation
‘‘vitrification.’’ 10,000 C/min), and small volume
were reported, but the overall efficiency
Slow Cooling. A gradual reduction in with an ‘‘open’’ device allowed the cells
of these protocols remained low. The
temperature, typically at rates of 0.1 to survive plunging into liquid nitrogen
technique came under scrutiny when it
to 3 C/min, to 30 C or lower before was suggested that cryopreserved oo-
from room temperature. Rapidly
storage in liquid nitrogen at 196 C. Ice cytes showed higher levels of chromo-
cooled–warmed oocyte survival rates
crystal formation occurs extracellularly. of >90% were seen and live births
somal anomalies compared with
reported (20–22).
Slow Freezing. A misnomer for slow fresh oocytes (5–7), thus tempering
cooling that implies the presence of in- enthusiasm for the technology. In the 9
tracytoplasmic ice crystals, which years that followed the first reported
ideally does not happen. pregnancy, a total of only five births
from cryopreserved-warmed oocytes The idea of vitrification, achieving a
Vitrification. Formation of an amor- glass-like state, was first described in
phous solid or glass-like state (noncrys- were reported (8–10). Subsequent
research determined that there was no 1860, and then again in 1937 (23). It
talline). Vitrification depends on was not until nearly 50 years later, in
cooling rate and solution composition increase in aneuploidy after oocyte
cryopreservation (11, 12). In 1998, 1985, that rapid cooling from above-
and can occur with both slow and rapid zero temperatures was described as a
cooling. potential alternative to slow cooling
(24). As the temperature of a liquid de-
Received November 3, 2020; accepted November 9, 2020; published online December 24, 2020. creases to below the glass-transition
Reprint requests: Jessica Goldstein, American Society for Reproductive Medicine, 1209 Montgomery
Highway, Birmingham, Alabama 35216-2809 (E-mail: jgoldstein@asrm.org). temperature, molecules remain in the
disordered pattern of a liquid. However,
Fertility and Sterility® Vol. 115, No. 2, February 2021 0015-0282/$36.00
Copyright ©2020 American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Published by Elsevier Inc.
the physical properties become more
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fertnstert.2020.11.017 similar to those of a rigid solid.

VOL. 115 NO. 2 / FEBRUARY 2021 305


Molecules become locked in place as though the liquid were of the system; the absence of DMSO allows for the use of
frozen in time. The resulting ‘‘solid liquid’’ is called a glass slower cooling rates, large volumes, and different carriers.
or an amorphous glass-like state. The potential toxicity of cryoprotectants, including DMSO,
Vitrification can be described in an equation with four is widely published on (24, 41).
variables: cooling rate, warming rate, viscosity, and sample Outcomes following rapid-cooling vitrification are
volume (25). Current rapid-cooling vitrification procedures closely related to the skills of the operators who perform the
involve exposure of cells suspended in very small volumes procedure. Therefore, a well trained team is mandatory to suc-
to relatively high concentrations of cryoprotectant(s) for brief ceed and to obtain consistent results. A strict quality-control
periods of time to avoid chemical toxicity, followed by rapid program must be applied to the application of rapid-cooling
cooling in liquid nitrogen. The high osmolarity of the vitrifi- vitrification, which includes controlling learning curves,
cation solutions rapidly dehydrates the cell, and submersion analysis of the operator’s outcomes, vendor lots of solutions
into liquid nitrogen quickly solidifies the cell so that the re- used, etc. (42, 43).
maining intracellular water does not have time to form
damaging ice crystals. The cell undergoes a temperature tran-
sition from room temperature to 196 C in <2 seconds, re- Cryopreservation Devices
sulting in extremely fast rates of cooling (greater than At least 30 different carrier tools have been described, and at
10,000 C/min) (26). To facilitate rapid heat transfer and least 15 versions are commercially available (Vajta 2015).
reduce chemical toxicity, minimal volumes and small, open Most of them are slightly modified versions of the initially intro-
cryopreservation devices are used. The warming rate is at duced carrier tools, such as the OPS (19), Cryoloop (44, 45), and
least, if not more, important than the cooling rate, as Cryotop (33). All of these systems are open systems in their orig-
elegantly demonstrated in experiments using mouse oocytes inal form. Some closed systems are the results of the modifica-
(27). The investigators concluded that the lethality of a slow tions of these open systems (46). Less commonly used devices
warming rate is a consequence of allowing time for the devel- include electron microscope grids, drops into liquid nitrogen,
opment and growth of small intracellular ice crystals by and gel loading tips, to name a few.
recrystallization. The Cryotop system, developed in Japan, was mass-
Even though there are numerous rapid-cooling solutions marketed and became a best-selling microvolume storage de-
and methodologies available that work well, these are largely vice (36). Owing to its technically challenging nature, the Cryo-
modifications of the DMSO-based protocol described in 1998. top system, in conjunction with the ethylene glycol/DMSO/
During the same period, another vitrification system that did sucrose process, was originally slow to gain widespread accep-
not use DMSO as the main permeable cryoprotectant was tance for oocyte rapid-cooling vitrification (47, 48). However,
also developed (28). The different cryopreservation devices after minor methodologic modifications, two large comparative
used to store the cells are all microvolume devices that will studies established its place in oocyte cryopreservation history
hold 1–3 mL of medium along with several cells. They all (49, 50). Most laboratories using rapid-cooling vitrification so-
have roughly the same rapid-cooling rates (greater than lutions also use open devices for both cooling and storage in
10,000 to 50,000 C/min) when plunged into liquid nitro- liquid nitrogen (39). This is due to the faster rates of cooling.
gen from room temperature. A list of key papers describing The possibility of viral contamination of the liquid nitro-
the evolution of rapid-cooling vitrification are listed in gen has been suggested after the experimental spiking of
Supplemental Table 1 (available online at www.fertstert.org) liquid nitrogen storage vessels with high viral titers (51).
(4, 13, 19, 24, 28–40). Furthermore, the contamination of vitrification carriers
immersed in liquid nitrogen with high microbial and fungal
contamination levels has been demonstrated (52). However,
there are no published reports of actual cross-contamination
BEST PRACTICES of cryopreserved embryos when open storage containers are
Cryoprotectants used (26). Microbial contamination of liquid nitrogen has
The two sets of solutions discussed here, DMSO based and been reported, but again, there is no evidence that an embryo
non–DMSO based, are not in opposition; rather, they repre- has been contaminated by direct contact with the liquid nitro-
sent two separate and very different systems to obtain vitri- gen (53). With these studies in mind, the concerns about
fied oocytes and embryos. To date, efficient rapid-cooling contamination during liquid nitrogen storage remain theoret-
vitrification of MII oocytes has been achieved using both ical, even more so when considering the fact that slow-cooled
DMSO and non-DMSO solutions in a number of mammalian embryos have been stored in cryovials for a number of years,
species, including mice, rabbit, bovine, porcine, felid, and hu- allowing liquid-nitrogen leakage during long-term storage
mans, in combination with various commonly used devices, (54). In reproductive biology, including mammalian and hu-
many of which are listed in Supplemental Table 2 (available man assisted reproduction, no disease transmission caused
online at www.fertstert.org). When done properly, both sys- by liquid nitrogen–mediated cross-contamination, or other
tems have very good results. Both represent current and cryopreservation-related source, has been reported (46). There
best viable options for vitrification of human oocytes and em- are few commercially available vitrification devices that
bryos. There are differences between the systems (volumes, completely meet the requirement of sterility, and reported
cooling rate, etc.). The major difference is the fact that data are still limited (46). Straightforward procedures can be
DMSO is present or absent, because this changes the dynamics performed to minimize any potential contamination risk

306 VOL. 115 NO. 2 / FEBRUARY 2021

Fertility and Sterility®

during vitrification, warming, shipping, and cryo storage us- b) number of oocytes cryopreserved and stratified by
ing open or semiclosed carriers (55). maturational status.
There is a reluctance to vitrify using closed devices c) number of oocytes warmed.
because of the hypothetical reduction in cooling rates, which d) number of oocytes survived and inseminated by intra-
may be produced in closed systems owing to thermoisolation cytoplasmic sperm injection.
and may increase the possibility of ice crystal formation dur- e) number of oocytes fertilized.
ing the cooling process and of recrystallization on warming f) number of embryos acquiring a developmental and qual-
(56). A systematic review and meta-analysis including seven ity stage consistent with transfer or cryopreservation.
studies reporting survival, implantation, clinical pregnancy, g) number of embryos transferred.
or live birth rates after closed or open rapid-cooling vitrifica- h) number of embryos cryopreserved.
tion of blastocysts was published (57). There were no statisti- i) implantation rate.
cally significant differences in survival rates (risk ratio [RR] j) clinical pregnancy rate.
1.00, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.98–1.02), implantation k) live birth rate.
rates (RR 1.02, 95% CI 0.93–1.11), clinical pregnancy rates l) number of embryos or blastocysts warmed and trans-
(RR 0.99, 95% CI 0.89–1.10), or live birth rates (RR 0.77, ferred for vitrified-warmed embryo transfer (FET)
95% CI 0.58–1.03) between closed and open rapid-cooling cycles.
vitrification. Although there was no statistically significant m) FET cycle outcome data.
difference, the trend toward lower live birth rates with closed n) clinically important information on the pregnancy/de-
rapid-cooling vitrification than with open rapid-cooling vitri- livery/neonates.
fication is potentially concerning. The closed systems  The same tenets that comprise a total quality manage-
commonly in use are listed in Supplemental Table 2. ment program in cryopreservation management should
apply to cryopreserved oocytes. Best practices for man-
agement of cryopreserved tissues, including minimum
KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS standards and requirements for critical cryo storage,
With this background as context, practical recommendations have been published (58).
to optimize patient outcomes with oocyte rapid-cooling vitri-
fication include the following:
 A structured program for training and proficiency in oocyte
cryopreservation should be developed. Similarly to other VITRIFICATION
technically sensitive assisted reproductive technologies, Cleavage-stage embryos and blastocysts on day 5–7 can be
operator metrics to demonstrate acquisition of competence rapidly cooled by the same, or slightly modified, protocols
should be recorded and evaluated, including the number of used to vitrify oocytes. Reports indicate that artificial
oocytes vitrified and the percentage surviving warming shrinkage of the large blastocele of a day-5–7 blastocyst might
without evidence of damage. Meaningful benchmarks for lessen cryoinjury during both cooling and warming phases
proficiency must be determined and applied in operator (59). Manual puncture of the trophectoderm by needle or laser
evaluations. before rapid-cooling vitrification has been demonstrated to
 Because the number of oocytes at retrieval may vary widely improve survival rates of rapid-cooled blastocysts and results
among patients and stimulation cycles, a plan for cryopres- in a higher percentage of high-quality and hatching blasto-
ervation will be prudent to develop in advance. This can cysts, but not necessarily in improved implantation rates.
include decisions concerning whether to cryopreserve all A study published in 2016 demonstrated that transfer of
oocytes or only mature oocytes and how to distribute the rapid-cooled day-3 and day-5 embryos did not adversely
oocytes, i.e., how many oocytes will be loaded in or on affect the neonatal health of offspring compared with transfer
each cryo device. of fresh embryos. Furthermore, neonatal outcomes were not
 A validated technique with specific cryopreservation and different after transfer of rapid-cooled blastocysts compared
warming solution formulations and cryopreservation de- with rapid-cooled cleavage-stage embryos (60). There are
vices should be used for oocyte vitrification. Composition many other studies that support the effectiveness of modern
of cryopreservation and warming solutions should be those rapid-cooling vitrification techniques for both oocytes and
associated with optimal outcomes. embryos.
 Handling of the oocytes and timing of the vitrification and
warming procedures should be associated with optimal
 The technical proficiency of the embryologists involved Vitrification via rapid cooling is strongly recommended as
should be continually monitored through competency standard of care for cryopreservation of human oocytes and
assessment and quality management system audits. embryos. Rapid-cooling strategies are being developed for
 A database should be maintained, allowing tracking and ovarian tissue and for sperm, particularly for patients with
analysis of outcome parameters from the oocyte cryopres- oligospermia or for patients with either nonobstructive or
ervation program, including such variables as: obstructive azoospermia for whom testicular sperm must be
a) total number of oocytes retrieved. cryopreserved in very low numbers.

VOL. 115 NO. 2 / FEBRUARY 2021 307


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Acknowledgments: This report was developed under the di- cytes following cryopreservation; normal karyotypes and absence of stray
rection of the Practice Committee of the American Society for chromosomes. Hum Reprod 1994;9:684–91.
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VOL. 115 NO. 2 / FEBRUARY 2021 309


Una revision de las mejores practicas de vitrificacion de enfriamiento r

apido para ovocitos y embriones: una opini
on del comit
El objetivo de esta publicaci
on es revisar las mejores practicas de enfriamiento rapido para la criopreservaci
on de ovocitos y embriones.
La discusi
on incluye tipos de crioprotectores y dispositivos utilizado normalmente. Tambien se definen los indicadores clave de rendi-
miento del enfriamiento rapido y la vitrificacion.

310 VOL. 115 NO. 2 / FEBRUARY 2021

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